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Easy few questions.


Do you guys believe in doing homework (schoolwork at home?)




Personally, I believe if you go to school for around, usually more than 6 hours for 5 days a week, you shouldnt get homework that takes up 4 hours of your time at home.




What about you guys?





I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Why'd you actually make this thread...? I thought you were joking on the Gum thread.




Ehh. I was, but that reminded me how much i honestly do hate the idea of homework, and *try* to debate it with my teachers before they walk off, every time I get it.




tbh you're an idiot. another person just made a homework thread 2 days ago.




Only been paying attention for the last 22 or so hours on normal OT.


But says the person who has made 8 threads in one page.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Well homework is annoying, I'll give you that. It removes the little freedom I have remaining for the rest of the day.




I do feel that it is useful however, it teaches us to apply the formulas and stuff when approached with a similar situation.








Break the Walls down!

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Homework keeps your brain going and helps to retain information in. Plus it is essential for me at college when the lessons may not provide enough time for all the information, so you have to spend some home time to learn other parts. :thumbup: Whilst I dislike it, I understand its use. (Although I hate it when my tutors set pointless homework #-o ).

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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I don't do it. I pay attention at school and study for tests, that's all I have to do to get good marks. Teachers who try to force me to do it really annoy me.




Yeah same. I barely do my homework anymore- it's just boring and takes up way too much time. I can get away with it though, because I've figured out when exactly my teachers are going to check it XD. Most of the homework is pointless anyway- it's basically 1 question shown in 50 different ways.




All that being said, I do my homework when I'm having a lot of trouble with a subject.

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Alright since everyone is telling the truth, so will I.




I hardly do my homework at all. The times I do it, it is either:


a) Last minute rushing


B) Counted in for exams


c) Copying from friends




There you have it, my life is a lie.








Break the Walls down!

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I see what you mean Rainy, but thats in uni/college, I guess thats HUGE difference than, say high school. That's kinda like, mandatory.




Currently, I'm doing an assignment on whatever I want, I chose history of metal (finished 'beginning') and history of death metal + MDM. With info on my favourite bands <3:


I'll pass with flying colours.




I dont agree with it though, I'm only doing it because runescape bores me, and I have nothing else to do. Plus, it entertains me.






We're kinda the same.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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I see what you mean Rainy, but thats in uni/college, I guess thats HUGE difference than, say high school. That's kinda like, mandatory.




Currently, I'm doing an assignment on whatever I want, I chose history of metal (finished 'beginning') and history of death metal + MDM. With info on my favourite bands <3:


I'll pass with flying colours.




I dont agree with it though, I'm only doing it because runescape bores me, and I have nothing else to do. Plus, it entertains me.






We're kinda the same.


In school it's just pointless, I agree with that. I never felt the need to do it, and often 'forgot' or just put it off due to not having a drive (they never accounted for anything).

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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The sad truth is, I learn way more by myself than I do in school. That goes for stuff outside of homework too. So homework is annoying, it still is good.


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I do it pretty poorly at the last minute. I'm not into this homework and revision crap. If I can get a B in my AS level sociology exam with no revision then more power to me, don't force me into doing homework when I do enough work in college anyway :wall:




I do get the point of it, but it just doesn't help me. I don't come home and think 'Oh yes I'll do my homework now!' I go to bed then think 'Oh [cabbage] I didn't do my homework' and end up writing stuff about nerves and dendrites and [cabbage] I wasn't even in the lesson for at one in the morning #-o I've never been big on the homework thing and my parents don't even know what discipline is so they've never made me do it really.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Make the teacher go crazy, get her institutionalized.




Aye. I am also in before the troll Saif.




Not that hard, considering saif is temp banned.


Posted before he was temp. banned as he was banned for the pizza slice thread bump.




Pureprayer, you're awesome.
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wait for college. no one forces you to do homework. half the time they don't even look at it.




good luck surviving without it.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Homework is vital in assisting and re-enforcing your learning. With education being so important nowadays, you need every little advantage you can get and homework in one of those advantages that is there to help you. Plus if you go into higher education you will get a lot more additional work than what you do in classes.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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My math teacher is pretty cool, in that he lets us decide whether or not to do our homework. If we think it's useless and doesn't help, then no, we don't have to.


And it works too. If it actually does help, and we don't do it, then we're punished when it comes to the test, and we get low grades.


Most of the homework I get is like that. If I do it, I do better on tests/quizzes. If I don't do it, then I fail. Doing it is its own reward, to be honest.


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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about 90% of the time I dont do it at home, I either do it in another class or at lunch.


Or just dont do it.




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Time to break the flow here.




I do believe in homework, just not so much of it. I'm not sure if people who say they had a 4+ hour homework bloc yesterday are extending the truth or not, but if it is true, that's too much work. If homework takes me more than an hour, I won't do it. I don't want to work on it for a few measly points. Heh, then again, the whole point-system should be removed.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I don't see homework as a waste of time, because every minute you put into it is away from reading for tests etc


At least after you get into a real school where the stuff being taught isn't that easy.

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I honestly don't have too much "homework." I take mostly AP classes now so it's just reading and studying they expect you.




And since I'm a senior this year and have already been accepted to my top choice, I really don't kill myself studying. I still manage A's and B's, but I average probably 15 minutes a day of studying.

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I do my homework in school which means it is technically classwork, yet I'm fully capable of retaining that information. I don't agree with homework at all, except for projects or reports. The tedious pointless exercises just waste my time. I can learn much easier on my own than by any teacher's method. Instead of doing a worksheet about psychology, I'd rather just look it up on the internet and do my own research. Not only that, but there is a lot of time wasted at school where the teacher doesn't have us do anything but sit there and stare at the wall - then gives us homework. Why couldn't it be classwork since we weren't doing anything anyways? I know that I still do it as "classwork" in my other classes but just the idea of it...




I'm really starting to think that my school is just run by [developmentally delayed]s because all of your posts make your schools sound so much more organized than mine.

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