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I've been like this for a long long time, it's only really come to my attention.


"Life is a bore"




I've become bored, bored with what people do. Bored with what people say. Bored of school. Bored of games. Bored of being bored. I don't like it when people repeat the quotes from family guy episodes we both saw last night. But, I force myself to smile and laugh with the people just to deal with it. I tell them they don't have to repeat it, it isn't necessary, we all saw it for the lols and giggles. One quote is fine, a quote I haven't heard of is fine. Something of discussion value (unlike this thread) is fine by me. But it's the repetitiveness that continues to dig and dig at me. Also, sheer stubborness, liars and people who treat me like crap for the lols, I lack feelings for.




I have been a pessimist for a good few years and only recently I had tried to look at life in a different light... As a new years resolution, I tried to reason with optimism, which was sucessful at first and then a part that wasn't significantly important in my life, collapsed. My friends, in my opinion are a bunch of [wagon]. You may say, go and find new friends but it is quite difficult, I am not amazingly socialable. But these guys have, not literally, pushed me into crap and forced me to roll around in it. How bloody hard is it, to tell someone who couldn't hurt a fly? Why the hell would they hide it from me? I try my hardest to be fair, but these idiots of friends continue to deceive me, e.g. the gossip who claims they aren't a gossip goes and tells everyone a thought I shared which they took offence to. So bloody glad I don't have to speak to them after high school finishes. I will keep in contact with a few of these friends, but even they haven't been amazingly helpful. More help than the others. But anyway, I have now been alienated from this group, for what? Spreading rumours about stuff that I knew nothing about. What the HELL!? I'm sick and tired of being a scapegoat.




Dealing with it, I've put up with this sort of crap for a good solid 6 years, and I'm going to have to continue to put up with this crap for another 50 or 60 years. But, that is what life is. A great big slap in the face. I'm just going to have to suck it up and deal with it. And have a bad attitude. Maybe when it begins to lighten up. Maybe I'll be slightly more optimistic.






What I do appreciate?


My family, for everything they have done, feeding/clothing/providing a home to live in. Putting up with me. You guys here in OT, for putting up with this rant (and me) too. Among other things... Things I can dream about, and those few valued friends.




I would just think I am a bored pessimist.


Looks like I will have to bite my tongue and deal with it.


I am my happiest when I am complaining. [/rant]


(I would write more but, I got bored halfway through the rant, Bad Joke -.-)




For discussion value:


So what are you guys bored of? Do you perhaps feel the same way I do?

Luck be a Lady

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Eh, everything seems to bore me these days. It seems the only time I enjoy myself is when I'm using the internet for some reason or another, I guess life just sucks, there's nothing more too it.



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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Mostly I'm bored of school and subjects I dont care about.


Bored of staying the same place and not really doing anything interesting.




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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Well done, you've learned the secret. Existence is unbelievably dull. The only thing you can do is use that as motivation to try and keep your mind alive. People with this mindset probably aren't as happy as those without, but it has inspired many people to greatness. I'll be damned if I'm going to spend my life working in an office spending all my time doing something I hate.




Also, you'd probably enjoy some existential ideas and novels. Read anything by Sartre or Camus, and Notes from the Underground by Dostoevsky.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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not bored of anything,my goal is to keep optimistic and to keep life interesting... if I can't do that then life is not worth living...

99 Hunter - November 1st, 2008

99 Cooking -July 22nd, 2009

99 Firemaking - July 29th, 2010

99 Fletching - December 30th, 2010

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Yep, life sucks. As I said only a few minutes ago I am bored of everything in life apart from the internet, well, a few other things as well I suppose. I seriously want to get out of this rut and find some serious adventure, like maybe gain superpowers... That would be freakin sweet.



That's why you're on the TZDF blackdawn. Even your balls can tear zombies to shreds.
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That's right! Break out of the fake reality and replace it with your own! Find something that you want to do. You wanna explore the cosmos? Go do it! You wanna trek the mountains? Go do it! You wanna live with nature? Go do it!




Ofcourse you have to go through things like "school" and "money" but sometimes you've got to go through Hell to get to Heaven. ::'

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I know your situation. I have always been, and always will be pessimistic.


I'm not gonna tell about me since i'd just bore everyone, but i guess you do grow up after a while and when you find a job, atleast you won't be bored for a few hours a day. I for example have finally got the thumb out of my arse and started seriously fixing my grades for university next year - and the plans to follow that, which i've already lined up.




As i said to my cousin this weekend: When i'm old and grumpy, i'm going to sit in a rocking chair, smoke a pipe and complain about the society.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

Je terminerai comme un objet retrouvé

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You could try getting a girlfriend. It makes you look at a lot of things in life differently.




And, when you lose her, that can also make you look at a lot of things differently.




Not all positively.





'Tis I, 'tis Vindice, 'tis I!

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You could try getting a girlfriend. It makes you look at a lot of things in life differently.




And, when you lose her, that can also make you look at a lot of things differently.




Not all positively.






girlfriends are amazing, but at the same time, [bleep]ing awful.

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you should climb trees.


with leather gloves, and a leather jacket.


so you can be cool, protect your hands, work on you leg and upper body muscles, and be cool, cause you're climbing trees.


and of course see things from a different perspective.

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Oh, I forgot to mention MMA, it's mixed martial arts, (you must have heard of it before?) and it's really fun, gets you into great physical shape, and you can learn to hold your own in a fight.


Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else.

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Well, what do you like to do? What are your dreams? You need to take the initiative to try new and different things, and maybe even change your lifestyle. That's obviously much easier said than done, but it's worth a shot.




I recently went through some self-realization similar to yours. I realized how dull my life was, how unsocial I am outside of school, and how I spend my time doing nothing but watching T.V. and playing computer, and I became sick of it. This gave me enough motivation to attempt to completely change myself. I'm still going through the change, but I've vowed to make myself more social, go out with friends more, and actually spend over half my time outside of my home.




I'm hoping to be a different person at the beginning of my Junior year. A more friendly, sociable, and outgoing person, and my motivation is similar to what your situation is now.

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Since your bored at school, Consider the fact of teaching yourself. Or Unschooling. I am actually doing a lot of work, Essays and whatnot to convince my parents to do this. But It's still a work in progress. You could always try it. Since school is a bore.

If you do things right people won't be sure you've done anything at all.

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[hide=]OMG noob this thread was made before!!!!?#%*CJS*@#((4952439$(%jf!959F9(&%i)_+:k7JsDF93658930kjgl546T890WOFDpat58eusdgpf8sZPR9wA&R5wasdca9S)$ AWRDfwa743wetrf90a%&r*(aofCAS58cs*(8_%98F*%0AUGV50Fo{%98_%8%.[/hide]




Hmm i think I went a little overbored with my joke spam comment so i'll put it in hide tags just cuz... Let me just say:

Ha I so didn't mean to do that.




Anyway life is very boring and like you i'm not social and usually a half glass empty kind of guy. Though since i'm not very social I don't make many friends. Normally i'm so bored I don't even pay attention to important events. I forgot my own birthday last year. The only people I enjoy being around are people who are like me. As in don't talk in excess and don't need to be entertained every second.

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[hide=]OMG noob this thread was made before!!!!?#%*CJS*@#((4952439$(%jf!959F9(&%i)_+:k7JsDF93658930kjgl546T890WOFDpat58eusdgpf8sZPR9wA&R5wasdca9S)$ AWRDfwa743wetrf90a%&r*(aofCAS58cs*(8_%98F*%0AUGV50Fo{%98_%8%.[/hide]




Hmm i think I went a little overbored with my joke spam comment so i'll put it in hide tags just cuz... Let me just say:

Ha I so didn't mean to do that.




Anyway life is very boring and like you i'm not social and usually a half glass empty kind of guy. Though since i'm not very social I don't make many friends. Normally i'm so bored I don't even pay attention to important events. I forgot my own birthday last year. The only people I enjoy being around are people who are like me. As in don't talk in excess and don't need to be entertained every second.




So...wait what? You're complaining about life being boring but then say you want to hang around people who also don't do anything entertaining? That won't help...

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Since your bored at school, Consider the fact of teaching yourself. Or Unschooling. I am actually doing a lot of work, Essays and whatnot to convince my parents to do this. But It's still a work in progress. You could always try it. Since school is a bore.




I wouldn't recommend that. Unless you're an extremely introverted person, teaching yourself is going to be a lot more boring than going to school. At least school keeps your mind of things. What you need to do is make an effort to be more positive. I would recommend becoming more outgoing, but if socialising isn't what you need, a slightly reckless attitude to life is always helpful.




You need to do things to take your mind of why you are unhappy, and you need to change your mentality: it's probably not perfect for everyone, but I find the easiest way to overcome my lack of self-confidence is just to repeat to myself "I am confident" or something along those lines until I genuinely believe it. You could try a similar sort of therapy.

If absolute power corrupts absolutely, where does that leave God?

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[hide=]OMG noob this thread was made before!!!!?#%*CJS*@#((4952439$(%jf!959F9(&%i)_+:k7JsDF93658930kjgl546T890WOFDpat58eusdgpf8sZPR9wA&R5wasdca9S)$ AWRDfwa743wetrf90a%&r*(aofCAS58cs*(8_%98F*%0AUGV50Fo{%98_%8%.[/hide]




Hmm i think I went a little overbored with my joke spam comment so i'll put it in hide tags just cuz... Let me just say:

Ha I so didn't mean to do that.




Anyway life is very boring and like you i'm not social and usually a half glass empty kind of guy. Though since i'm not very social I don't make many friends. Normally i'm so bored I don't even pay attention to important events. I forgot my own birthday last year. The only people I enjoy being around are people who are like me. As in don't talk in excess and don't need to be entertained every second.




So...wait what? You're complaining about life being boring but then say you want to hang around people who also don't do anything entertaining? That won't help...

Yeah long ago I kinda came to the conclussion life is just boring and theres nothing you can do to change that.
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You guys are really pessimistic. Stop wasting your time on the internet and go hang gliding if you're bored. You guys whining has inspired me to go keep some friends company while they work.

catch it now so you can like it before it went so mainstream

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