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Alignment of your RS char, and prominent NPCs :D


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I personally do not play Dungeons and Dragons, but I was bored at work so I decided to read up about it. Reading about this cool fantasy universe I stumbled upon this article:


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alignment_ ... _&_Dragons)




]Here is the text regarding alignments:


Lawful Good


[hide=]Lawful good is known as the "Saintly" or "Crusader" alignment. A lawful good character typically acts with compassion, and always with honor and a sense of duty. A lawful good nation would consist of a well-organized government that works for the benefit of its citizens. Lawful good characters include righteous knights, paladins, and most dwarves. Lawful good creatures include the noble golden dragons. Lawful good outsiders are known as Archons.


Lawful good characters, especially paladins, may sometimes find themselves faced with the dilemma of whether to obey law or good when the two conflict - for example, upholding a sworn oath when it would lead innocents to come to harm - or conflicts between two orders, such as between their religious law and the law of the local ruler.


in the Complete Scoundrel sourcebook, Batman, [bleep] Tracy and Indiana Jones are cited as examples of lawful good characters.[/hide]


Neutral Good


[hide=]Neutral good is known as the "Benefactor" alignment. A neutral good character is guided by his conscience and typically acts altruistically, without regard for or against Lawful precepts such as rules or tradition. A neutral good character may cooperate with lawful officials but does not feel beholden to them. A doctor that treats soldiers from both sides in a war would be considered neutral good.


Examples of neutral good characters include Zorro, and Spider-Man.[6] The neutral good outsiders are known as Guardinals.[/hide]


Chaotic Good


[hide=]Chaotic good is known as the "Beatific" or "Rebel" alignment. A chaotic good character favors change for the greater good, disdains bureaucratic organizations that get in the way of social improvement, and places a high value on personal freedom. Most elves are chaotic good, as are some fey.


Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica, Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly, and Robin Hood are examples of chaotic good individuals.[6] Eladrin are the outsider race representing chaotic good.[/hide]


Lawful Neutral


[hide=]Lawful neutral is called the "Judge" or "Disciplined" alignment. A lawful neutral character typically believes strongly in Lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules and tradition, and often follows a personal code. A lawful neutral society would typically enforce strict laws to maintain social order, and place a high value on traditions and historical precedent. Examples of lawful neutral characters might include a soldier who always follows orders, a judge or enforcer that adheres mercilessly to the word of the law, or a disciplined monk.


Characters of this alignment are neutral with regard to good and evil. This does not mean that lawful neutral characters are amoral or immoral, or do not have a moral compass; but simply that their moral considerations come a distant second to what their code, tradition or law dictates. They typically have a strong ethical code, but it is primarily guided by their system of belief, not by a commitment to good or evil.


James Bond, Odysseus, and Sanjuro from Yojimbo are lawful neutral.[6] Three exemplars of lawful neutral outsiders exist. These are the Formians, the Inevitables and the Modrons.[/hide]




[hide=]Neutral alignment, also referred to as True Neutral or Neutral Neutral, is called the "Undecided" or "Nature's" alignment. This alignment represents neutral on both axes, and tends not to feel strongly towards any alignment. A farmer whose only concern is to feed his family is of this alignment. Most animals, lacking the capacity for moral judgement, are of this alignment.


Some neutral characters, rather than feeling undecided, are committed to a balance between the alignments. They may see good, evil, law and chaos as simply prejudices and dangerous extremes. Mordenkainen is one such character who takes this concept to the extreme, dedicating himself to a detached philosophy of neutrality to ensure that no one alignment or power takes control of the Flanaess.


Druids frequently follow this true neutral dedication to balance, and under Advanced Dungeons & Dragons rules were required to be this alignment. In an example given in a D&D rulebook, a typical druid might fight against a band of marauding gnolls, only to switch sides to save the gnoll's clan from being exterminated.


Lara Croft, Lucy Westenra from Dracula and Han Solo in his early Star Wars appearance are neutral.[6] The true neutral outsiders are known as the Rilmani.[/hide]


Chaotic Neutral


[hide=]Chaotic neutral is called the "Anarchist" or "Free Spirit" alignment. A character of this alignment is an individualist who follows his or her own heart, shirks rules and traditions. They typically act out of self-interest, but do not specifically enjoy seeing others suffer. Many adventurers are of this alignment.


An unusual subset of chaotic neutral is "strongly chaotic neutral", describing a character who behaves chaotically to the point of appearing insane. Characters of this type may regularly change their appearance and attitudes for the sake of change, and intentionally disrupt organizations for the sole reason of disrupting a lawful construct. Characters of this type include the Xaositects from the Planescape setting, and Hennet from the third edition Player's Handbook. In Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, chaotic neutral was frequently assumed to refer to this subset.


Captain Jack Sparrow, Al Swearengen from the TV series Deadwood, and Snake Plissken from Escape from New York are verifiably chaotic neutral characters.[6] Slaadi represent pure chaos.[/hide]


Lawful Evil


[hide=]Lawful evil is referred to as the "Dominator" or "Diabolic" alignment. Characters of this alignment show a combination of desirable and undesirable traits: while they typically obey their superiors and keep their word (trustworthy), they care nothing for the rights and freedoms of other individuals. Examples of this alignment include tyrants, devils, honorable but undiscriminating mercenary types, and soldiers who follow the chain of command but enjoy killing for its own sake.


Boba Fett of Star Wars, and X-Men's Magneto [6] are examples of lawful evil characters. The lawful evil outsiders are known as Baatezu.[/hide]


Neutral Evil


[hide=]Neutral evil is called the "Malefactor" alignment. Characters of this alignment are typically selfish and have no qualms about turning on their allies-of-the-moment. They have no compunctions about harming others to get what they want, but neither will they go out of their way to cause carnage or mayhem when they see no direct benefit to it. An example would be an assassin, who has little regard for formal laws but does not needlessly kill. A villain of this alignment can be more dangerous than either lawful or chaotic evil characters, since he is neither bound by any sort of honor or tradition nor disorganized and pointlessly violent.


Complete Scoundrel cites X-Men's Mystique, and Sawyer of Lost as neutral evil characters.[6] Yugoloths are the multiversal representatives of neutral evil.[/hide]


Chaotic Evil


[hide=]Chaotic evil is referred to as the "Destroyer" or "Demonic" alignment. Characters of this alignment tend to have little respect for rules, other peoples' lives, or anything but their own selfish desires. They typically only behave themselves out of fear of punishment.


According to the Complete Scoundrel sourcebook, Carl Denham from King Kong and Rid[bleep] from Pitch Black are chaotic evil.[6] The exemplars of chaotic evil are the Tanar'ri.[/hide]




[hide=]In addition, there are also blended or "tendency" alignments (and relative Outer Realms) that exist between the basic nine, bringing the total of alignment combinations up to seventeen. These include neutral good with either lawful or chaotic tendencies, lawful neutral with either good or evil tendencies, chaotic neutral with either good or evil tendencies, and neutral evil with either lawful or chaotic tendencies.


In some campaigns, there are even neutral with tendencies towards one of the four cores of good, evil, law, and chaos (totaling the maximum possibilities to twenty-one), although there are rarely respective Outer Planes tied to these.[/hide]








So here is what I was thinking for this thread:




1. State Which alignment you beleive your Runescape character belongs to, give reason why


2. State which alignment you beleive your fav. rs NPC belongs to, give reason why




Feel free to add me ingame if you want to chat :D

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lawful evil. lawful cause of my crown, evil cause i'm evil.




as for npc, i don't have a favorite, so it doesn't apply, plus i don't care about npcs.

[hide=WOO TEXT! updated Jan 19, 2009 (last quote)]

And Evil you mad bastard. You are definately bringing TET back up to it's glory. No doubt about it. Keep it going champ.

24,485th to 99 defence on 7-23-08

I always forget you're 20 too. I always think you're 25 or something. o.o

Ya think that I'm insane, Its not sane... its not sane

obligitory devart link: http://evil-mumm-ra.deviantart.com/

Pogonophobia is the fear of beards.

She isn't naked so it's legal.
I'm a porn star.
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I suppose my character is lawful good, based on the quest stories. His intentions are "good" but he doesn't seem smart enough to make his own decisions. He basically just does what he's told. Also because I like Batman.




I'm a big fan of Evil Dave. He seems to me like a chaotic good kind of guy, but don't tell him I said that.



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Definitely chaotic, and I'd probably label myself as good as well. My favorite would be the drunken dwarf, whom I haven't had the pleasure of seeing roaming yet... I guess he's chaotic neutral.




The Grand Exchange, however, I don't even have to speculate on. It's chaotic evil.

[hide="Current Goals]1. Keep the four newbs I helped yesterday in the game. At least 1... >_>

2. Earn an extra million, probably mining to level 80

3. Start figuring out what magic can be used for other than super-heating and alching! :P[/hide]

Current Kebab collection: only 1200

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^ Nah, Lawful. Look at all the regulations it has!




Probably Chaotic Good or Lawful Neutral.


I tend to favor good, but there's always a reason for breaking from that :lol: . If I'm being good, it's not discriminate, otherwise it's personal belief that defines what I do.




Though the game plot seems to insist on Lawful Good.

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With the exception of being able to help lucien, the runescape character is, by default, neutral good. He/she doesn't care so much about laws as he does about helping people. He has no qualms about killing, stealing, lying, or getting drunk off his/her [wagon], so long as it's to help someone out. Personally I would prefer to be true neutral.




cyrisus =(


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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My character is probably neutral good, but I don't know how that benefits me.




Wise old man is probably neutral evil :P


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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Neverwinter nights much?




Id have to say im chaotic neutral =D.




hey don't rag on nwn


but yes it's based off d&d




gay as that may be


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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Chaotic neutral.



Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

-Random Youtuber

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Neutral Good with Lawful tendencies ;) Same as my D&D character. His name is Fluffy the Wanderer :lol:




NPC's... Mysterious Old Man is Chaotic Neutral I think

Requiescat in pace, Shiva "Anarith" Kumar.
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Nutral or chaotic good, i always have one of those in D&D type games, im a good guy, but i don't take orders.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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