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Why eat/pray at all? (Honest Question)


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eat: So I dont die/am more likely to win battle


pray: so I hit harder and am more likely to win battle














The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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If everyone agreed to stop eating and praying, it will simply lead to players thinking they'll have the upper hand if they do. Then we'll have pkers carrying food because the rulebreakers carry food, and in turn the leftover pkers bringing food to fight the food-bringing pkers. And so we end up with -- what a surprise -- everyone using food again.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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you're arguement doesn't make sense. First off its logical that someone would want to stay alive rather than just "take it". Thats common sense.




Second, The pker is hoping for that lucky break. Whose to say they wont get near death, eat up to full health, and then come back to win the fight. Get some lucky hits off on their opponent while the opponent gets unlucky and hits low. Theres always a chance to win, even if its sometimes slim.




Plus from a skiller standpoint. The more items being consumed, the more my products will bring in in profits.

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Well, you pray to decrease the change of you being KOed, I honestly like a long fight, but it doesnt mean you have to 'safe' because if they actually are that much better than you, they get the kill, or you get lucky and you might get away. And lets say you die with that food, isnt it wasted if you dont eat at all? Id rather use it than just leave it there, really.







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Because we can, and because if we dont, they will. 184


If there were some penalty for eating/praying (besides being called a noob) then peoples opinions might change, but as it is, its eat/pray to live longer and kill more.




I dont see why there's any problem with it, its all part of the game, and if people are too impatient to stock up and make real kills, they should just leave, or cope with the terrible people who want to live, and follow in suit.




It's a very over-complicated subject- the answer is: people want the cheapest fastest way to do things, and they'll whine and complain the second anyone does anything different. welcome to earth....

Reverents can be a pain, but you can run away from them. Just curious, do they still have teleblocking ability?

Fear the church, the reverents have 85 magic!!!!

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sheesh how many times have people posted this? you want rules go to the duel arena.




under the pvp system long fights are good!!!!!!!




the pvp rules work by making it so that the more you stand to lose the more you stand to gain. and also the chance of getting a good drop increases the longer you stay in a pvp hot spot. say someone dies once evey min for 184 mins because he one items and doesn't bring any food. now if someone comes along with pots foor full gear etc. and uses food and pray to last 184 mins theoretically he should get more loot then the person who just kept on running out of cammy bank.


[spoiler=click you know you wanna]
Me behave? Seriously? As a child I saw Tarzan almost naked, Cinderella arrived home from a party after midnight, Pinocchio told lies, Aladin was a thief, Batman drove over 200 miles an hour, Snow White lived in a house with seven men, Popeye smoked a pipe and had tattoos, Pac man ran around to digital music while eating pills that enhanced his performance, and Shaggy and Scooby were mystery solving hippies who always had the munchies. The fault is not mine! if you had this childhood and loved it put this in your signature!

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I was reading the "PvP 'safing'" article, and most people who disagreed with Safing, basically said that it leads to a longer battle. The more food you eat, the longer the fight goes on, the more potions you use. The general opinion I got was that any fight-prolonging techniques (praying, safing) waste both parties' time.




That being said, why eat or pray at all in PvP? The fight duration would be drastically shortened, and everyone wastes less time, potions, and food.




If you win, good for you. You got lucky and used no food or prayer, and (hopefully) made a quick profit. If you read my entire post, please post "184" in you message. Thanks.




If you lose, better luck next time. =(. But at least your death was quick, right? And now you can be back on your feet twice as fast!








Lesson 1 kids : in any war, the point is not to die for your country, but to make the other poor sap die for his.




apply the above to PKing, Goodnight




- Shades

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In a fight, most, if not always, your motivation is to get out alive, not lying dead on the floor.




People eat/pray/safe simply so that they can have the highest edge possible against their opponent. This desire to be better than your opponent without your opponent being able to tell is really sneaky.






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I safe, I pray, I do all of these things that you aren't "supposed" to do. I abuse it to my full advantage and I get tons of kills, and I never die (which is a good thing, cause I have been using full void).




I never complain about anything people do and I think "safe eating" is one of the dumbest things to whine about. We all know you don't want to prevent your own death. :roll: I have a strategy when it comes to playing games, which seems to differ from most people's view. Instead of trying and trying to win, I just avoid losing. Avoid death, keep your team alive, etc. It might take longer to win, but you'll just never lose. Id rather have 50 ties and 50 wins than 50 losses and 50 wins. Losing isn't an option.




If you avoid your own loss long enough, your opponent generally grows impatient, letting his appetite for a win take over his rationality, forcing him to make bad plays/decisions in a desperate attempt to force the win.




Example: I am ranging my opponent while praying against his retaliation. He may or may not switch techniques, but if he does I just change my prayer. All the while I keep ranging faithfully. Eventually my opponent becomes frustrated and starts protecting against my ranged attack. Eventually he loses sight of what may be going on here and just stubbornly keeps trying to push his attacks through. He no longer cares about being around 40-50 hp because he is praying against the single form of attack I have at my disposal. Or is he? Then out comes the arma godsword for a final crushing blow.




If you want to approch PvP like some type of gambling, be my guest. Complain about safing. Never use protection prayers. Like you said, why even eat at all? If you're going to leave it up to luck, just find some players who feel the same way and fight with no healing. It'll be the same gamble and be over a lot quicker. However, I would much rather have a carefully organized strategy that, while it may not steadily provide me with a great chance of winning, ultimately cuts my chance of losing down to a very small margin.






Need assistance in any of these skills? PM me in game, my private chat is always ON

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It only prolongs the fight if both people have the same amount of food + prayer points. If one person has more food + prayer points, then in theory, (not saying this is always the case) they have an advantage over the opponent with less food + prayer points.







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*paste required number here*




Yes as you said, eating and praying do increase the length of the fight, but you forget that it is exactly that which makes PKing so thrilling and fun. Getting a KO off someone who is eating as fast as they can click over someone not doing anything just isn't as fulfilling as getting a full battle through. If there was never any eating of praying, then PKing would be all about luck, and even a 100 could best a 126 (they can anyways, but beyond the point) easily due to sheer luck of the hits. You could have a bad first few hits, and without eating could be in Lumbridge before you even hit even though you obviously have the advantage.




Not to mention the loot increases for the longer you last in battle, so Eating and Praying actually give you a better chance at getting something good. If you have tried out the PvP worlds, you will know, that the drops are hardly good at all, unless you really fight a true fight with good equipment and skill.




So no, short quick fights don't make you quick profit, because in a quick fight against someone having a godsword with rune armor will probably yield a drop of 5 shrimp and some poisoned iron javelins.

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i would rather get an upper hand easily in pvp by boosting my strength and attack so i can rip right through their armour as if i was a higher combat preying on noobs..




btw.. i forgot 184...





I like to think of the Dark Bow like a Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) - you get one shot and then you're screwed.
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When someone hits you, you lose HP. When you lose HP we're given food to replenish our HP. When said someone hits you for a 40 with their AGS and you know there's more to come, you eat again. If said person hit 50+ I then choose to use a defense prayer to hedge my bets, aswell as eating food.




Can anyone here really say I'm 'wrong' or a 'pray nub' for doing so? I raise prayer, it raises my combat level. Thus, I use it in combat. Is that such a hard concept to grasp?




I am completely stumped as to where the argument here is. Is it because you can't kill me in 2 hits when I do these things? Is it because YOU personally don't do these things? What is it?




I haven't seen anything that even ventures at a decent argument against food and prayer at all yet. Not that I expected to...




The kiddies who play this game will whine about absolutely anything. :roll:


The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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Okay, try to kill me when every time you hit me, I use a tuna potato and brew and heal 38 HP. And I never let my HP fall below 100. And I run once I get down to 4 food + 2 brews.




Your opponent doesn't want to die either. So if you both do everything possible to avoid death, neither player has a chance to win, the only person that's gaining is the fisherman selling you suckers the sharks that you're wasting, or the cook who is now buying a Godsword with the money he made from selling you chumps the tuna potatoes.




What is the point of PK-ing if everyone is near impossible, and you get a kill every 50 attempts when your opponent lags? You overestimate P2P weapons, even though a Godsword has a max hit of ~75 in PvP, it doesn't mean it hits 75 often.




It's all well and good coming up with a hypothetical situation that has no real basis in reality to strengthen your point, but when it comes down to it, how many times have you seen that happen? I've played for almost 8 years and not once have I ever come up against (or seen, for that matter) anyone who has done anything near that. Not ever.




As far as I can tell, most people who PK use prayer and food but there are hundreds, if not thousands, of kills per day. Very rarely do we get the stalemates all those against pray and food claim to see/have. If these things make PKing as ineffective as claimed, please explain the PvP servers.






The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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Okay, try to kill me when every time you hit me, I use a tuna potato and brew and heal 38 HP. And I never let my HP fall below 100. And I run once I get down to 4 food + 2 brews.





its everyone's choice to eat/pray/pot, you put yourself at a disadvantage if you don't, but the thing that should annoy people more is those that make you eat and have the long fight, then run away. where in the end both players have wasted food and pots, for nothing.

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For anyone who says "I eat because I don't want to die", you don't understand PK-ing at all.




Yes, you do raise a valid point. It's not that far off from what we had as a staking system, since the rules were almost always no food no prayer.




But as I explained in the other thread, it comes down to what rules you choose to play by. Again, similar to the duel arena, because if your opponent does not agree with your rules, you won't gain anything. All you accomplish is wasting 184 sharks without getting a kill.




The point of all the honor rules is to create an environment where PKing can be potentially rewarding. Yes, you can safe, you can pray, you can do whatever the heck you want. But if everyone does that, no one wins. You don't want to die, but neither does your opponent. So it's a compromise, both you and your opponent will increase the risk on your part a bit, and hopefully one of you will time an attack right, or merely score a lucky chain of good hits and win.




Potentially, if you can convince enough people to do no food no potion fights, this is actually plausible. You'd still probably bring 3 sharks apiece or so to avoid people you don't want to fight against.




The biggest problem though, is that this will be an entirely different game from the one being played now. Right now the goal is to score a knock out before they run. With no food or potions, it becomes a contest of who can deal more damage in a short period of time. It really comes down to whether or not other players want to play by that set of rules.




I eat because I don't want to die :-s what's so hard to understand about that?184I pray because they're they for a reason and I use them how they are meant to be used. Forget pker's "honor" code.184




Okay, try to kill me when every time you hit me, I use a tuna potato and brew and heal 38 HP. And I never let my HP fall below 100. And I run once I get down to 4 food + 2 brews.




Your opponent doesn't want to die either. So if you both do everything possible to avoid death, neither player has a chance to win, the only person that's gaining is the fisherman selling you suckers the sharks that you're wasting, or the cook who is now buying a Godsword with the money he made from selling you chumps the tuna potatoes.




What is the point of PK-ing if everyone is near impossible, and you get a kill every 50 attempts when your opponent lags? You overestimate P2P weapons, even though a Godsword has a max hit of ~75 in PvP, it doesn't mean it hits 75 often.




I just like how people who don't wanna die don't understand how to pk, last I checked killing someone doesn't work very well if you are dead.


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Yeah but you miss the fact that its quite easy to get rushed in pvp (getting attacked by 4 dds specials in less than 4 seconds) this is basically a ko without food and it doesn't allow other players with slower weps/reaction time to respond, a pvp world without food would probably have majority of the people on it in maxed defense armor to avoid a 5 second ko, if your really desperate for battles without food best stick with tournies.

If you're able to keep your head while everyone else is losing theirs, it's highly likely you've yet to grasp the situation.


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eat: So I dont die/am more likely to win battle


pray: so I hit harder and am more likely to win battle










Merc wins.




Its that simple, you want to win, and food/pray/potions help, so you use them.




Its funny when we find someone who wants a short fight and doesn't bring and of the aid mentioned above, cuz it ends up being a short fight, in which the person with food, ect... walks away with the big V


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