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Things that annoy the hell out of you


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Wait, Lenin, clarify a bit...


Would "x times a hundred" be fine?


That doesn't annoy me. But stuff like your example - Yes, oh yes. I'd prefer whacking them with my socks and then ripping their faces off though.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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I get the intense urge to leap across the room/table and rip the offender's face off with my socks.


Now that's an interesting prospect.




What really annoys me is how the girls in my school take what they can get. What I mean by that is that they go with guys that abuse them, push them around, are exceedingly stupid (Getting drunk every single weekend when they're just 14/15) but aren't "Nerds". All the "Nerds" I know (I.E. know a little bit about using a computer or playing WoW) actually think about things. And don't get any girls. They have no taste.


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Wait, Lenin, clarify a bit...


Would "x times a hundred" be fine?


That doesn't annoy me. But stuff like your example - Yes, oh yes. I'd prefer whacking them with my socks and then ripping their faces off though.




People who like to say "You times it by.." instead of "You multiply it by..."




"X times Y" is OK.




It's the way you use the verb. I *think* the first example is an active verb and the second is an inactive or passive verb. It's supposed to be used as a passive verb.




This also bothers me.




As well as the overuse of "um", "uh", and "like." I say "uh" the most, but I'm actively trying to cut back on the usage because it makes me sound like I'm babbling and don't know what I'm talking about.




Also, using "errr" when you're correcting yourself. "The answer was 345- errr- 346." Again, something I'm trying actively to stop doing.




Also, unnecessary use of "I was going to say..", or "I was about to say.." Most of the time when people use it, it is unnecessary.




Teabaggers in Halo. Also teammates in Halo who kill you because you either betrayed them by an obvious accident, took the weapon they were going after, or killed the person you were gonna kill. And teammates who kill you when you're about to get a flag capture so they can get the point. Aaand.. people in Grifball that complain excessively about betrayals.




There's more. But I'm done.


Retired Tip.It Mod || Admin and Founder of Caesar 3 Mod Squad! All are welcome!

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But I guess it's like me and my slight irritation towards people who pronounce "sine" as "sin".




you should hear how I say them lol




sine said right


cos said as cost without the t


tan said tan


csc said cosec


sec said like sex but with a c at the end


cot said like a cot you lay on


Orthodoxy is unconciousness

the only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

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Here's another one for the mispronunciation pool.




The word is ask, for christ's sake it's not aks!


Most of the time it sounds like they're saying "[wagon]," like "I just assed you a question."




Funny story, there was a Vietnamese kid with an accent in the 6th grade. There's also a kid named Jack. He said to the teacher "Jack asked me a question," but to the teacher, she just heard "Jackass" and sent him out of the room. :lol:


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Wait, Lenin, clarify a bit...


Would "x times a hundred" be fine?


That doesn't annoy me. But stuff like your example - Yes, oh yes. I'd prefer whacking them with my socks and then ripping their faces off though.




People who like to say "You times it by.." instead of "You multiply it by..."




"X times Y" is OK.


Yea, he's got it right. 6 times 100 is good, in fact it's better than 6 multiplied by 100. But saying "you find the percent by timesing [yes, people say timesing] the quotient by 100" is ridiculous.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Wait, Lenin, clarify a bit...


Would "x times a hundred" be fine?


That doesn't annoy me. But stuff like your example - Yes, oh yes. I'd prefer whacking them with my socks and then ripping their faces off though.




People who like to say "You times it by.." instead of "You multiply it by..."




"X times Y" is OK.


Yea, he's got it right. 6 times 100 is good, in fact it's better than 6 multiplied by 100. But saying "you find the percent by timesing [yes, people say timesing] the quotient by 100" is ridiculous.


Okay, that's what I thought. Still love you, then. ;)


I've been known to say "sine" as "see-nay". Whoops. Too much Latin.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Here's another one for the mispronunciation pool.




The word is ask, for christ's sake it's not aks!


...the word "beat" being pronounced "bait"








#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Here's another one for the mispronunciation pool.




The word is ask, for christ's sake it's not aks!


...the word "beat" being pronounced "bait"






While we're on this topic, I get annoyed by people who use "ganna" rather than "gonna." And even "gonna" annoys me a bit, "going to" barely takes any longer to type.


Unless you type at like 14 wpm.


(...Basically, if you don't talk/write/type like I do, you suck)


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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Here's another one for the mispronunciation pool.




The word is ask, for christ's sake it's not aks!


...the word "beat" being pronounced "bait"






While we're on this topic, I get annoyed by people who use "ganna" rather than "gonna." And even "gonna" annoys me a bit, "going to" barely takes any longer to type.


Unless you type at like 14 wpm.


(...Basically, if you don't talk/write/type like I do, you suck)




I hate those wannabe gangsters that say stuff such as...




"Immuna" instead of "I'm gonna" or "I'm going to"




"Hurtchoo" instead of "hurt you"




"Fiddy" instead of "fifty"





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People who say, You're a dirt, or you're such a dirt.


or saying people are dirts. It's just so stupid, it doesn't even make any sense.


Never heard that one. :?




How could you never have heard of it? You stupid dirt.




Jk, I've never heard it either.




On this topic, I hate anyone who learns a new word, and has to use it constantly from that moment on. I've known some people to say an entire sentence that's structured in a certain way that doesn't make sense JUST so they can say their new word.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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On this topic, I hate anyone who learns a new word, and has to use it constantly from that moment on. I've known some people to say an entire sentence that's structured in a certain way that doesn't make sense JUST so they can say their new word.


I had a problem with the word "beast" (like saying someone's a beast at football or something) about 2 years ago. Now I say it almost never.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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People who can't take it when anyone cusses. (people my age, not elderly people, I can respect that. )


Any kid that keeps 'over 9000'ing'.


People who invite themselves, people who brag.


Credits to Skully Sc for the signature.24picns.png

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When you got to pick your nose but have to refrain from it because you're in public place and then you spend the rest of your time being paranoid.


I had another one but I forgot it. I'll remember it though when it happens to me again.



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When you need to say/do something important, but the person you need to say/do it to interrupts you for a length of time such that you forget what it was you had to say/do.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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people who brag.




Oh [cabbage] yes! That kind of people annoys the hell out of me and it's worse when they brag about something they haven't even have/done.








Have I told you guys about the time I defeated Godzilla?






O.T. I hate people that when you talk to them, they look at you blankly, say "Yeah", and then talk about their topic without aknowledging what you said. In these cases 90% of the time they weren't paying attention to your words, and were just waiting for their chance to talk.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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people who brag.




Oh [cabbage] yes! That kind of people annoys the hell out of me and it's worse when they brag about something they haven't even have/done.








Have I told you guys about the time I defeated Godzilla?





That's good but I'm afraid it's not as good as when i defeated alone the entire Japanese forces during the battle of Wuthan along with the brutality of Paris Hilton.




Most people annoy the hell out of me. The human race consists mostly of idiots.




We share a similar ideology towards most of the human beings, but that being said, we also have to realize that there are such great humans out there, the problem is finding them, good luck on that.

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