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Racism: Acceptable the other way?


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Before i write to stop me being flamed i'll tell you i'm not a racist and im totally hate anybody who is, i'm just expressing a point that i've noticed recently.




Oh, and i'm also going to say black and white, else it's going to take me years to write this if i have to keep saying African American.




Right, now classical racism, when you hear the word you will almost always think of a white guy/s being racist to a black guy. Whenever that happens, the white guys are always set upon for being racist, as they should, obviously as racist is wrong.




But what about when its the other way around, with black people being racist towards white people? I'm not sure about in other places, but here in Britain i've never seen anything on the news about a black guy being taken to court over being racist to a white guy, yet it happens fairly frequently.




I'll use the recent US elections as an example. Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of black voters registerd to vote, and voted for Obama for the main reason that he's black. Now nobody really says anything about that, nobody would call those people racist, but what if it was the other way around. If thousands of white americans had registered to vote, and voted Mcain, you would immediately think they were racists, and would probably see something on the news about that sole fact.




So, Is it ok for black people to be racist, and not white people to? Surely equality should mean nobody is racist.




Edit: Yeah im bad at expressing my point but hopefully you get what i mean.

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I'm all for equality, but what I don't understand are things like Black History Month. If there was a White History Month, people would view it as racist.




I personally blame people like Al Sharpton for continuing racial tension. I remember a few months back, he came to town after the city refused to elect an african-american sheriff because he had rigged the ballots. Old Al showed up and started raising hell about the man not being elected sheriff because he was black. :roll:

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No, it is not acceptable for anyone to be racist.




You are ignoring the fact that blacks in America have always supported the Democratic party strongly. Obama's being black may have encouraged more African Americans to vote at all, but I think the small amount of blacks who voted for Obama BECAUSE he's black is around the same as the amount of whites who voted for McCain because he's white.




Racism is not just a white man's problem. We all share the shame.

noobs crowding hill giants? not on my watch

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I'm all for equality, but what I don't understand are things like Black History Month. If there was a White History Month, people would view it as racist.




I personally blame people like Al Sharpton for continuing racial tension. I remember a few months back, he came to town after the city refused to elect an african-american sheriff because he had rigged the ballots. Old Al showed up and started raising hell about the man not being elected sheriff because he was black. :roll:




The reason there's a black history month and not a white history month is because white people were considerd easier off, and black people had to fight past racial barriers to get their rights. So basically because black people worked harder for what they have today.


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The only rational position to take as far as I'm concerned is to see both racism and "reverse racism" as equally bad. Whites looking at blacks as sub-human is just as wrong as blacks looking at whites as sub-human.




Now classically, racism has been heavily biased towards whites being racist to blacks, yet that's no excuse for blacks to do it back to whites. Both of us should cut it out.





I'll use the recent US elections as an example. Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of black voters registerd to vote, and voted for Obama for the main reason that he's black. Now nobody really says anything about that, nobody would call those people racist, but what if it was the other way around. If thousands of white americans had registered to vote, and voted Mcain, you would immediately think they were racists, and would probably see something on the news about that sole fact.




You have to be careful with that example. It's too hard to get inside a voters head and see their intentions of voting for either candidate. Sure, a handful might vote along racial lines because they're racist, but I'd say a lot more do it simply because they can relate with the candidate of their own race better. Relating with similar people doesn't necessarily mean you think other races are lesser than yours.

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This goes back to affirmative action. Racism isn't okay either way. That doesn't stop me from checking mexican on every possible thing it could benefit me on even though I'm only a quarter.

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These are the times that try mens souls...
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Racism is not acceptable, period.




Unfortunately, blacks do seem to get away with it more. And I agree that many blacks voted for Obama because he's black, and many whites voted for him because they were worried they would otherwise be seen as racist. One of the main things I've been hearing is "If you didn't want Obama, you're a racist."


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Yeah, it's racism but what can we do? If I bought up the subject, I'd be a racist.




And the term 'racist' is so easily tossed around these days.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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I'll use the recent US elections as an example. Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of black voters registerd to vote, and voted for Obama for the main reason that he's black. Now nobody really says anything about that, nobody would call those people racist, but what if it was the other way around. If thousands of white americans had registered to vote, and voted Mcain, you would immediately think they were racists, and would probably see something on the news about that sole fact.




i agree,


example: BET


when the election was going on they covered the democratic convention.. but no republican? racist?




i beleive it is wrong.. and just overlooked by society... are we as whites able to sue?




World 46 Regular

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I'll use the recent US elections as an example. Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of black voters registerd to vote, and voted for Obama for the main reason that he's black. Now nobody really says anything about that, nobody would call those people racist, but what if it was the other way around. If thousands of white americans had registered to vote, and voted Mcain, you would immediately think they were racists, and would probably see something on the news about that sole fact.




i agree,


example: BET


when the election was going on they covered the democratic convention.. but no republican? racist?


i beleive it is wrong.. and just overlooked by society... are we as whites able to sue?




O gawd :wall:


The producer(I think) had the choice to cover one or the other, not both. How can you say he not a democrat? O wait I get it, it's racism because he supporting something he likes. What a racist =D>

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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All racism is is being able to determines ones actions based on the history of their ancestors. Most of the time it's true... Why not have a little educated guess on the person before deciding to trust them with something like the future of a nation? Honestly I think racism is a good thing. It gives people something to blame when things don't go their way.

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Yeah, I think you're right, I've observed that too... even though it SHOULDN'T be like that.




eg I can be racist to white people and it's not as politically incorrect as whites being racist to me.




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I'm not even literally caucasian, anyways. I'm Italian, Inuit, Cherokee, and Moroccan.




That's a big wtf.


Average person wouldn't know what those 3 are. and wouldn't care, skin=race.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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BET is NOT racist, it is a channel dedicated to black culture. Many channels are focus around a culture; G4tv, WE, MTV, VH1, etc.




Simon During-


"At one level the only way to avoid racism is simply to stop using racist concepts."




For those who use the term "African American" almost 99% of the time the person did NOT come from Africa, they were born in America making them Americans. Your misidentifying their identify as Americans which isn't right. Calling someone black is not racist as long as your not using it in a negative context or in anger.. Its all very simple.

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BET is NOT racist, it is a channel dedicated to black culture. Many channels are focus around a culture; G4tv, WE, MTV, VH1, etc.




That's fine and I agree. What I don't agree with is the double standard that if we had a WET, it would be considered racist.

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BET is NOT racist, it is a channel dedicated to black culture. Many channels are focus around a culture; G4tv, WE, MTV, VH1, etc.




That's fine and I agree. What I don't agree with is the double standard that if we had a WET, it would be considered racist.




Just because there is no "WET" channel doesn't we their isn't one already. We have channels like NBC, ABC, and FOX that are more focused around whites. Look at the main characters of all the primetime programs. Heroes - primarily white (all but one of the three "key" black characters in the show have been killed); Desperate House Wifes - primarily white; 24 - primarily white. You rarely every get a ethnically different protagonist on these channels. The news, how often do you find yourself with a completely nonwhite set of archers? Never. Also MTV is primarily "white". In an industry that has been headed by whites since its beginning, most all channels have been designed around "white" culture, so when people freak out over one channel that is clearly not white they need to realize what they are saying. They are saying that a part of black culture has to be censored to fit the needs of another culture which isn't right.

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In Australia the blacks get everything given to them. The government pays for them to go to school, they pay their bills and don't have to do much work because they are Aboriginal. Now the whites have to do everything for themselves and as soon as we say something wrong we are called racists, when the government has never treated both blacks and whites the same.


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