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So if these are the drops from one Grand Master quest...


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What are the others going to be?




Finally the infamous dragon plate has been given as a drop(or 3 pieces of different drops) along with the dragon claws.




Which leads me to say if these are the amazing rewards for this quest, what do we have to look forward to in the future with Saradomin & Zamorak grand master quests?




Dragon pick possibly, what other dragon weapons/tools have they yet to release?




Saradomin might be a defense item because its been associated with defense in the past.


(Saradomin Prayer Book: +8 to all defensive stats)


Zamorak might be an offensive item because its been with attack bonuses in the past


(Zamorak Prayer Book: + 8 to all offensive stats)




*I know that there are godswords for those two but im just speculating




Any ideas?


Socc | 99 Magic | 95/99 Range | 99 Defence | 99 Hitpoints | 96/99 Summoning |Join SODB for some monster Slayin! |

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will be a while yet, but fingers crossed theres something special for the 150th quest




this was the 150th quest :D :P

My private chat is always ON.

Winner of The Tip.It Teamcape Outfit Contest!

6 years. 1 dragon CS drop and some barrows, bad luck?


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will be a while yet, but fingers crossed theres something special for the 150th quest




this was the 150th quest :D :P




it was the 147th or something.




nah i'm pretty sure i was the 150th saw it somewhere, hate when i get missleading info -.-

My private chat is always ON.

Winner of The Tip.It Teamcape Outfit Contest!

6 years. 1 dragon CS drop and some barrows, bad luck?


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will be a while yet, but fingers crossed theres something special for the 150th quest




this was the 150th quest :D :P




it was the 147th or something.




nah i'm pretty sure i was the 150th saw it somewhere, hate when i get missleading info -.-




Count em buddy.




147th, not including the 'Learning the Ropes' quest because Jagex's questhelp says it doesn't count.




In fact, go log into questhelp yourself, but I don't know if While Guthix Sleeps is included yet.

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There will hopefully be a dragon kiteshield soon, the dragon plate set doesn't come with a shield atm

99 fletching achieved 09/04/08 99 defence achieved 08/31/09 99 smithing achieved 07/25/10
99 attack achieved 03/11/10 99 constitution achieved 05/14/11
99 strength achieved 06/01/11 99 cooking achieved 01/17/12
99 woodcutting achieved 05/10/12 99 firemaking achieved 05/10/12

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We also have yet to see:




Dragon Shortsword


Dragon Crossbow w/ Dragon (metal) bolts


Dragon Warhammer




I believe those are the only 3 left...




Either way, I'm looking forward to the dragon c'bow :)


Dragon Javelins, Thrownaxes, Knives, Pickaxes, Kiteshields...




...Cannonballs? :S


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We also have yet to see:




Dragon Shortsword


Dragon Crossbow w/ Dragon (metal) bolts


Dragon Warhammer




I believe those are the only 3 left...




Either way, I'm looking forward to the dragon c'bow :)


Dragon Javelins, Thrownaxes, Knives, Pickaxes, Kiteshields...




...Cannonballs? :S


Well Quickchat says you "I am smithing: rune cannonballs." :twss: never know :P

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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We also have yet to see:




Dragon Shortsword


Dragon Crossbow w/ Dragon (metal) bolts


Dragon Warhammer




I believe those are the only 3 left...




Either way, I'm looking forward to the dragon c'bow :)


Dragon Javelins, Thrownaxes, Knives, Pickaxes, Kiteshields...




...Cannonballs? :S


Well Quickchat says you "I am smithing: rune cannonballs." :twss: never know :P


A small RuneScape family, having a quiet, simple dinner whilst talking about the day's activities...


"Donnydarkox18," a soft voice called, "why aren't you eating your vegetables?"


Glancing up at his mother, he replied in a crackled voice, "I ate a... kebbit..." the boy winced as he spoke, "very [bleep]y."


"Well," his father turned to him now, "drink this ol' bottle of rum and you'll be fi-" CRASH! A streak of red, as dark as hell yet glowing with the light of a thousand candlesticks obliterated the living room wall. His mother shrieked, and Donnydarkox18 pulled her out of the way as the shining red - yet somehow, not fiery - whizzed past and tore his father into shreds.


"DAD!" he cried out, but there was no reply. The walls were ridden with the blood of his kin, and in the midst of the previously well-furnished room was a crimson sphere. he etched forward to take a closer look. Curious, yet angered by the sudden loss of his father. "What on earth is this?" he thought to himself, and felt a lump in his throat as he drew closer to the mysterious object which had seemingly come out of the sky.


"Donny... what... what happened?" his mother whispered from the battered floor. Sensing something was wrong, she got up, however hazy she was feeling, and squinted at the room through her aged eyes. "Where is your fath-" she had begun to ask, but then it was clear. There was no mistaking the severed body parts and deep-red blood on what was left of the walls. "N... no... NO! WHAT HAPPENED?!" she cried out. Victoria. A strong woman. This was not the first death in her family, but to have her husband... the man she had loved since her childhood days, died without warning, without any expectation that this would be his last hour, was beyond her comprehension. "This is not real, this is not real." she chanted to herself, "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm..." and she fainted. All this time, Donnydarkox18 was unable to speak. In utter shock of what just happened. And yet... what HAD happened? Had this mysterious ball come from nowhere? No. That was impossible. He must investigate.




Turning away from his mother's unconscious body on the floor, he turned back to the crimson object. Making not a sound as he walked towards it, he turned his head as if trying to see what lay on the other side of this... thing. It started to glow. Emanating a bright red light in a mesmerizing pulse. He stared at it for a few minutes. What was this made of? He had seen this element somewhere... yes... yes, that was it! He took off his left boot and compared it to the large ball laying silent and still on the tiled floor. Dragon. But why a ball of dragon? Was this some kind of giant's sling pebble? Perhaps a cannonball? He dismissed the idea. Cannonballs were made out of coal and iron! And besides, dragon was un-smithable. Un-malleable.




Tears forming in his eyes now. The truth had finally hit him. His father had been killed by an unknown object. Without warning. This was Varrock! Where were the guards? Where were the impenetrable walls that surrounded his city and home? All he could do is stand and stare into the night. The air was cold and the wind still. He could hear birds singing as though nothing had happened. But what did they care?


And then he heard something. A low clang of metal hitting metal. Turning his head sharply to his left, from where he was sure he had heard the sound. The wide-eyed Donnydarkox18 could do nothing but stand still - paralyzed by what he saw - a gigantic cannon. 20 feet tall and about the same length at its width. A red glow could be seen from the belly of the machine, and before he could even think of turning, the ball of death, fear, and pure destruction came blazing at him from across the plain. And then blackness. The mystery of dragon metal, it seems, had been unlocked.




Likeh mah storie?


IRC Nick: Hiroki | 99 Agility | Max Quest Points | 138 Combat

Bandos drops: 20 Hilt | 22 Chestplate | 21 Tassets | 14 Boots

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We also have yet to see:




Dragon Shortsword


Dragon Crossbow w/ Dragon (metal) bolts


Dragon Warhammer




I believe those are the only 3 left...




Either way, I'm looking forward to the dragon c'bow :)


Dragon Javelins, Thrownaxes, Knives, Pickaxes, Kiteshields...




...Cannonballs? :S


Well Quickchat says you "I am smithing: rune cannonballs." :twss: never know :P


[hide=Next week's update background]A small RuneScape family, having a quiet, simple dinner whilst talking about the day's activities...


"Donnydarkox18," a soft voice called, "why aren't you eating your vegetables?"


Glancing up at his mother, he replied in a crackled voice, "I ate a... kebbit..." the boy winced as he spoke, "very [bleep]y."


"Well," his father turned to him now, "drink this ol' bottle of rum and you'll be fi-" CRASH! A streak of red, as dark as hell yet glowing with the light of a thousand candlesticks obliterated the living room wall. His mother shrieked, and Donnydarkox18 pulled her out of the way as the shining red - yet somehow, not fiery - whizzed past and tore his father into shreds.


"DAD!" he cried out, but there was no reply. The walls were ridden with the blood of his kin, and in the midst of the previously well-furnished room was a crimson sphere. he etched forward to take a closer look. Curious, yet angered by the sudden loss of his father. "What on earth is this?" he thought to himself, and felt a lump in his throat as he drew closer to the mysterious object which had seemingly come out of the sky.


"Donny... what... what happened?" his mother whispered from the battered floor. Sensing something was wrong, she got up, however hazy she was feeling, and squinted at the room through her aged eyes. "Where is your fath-" she had begun to ask, but then it was clear. There was no mistaking the severed body parts and deep-red blood on what was left of the walls. "N... no... NO! WHAT HAPPENED?!" she cried out. Victoria. A strong woman. This was not the first death in her family, but to have her husband... the man she had loved since her childhood days, died without warning, without any expectation that this would be his last hour, was beyond her comprehension. "This is not real, this is not real." she chanted to herself, "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm..." and she fainted. All this time, Donnydarkox18 was unable to speak. In utter shock of what just happened. And yet... what HAD happened? Had this mysterious ball come from nowhere? No. That was impossible. He must investigate.




Turning away from his mother's unconscious body on the floor, he turned back to the crimson object. Making not a sound as he walked towards it, he turned his head as if trying to see what lay on the other side of this... thing. It started to glow. Emanating a bright red light in a mesmerizing pulse. He stared at it for a few minutes. What was this made of? He had seen this element somewhere... yes... yes, that was it! He took off his left boot and compared it to the large ball laying silent and still on the tiled floor. Dragon. But why a ball of dragon? Was this some kind of giant's sling pebble? Perhaps a cannonball? He dismissed the idea. Cannonballs were made out of coal and iron! And besides, dragon was un-smithable. Un-malleable.




Tears forming in his eyes now. The truth had finally hit him. His father had been killed by an unknown object. Without warning. This was Varrock! Where were the guards? Where were the impenetrable walls that surrounded his city and home? All he could do is stand and stare into the night. The air was cold and the wind still. He could hear birds singing as though nothing had happened. But what did they care?


And then he heard something. A low clang of metal hitting metal. Turning his head sharply to his left, from where he was sure he had heard the sound. The wide-eyed Donnydarkox18 could do nothing but stand still - paralyzed by what he saw - a gigantic cannon. 20 feet tall and about the same length at its width. A red glow could be seen from the belly of the machine, and before he could even think of turning, the ball of death, fear, and pure destruction came blazing at him from across the plain. And then blackness. The mystery of dragon metal, it seems, had been unlocked.[/hide]




Likeh mah storie?


JaGEx is going to get lazy if you keep writing the backgrounds for their game-changing updates. :D


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I loved the quest but I feel it should have been a bit harder. It only took me 4-5 hours and that was without a quest guide. They should have made it a multi-part quest in which each of 3 or 4 parts took as long as this quest did and some parts were even harder and required more epic fights. That is when they could truly label this THE Grandmaster quest.



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lets see it taco. go do the quest son! nice story btw. it could use a little more work though =P.




What do you mean nice story? do you even know what everquest is? I remember being on call for my guild to do the cleric epic, we had to get up at 3 am to slay a dragon that only spawned once a week and like 15 guilds all had people camped in the zone waiting for it to spawn. This game (questwise) is a joke, its wicked easy. IF you think the new runescape quest an example of a hard quest you are a mmorpg noob.

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For Saradomin part: Dragon Kiteshield. Makes sense, Saradomin is about defense, shields are well...about defense.




For Zamorak part: Its obviously going to be a weapon if Jagex follows this pattern. Maybe a Dragon Pickaxe (well overdue) or maybe a Dragon Warhammer. Man...imagine the special of the Warhammer.

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A small RuneScape family, having a quiet, simple dinner whilst talking about the day's activities...


"Donnydarkox18," a soft voice called, "why aren't you eating your vegetables?"


Glancing up at his mother, he replied in a crackled voice, "I ate a... kebbit..." the boy winced as he spoke, "very [bleep]y."


"Well," his father turned to him now, "drink this ol' bottle of rum and you'll be fi-" CRASH! A streak of red, as dark as hell yet glowing with the light of a thousand candlesticks obliterated the living room wall. His mother shrieked, and Donnydarkox18 pulled her out of the way as the shining red - yet somehow, not fiery - whizzed past and tore his father into shreds.


"DAD!" he cried out, but there was no reply. The walls were ridden with the blood of his kin, and in the midst of the previously well-furnished room was a crimson sphere. he etched forward to take a closer look. Curious, yet angered by the sudden loss of his father. "What on earth is this?" he thought to himself, and felt a lump in his throat as he drew closer to the mysterious object which had seemingly come out of the sky.


"Donny... what... what happened?" his mother whispered from the battered floor. Sensing something was wrong, she got up, however hazy she was feeling, and squinted at the room through her aged eyes. "Where is your fath-" she had begun to ask, but then it was clear. There was no mistaking the severed body parts and deep-red blood on what was left of the walls. "N... no... NO! WHAT HAPPENED?!" she cried out. Victoria. A strong woman. This was not the first death in her family, but to have her husband... the man she had loved since her childhood days, died without warning, without any expectation that this would be his last hour, was beyond her comprehension. "This is not real, this is not real." she chanted to herself, "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm..." and she fainted. All this time, Donnydarkox18 was unable to speak. In utter shock of what just happened. And yet... what HAD happened? Had this mysterious ball come from nowhere? No. That was impossible. He must investigate.




Turning away from his mother's unconscious body on the floor, he turned back to the crimson object. Making not a sound as he walked towards it, he turned his head as if trying to see what lay on the other side of this... thing. It started to glow. Emanating a bright red light in a mesmerizing pulse. He stared at it for a few minutes. What was this made of? He had seen this element somewhere... yes... yes, that was it! He took off his left boot and compared it to the large ball laying silent and still on the tiled floor. Dragon. But why a ball of dragon? Was this some kind of giant's sling pebble? Perhaps a cannonball? He dismissed the idea. Cannonballs were made out of coal and iron! And besides, dragon was un-smithable. Un-malleable.




Tears forming in his eyes now. The truth had finally hit him. His father had been killed by an unknown object. Without warning. This was Varrock! Where were the guards? Where were the impenetrable walls that surrounded his city and home? All he could do is stand and stare into the night. The air was cold and the wind still. He could hear birds singing as though nothing had happened. But what did they care?


And then he heard something. A low clang of metal hitting metal. Turning his head sharply to his left, from where he was sure he had heard the sound. The wide-eyed Donnydarkox18 could do nothing but stand still - paralyzed by what he saw - a gigantic cannon. 20 feet tall and about the same length at its width. A red glow could be seen from the belly of the machine, and before he could even think of turning, the ball of death, fear, and pure destruction came blazing at him from across the plain. And then blackness. The mystery of dragon metal, it seems, had been unlocked.




Likeh mah storie?


rofl :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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We also have yet to see:




Dragon Shortsword


Dragon Crossbow w/ Dragon (metal) bolts


Dragon Warhammer




I believe those are the only 3 left...




Either way, I'm looking forward to the dragon c'bow :)


Dragon Javelins, Thrownaxes, Knives, Pickaxes, Kiteshields...




...Cannonballs? :S


Well Quickchat says you "I am smithing: rune cannonballs." :twss: never know :P


A small RuneScape family, having a quiet, simple dinner whilst talking about the day's activities...


"Donnydarkox18," a soft voice called, "why aren't you eating your vegetables?"


Glancing up at his mother, he replied in a crackled voice, "I ate a... kebbit..." the boy winced as he spoke, "very [bleep]y."


"Well," his father turned to him now, "drink this ol' bottle of rum and you'll be fi-" CRASH! A streak of red, as dark as hell yet glowing with the light of a thousand candlesticks obliterated the living room wall. His mother shrieked, and Donnydarkox18 pulled her out of the way as the shining red - yet somehow, not fiery - whizzed past and tore his father into shreds.


"DAD!" he cried out, but there was no reply. The walls were ridden with the blood of his kin, and in the midst of the previously well-furnished room was a crimson sphere. he etched forward to take a closer look. Curious, yet angered by the sudden loss of his father. "What on earth is this?" he thought to himself, and felt a lump in his throat as he drew closer to the mysterious object which had seemingly come out of the sky.


"Donny... what... what happened?" his mother whispered from the battered floor. Sensing something was wrong, she got up, however hazy she was feeling, and squinted at the room through her aged eyes. "Where is your fath-" she had begun to ask, but then it was clear. There was no mistaking the severed body parts and deep-red blood on what was left of the walls. "N... no... NO! WHAT HAPPENED?!" she cried out. Victoria. A strong woman. This was not the first death in her family, but to have her husband... the man she had loved since her childhood days, died without warning, without any expectation that this would be his last hour, was beyond her comprehension. "This is not real, this is not real." she chanted to herself, "I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm..." and she fainted. All this time, Donnydarkox18 was unable to speak. In utter shock of what just happened. And yet... what HAD happened? Had this mysterious ball come from nowhere? No. That was impossible. He must investigate.




Turning away from his mother's unconscious body on the floor, he turned back to the crimson object. Making not a sound as he walked towards it, he turned his head as if trying to see what lay on the other side of this... thing. It started to glow. Emanating a bright red light in a mesmerizing pulse. He stared at it for a few minutes. What was this made of? He had seen this element somewhere... yes... yes, that was it! He took off his left boot and compared it to the large ball laying silent and still on the tiled floor. Dragon. But why a ball of dragon? Was this some kind of giant's sling pebble? Perhaps a cannonball? He dismissed the idea. Cannonballs were made out of coal and iron! And besides, dragon was un-smithable. Un-malleable.




Tears forming in his eyes now. The truth had finally hit him. His father had been killed by an unknown object. Without warning. This was Varrock! Where were the guards? Where were the impenetrable walls that surrounded his city and home? All he could do is stand and stare into the night. The air was cold and the wind still. He could hear birds singing as though nothing had happened. But what did they care?


And then he heard something. A low clang of metal hitting metal. Turning his head sharply to his left, from where he was sure he had heard the sound. The wide-eyed Donnydarkox18 could do nothing but stand still - paralyzed by what he saw - a gigantic cannon. 20 feet tall and about the same length at its width. A red glow could be seen from the belly of the machine, and before he could even think of turning, the ball of death, fear, and pure destruction came blazing at him from across the plain. And then blackness. The mystery of dragon metal, it seems, had been unlocked.




Likeh mah storie?






Welll exept this is runescape and his father would just wake up in lumbrige.... AHAHAHAH I really don't want dragon cannon balls. why would you they would be a godly price. I would rather have a dragon kite. Or pickaxe.

Yeah I can't spell get over it!


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