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Player Moderators: Are They Really Worthy?


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I've been muted for 4 days by a player moderator




Umm.. sorry, but this is bs. What you said is, well.. Impossible. Mods CAN'T mute for 4 days :roll:


Well then, I wonder how I've been muted 4 times in 2 weeks for 4 days each time?(Successful appeals on 2 of them, shortened my mute to 8 days.)




I've been muted for 4 days by a player moderator




Umm.. sorry, but this is bs. What you said is, well.. Impossible. Mods CAN'T mute for 4 days :roll:




Yeah, it's a 48hr mute. Unless Jagex staff extended the mute, which is more than possible ;)


They did.






You were muted by a report, when you receive a mute froma player moderator it tells you so and the mute is unappealable, however jagex reviews it. It is possible you were victim of the priority report, that is painful.


Well, it says muted for 4 days by a moderator etc. And I could appeal it... So it could have been one of those "priority reports".


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Imo its pretty lame how jagex chooses players to police others


Right, because I'm sure if you owned a gaming company, you'd want to hire staff who require $30,000 a year to police others, when you can get players willing to do it for free.




Well, it says muted for 4 days by a moderator etc. And I could appeal it... So it could have been one of those "priority reports".


Moderators can't mute for four days. Jagex must have saw the evidence and forgot to mention who did the mute. Well, I suppose if you got muted four times...but it'd have to be four different moderators.

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The ones that don't abuse it, really deserve it, from what I've seen. I've seen one brave enough to tell a player, "I don't have to answer every freaking question you ask."




Lol brave... :roll:


Looks more annoyed to me.


Thanks to Quarra for the awesome sig!

Xbox360 Gamertag = Tintin113

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The ones that don't abuse it, really deserve it, from what I've seen. I've seen one brave enough to tell a player, "I don't have to answer every freaking question you ask."




Lol brave... :roll:


Looks more annoyed to me.


The player didn't take it well. Still the only mod I've seen to have the guts to say it.

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There's more to being a p-mod than knowing all about RS.


If you've been playing RS for like 7 years but act like a d-bag, it's not likely you'll get pmodded. But if you play friendly, help people out, and report scammers, it's much more likely, even if you haven't played that long.




But to address the question, some are worthy, some aren't. A topic didn't need to have been made to answer it.

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Personally, All the player mods I've seen have been polite and helpful. One of them is my friend and we did part of Monkey Madness together. another 2 or 3 helped me when I was very nooby and led me to varrock and falador. I would like to be one so I can help people too. :thumbsup:




You don't have to be a moderator to help people.

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I've met some really good players that are player mods, and many that aren't. I've met only a few rude players who are moderators, and many others who aren't. Being a player mod myself, I think that most of the negative attitude towards us is caused by sisunderstandings. The reason this is a big problem is that Jagex generally wants to keep some kinds of information secret, letting rumors rule.




Many players seem to think that they won't get punished unless they're reported, or only if reported by a player mod. This is so obviously untrue (for many reasons that are considered to be confidential) yet it's such a common belief. The truth is, you don't even half to be reported to get black marks, and normal players and much more willing to report than player moderators (again, this is a generalization, you will find exceptions both ways).

2496 Completionist

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Worthy or not is really down to opinions. You can't really judge it upon stats, in a way, thats how Jagex does it. You only get chosen by how often you report.




There are moderators that just does not care. I know who lost his crown to inactiveness in RS and he wasn't very behaving in a "moderator" way.




But as for the crown, if they are to be a police of the game, they need something that shows in an obvious fashion that they have power and that they have to be listened to, should they request it. A crown, maybe not. But thats how Jagex chose to represents any player with additional power, so I think is alright.

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When are trying to lend something, the word to use is borrow. Not barrows, which is a mini-game.

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Yes player moderators are worthy and Jagex does carefully select them. About them abusing powers isn't really true, though it depends on how you define it. Abusing powers to the degree of muting innocent people won't work for long, because when you mute someone you send in a report as well so Jagex can investigate.




The fact that a large number of them can act rude, or more accurately, annoyed, is because tons of people bother them or sometimes even insults them based on generalization.




They don't get any favors besides that crown and ability to mute and aren't obliged to help out even if you ask them to or if there's a rule breaker nearby.




If there's one thing that holds true for a large percentage of Player Moderators, it's the fact that they report too much and even for small and harmful matters. This is caused by the fact that a player must send in many reports in order to become a moderator, and thus continue to do so after getting the position. Other than this you can't generalize.




I've based my thoughts and opinions on my own time as a previous player moderator, so I've been in the pmod environment.


If you based all this on your experience as a mod, you didn't read our rules too well...no where does it say we have a quota for a number of reports. I've been inactive on RS for OVER 6 months, and I still have p-mod status. It's not quantity (entirely), it's quality.




That's not to say that making 10-30 correct reports will get you modded, but it's a whole lot better of a chance than 70-100 bad reports. Don't just report people to report them hoping it will get you modded.

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... Worthy of wearing the crown next to their name?




What's your opinion on the entire situation with Moderators these days?


Do you believe some abuse their powers?




Basically, let your mind do the talking and be brutally honest :)








Personally, I think the majority (95%+) are unworthy of it.


Example: I came across a Level 9 the other day who didn't even know where Falador was... How is he helpful to the in-game community at all?






hell yeah i'm worthy of my crown. i didn't "wbm" for it either, jagex just kinda suprised the hell out of me with it like 7 months after i made this character. i was helpful, i reported people PROPERLY not just everyone who seemed like they almost could have broken a rule but who were really completely innocent. i did, and still do everything properly. i treat people in a fair manner in my clan chat, and try to be unbiased with things. i AM a good moderator, i stay true to my friends, and allow them to confide in me, swearing and stuff like that isn't something i'll report friends for, as matter of fact i won't report friends for just about anything, unless they are telling me about hacking someone or some crap like that. i don't make friends with those types of people anyway, so that's not a problem :P honestly, in my 2 years as a moderator, i've not seen one of us that has abused their powers, i've heard about them, but never seen them. i firmly believe that moderators have earned their crown, and do a damn good job of keeping it. even if i wasn't a moderator myself, i'd have the same opinion, because some moderators that use tipit, are some of the coolest people i've met, regardless of the crown.






The ones that don't abuse it, really deserve it, from what I've seen. I've seen one brave enough to tell a player, "I don't have to answer every freaking question you ask."




Lol brave... :roll:


Looks more annoyed to me.


The player didn't take it well. Still the only mod I've seen to have the guts to say it.




i haven't said those exact words, but i've told a few annoying people off before. it's not something that happens often, generally if i've had a horrible day, and i'm playing rs to let off steam, and someone keeps bothering me and bothering me, yeah i'll tell them off, i think the same holds true for all players though.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

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The ones that don't abuse it, really deserve it, from what I've seen. I've seen one brave enough to tell a player, "I don't have to answer every freaking question you ask."




Lol brave... :roll:


Looks more annoyed to me.


The player didn't take it well. Still the only mod I've seen to have the guts to say it.

My general response when I feel overwhelmed by too many questions...




"I'm sorry, but I don't feel like playing 20 questions right now..." :oops:

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The ones that don't abuse it, really deserve it, from what I've seen. I've seen one brave enough to tell a player, "I don't have to answer every freaking question you ask."




Lol brave... :roll:


Looks more annoyed to me.


The player didn't take it well. Still the only mod I've seen to have the guts to say it.

My general response when I feel overwhelmed by too many questions...




"I'm sorry, but I don't feel like playing 20 questions right now..." :oops:




Get that 99 pray allready :(




Few friends have the crown and from what i've heard it's a pain in the arse.




In general i've seen most do a good job but there are some pmods who use to enjoy coming to watch run in's and just report people that were spamming piles. That is allowed by the rules but still i see people do it every week and receiving mutes for it. Gets annoying after a while BUT both mods and normal players do it so no blame is to be handed solely to mods.




The way i see the mod status is that it's like a party hat use to be. Everyone wanted one because it was so "cool". Now every lilttle teenager wants to get the pmod because it'll bring them e-respect and once they get it, it's time to go nuts over it. The best mods are the one's that don't want it. Just like any position of power is.





Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either

a fool or a coward.


Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law

is both.


For a wounded man shall say to his assailant:

"If I live, I will kill you, If I Die, you are forgiven."


Such is the Rule of Honor.

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Just now I saw one saying "power training is when you use a program to train for you". Some noob was taking it all in so now whenever someone mentions power training he will report them. I didn't say anything as I know how report happy these player mods can be.




You're lying, it's incredibly obvious.




I've never met a Pmod that didn't know enough to help others players, and every single one that I've spoken to has been nice and friendly.

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One of my best and oldest friends *lady owl* is a player mod and she has earned every part of it. Mind you I have seen quite a few mods abuse their powers, and one thing that all mods do that they can't help is their ability to talk and have what they said appear in the chat box even if you set it to hide or off which gives them a huge advantage over other players.



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I've had a few immature p mod friends which I ended up deleting because they either made a joke that pushed it too far and insulted me or were asking for free whips all the time just because I could kill abyssal demons (and that isn't a friendship).




I have a few friends that actually became p mods throughout the years of knowing them, that didn't change a bit with their new status, and have earned every pixel in their crown :thumbup:

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I find this topic pointless and pathetic. Instead of criticizing player-mods, (in which I have first hand experience with), actually put yourself in their shoes. First of all, being a player mod is totally voluntary and you can reject and give up the crown at any time, not even an explanation needed. Secondly, players mods are *players* first, hence the name: player moderator. We do not have to take direct action from an order such as yourself, for you on the other hand, should think twice before posting a pathetic topic like this, and yes, many other topics are exactly the same as this one. Who are you to judge how moderators are picked, you are not Jagex nor you are part of the p-mod community, you wouldn't give a flying rat's [wagon] about it. We want to play the game like all of you, we're not baby sitters or Jagex's children. We get put through a whole load of [cabbage], that is not an excuse, for it comes with the title. It is not based on our knowledge about Runescape itself, but the community, the rules, and the actual fun of this game, which you sir, have taken away my fun from today because of this pathetic topic. Why not post this on rsof, and see the response by many forum and/or Jagex mods? You just post on here, like your lame leetscape client and pathetic stolen images for stat images.




Have a nice day,








nothing to add, great post. :D




"Put yourself in a moderators shoes" You make it seem like such a difficult job to sit at a chair while playing a game and clicking the report button. Jeez if you're annoyed by the whining




a) ignore the person


B) suck it up,


once you logout thats it...being a mod doesnt make you any better of a player, wont benefit or hurt your life, NOTHING. Are they worthy? Who cares..if Jagex thinks they're good enough to simply click a button and mute someone...then great. Most I've seen are powerhungry and are probably the people who are socially handicaped at school, so they need to feel "cool and powerful" on some online game




I think it CAN hurt your in real life. If YOU was a mod, and someone is picking on you just because of this, would you like that? I bet you wont. I know I dont like it when someone is just picking on me because Im a high level or whatever, for no reason.






Also, I think that most mods do deserve their crown and mod status. Also, in the three and a half years of playing, I have never seen a mod abusing their powers, and the mods I know are very nice people.

dragon drops: 2h, Med (x4), spear (x3), legs (x3), skirt, left half

barrow drops: 45+ GWD drops: 1x steam, 1x bandos plate, 1x tasset, 4x shard

proud owner of the Quest Cape since March 28th 2008 - [554/555 songs unlocked]

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Copied from a different forum, obviously by the pics from quite a while ago. But nevertheless goes with the points in this topic quite well...




Starts not too bad....












Then there's 2 of them...








Getting noobier...












How the hell do jagex pick these guys? :wall:

RIP Staking


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Copied from a different forum, obviously by the pics from quite a while ago. But nevertheless goes with the points in this topic quite well...




As you said your self quite a while ago they are most likely demodded certainly by now and who said they weren't demodded just after that, that was the past, Jagex did make mistakes and shall continue to make mistakes there only human (contrary to the belief).


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If this vid hasnt been linked yet...




I think it speaks for itself:








I think Jagex should choose their mods better, dont go by blackmarks but how they behave in game. They only need to analyse a few extracts from a regular day of theirs to find out more than they would from BMs




Ill never be a mod with 1.1 BM =[


Just kidding ladies, you know I love you =D

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