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Dance Dance Revolution (DDR/DS)


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Surely I can't be the only person that plays these games?




It goes by the names DDR & Dance Dance Revolution in the States and Japan and Dancing Stage in UK and Europe. Basically there's four arrow slot things (up, down, left, right) and arrows move up. When the arrow reaches the slot you press (either on a control pad or with your foot on at mat) it. Simple. Its one of the earliest rhythm games and probably thanks to this you've got your Guitar Hero and Rockbands these days.




So I'm just wondering how many tifers out there either play these games (dancing or with finger power), or don't and why?








I first started playing about 9 years ago when Dancing Stage Party Edition came out for the PS1. My dad bought it and I just played that one game for about... 7 years. It doesn't help that I go on holiday to Pontins every year where there's an arcade with a DDR machine. It's only recently-ish I've got more games (then they break :( ) and started considering playing more difficult levels and stuff since I've always just been at a 4/5/6 foot-ish level. Now I'm playing Stepmania rather than the console games due to annoying circumstances but yeah.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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I can pass Max 300 Expert :thumbsup: Feet of course.




I <3: DDR




Edit: This is what Max 300 is. Not me playing.




My favorite DDr songs are Max 300, Xepher, Daikenkai, and a few others I can't remember because I haven't been to the arcade in a while.

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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I can pass Max 300 Expert :thumbsup: Feet of course.




I <3: DDR




Edit: This is what Max 300 is. Not me playing.




My favorite DDr songs are Max 300, Xepher, Daikenkai, and a few others I can't remember because I haven't been to the arcade in a while.




Max 300 is one of my fave songs too. I can only complete it on the standard/normal mode though. I'm nowhere near up to expert yet. :lol: It's still pretty tiring at that level though.




One problem I have with hard songs is with the half notes and stuff in streams I just can't see where I'm supposed to go next and I get all muddled and die. My feet can't just get used to little taps either, but I'm trying to learn :D .


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Remember, songs on harder difficulty have notes matching the rhythm of the song (Besides Xepher on Challenge :XD: ) so that's a good way to learn. Do you lean on the bar? That's my suggestion if you have trouble with losing where the arrows are on the floor...




And yeah, Max 300 is really tiring.

[Summoning guide (AOW)] [Slayer guide] [Melee & Brawl player]


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Remember, songs on harder difficulty have notes matching the rhythm of the song (Besides Xepher on Challenge :XD: ) so that's a good way to learn. Do you lean on the bar? That's my suggestion if you have trouble with losing where the arrows are on the floor...




And yeah, Max 300 is really tiring.




I did notice that yeah, it's still hard. :)




I don't usually use the bar since I'm often at home rather than an arcade. I have heard it makes a difference and helps with balance :)


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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A few years ago I was obsessed with DDR, had the home mat, played in the arcades, etc. My fave to play was Sakura on expert. :P Dunno what happened, just kinda went out of the phase. I don't play it anymore. :|


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I remember when my brother had the game.There would come a part you were obligated to turn mid step,I'd always over jump and screw up my streak.Or after ridiculous leg-spam,I'd fall over exhausted and notice I broke streak =(




Still,found so many great technos during that period.


so i herd u liek devarts?

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Amen, brother :lol:

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amen Bruder! (german ftw)

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That's impossible.


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I like In the Groove the best, I always do much better on that than DDR. I got kind of good at it last year, my friend taught a "class" in it, and it gave fitness credit. You can laugh, but when you get onto the hard songs, one after another, it is a workout.

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Never tried. Way too nervous. What if i fail and fall off or something? :(


Is it hard? :P


It can get stupidly hard, but thats on the stupidly hard levels. You can get songs that are so easy you're just yawning inbetween steps that come about once every 10 seconds or something. It can cater to any difficulty level really which is what makes it really awesome :D




I like In the Groove the best, I always do much better on that than DDR. I got kind of good at it last year, my friend taught a "class" in it, and it gave fitness credit. You can laugh, but when you get onto the hard songs, one after another, it is a workout.


I've read about it being used as an actual fitness thing. I was playing Stepmania with just my fingers the other day and I was honestly getting tired :shock: which kinda freaked me out. It's probably the only exercise besides Wii Fit I would ever do.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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I tried to play DDR at an arcade. I was terrible, so I walked off it while it was still running. Then, some asian guy went on it and did some nice moves.




Ostentatious asians. #-o (No offence to asians.)

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I tried in an arcade once. I failed so bad. Without a solid, clickable button to tell me that "yes, I did in fact hit it" I tried to hit the same stuff when I had already hit it.


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I love it so much. I have a hard time with the arcade ones, but the mat ones I can play on normal on most of the normal songs (Not the songs that are meant to be ridiculous even on easy). I don't thin I have touched it in a year though.


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It can get stupidly hard, but thats on the stupidly hard levels.


Damn straight.




Worst song ever by Konami, the steps don't even match the beat, and it's too hard to be done by a human leg. Seriously, this song is fail.




Jesus. #-o


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was into the whole DDR for the keyboard. I think it was called FFR = Flash Flash Revolution.


But dang, I think I'm going to invest in a usb dancemat and download some programs off the internet to play it on my computer :)


Stepmania is a game for the dancemat right? I read somewhere that people are programming it (or it may have been another game) to play popular songs that wouldn't have been released in game packs for gaming consoles.


I rather have that then dance to some songs I've never heard of :P



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I was into the whole DDR for the keyboard. I think it was called FFR = Flash Flash Revolution.


But dang, I think I'm going to invest in a usb dancemat and download some programs off the internet to play it on my computer :)


Stepmania is a game for the dancemat right? I read somewhere that people are programming it (or it may have been another game) to play popular songs that wouldn't have been released in game packs for gaming consoles.


I rather have that then dance to some songs I've never heard of :P




Yeah, Stepmania is pretty great once you get the hang of downloading songs for it ^_^




There's places you can get the Konami originals like the proper DDR games and there are loads of simfiles for just all songs :^_^:


I can give you some links if you like and that. Stepmania is good with the keyboard too until you get a dance mat (I've bought an adapter thing so I can use my Wii one for USB, I can't wait until it arrives =P~ ).




I tried putting Flash Flash Revolution on the internet browser for the wii then using the dance mat but it didn't work XD Shame really.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Ooh yeah, hit me up with some links.


I might as well try to get familiar with the program before ordering that dance mat.



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Ooh yeah, hit me up with some links.


I might as well try to get familiar with the program before ordering that dance mat.


That's probably a better idea, once you've got the songs you want and know you can get it all working then fork out the money :P




You can download full games worth of the DDR official songs from Here


Bemanistyle has a load of simfiles. You have to register though to get access but it's where a lot of people upload their files.


The FFR simfile database has a lot of simfiles from what I can tell too. I've not really used it much so I don't know the quality of them though =/ It really depends on the uploader.




The stepmixes on the Stepmania website have some good songs too but you have to download them in like 3/4 different parts. Some are worth it though and they're all original songs.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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