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Scariest game scenes?


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My parents won't let me play M games, so scary factor for me is completely missing. I can't really get the same effect when I haven't played the whole game...




I do remember though, when I was 8 or so I used to be scared of the flashlight aliens in Majora's Mask :ohnoes:






And Dr. Steinman looks pretty interesting. Wish I could get Bioshock :( I'd even consider buying a 360 for it.

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"What should we do with THIS ONE Aphrodite? She won't... SIT... STILL! I try to make them beautiful! But they ALWAYS... TURN OUT... WRONG! This one was too FAT! This one was too TALL! THIS ONE... TOO SYMMETRICAL! What's this!? An intruder! He's... UGLY! UGLY! UUUGGGLLYYY!"




Such an amazing, creepy scene.


I want to take the ears off but I can't. I WANT TO TAKE THE ARS OFF BUT I CAN'T! I WANT TO TAKE THE EARS OFF BUT I CAN'T!!!




That, coupled with the studio in which the journal is found, nearly made me piss myself.




dead space out of recent memory, i saw a corpse on the floor so thinking it would be a necromorph i shot it up. then i figured it was just a corpse and tried to run past it lol


I did that once. It was a big pile, and I shot every single one. As I walked past, a Necromorph leaped up from the pile.




And insertmyslotAintoslotB, Bioshock is on PS3 and PC. So whatever floats your boat, you've got it.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Times like this make me wish that I played "Scary Games" in my life. Seems so cool to talk about and experience it.




Ravenholm for the first time would be my answer. Zombies would pop up everywhere and those fast zombies were the worst... until I discovered "God Mode" on the 360.








Break the Walls down!

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Not exactly my proudest moment but when I was younger (8-10 perhaps?) I got incredibly scared by the dogs in chicken run :ohnoes:.




Nowadays i'm more freaked out whenever I play fear, damn that Alma popping up out of nowhere!



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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Tbh Ravenholm in Half Life 2 still gives me the heebie jeebies, yet I don't find anything in Left 4 Dead scary. Not even witches :?


That place is terrible, especially near the end with the really fast guys.




[hide=]In half life one, I would always get scared by little headcrabs hiding in the vents while your inside. But the worst is near the end, you enter a room from the top, go across a catwalk, and down stairs, you hit a switch, and a couple enemies appear (no biggie) on your way back up the catwalk.... well nothing, as your almost into the next room a huge monster teleports behind you and you and him go falling as the catwalk crashes down, (I peed a little)


Oh and the guy in the oven in RE4[/hide]


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I've got some from FEAR.




Those invisible ninja-suit guys in that building where you meet the fat guy.




How one time when climbing up a ladder, you reach the top and OHGODALMA and then you freak out, jump off and fall to your death. ;_;




Another time, how you do something to some kind of security system and all the lights go out, and Alma's standing just outside the room you're in. You can't turn your flashlight on, so everything's dark but her little glow. You walk outside, gun ready to blast her, and she isn't there. She jumps out from nowhere and then dissipates just before she hits you. Goddamnit.




Though it was a mad game, so loved hitting slow-mo and pinning someone's skull to the wall.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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F.E.A.R. 1/2 have pretty scary scenes throughout the game. Not the cutscenes; The gameplay itself which is sprinkled with weird effects, visual 'paranoia' by the character and sounds.




Don't think I've experienced the similar effect in any previous games I've played during my life. Not that F.E.A.R. is somehow an exceptional, outstanding game (it's quite average and only 9-10 hours worth of gameplay)




But it does it's job; Filling the horror factor. Especially if you have proper audio playback hardware and a decent computer to play the game without hitches in dim light settings.

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I didn't dare play FEAR past the first ghost.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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I've got some from FEAR.




Those invisible ninja-suit guys in that building where you meet the fat guy.




How one time when climbing up a ladder, you reach the top and OHGODALMA and then you freak out, jump off and fall to your death. ;_;




Another time, how you do something to some kind of security system and all the lights go out, and Alma's standing just outside the room you're in. You can't turn your flashlight on, so everything's dark but her little glow. You walk outside, gun ready to blast her, and she isn't there. She jumps out from nowhere and then dissipates just before she hits you. Goddamnit.




Though it was a mad game, so loved hitting slow-mo and pinning someone's skull to the wall.


Oh sweet jesus, that part freaked me out bad. When I turned around and saw her on the other side of the glass I just stood there for about ten minutes trying to gain the courage to leave the room.



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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I'd like to nominate the beginning of Bioshock as well. The thing with the splicer and that one guy before you leave the bathysphere. Great first impression, eh? :lol:


After that point on my first playthrough I had to shut the game off until the next day :lol: When she said "I'll wrap you in a sheet", I broke.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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Bioshock and F.E.A.R. freaked me out the most. FEAR didn't do that much because I only played it for 5 minutes (:twss:) And Bioshock was REALLY creepy... most memorable moments were when you are trapped in a small room, then a movie starts playing in the room next to you, explaining... somthing, I can't remember... then 3 splicers run in and start smashing against the window :ohnoes: Also, when you have ot take those pictures of the... Can't remember the name... I think it was like spider slipcers or something... the ones with the hooks for hands... anyway yea, I go into a room, scrounge around, then realise that noone has been around for a while... and I KNEW there was going to be something waiting outside. I hate those moments -.- And of course it was one of the spider-splicer things. I didn't get far in the game, just until that submarine blew up.

Unfinished netherrack symbol of Khorne.


Never forget. ~creeper face w/single tear~



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  • 2 weeks later...

If you found Ravenholm scary then you would [cabbage] yourself playing the Underground/Lab levels of STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl. With dynamic lighting turned up, the atmosphere is so perfect with moans, screams of various creatures, clanky machinery noises coupled with limited ammo and non-regenerating health.

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If you found Ravenholm scary then you would [cabbage] yourself playing the Underground/Lab levels of STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl. With dynamic lighting turned up, the atmosphere is so perfect with moans, screams of various creatures, clanky machinery noises coupled with limited ammo and non-regenerating health.


I remember the pyrogeist after you get the documents. Freaked me out, I had no idea what to do until I wildly shot at the fire. And the snorks in the Yantar lab, man.....those are the only ones I've seen, I think, i just got to the brain scorcher misson.


Command the Murderous Chalices! Drink ye harpooners! drink and swear, ye men that man the deathful whaleboat's bow- Death to Moby Dick!



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The early levels in The Suffering. My friend rented it and played it for 10 minutes before shutting it off for an MLB game. And I thought that guy was afraid of nothing...




I don't have the right system so I have never actually played it, but watching him was still pretty bad.

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bioshock seems to be a masterpiece of a game.. that scene was flawless.




heres my scariest moment in left 4 dead..




we were playing 4 person online co-op and we were in the hospital.. we heard a witch but we couldn't find her, then, i opened the door open on a random room, there she was..




i'm like "guys.. flashlights off i found teh witch"


my one friend goes "holy [cabbage] i'm not getting anywhere near this one!"


so i say "okay.. this assault riffle should be enough, just let me back up a little.. (i was the closest)




then, out of nowhere, another friend who was silent for most of the game comes into the room and sees where the witch is.




we're all silent for a minute, then he exclaims "LEEEEEEEEEEEEEROOOOOOYYYYYY JENNNNNNNKINNNNNNNZZZ!!!"


goes in, shoots the witch, runs out, and closes me in there with her.




i threw my controller at the wall and haven't played l4d since.

[size="5"][font="Georgia"][b]Staking:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#FFFF00"][/color][color="#00FF00"] 4+ mil[/color][/font]
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