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The Inauguration of Barrack Obama: So Annoying



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Sorry boys, Obama is our 44th president. You know, he's been saying all along about change in America. He's our new president and messiah and lets see what kind of pocket change he's gonna bring out. On a serious note, congrats to Obama. I hope he succeeds as our president and not screw up big. Anyway, now that Obama is president, looks like we're gonna have to put up with the worshippers (people who dedicate their life to Obama) since its already been a couple months since he was president-elect and it is already driving me nuts.




Btw, did anyone see Bush (including Laura Bush) getting booed by the crowd when they were leaving? Pretty rude imo.


More rude than a shoe throw?




Well, if all 2 million of the supporters threw their shoes. Then yes.


But no anyway.


getting booed by x people > one shoe throw.




(just wrote some random tasty spam because i felt like it) :twss:

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Sorry boys, Obama is our 44th president. You know, he's been saying all along about change in America. He's our new president and messiah and lets see what kind of pocket change he's gonna bring out. On a serious note, congrats to Obama. I hope he succeeds as our president and not screw up big. Anyway, now that Obama is president, looks like we're gonna have to put up with the worshippers (people who dedicate their life to Obama) since its already been a couple months since he was president-elect and it is already driving me nuts.




Btw, did anyone see Bush (including Laura Bush) getting booed by the crowd when they were leaving? Pretty rude imo.


More rude than a shoe throw?




Well, if all 2 million of the supporters threw their shoes. Then yes.


But no anyway.


getting booed by x people > one shoe throw.




(just wrote some random tasty spam because i felt like it) :twss:




If the shoe had hit, that might have been a different matter ::'




Anywho, I took the time to watch the inauguration, I'm just hoping that when I'm older I'll be able to say to my kids or young people that I saw Obama become president... the man who actually changed America. Or something like that. More likely it'll just end up like any other presidency but I'm trying to be optimistic :thumbsup:


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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The media has blown it out of proportion. The president's identity, family, history, and appearance are not important.


What is important for everyone is how he deals with the crises of the day when he's sitting at that really nice desk, instead of the irrelevant symbolism that has splurged through our TV screens. I'm interested in what he's doing now, but I changed channels if anything came up about Obama/McCain/Hillary/The election before he was inaugurated. Kudos to him, but I want to listen to a president doing what a president is supposed to do.

~ W ~



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The media has blown it out of proportion. The president's identity, family, history, and appearance are not important.


What is important for everyone is how he deals with the crises of the day when he's sitting at that really nice desk, instead of the irrelevant symbolism that has splurged through our TV screens. I'm interested in what he's doing now, but I changed channels if anything came up about Obama/McCain/Hillary/The election before he was inaugurated. Kudos to him, but I want to listen to a president doing what a president is supposed to do.




Got you covered:




Obama called the leaders of Egypt, Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority this morning, and Robert Gibbs released a statement saying POTUS called for establishing an effective anti-smuggling regime to prevent Hamas from rearming, and facilitating in partnership with the Palestinian Authority a major reconstruction effort for Palestinians in Gaza.








He is preventing the strengthening and arming of Hamas, while encouraging Fatah to work with them---while having diplomatic talks with Hamas as the legitimate Palestinian government.

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Obama's first Presidential order: Ending Guantanamo Bay.




"Obama suspends prosecutions at Gitmo for 120 days...."--Breaking on CNN.




It's happening already, friends. He is not [bleep]ing around.


My history teacher asked us yesterday what we thought Obama was going to do first. Looks like my friend was right.


It's great that he's getting right to work. I mean, no really, the country isn't going to magically change in a few hours, but so far so good. :thumbup:


About Bush...I was surprised, a lot of people actually clapped for him (Where I was...), though we all laughed when the camera switched to a shot of him, and he looked to be dozing off with a scowl.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Now that Obama's prez, when is the economy gonna float back up. Even people here in Canada have been facing lay offs.




When the american congress realizes printing bills =/= helping the economy


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Now that Obama's prez, when is the economy gonna float back up. Even people here in Canada have been facing lay offs.




When the american congress realizes printing bills =/= helping the economy




*sigh* Austrian "economists" and Ron Paul advocates are seriously getting on my nerves. Sorry, I'm not referring to you specifically as either of those things, but the way you put it is simple minded thinking, and quite far from the truth.




People need to realize that a little inflation is a GREAT and HEALTHY thing for the economy, and the Federal Reserve isn't some giant bank cartel out to seize the Earth and enslave humanity. Inflation keeps the economy going, and without it, credit lines dry up and the economy freezes. Now, large amounts of inflation are detrimental, but the rates that the Fed sets are around 1-2 percent; perfectly healthy and normal.




Putting the money in the hands of the government over the people, in this instance, is well needed and the only way to get out of this mess. People will save their money, and not spend it. If we keep the government from making wasteful expenditures, while investing in infrastructure that will pay off in the long road ahead, it could be enough to build confidence among the public to spend, and for investors to invest.




I wish the Republicans would let us take out a lot of those tax cuts in the stimulus, and put more towards infrastructure, but we shall see what the Senate does.

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*sigh* Austrian "economists" and Ron Paul advocates are seriously getting on my nerves. Sorry, I'm not referring to you specifically as either of those things, but the way you put it is simple minded thinking, and quite far from the truth.




People need to realize that a little inflation is a GREAT and HEALTHY thing for the economy, and the Federal Reserve isn't some giant bank cartel out to seize the Earth and enslave humanity. Inflation keeps the economy going, and without it, credit lines dry up and the economy freezes. Now, large amounts of inflation are detrimental, but the rates that the Fed sets are around 1-2 percent; perfectly healthy and normal.




Putting the money in the hands of the government over the people, in this instance, is well needed and the only way to get out of this mess. People will save their money, and not spend it. If we keep the government from making wasteful expenditures, while investing in infrastructure that will pay off in the long road ahead, it could be enough to build confidence among the public to spend, and for investors to invest.




Im not referring to the printing of money as evil, the excess of printing is the problem. We have been pouring money into the economy to regain faith in the system. Every time we make a new stimulus it makes the government look desperate and makes people actually lose faith in both the government and the money, which leads to a drop in the markets and the need for more stimulus.




One nice thing about Obama is that he actually makes people believe in him so its possible he could back stimuli and gain support that they would work. Im hoping the government can get the economy going, but Im fed up with them just throwing money into a fire and not trying to reduce spending. Obviously, if we are already in debt, we should be trying to reduce our expenditures everywhere that is not critical(I think some stimulus is a good idea, the point is where we arent trying to fix things with stimulus we should try to save money. Im not an expert at economics obviously, yet I dont think anyone would disagree trying to improve efficiency is good.




edit--the reason that post was simple is because I was trying to sum it up in one line, hard to get very in depth with one sentence.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Plus, Im Canadian. (and live in canada)
I don't know why, but I find that hilarious. I'm siggyificateraming it.




I saying that I was born in Canada, and didn't move later in life.

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*sigh* Austrian "economists" and Ron Paul advocates are seriously getting on my nerves. Sorry, I'm not referring to you specifically as either of those things, but the way you put it is simple minded thinking, and quite far from the truth.


I haven't heard any serious Austrian (die hard free market people) commentary this recession. Not anything coming from anyone of serious intellect anways.




People need to realize that a little inflation is a GREAT and HEALTHY thing for the economy, and the Federal Reserve isn't some giant bank cartel out to seize the Earth and enslave humanity. Inflation keeps the economy going, and without it, credit lines dry up and the economy freezes. Now, large amounts of inflation are detrimental, but the rates that the Fed sets are around 1-2 percent; perfectly healthy and normal.


Where did you get the idea inflation is healthy or great? Tolerable and not very detrimental at natural rates, but not healthy. Also, the current NAIRU (Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment, or natural rate of inflation) is currently around 4% not 1-2.




Putting the money in the hands of the government over the people, in this instance, is well needed and the only way to get out of this mess. People will save their money, and not spend it. If we keep the government from making wasteful expenditures, while investing in infrastructure that will pay off in the long road ahead, it could be enough to build confidence among the public to spend, and for investors to invest.


A good report on the current Obama stimulus plan: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 49_pf.html




There has been a good amount of critism as well on the small impact the infrastructure part of the plan will make on the unemployment rate. Honestly, it's not a great plan. I think Obama is trying to hard to appease, but I recognize many republicans aren't too excited stimulus spending. Politics helps make the economy go down.




I wish the Republicans would let us take out a lot of those tax cuts in the stimulus, and put more towards infrastructure, but we shall see what the Senate does.


I've read some conflicting views on tax cuts. Some argue it has a multiplier much higher than infrastructure, while others claim the opposite. I think some temporary tax cuts (rebates probably) for lower income (they spend the most) people could provide a boost. Hopefully, they will extend unemployment benefits as well.






Im not referring to the printing of money as evil, the excess of printing is the problem. We have been pouring money into the economy to regain faith in the system. Every time we make a new stimulus it makes the government look desperate and makes people actually lose faith in both the government and the money, which leads to a drop in the markets and the need for more stimulus.


The problem is that banks are still holding their money instead of lending. The pouring of money into the financial instituitions has helped, but not as much as we would have liked and now Congress is nervous over letting the other half of the bailout go. The credit markets are thawing, just very slowly.




One nice thing about Obama is that he actually makes people believe in him so its possible he could back stimuli and gain support that they would work. Im hoping the government can get the economy going, but Im fed up with them just throwing money into a fire and not trying to reduce spending. Obviously, if we are already in debt, we should be trying to reduce our expenditures everywhere that is not critical(I think some stimulus is a good idea, the point is where we arent trying to fix things with stimulus we should try to save money. Im not an expert at economics obviously, yet I dont think anyone would disagree trying to improve efficiency is good.


Consumer/business confidence does help, but the economy needs that money avoid a deeper recession. Some estimates put the unemployment rate going up to 11% without government fiscal spending. Reduced spending is what caused the recession in 1937 when FDR thought he'd balance the budget after the depression. Note, that was in a period of expansion too. In short, deficit spending (not reducing spending) is OK during a recession.

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I haven't heard any serious Austrian (die hard free market people) commentary this recession. Not anything coming from anyone of serious intellect anways.




Lol, have you ever heard anyone with a serious intellect comment on anything related to the economy that comes from this background of economics? Anyway, they've just been swarming the internet ever since the "Revolution" of Ron Paul started up.






Where did you get the idea inflation is healthy or great? Tolerable and not very detrimental at natural rates, but not healthy. Also, the current NAIRU (Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment, or natural rate of inflation) is currently around 4% not 1-2.




I didn't say the rate that it currently was, I said it's the rate that the Fed typically sets. It could be lower, it could be higher; it's their goal inflationary rate. It is healthy because deflation is always detrimental. Unless you're God and could predict the exact amount of money needed to be added to compensate for the expanding economy every year, then inflation is a healthy aspect of a growing economy. We would have zero inflation if we could somehow do this, and everything would be perfect. We cannot do this, it is in fact not only impossible to gather said information, but if we could, the time taken to gather and then compute would take so long that we would be years behind in data. It is the same issue that causes communism to fail. Too much necessary information to obtain, absorb, and interpret.




There has been a good amount of critism as well on the small impact the infrastructure part of the plan will make on the unemployment rate. Honestly, it's not a great plan. I think Obama is trying to hard to appease, but I recognize many republicans aren't too excited stimulus spending. Politics helps make the economy go down.





Here's a good analysis of what I think he is doing:




http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2009/01/ ... ating.html




Obama is not an idiot, he certainly knows what must be done to this stimulus for it to actually have an impact. His economic team is beyond genius, so I'm not worried about that. I am worried that the Democrats won't grow a spine and simply give in to what Republicans want regarding this, but we shall see.




Krugman is dead on:




http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/12/opini ... ugman.html




I've read some conflicting views on tax cuts. Some argue it has a multiplier much higher than infrastructure, while others claim the opposite. I think some temporary tax cuts (rebates probably) for lower income (they spend the most) people could provide a boost. Hopefully, they will extend unemployment benefits as well.




If you could convince everyone to spend their money on certain things then perhaps it would do some good, but in times like these, people do not spend and they save every penny that they possibly can. Tax cuts don't really create that many jobs. The problem with infrastructure investment is that we don't necessarily have the projects roaring and ready to go ("shovel ready"). I still see investment in infrastructure as our best bet, it is by far the most sound investment that the government can make.

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Lol, have you ever heard anyone with a serious intellect comment on anything related to the economy that comes from this background of economics? Anyway, they've just been swarming the internet ever since the "Revolution" of Ron Paul started up.


True, I think most of them died out with the Great Depression (if only...)




I didn't say the rate that it currently was, I said it's the rate that the Fed typically sets. It could be lower, it could be higher; it's their goal inflationary rate. It is healthy because deflation is always detrimental. Unless you're God and could predict the exact amount of money needed to be added to compensate for the expanding economy every year, then inflation is a healthy aspect of a growing economy. We would have zero inflation if we could somehow do this, and everything would be perfect. We cannot do this, it is in fact not only impossible to gather said information, but if we could, the time taken to gather and then compute would take so long that we would be years behind in data. It is the same issue that causes communism to fail. Too much necessary information to obtain, absorb, and interpret.


That doesn't make it healthy. Both deflation and inflation are bad, deflation is just worse. Stabilization was a policy they had during Truman I think. They could get the inflation rate quite low, but then unemployment would go up (Philip's curve). So yeah, we just have to deal with small inflation that really doesn't hurt us all that much.




Here's a good analysis of what I think he is doing:




http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2009/01/ ... ating.html




Obama is not an idiot, he certainly knows what must be done to this stimulus for it to actually have an impact. His economic team is beyond genius, so I'm not worried about that. I am worried that the Democrats won't grow a spine and simply give in to what Republicans want regarding this, but we shall see.




Krugman is dead on:




http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/12/opini ... ugman.html


I definitely believe wholeheartedly in Obama's team. I also agree with Krugman in that article and the past 4 or so others (over the last couple of months) that repeat that exact same thing. However, I don't think Republicans are going to agree on that. Inevitably, there has to be some compromise. There are tax cuts that could be done that aren't based dimly in supply-side club houses.




If you could convince everyone to spend their money on certain things then perhaps it would do some good, but in times like these, people do not spend and they save every penny that they possibly can. Tax cuts don't really create that many jobs. The problem with infrastructure investment is that we don't necessarily have the projects roaring and ready to go ("shovel ready"). I still see investment in infrastructure as our best bet, it is by far the most sound investment that the government can make.


The poor can't really save when they have debt to pay and food to buy. I forget where I read it, but I think federal money given to states could help substantionally. Krugman wrote a short blog post on it called "50 Hoovers", referencing that states are cutting their spending in order to balance their budgets during a time when they need to be spending. However, that's just another thing for Congress to take their time deciding.




Also on the issue of time and decisions (kind of long and conservative, but interesting):


http://www.becker-posner-blog.com/archi ... ure_1.html

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I haven't read most of it, but i'm just honestly sick of him making speeches because hes not gonna be able to do what he says. Honestly he needs to shut up and get going with some SMART CHOICES!




Nice. :roll:


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Hello friend, Senajitkaushik was epic, Good luck bro.

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I haven't read most of it, but i'm just honestly sick of him making speeches because hes not gonna be able to do what he says. Honestly he needs to shut up and get going with some SMART CHOICES!




The problem is, he's not getting going with "smart choices". He is instead going to bring change in America. What that change is, we'll find out.



We should euthanize anyone who lacks the capability to contribute to society in any way.

Please don't elect this man for president in 2012

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I haven't read most of it, but i'm just honestly sick of him making speeches because hes not gonna be able to do what he says. Honestly he needs to shut up and get going with some SMART CHOICES!




The problem is, he's not getting going with "smart choices". He is instead going to bring change in America. What that change is, we'll find out.




Actually, thats something I like though for a different reason then most people(i think).




One of the best qualities in a leader is to be frank (ballsiness), honestly most great leaders have been bold men. Great leaders are also reasonable and other important qualities of course, but the fact Obama is getting straight to work on doing something shows he will lead. I disagree with him on a lot of policy, but if he avoids doing anything I find wrong and not just disagreeable the fact he is willing to do what is needed will make his presidency turn out pretty well.




Best example I can think of without thinking too much. Compare the civil war when Meclellen(spelling) was in charge to what happened when Grant was put in charge. One could disagree with Grant's tacticts that approached human wave attacks at times but the fact he would attack makes him the hero of the war.


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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I'm happy to admit that I was wrong about McCain winning. I honestly never thought Obama had a chance to win until McCain picked his VP.




I read that he's closing Gitmo within a year. Good start, but I hope it isn't just for show. I'll wait a year or until half his term passes before I make my judgement.




I think this is the future:






Oh god, the cheesiness of this :lol:

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I read that he's closing Gitmo within a year. Good start, but I hope it isn't just for show. I'll wait a year or until half his term passes before I make my judgement.




Oddly, Im also glad gitmo is closing. I hope they deal with it properly and just move the prisoners to military prisons in the US, while making sure they do get some form of trial and justice. Main reason I think closing it is a good idea is the bad reputation it has aquired, when something is making your country look bad it needs remedied in the appropriate manner(think, your hair makes you look bad you get it cut)


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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I haven't read most of it, but i'm just honestly sick of him making speeches because hes not gonna be able to do what he says. Honestly he needs to shut up and get going with some SMART CHOICES!




Erm, let's see. Here's a run down of what Obama did in his first day in office, never mind all of the SMART CHOICES he's made for his cabinet (you know, like Steven Chu who was probably my favorite cabinet choice, or Tom Daschle that will possibly bring UHC to America when he adopts some of Hillary's ideas about it, Tim Geithner was a great choice because of his knowledge in economics despite being fairly unknown, and many others):




The Obama administration has made it clear that the Guantanamo Bay detention camp will be closed within a year. Three executive orders are coming out tomorrow to facilitate this goal, where the executive orders will order the closing of the detention facility, establish new rules on interrogation methods, and new guidelines regarding the treatment of detainees. A military judge also granted Obama's request for a 120 day halt to the detainee trials such that they can review the legal process.




Obama has ordered the revoking of Executive Order 13233 and has ordered the end of the practice where others besides the president assert executive privilege in order to abstain from disclosing the administration's records. Executive Order 13233 was a notorious order, which earned the wrath of archivists, librarians, and historians, mainly because it limited access to the records of former presidents.




Obama's second Executive Order ordered a series of sweeping changes into how the executive branch conducts itself, which include ensuring that staff do not accept gifts from lobbyists, closing the "revolving door" that allows people to move from executive branch jobs to the private sector, or vice versa, which would allow the sector to have more influence on government, and ensuring that employers hire on the basis of qualifications, competence, etc. and not ideology or ideological connections.




These new executive orders created a pay freeze for his top 100 staff members who make over 100k. He said that public service is a privilege, and that all must make sacrifices in these times of need, and that public service is a way to help the people they represent, not to advance themselves financially. Neil Cavuto of Fox News reported that he thought Obama was silently trying to send a message to corporate america that they should follow suit. His interviewee said that Obama was setting an example, and was not implicating anything other than setting an example that the Feds were sensitive to the fact that Americans are hurting right now and that Obama was aware that the salaries were paid with taxpayer money, not private money like the salaries in corporations.




Obama is pressing forward with his commitment for a responsible withdrawal from Iraq and called for such in a meeting with his national security advisors. He will travel to the Pentagon soon in order to relay the same message to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.




Finally, Obama's phoned Palestinian and Israeli officials, telling them he was committed to a peace process for the Middle East. Some sources have said that Abbas was the first recipient of a call from the White House, if that means anything...






And you're telling me needs to do things?:




The Washington Post gave a final tally on W's vacations. 149 trips to Camp David- total of 487 days; 77 trips to the Crawford Ranch- total of 490 days, and 11 trips to Kennebunkport ME- total of 43 days. Total? 1,020 days of vacation, equals over 1/3 of his entire presidency. Almost 3 of 8 years away.

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The Washington Post gave a final tally on W's vacations. 149 trips to Camp David- total of 487 days; 77 trips to the Crawford Ranch- total of 490 days, and 11 trips to Kennebunkport ME- total of 43 days. Total? 1,020 days of vacation, equals over 1/3 of his entire presidency. Almost 3 of 8 years away.




To be fair, Camp David is a work retreat, and a lot of his time at Crawford was spent entertaining dignitaries. That's a really bad estimate of his vacation time.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I found this pretty cool, it'll be interesting to look at it again in a year or two.




Edit: another reddit link, http://www.davidbergman.net/blog/2009/01/22/how-i-made-a-1474-megapixel-photo-during-president-obamas-inaugural-address/, absolutely amazing shot.

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