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The Inauguration of Barrack Obama: So Annoying



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I'm not a hobbit, you know?


I have my doubts about that, actually.




Barrack Obama may be the first African American president, but the media treats him like a messiah.


After Bush? He damned well better be.


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One thing I hate; is how people in my class are like "finally, someone who represents people like us!" Sorry hon, he doesn't. He's a very rich man, born from a nice family, and is way better off then you'll ever be.


People say that every election. What short memories we have.




MMMCanabalism, do you watch Fox a lot? Because they're pretty fair, while yes, they're still biased, have you ever seen MsNBC and their Anti-McCain monologs?


Haha, Fox news fair? Classic.

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Obama: Upperclass will pay more taxes to stabilize the economy. > isnt this communism the very thing we have been trying to stop for a long long time. I mean sure they pay a little bit but obama wants it to be 60%. that i find is too extreme.




Learn what communism is. From my understanding, it is essentially anarchism combined with socialism. No government, but instead of a free-for-all look out for Number 1 mindset, it is the exact opposite mindset, work towards the common good. The only reason it doesn't work is because of greed and people being lazy.




Socialism is giving the government power to balance the classes, as Obama plans to do. Universal Free Health Care, for instance, is a socialist idea. Every pays higher taxes, but everyone receives free healthcare. I think it is safe to say that any public service you do not pay for individually stems from a socialist idea.




Oh, and explain to me how 60% is so big of a deal for the extremely wealthy. I'm talking about the people on the degree of Bill Gates, the ones whose money is either being put towards gaining more money, or sitting in banks. People like Bill Gates are estimated to be worth something like $30-60 billion. Explain to me how anyone needs more than $1 billion to live extremely comfortable for the rest of their life. Assuming you reach that wealth by the age of 40-50, you have about 50 years to spend that money. $20 million each year is a budget I wouldn't be surprised to find that some cities work with.






Now to Obama. I think it has been said before on this forum, America would not accept another Republican after Bush (I agree with Barihawk that George Bush was not a horrible, horrible president, he wasn't exactly given the best of circumstances). That is why I find Obama particularly interesting. He will be compared to Bush greatly, meaning that, to most of America who have forgotten everything that came before Bush, Obama is going to do great no matter what. Since I haven't actually investigated much into Obama as a person, nor can I judge a good president, I do still think that Obama will be an average president - considered great by anyone comparing him to the results of Bush's administration. I like Obama's policies, mainly because I am more of a socialist than anything else. I also think that he is rolling with popular opinion a bit too much. Stop the war, free health care, whatever society deems bad, it almost seems that he does too. Or that could just be his campaign.




Either way I like his socialist side.

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Its good. Its much more than the first black president; 2 generations ago his direct relatives were basically tribal and completely third world, now he is the most powerful man in the world.




To me the progress in lessening the social stratification and the poverty gap is more important than anything ethnicity related.

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Its good. Its much more than the first black president; 2 generations ago his direct relatives were basically tribal and completely third world, now he is the most powerful man in the world.




To me the progress in lessening the social stratification and the poverty gap is more important than anything ethnicity related.


Most powerful? Psh! If the judicial branch looked hard enough they could find something he did that's deemed unconstitutional and have him impeached like that...

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Sadly we all have to live with it. Here is how the media thinks: "Hmm things we can talk about to get viewers... 9/11, too old... the civil war, way too old... secret plans to take over the world, not ready... Barrack Obama, great! and keep mentioning the fact that he is black, the American public likes to be reminded of that, and we can show what racists we really are."

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What we are seeing is a manifestation of the Cult of Personality phenomenon to a degree not seen since Camelot & JFK.




I personally believe that the Obaminator will personally rescue the American economy from its present state of lethargy.




I saw that even CBS News is pitching a DVD of exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and interviews.




Capitalism roars on. :P

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But yea, LordJake is right, most people just use it as a marketing tool, and tbh, it's a great idea. My friend got tickets to the inauguration; and he gave em away for free cuz he ddin't want to go, because, well, Obama is no different from anbyone else. His skin doesn't make him special, although yes, it's a great feat for a Black Prez to be elected. I'm praying he doesn't get assassinated, that'd be awful.




One thing I hate; is how people in my class are like "finally, someone who represents people like us!" Sorry hon, he doesn't. He's a very rich man, born from a nice family, and is way better off then you'll ever be.



You contradicted yourself.


You say Obama is no different from anyone else, but that he also doesn't represent the people in your class.




Obama is different from everyone else, mostly because he will be (is) the president of the USA. He is a well-spoken, intelligent, inspiring politician that is rarely seen. You may not agree with anything he says, but you can't debate that.


But his childhood was rather representative of today. His family wasn't wealthy. His parents were divorced. He worked his way through college.


That's what your classmates may have been referring to.






Sorry, I meant no different from any other president; lol. And well, he sure is rich now.

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Personally, I find it fascinating and incredible. Judging by the crowds gathering and the responses of many people who were otherwise disillusioned for years by the American government, I think he's got a lot of people behind him.




It's also a hugely momentous day in history, so a little hype can be forgiven. If you're "annoyed" by a few too many media stories then you don't have to watch them. But your annoyance is meaningless compared to the suffering of millions of African-Americans throughout history who have finally managed to elect one of their own to the highest office in the world. I find it staggering that your complacence would deny this moment from the media for any other story.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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I'm just curious as to how much this inauguration costs.






Pretty sure it will be over one hundred million USD.




I wouldn't be surprised it it went over five. Then again the government has always insisted on spending money to make it. I would have liked to see a scaled down celebration in light of the economic situation, but more than likely all the vendors will be solar-powered (at greater expense) in order to be "green." If that's the case I may just hurt something.





Haha, Fox news fair? Classic.




Haha, any news/media source other than AP fair? Classic. God forbid one network have a differing bias than six flavors of CNN, three of NBC, and 60 Minutes.


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Speaking of money, probably one of the most interesting things to show how much Obama is adored at the moment is the amount of merchandise being sold. It turns a massive profit, apparently.




I can't help but get a feeling that he'll never rise up to the massive expectations being placed on him right now. I hope he does a great job for everyone's sake, but I'm not buying into the hype just yet.

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He's made a page in history and a difference in humanities around the entire globe... In case you didn't know THAT'S KIND OF A BIG DEAL!! :wall:




Have a cup of stfu and watch some cartoons or something.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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He's made a page in history and a difference in humanities around the entire globe... In case you didn't know THAT'S KIND OF A BIG DEAL!! :wall:




Have a cup of stfu and watch some cartoons or something.


Which is our problem. We're still looking at his skin color! By referring to him as our first black president it isn't an advancement in civil rights it's leaving it just the same! When you look past the skin color we're all the same.

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Personally, and as a Canadian, the only huge part of this I see is the potential change from the Bush team in office. I could care less whether is black, pink, polka dot, or w/e, the fact remains that he himself represents change (Whether for good or bad is disputable).


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He's made a page in history and a difference in humanities around the entire globe... In case you didn't know THAT'S KIND OF A BIG DEAL!! :wall:




Have a cup of stfu and watch some cartoons or something.


Which is our problem. We're still looking at his skin color! By referring to him as our first black president it isn't an advancement in civil rights it's leaving it just the same! When you look past the skin color we're all the same.




What is your point Riku? If we're all the same then It's about time that message spread globally and sunk in. If that the case, he is STILL making a difference in humanities. So, there should be no problem at all. Plenty of cups to go 'round!



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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He's made a page in history and a difference in humanities around the entire globe... In case you didn't know THAT'S KIND OF A BIG DEAL!! :wall:




Have a cup of stfu and watch some cartoons or something.


Which is our problem. We're still looking at his skin color! By referring to him as our first black president it isn't an advancement in civil rights it's leaving it just the same! When you look past the skin color we're all the same.




What is your point Riku? If we're all the same then It's about time that message spread globally and sunk in. If that the case, he is STILL making a difference in humanities. So, there should be no problem at all. Plenty of cups to go 'round!


Because we're referring to him as the first black president rather than the 44th president. That message isn't going to sink in if Obama is treated differently than the last 43 presidents.

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No. It sinks in to people who read it as the first black president. Even though people continually concentrate on his skin colour, doesn't mean there aren't people reading the article, capable of thinking critically. This debate as an example has probably changed opinions. And if Obama was not president, then would you have changed that person's opinion today? Probably not. Would people be thinking critically? Probably but most likely, not as many. However you choose to view it, humanities are changing and it is a big deal. Instead of being anti whatever (by complaining about it) why don't you choose to view it as being pro equal. That change begins silently within yourself. A critical mass of invisible numbers. Not being on here, contributing to debates lol If people choose to view it the way you are arguing against, that doesn't change the fact that people all over the world are thinking critically and making a change within themselves and teaching their generations. That's how every main concept developed... By critical mass.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I don't think we should look past his skin colour, to do so would be denying the pride millions of African-Americans have for him. Yes, in a perfect world it shouldn't be an issue. But life isn't perfect, and so we need to look at this man for what he represents, which is a huge step forward for black people.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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What he represents is different to many individuals :D Although, I agree it is a huge step forward for black people.



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Its good. Its much more than the first black president; 2 generations ago his direct relatives were basically tribal and completely third world, now he is the most powerful man in the world.


Kenyan =/= Tribal. Kenyans is somewhat developed, as far as African nations go.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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