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Dragonkin: After the Rise of Lucien


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I disagree there will be addy and rune drags, then we would get dragon drags too...


But I thought about three other things this day;)


1. (I know highly unlikely) the only thing we know for sure about the Dragonkin is that it was one. But only thing that suggests it was a race is what Reldo says. And is Dragonkin were from fourth Age, which would fit better a theory that Robert was the reincarnation of Zaros, that would be the source of his height and strength and Reldo would prove wrong. What if there was only one Dragonkin? Maybe it is just a name for one of the Mahjarrats? They're similarly seemingly immortal. Another piece of evidence is the examine text: not 'One of Creators of Dragons' but just 'Creator of Dragons'. Could it be one of Mahjarrat? It would link those two and connect to the origination of Dragon Weapons, assuming Dragonkin is/are Necrosyrte(s).


2. I'd like to correct one thing: I wrote if Dragonkin fought Zaros in the form of Robert then they could be good. However, Armadyl and Zamorak also wouldn't have much interest in further existence of Zaros. It can either be that they followed Saradomin(the god that came at the same time as Zamorak), Zamorak, who wanted to get rid of Zaros, or Armadyl, as they look bird-like.


3. If the Dragonkin, as stated above, is one of the Mahjarrat, could it possibly connect to the Prophecy of Hazelmere? He said something about fight with Mahjarrat, we know Hazeel, Zemouregal, Lucien, Enakhra, Akthanakos and Azzanadra are coming north, maybe that's when Hazelmere will die, together with five of his 'brothers', and of those eight only 2 would survive, masters of Warrior and Slayer path? It was introduced rather long time ago, maybe the new quest requires this fight? It's been said: deepest storyline, hope it links all those;)




...There will be Adamant and Runite Dragons... It's a patten used by Jagex to drop the full set of Dragon Armour.




1. Hasn't it all ready been proven that the Dragonkin is a race...? I'm sure it has, and I'm sure they are a race; not a single Mahjarrat.




2. Bod the (Damn) Jagex Cat is NOT Zaros. This a well known fact, proven many times. (I can prove if you reeeallly want me to...) I'd rather not gather the info though :wall:


The Dragonkin are not good. Look the the pic (on the first page) of the Varrock Museum exhibit of the Dragonkin; it says "A new terror, the Dragonkin, is a foot blah blah blah) or something like that. Terror means bad.




3. Not Mahjarrat... only affiliated with the Mahjarrat.


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2. Bod the (Damn) Jagex Cat is NOT Zaros. This a well known fact, proven many times. (I can prove if you reeeallly want me to...) I'd rather not gather the info though :wall:


The Dragonkin are not good. Look the the pic (on the first page) of the Varrock Museum exhibit of the Dragonkin; it says "A new terror, the Dragonkin, is a foot blah blah blah) or something like that. Terror means bad.




He didn't say bob was Zaros. He said that robert the strong (different guy) is Zaros.

So don't let anyone tell you you're not worth the earth,

These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

So shine your light so bright that all can see,

Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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[hide=Dragonkin Castle?]w2_800x600.jpg[/hide]




Look at the castle in the distance. Not only does it look like the Dragonkin castle, but there appears to be 2 vampires/vyrewatch/dragons/dragonkin flying near it. Is this Mortania before the Drakan usurp? Or are those dragonkin during the First Age, when they presided over the castle?




[hide=Comparison and close up of Drakan Castle]drakan_800x600.jpg[/hide]




First, look at the bats/vampire/vyrewatch by the moon (which has a face, lol). Then compare that to those by the castle in the above picture. Also, if anyone can find any type of Dragonkin symbol in that, that's a good lead. I couldn't though.




[hide=Where's Waldo?]trouble_800x600.jpg[/hide]




Also something to see if there is any symbol. Again, I couldn't spot any.








May I draw your attention to the symbol closest to the warrior's sword. I figure since the sword is probably made of dragon, the symbol closest to it may be related to the Kin.

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2. Bod the (Damn) Jagex Cat is NOT Zaros. This a well known fact, proven many times. (I can prove if you reeeallly want me to...) I'd rather not gather the info though :wall:


The Dragonkin are not good. Look the the pic (on the first page) of the Varrock Museum exhibit of the Dragonkin; it says "A new terror, the Dragonkin, is a foot blah blah blah) or something like that. Terror means bad.




He didn't say bob was Zaros. He said that robert the strong (different guy) is Zaros.




Well that's still the same thing... Robert the Strong IS now Bob. And, Robert was never Zaros (Because Bob was never Zaros)


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And why are people talking about a meeting of the Gods in the east? Because that's just plain nonsense! :?




I hate to be one of "those people," but why is it nonsense? Perhaps it's my own lack of understanding, but isn't very little known about the Eastern lands? And there have been hints to an Island related to the Majharrats, wasn't there? In that one main page banner?




Or am I mistaken? :$


Well, you're right that very little is known about the Eastern Lands, but that doens't necessarily mean there's going to be a godmeeting there. And the 'kudos Isle' is located due north of Morytania, but to my knowledge no clues at all exist which tell of a godmeeting anywhere... So thats why I'm saying it's nonsense. Anyway, Gods aren't even allowed to be in Gielenor or everything on the whole planet will be destroyed, so thats kind of a problem.



About the eastern lands, I remember reading in a letter to the person in phasymatys who sells the karil's bolt racks that there is a huge empire to the east where all the barrows armours came from. Perhaps this is where the icyenes come from and that is why the queen took over morytania, or perhaps this is where the dragonkin now reside? Perhaps this is why morytania stinks of dragon poo, because it has wafted over from this empire to the east? It would also tie in with the points of the compass metaphor in the KBD's letter.




Also, there was the mysterious man who gave the barrows brothers their armours and who stood over them whenever they fought and is supposed to have killed them by weakening them or something, I think I remember hearing that he was Sliske, who appears to be in the sewers underneath draynor and is a mahjarat. According to my theory that the dragonkin and mahjarat are related this would prove that the dragonkin were in possession of the material which made barrows armours and that they therefore came from, or atleast resided in at one point, the empire to the east.


I never found any proof that the Barrows Armour came from the East, and therefore doubt your theory. And the Icyene didn't 'took over', that sounds too hostile. I think they were given the leadership over Hallowvale, as the inscription in the Burgh de Rott pub basement says the Queen was loved by many. Furthermore, the man who gave the Barrow Brothers their armour was Sliske, a Mahjarrat, but he can't be found in Draynor Sewers. You must be thinking of Ruantan, Count Draynors former servant and a Vampyre.





In one of the postbags from the hedge a letter was written to the person who supplies the karil's bolt racks and he certainly said that they come from a huge empire to the east, I'll try and find which postbag.




OK, they may not have 'taken over' in a hostile way, they may have been given control but that doesn't mean they can't have been living in the east.




(sorry if this sounds stupid, I have little knowledge of vampyres) but the dude under draynor sewers does hiss a lot and has yellow eyes with slitted, snake-like pupils, is that how vampyres appear?




Anyway I'm only suggesting things, it isn't as if I'm claiming to know exactly what's going to happen :|


It's ok , I'm not saying that you're claiming that either. I'm just pointing out the right's and wrong's in your posts, so no misunderstandings will occur, and so others can create new theories with the info you and I provided. Besides, I too believe that the Icyene came from the Eastern Lands, and I said that the dude under Draynor is a Vampyre, just not Sliske. And for Boeboeboe, maybe Vampyres only hiss when they're in their Vampyre form. Vampyres have multiple forms, one of them looks human and another is grey with horns, yellow eyes and snake-like pupils. And this is probably the Postbag you were talking about, Rehsa:




Dear ak-haranu,




I don't think i quite understand you very well all you do is sell strange bolt clips and pace in the ghost scarred city of port phasmatys. I mean where do you get those bolt clips for the karils bow do you acually go barrowsing? if you do you must be extremly strong because all you have is those clips your ninja sword and some red robes, or are they? how does one of your brute strength and social stature end up in the ghost town where you are the only living thing besides robin and bill teach? finally how on earth do you only sell bolt clips?














Ak-Haranu not know fully what you ask. You call Ak-Haranu brute, and yet ask help and information? You foreigner rude to honourable warrior! I come from many far to east to see what west offer, and find only savage and impolite. Green men of Phasmatys better mannered, and green men of Phasmatys dead! Master Robin only foreigner Ak-Haranu wish to know, for Master Robin is great archer - much revered profession in east.




Ak-Haranu must sell equipment from empire's armies to get home. I have no desire go past walls of ghost-city, only lamia and leech in forests, and I doubt much else beyond.






Maybe you were refering to another one, but this was the only one featuring Ak-Haranu I could find. Yes, he does say the Bolt Racks come from the Eastern Lands, but that doesn't necessarily mean that all barrow Armour comes from there. Maybe someone in the West (aka here) designed the Crossbow to work with Eastern bolts... Or you're correct, but then Sliske must've had connections with the Eastern Lands, and that is a bit frightening... :?




Yup that is exactly the postbag I was referring to, but I don't remember it as being so vague #-o anyway, you're right in saying that it only proves that the empire to the east have karil's bolts, but what good are bolts without a crossbow? If the empire to the east have those bolts then it's reasonable to assume that they have the karil's crossbow, or atleast something like it and it also means there's a high chance of them possessing the other barrows sets, or atleast the karil's set. I think it's unlikely that someone in the west looked at eastern bolts and designed a nearly perfect mechanism for working them, unless there were perhaps some skirmishes between the people from the east and the people from the west and the westerners managed to pick up some of the bolts, but then again if the people from the west had had a chance to go around picking up spare bolts they'd also have had a chance to go picking up some of the other armours and weapons so I doubt that's how the karil's crossbow came about. I reckon that Sliske has to have had some contact with the eastern empire and if he got his bolts and crossbows from there, why not also get all his other armours from there?




And about the four points of the compass thingy, I checked and the absolute centre of Gielinor is the little range in the south of the White Knight's castle in Falador.

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Also zaap1, I can't view your images, it has a little red cross :-(




Then go to the Wallpapers section on the main site.




#1-Wandering Warrior, or something like that


#2-Drakan's bloodline


#3-Triple Trouble


#4-Combat Triangle




Note the first one is VERY old.

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It's going to be so horrid if the new grandmaster quest has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Dragonkin...

If the CORPORAL beast is this hard, imagine how hard a GENERAL or COLONEL beast would be. a corporal is not even an admirable rank in armies that use that ranking system.


Yeah, it is a pking minigame, so any arguments anybody makes will probably be biased.

The best way this will end :Everybody just says,"I'm not arguing with you anymore, goodbye."

The worst way this will end: I don't really know, psychological warfare? Worldwide thermonuclear war? Pie eating contest?

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It's going to be so horrid if the new grandmaster quest has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Dragonkin...


I will die from laughter




Just don't go there... :wall:












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[hide=Dragonkin Castle?]w2_800x600.jpg[/hide]




Look at the castle in the distance. Not only does it look like the Dragonkin castle, but there appears to be 2 vampires/vyrewatch/dragons/dragonkin flying near it. Is this Mortania before the Drakan usurp? Or are those dragonkin during the First Age, when they presided over the castle?




I am certain that that is not the dragonkin castle, because I watched the footage from the cutscene over and over trying to find any similarties between the layout of that castle and the layout of the castle in the north eastern wilderness. What I noticed is that the castle is laid out in a very clear "T" shape, whereas from that image the castle is laid out in a very circular pattern.




[hide=Comparison and close up of Drakan Castle]drakan_800x600.jpg[/hide]




First, look at the bats/vampire/vyrewatch by the moon (which has a face, lol). Then compare that to those by the castle in the above picture. Also, if anyone can find any type of Dragonkin symbol in that, that's a good lead. I couldn't though.




This is a great find! It shows clearly the upper levels of the Castle Drakan, something we couldn't quite see before! I'll add it to the main post.




[hide=Where's Waldo?]trouble_800x600.jpg[/hide]




Also something to see if there is any symbol. Again, I couldn't spot any.




I couldn't find anything here either, and I caution against trying. It'd be so easy for this to become a kind of Rorschach Ink Blot Test that leads everyone to see something different, something that's not really there.








May I draw your attention to the symbol closest to the warrior's sword. I figure since the sword is probably made of dragon, the symbol closest to it may be related to the Kin.




Its true that there is a symbol near the warrior's sword, but I don't think its related to the dragonkin, I think its just some decoration for this piece.

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Yup that is exactly the postbag I was referring to, but I don't remember it as being so vague anyway, you're right in saying that it only proves that the empire to the east have karil's bolts, but what good are bolts without a crossbow? If the empire to the east have those bolts then it's reasonable to assume that they have the karil's crossbow, or atleast something like it and it also means there's a high chance of them possessing the other barrows sets, or atleast the karil's set. I think it's unlikely that someone in the west looked at eastern bolts and designed a nearly perfect mechanism for working them, unless there were perhaps some skirmishes between the people from the east and the people from the west and the westerners managed to pick up some of the bolts, but then again if the people from the west had had a chance to go around picking up spare bolts they'd also have had a chance to go picking up some of the other armours and weapons so I doubt that's how the karil's crossbow came about. I reckon that Sliske has to have had some contact with the eastern empire and if he got his bolts and crossbows from there, why not also get all his other armours from there?





Karil's crossbow is similar to a chu-ke-nu, a Chinese repeating crossbow that fires around 10 bolts in 15 seconds (but with little accuracy or range). Karil's bow fires short bursts: one rack each time. Also, Ak-Hanaru seems dressed like a Chinese. So it could be that Karil's crossbow is from the east.

Supporter of Zaros | Quest Cape owner since 22 may 2010 | No skills below 99 | Total level 2595 | Completionist Cape owner since 17th June 2013 | Suggestions

99 summoning (18th June 2011, previously untrimmed) | 99 farming (14th July 2011) | 99 prayer (8th September 2011) | 99 constitution (10th September 2011) | 99 dungeoneering (15th November 2011)

99 ranged (28th November 2011) | 99 attack, 99 defence, 99 strength (11th December 2011) | 99 slayer (18th December 2011) | 99 magic (22nd December 2011) | 99 construction (16th March 2012)

99 herblore (22nd March 2012) | 99 firemaking (26th March 2012) | 99 cooking (2nd July 2012) | 99 runecrafting (12th March 2012) | 99 crafting (26th August 2012) | 99 agility (19th November 2012)

99 woodcutting (22nd November 2012) | 99 fletching (31st December 2012) | 99 thieving (3rd January 2013) | 99 hunter (11th January 2013) | 99 mining (21st January 2013) | 99 fishing (21st January 2013)

99 smithing (21st January 2013) | 120 dungeoneering (17th June 2013) | 99 divination (24th November 2013)

Tormented demon drops: twenty effigies, nine pairs of claws, two dragon armour slices and one elite clue | Dagannoth king drops: two dragon hatchets, two elite clues, one archer ring and one warrior ring

Glacor drops: four pairs of ragefire boots, one pair of steadfast boots, six effigies, two hundred lots of Armadyl shards, three elite clues | Nex split: Torva boots | Kalphite King split: off-hand drygore mace

30/30 Shattered Heart statues completed | 16/16 Court Cases completed | 25/25 Choc Chimp Ices delivered | 500/500 Vyrewatch burned | 584/584 tasks completed | 4000/4000 chompies hunted

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Yup that is exactly the postbag I was referring to, but I don't remember it as being so vague anyway, you're right in saying that it only proves that the empire to the east have karil's bolts, but what good are bolts without a crossbow? If the empire to the east have those bolts then it's reasonable to assume that they have the karil's crossbow, or atleast something like it and it also means there's a high chance of them possessing the other barrows sets, or atleast the karil's set. I think it's unlikely that someone in the west looked at eastern bolts and designed a nearly perfect mechanism for working them, unless there were perhaps some skirmishes between the people from the east and the people from the west and the westerners managed to pick up some of the bolts, but then again if the people from the west had had a chance to go around picking up spare bolts they'd also have had a chance to go picking up some of the other armours and weapons so I doubt that's how the karil's crossbow came about. I reckon that Sliske has to have had some contact with the eastern empire and if he got his bolts and crossbows from there, why not also get all his other armours from there?





Karil's crossbow is similar to a chu-ke-nu, a Chinese repeating crossbow that fires around 10 bolts in 15 seconds (but with little accuracy or range). Karil's bow fires short bursts: one rack each time. Also, Ak-Hanaru seems dressed like a Chinese. So it could be that Karil's crossbow is from the east.




It's interesting you should say this, there was a thread on the runescape forums about a year ago pointing out the similarities between the old runescape sword (was then the runescape logo) and some kind of samurai blade, couple this with the fact that Japan and China have always been "Eastern" powers and the appearances and idiolect of the karil's bolt seller as well as this find about the karil's crossbow and we have a very interesting theory.

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[hide=Dragonkin Castle?]w2_800x600.jpg[/hide]




Look at the castle in the distance. Not only does it look like the Dragonkin castle, but there appears to be 2 vampires/vyrewatch/dragons/dragonkin flying near it. Is this Mortania before the Drakan usurp? Or are those dragonkin during the First Age, when they presided over the castle?




I am certain that that is not the dragonkin castle, because I watched the footage from the cutscene over and over trying to find any similarties between the layout of that castle and the layout of the castle in the north eastern wilderness. What I noticed is that the castle is laid out in a very clear "T" shape, whereas from that image the castle is laid out in a very circular pattern.







True, but remember the cutscene is shown from a bird's eye view, while that castle is first person view. There is a flat level on that castle, which may be the T-platform which the fight takes place.

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I disagree there will be addy and rune drags, then we would get dragon drags too...


But I thought about three other things this day;)


1. (I know highly unlikely) the only thing we know for sure about the Dragonkin is that it was one. But only thing that suggests it was a race is what Reldo says. And is Dragonkin were from fourth Age, which would fit better a theory that Robert was the reincarnation of Zaros, that would be the source of his height and strength and Reldo would prove wrong. What if there was only one Dragonkin? Maybe it is just a name for one of the Mahjarrats? They're similarly seemingly immortal. Another piece of evidence is the examine text: not 'One of Creators of Dragons' but just 'Creator of Dragons'. Could it be one of Mahjarrat? It would link those two and connect to the origination of Dragon Weapons, assuming Dragonkin is/are Necrosyrte(s).


2. I'd like to correct one thing: I wrote if Dragonkin fought Zaros in the form of Robert then they could be good. However, Armadyl and Zamorak also wouldn't have much interest in further existence of Zaros. It can either be that they followed Saradomin(the god that came at the same time as Zamorak), Zamorak, who wanted to get rid of Zaros, or Armadyl, as they look bird-like.


3. If the Dragonkin, as stated above, is one of the Mahjarrat, could it possibly connect to the Prophecy of Hazelmere? He said something about fight with Mahjarrat, we know Hazeel, Zemouregal, Lucien, Enakhra, Akthanakos and Azzanadra are coming north, maybe that's when Hazelmere will die, together with five of his 'brothers', and of those eight only 2 would survive, masters of Warrior and Slayer path? It was introduced rather long time ago, maybe the new quest requires this fight? It's been said: deepest storyline, hope it links all those;)




...There will be Adamant and Runite Dragons... It's a patten used by Jagex to drop the full set of Dragon Armour.




1. Hasn't it all ready been proven that the Dragonkin is a race...? I'm sure it has, and I'm sure they are a race; not a single Mahjarrat.




2. Bod the (Damn) Jagex Cat is NOT Zaros. This a well known fact, proven many times. (I can prove if you reeeallly want me to...) I'd rather not gather the info though :wall:


The Dragonkin are not good. Look the the pic (on the first page) of the Varrock Museum exhibit of the Dragonkin; it says "A new terror, the Dragonkin, is a foot blah blah blah) or something like that. Terror means bad.



I also think they're rather evil but we have no proof. And about Bob, why is he not Zaros? Speak with him, in one of the conversations is something like Bob saying cats believe they're Guthix, player asking about what does he believe and he replies something like "I don't have to believe because I know I'm Zar..." who then starts with Zar and is after Dragonkin, evil as you claim? And to the dragons, as Evil Dave said in a postbag, then we will soon have dragon dragon! As to them being one of the Mahjarrat, I know it's strange but would fit in some places. It's just a theory.

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Bob says that? Now this is worth checking out...now to find the little guy...

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[hide=Dragonkin Castle?]w2_800x600.jpg[/hide]




Look at the castle in the distance. Not only does it look like the Dragonkin castle, but there appears to be 2 vampires/vyrewatch/dragons/dragonkin flying near it. Is this Mortania before the Drakan usurp? Or are those dragonkin during the First Age, when they presided over the castle?




I am certain that that is not the dragonkin castle, because I watched the footage from the cutscene over and over trying to find any similarties between the layout of that castle and the layout of the castle in the north eastern wilderness. What I noticed is that the castle is laid out in a very clear "T" shape, whereas from that image the castle is laid out in a very circular pattern.







True, but remember the cutscene is shown from a bird's eye view, while that castle is first person view. There is a flat level on that castle, which may be the T-platform which the fight takes place.




While its true that there is a platform there, right next to the platform are the pointed tops of towers. There are no pointed towers shown anywhere in the castle in the cutscene; they are all flat tops lined with [bleep]es.




in the "dragon forge", can u smith dragon square shields on the anvils?




That is a fantastic question, and a very poignant one at that! Its one that shouldn't be too hard to answer either! Unfortunately I'm rather poor at the moment (only 500k :oops: )

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It's going to be so horrid if the new grandmaster quest has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Dragonkin...


I will die from laughter




Just don't go there... :wall:



That will not be the behind the scenes preveiw of the quest says zamorak and the Dragonkin symbol will play parts in the quest. So don't worry! :thumbsup:


Also how do i make a picture in my sig a link?



Proud Completer of WGS!

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It's going to be so horrid if the new grandmaster quest has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Dragonkin...


I will die from laughter




Just don't go there... :wall:



That will not be the behind the scenes preveiw of the quest says zamorak and the Dragonkin symbol will play parts in the quest. So don't worry! :thumbsup:


Also how do i make a picture in my sig a link?





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"Now lift your head from this paper and uncover your compass. At each point sits a danger. You would be wise to take their heads." I believe this refers to the dragonkin's strongholds, past and present. As we know from above (and below) the dragonkin have connections to the ancient cavern in the west, the ruined castle in the north, and (possibly) Castle Drakan in the east. Is there a stronghold in the south we don't know about?




What about the Bronze + Steel dragons' cave on Karamja? That's pretty southern.




Or maybe the "dangers" are more general. Godwars/wilderness in the north, Drakan etc. in the east, Elves in the west and Menaphites/Desert Gods in the south.



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I just tried to smith a dragon square on the dragon forge anvils, but nothing happened at all. Not even a message saying "nothing interesting happens".




The same thing (nothing) happens when you use anything on the anvils, except for the bars

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