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Little Boy Father At 13 (After DNA Test, Not The Father)


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I don't think she's that ugly, but then again, I'm not judge of beauty. I think she's an average looking girl...she needs to let her hair down though. Seriously.




As for the 'father' (lolwut?) I don't know. He should be lucky he's in a 1st world country.




My school? K, here's the cut.




Band Kids - horny little thumpa's who are pretty much like a sect.


Scene kids - Tight jeans, revealing clothes (on the guys, WHOOOOA!?) and some...crazy hairstyles. Laying each other for the fun of it.


Mexicans, hispanics, who all consider themselves to be gangster - Some of them are lying, some of them are telling the truth about what gangs they're in. You can't tell which. But they ... kind of grope each other in the hallways. It's a little weird.


Jocks - Stereotypical muscle-guys with walking meat-bags called 'girls' following them around.


Misc. - includes me, the gamers, the nerds, the kids who just don't like other people. We're good kids :D

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I forgot, they don't teach about protected sex in the Sex-Ed classes until age 14. \'




He'll likely have his first beer when his kid starts going to school. Thinking about that made me laugh a bit. I suppose it is entirely the decision of these children, but I believe that it isn't wise to have a family of your own until you can support them.. nevermind before you can drive to a job.




Well, I wish the best to the child.. make that all the children. :?




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But they gotta live with that situation.




But hey, is it illegal to have sex with a 16 year old boy when you are a 15 year old girl?






no, the ages vary by state but generally there is something like




age 12--cant have sex with anyone at/over 16, 12 with 15 is okay in the worst sense of the word




age 16--sex for anyone 13 and up(there may be a 21 or over limit anyone familiar?)




age 18--sex with anyone 16-infinity




You are wrong. Sorry to burst your bubble, but if the law says no sex under 16, it means that person can not have sex with anyone until they are 16. Thats the sort of bs that people think and leads to stupid events liek this! You need some sex ed mate...or find yourself in serious trouble in the near future!




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Great. Condom could of solved all of this.




Going by the appearance of the little guy, I doubt one would fit! :P


The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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Great. Condom could of solved all of this.




Going by the appearance of the little guy, I doubt one would fit! :P




Most chemists in the UK have "childrens" condoms. Stupid I know, but they're obligated to give condoms for FREE to anyone under the age of 16. All you have to do is walk in, and ask. Stating clearly that you're sexually active.




This is one of the reasons why so many people are blaming "the state", personally I think society and attitudes are to blame. :|




I feel sorry for the kid, no not the "parents", the child. When it grows up, school will be hell if the other kids know. :roll:

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But they gotta live with that situation.




But hey, is it illegal to have sex with a 16 year old boy when you are a 15 year old girl?






no, the ages vary by state but generally there is something like




age 12--cant have sex with anyone at/over 16, 12 with 15 is okay in the worst sense of the word




age 16--sex for anyone 13 and up(there may be a 21 or over limit anyone familiar?)




age 18--sex with anyone 16-infinity




You are wrong. Sorry to burst your bubble, but if the law says no sex under 16, it means that person can not have sex with anyone until they are 16. Thats the sort of bs that people think and leads to stupid events liek this! You need some sex ed mate...or find yourself in serious trouble in the near future!




In England, where this happened and where I live, as long as the female is 16 and consents, it is fine, so this should have been illegal.


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But they gotta live with that situation.




But hey, is it illegal to have sex with a 16 year old boy when you are a 15 year old girl?






no, the ages vary by state but generally there is something like




age 12--cant have sex with anyone at/over 16, 12 with 15 is okay in the worst sense of the word




age 16--sex for anyone 13 and up(there may be a 21 or over limit anyone familiar?)




age 18--sex with anyone 16-infinity




You are wrong. Sorry to burst your bubble, but if the law says no sex under 16, it means that person can not have sex with anyone until they are 16. Thats the sort of bs that people think and leads to stupid events liek this! You need some sex ed mate...or find yourself in serious trouble in the near future!




I need sex ed? Thats an interesting claim. How exactly does a possible error in knowledge of legal code equate? Also, each stats and country is going to have different laws, its generally either legal or never prosecuted if a 16 and 15 year old have sex.


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the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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We're not talking about other countries/stats. In the UK, it's illegal for ANYONE, to have sex under the age of 16. Not that it stops many people. :?




I think alot of people are starting to realise they aren't going to stop them.




Thats why free condoms are given out. Better to give them the means of protection than try to stop them.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Here's the article.




http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-storie ... -21132243/




Schoolboy dad Alfie Patten: Family pal claims 13-year-old is the victim of a money spinning con - Exclusive




Not much of a surprise.




How the [bleep] does she still have her kids?


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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Nicola Patten, 43, faces Eastbourne magistrates later this month, accused of failing to make Alfie go to school.




Ah. That explains... Everything.

But I don't want to go among mad people!

Oh, you can't help that. We're all mad here..."

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We're not talking about other countries/stats. In the UK, it's illegal for ANYONE, to have sex under the age of 16. Not that it stops many people. :?




Self-quoting myself for idiots in this thread.




In England, where this happened and where I live, as long as the female is 16 and consents, it is fine, so this should have been illegal.


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Great. Condom could of solved all of this.




Going by the appearance of the little guy, I doubt one would fit! :P




Most chemists in the UK have "childrens" condoms. Stupid I know, but they're obligated to give condoms for FREE to anyone under the age of 16. All you have to do is walk in, and ask. Stating clearly that you're sexually active.




This is one of the reasons why so many people are blaming "the state", personally I think society and attitudes are to blame. :|




I feel sorry for the kid, no not the "parents", the child. When it grows up, school will be hell if the other kids know. :roll:




That is terrible.




I did Paediatric Nursing at Uni (in the UK) and never heard anything about that! I haven't worked in the field since qualifying though so it may have been introduced in that period.




I understand the perceived need for such measures but IMO it is a big mistake. It sends out the wrong message and is just another sign of the spiritual and moral decline of society today.


The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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How can you say it sends out the wrong message?




If anything its telling them that they agree that they can't stop them, but they can provide protection.




Better than not providing protection at all, cause they'd do it anyway.


Not unless we teach them sex will get you diseases!




The only thing I learned in sex ed way back when was about STDs; that's it. Not really education, just fear mongering.

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Yeah, they don't give that much information about STDs to make it a genuine fear.




We got told about them and how they are transferred through sex, and thats pretty much it, so really, assuming you are at least 5 years older than me, it hasn't changed much.




I suppose the bonus is they don't actually tell you not to have sex, just to use protection.


Denizen of Darkness| PSN= sworddude198

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How can you say it sends out the wrong message?




If anything its telling them that they agree that they can't stop them, but they can provide protection.




Better than not providing protection at all, cause they'd do it anyway.




Instead of teaching youngsters about the responsibilities both emotionally and morally that come about from entering into a sexual relationship, sex education generally focuses on the physical aspect of sex; STDs, the Reproductive Systems and the act itself. Something that is IMO the most important activity that one can engage in reduced to diagrams on a piece of paper and scare tactics from teachers too scared (or unwilling) to bring matters of faith and/or spirituality into the discussion for fear of the political correctness brigade.




In conjunction with this, people of all ages are subjected to a huge amount of sexual images from the media and television. Programs objectifying either gender and trivialising sex (Sex and the City for example) have further bridged the gap of understanding of alot of the younger generations. This has seen a massive increase in recent years and only looks like getting worse.




Sexual education needs a more holistic approach, evidence of this is shown in the Netherlands where teen pregnancy rates are one (if not the) lowest in Europe. They have a very liberal attitude towards sex but their sexual education programs are forward thinking and far more engaging than those in England.




When people are better informed and have a more mature attitude towards sex, things like this tend to happen less. Statistical evidence for this can easily be found online, you need not take my word for it.




Telling someone they shouldn't have sex and then giving them free condoms won't change their attitude towards the act itself. The money spent subsidising all those free condoms is better spent elsewhere.






The stars are matter, we're matter, but it doesn't matter.

-Don Van Vliet

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