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Runescape's Strengths


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Despite what some people might say about Runescape, this game has several things up over other mmos on the market.




I haven't played RS actively for a while, spending my minimal free time on whatever other MMOs catch my interest. RuneScape actually has a number of features other mmos have tried to imitate but are still unique to RS.




a) True Sandbox MMO.


Sandbox is the new catchphrase in MMOs lately, but even though some games may try to portray themselves as a sandbox, they usually have the same fixed goals; get level 50/70/90 and get my set of elites/sealed/top tier/epic/GM armor. Even sandbox games like Darkfall and the upcoming Mortal Online, while much better designed in combat than RS (that's not saying much for DF, though) are relatively fixed compared to RS's true openness.




RuneScape offers an unparalleled number of skills, and the freedom to choose between them. Most MMOs are pretty linear; you pick your class, grind at raids to the level cap, get your set of ideal armor, and train your one or two production skills. Once you reach endgame, you do top level raids with your guild. End of story. If you get bored, you pvp or roll a twink or a different class. Even more sandboxy mmos usually lack the number and variety of skills RS offers.




RS has a long list of different skills, and while the actual training of most of these skills is repetitive, it's not that much worse than the industry standard for production skills. From woodcutting 50k willows for wc, to harvesting teak in DF, a grind is a grind, and RS is second to none in grind variety.




The sheer number of skills, and the freedom to train whichever one you want (or all of them if you want), without being herded in a linear role like most MMOs is what makes RS stand out in this area.






B) Minigames.


Although a lot of other MMOs have been trying to introduce minigames and other side interests for their game, and a number of them have things similar to Castle Wars, Clan Wars and the Fight Pits, RS still has a lead on the minigame market. Trouble Brewing, Pest Control, Stealing Creations, the Great Orb Project...games for every part of RS, with many different playstyles and concepts behind them. Rewards range from just plain entertainment to special sets of armor to xp.




There's literally a minigame for every person. That's not something most games can brag.






c) Quests


You may not like RS quests, but they're a shining paradox of good design in the MMO world. Quests are OVERWHELMINGLY mundane in basically every MMO out there, either "kill xx of xxxxxx", "kill xxxxxx the evil boss ogre/giant/dragon of xxxx" or "give xxxxxx item to xxxxxx person at xxxxxx location", or some combination of the three. Rewards are also clonish; usually xp, some cash, and a midlevel piece of armor or weapon.




That's right, there's more variety in an RS slayer assignment than some quests out there.




RS quests are radically different. Puzzles, engaging storylines, and just plain uniqueness define Runescape questing. Yes, there are some hints of the "bring xxxx item to xxxx" in a few RS quests, but for the most part they've phased that out as the game's evolved. Just remember the time you beat the Temple of Light, or navigated your way through Myerditch, or even solved the puzzles of Monkey Madness or Desert Treasure. I have yet to find another mmo with that level of questing. It just doesn't exist. Even the boss fights in RS quests are well introduced - Desert Treasure, for example, has 4, but to access them you're tested on your puzzle solving and your logic (unless you use a quest guide, but then I don't know what to tell you), and introduced to a rich part of the RS storyline.




Love them or hate them, quests are one of the things that RuneScape is the absolute industry leader in.






Now, after all that cheering on RS, there's the one biggest weakness, the one that hurts Runescape more than anything else, and that's;






It's bland. Extremely bland. RS combat is nothing more than a random number generator, with a few variables, mainly stats, gear, and a couple things controlled by the players; pots, prayer and special attacks. The vast majority of the time you're just swinging at the other person, watching 0's and 20's, popping food and waiting for a chance to KO with your dds or darkbow.




Now, before I get flamed from here to WoW, I WAS A PKER. Believe me, I know the ins and outs of RS combat. Combat stats are by far the biggest part of my character, and whenever I got bored of slayer or BH, I rolled out to Castle Wars or the Fight Pits to unwind.




The difference between Runescape and other MMO combat is simple. In Runescape, rather than influencing the battle, players just RESPOND to it. You don't stunlock, you don't use special combos, you watch your character and respond whenever he takes damage, or whenever you deal enough damage to the other guy to go for the KO. Boss fights are more dependent on how many kills you can last, and how well you safespot, chain pull, or otherwise take advantage of the game's AI.




No, I'm not saying that doesn't take skill, not at all. Sara GWD takes skill. A good pker has skill. But one of the effects a linear, "grind to 80" MMO has is when combat is all you got, a good system is what makes your game tick. Most mmos out there beat RS in the combat system department. Hands down.




RS combat is interesting, hell, it's what I played for, and when I inevitably start playing again, it's what I'll go back to. But when people say RS sucks, they're usually saying that RS combat sucks. Yeah, the graphics aren't great. The game is grindy. But that's not the real problem.




If they ever make an RS3, this is the one thing that desperately needs an update. Bringing the RS combat into the 21st century will go a long ways for this game's popularity and reputation. Especially the teeth-grindingly boring F2P rune-on-rune combat, which is all a lot of people see.










Runescape has a dynamic world, with many skills and the freedom to choose between them at your leisure; a true sandbox experience. The questing systems and minigames offered are second to none. On the other hand, the biggest weakness, and the one that hurts RS the most, it its extremely basic combat system.

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Very well said! I have always wondered if others had a similar opinion about rival MMO's.




I myself have played many of our competitors, but I always end up coming back to Runescape.




Some of the reasons are




1. A "high" level character. After having played on and off so many years I have access/can do a great majority of the content out there. While I do not claim to be "elite" I can happily say I am fairly high level. I am within the top 10% of all players to ever play RS. I do understand that many have quit and there could be free players that are better, but that depends on what you define better as. It's hard to compare F2P to P2P because P2P obviously has an advantage.




2. Quests. They are litterly one of the reasons I can't truely quit. Every other MMO I have every played fits perfectly into the three things you listed. Yes there are some quests/missions/adventures that are cool in other ones but they always come down to killing things for an item or to get to a spot to get an item.




3. Open-endedness(if thats a word lol) I love that I can do ANYTHING in RS with just one character. No alts, no second, third, 100th character, no starting all over. Thats also why I love having a character I can come back to an try new content.




4. RS doesn't require no-lifeing to access new content. All the other MMO's make their content exclusively for the so called "elite". They rarely give something to those who don't play for a very large ammount of time non stop. Any new raid requires you to be at max level, and requires good teamwork to even complete it. While some people may enjoy that more, I get so frustrated having to play content all the time with others. At least with RS you can do many things solo, but you also can bring friends along.

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The combat system runescape uses, is so that users on crappy old pcs using dial-up arnt at a disadvantage to those with state of the art T3 connections(are there better connections now?). RS1 with catching was very much like that if you had on old pc you were always at a disadvantage and your only hope was the 3 hit you would never be able to catch and thus that is what lead to the current fighting system.

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Huta, may I congratulate you on this fine topic you made =D>.




I've recently started playing WoW, just to try out and see what's it like. The scenery is really nice, with massive monsters, vast magical forests (future Zanaris?), deep dungeon and a nice view. But the Quests (and that is what I play MMO's for really) are horrible. They're exactly like you described. Kill some monsters, fetch some items, bleh :wall:. I'm sure I won't come back to it once my gametime expires. I'll stick with RuneScape, because here they have enjoyable Quests :thumbsup:.




P.S. What if RuneScape integrated the kind of 3rd person view WoW has? Could be interesting... :-k

Due to my epic stats, I have now started WGS (but I still hate spoilers).


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1. A "high" level character. After having played on and off so many years I have access/can do a great majority of the content out there. While I do not claim to be "elite" I can happily say I am fairly high level. I am within the top 10% of all players to ever play RS. I do understand that many have quit and there could be free players that are better, but that depends on what you define better as. It's hard to compare F2P to P2P because P2P obviously has an advantage.





Top 10% of people ever to have played? The top 10% comprises 13.5m players at least, care to elaborate?

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These streets are your streets, this turf is your turf,

Don't let anyone tell you that you've got to give in,

Cos you can make a difference, you can change everything,

Just let your dreams be your pilot, your imagination your fuel,

Tear up the book and write your own damn rules,

Use all that heart, hope and soul that you've got,

And the love and the rage that you feel in your gut,

And realise that the other world that you're always looking for,

Lies right here in front of us, just outside this door,

And it's up to you to go out there and paint the canvas,

After all, you were put on the earth to do this,

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Take pride in being whoever the [bleep] you want to be.

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1. A "high" level character. After having played on and off so many years I have access/can do a great majority of the content out there. While I do not claim to be "elite" I can happily say I am fairly high level. I am within the top 10% of all players to ever play RS. I do understand that many have quit and there could be free players that are better, but that depends on what you define better as. It's hard to compare F2P to P2P because P2P obviously has an advantage.





Top 10% of people ever to have played? The top 10% comprises 13.5m players at least, care to elaborate?


perhaps thats why he used a percent instead of a number.




Good read, thanks.




RS combat is kinda lame, but I still find it fun, seeing what number Ill hit or be hit with next, or having it allow me to multi task. I play rs during classes a lot more than I do wow...


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Graphics are actually quite strong in that they are decent and dont require high reqs. I could run RS HD on my crappy old 128mb Geforce FX card.




Whilst there has been recovery since December 10th, I dont thing the game will ever be as good as it was. Rs has become too sanitized and child friendly.

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Insanity -- all I meant was on the highscores. Right now 2 million show up, 10% of 2 million is 200,000. I don't mean to brag but I am proud that most of my skills and my overall rating is in the 200,000 or less range. I was using it to show the reason why I can come back and use most or all of the new content. Everynow and then Jagex does release something I can't use and that is ok. I do think there could be more "elite" level content going by their standards.

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The combat system runescape uses, is so that users on crappy old pcs using dial-up arnt at a disadvantage to those with state of the art T3 connections(are there better connections now?). RS1 with catching was very much like that if you had on old pc you were always at a disadvantage and your only hope was the 3 hit you would never be able to catch and thus that is what lead to the current fighting system.


This, however I think that the fact that we lose items on death also plays a role. If you have a high ping on WoW and die because of it, you can get resurrected or just release and pop out in a graveyard with nothing lost. That isn't the case with runescape.

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Very, very well said. Pretty much all the stuff I've had going through my mind when people b!tch and complain about RS sucking so bad...




You made me realize that the main reason I love RS so much is because of the unique questing experience as well as mini games. The quests in other mmo's just really, well...suck. Then again, those "other mmo's" are usually for raid obsessors.




I for one, love the huge variety of activities RS has to offer. It's what really makes me want to keep playing.


Are you winning The Game?

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Your post is ridiculously biased. Runescape is no more of a sandbox than most other games out there. While you may argue that runescape is more than getting maxed stats, you're incorrect if you assume that game such as WoW don't have other activities also. Warcraft gives frequent holidays, an achievement system which gives endless goals for a character to do, and skills (which can be switched if desired) that are all necessary to choose from. If you want to really get down to the inner layer of runescape, many of the skills really serve no purpose. Now while many of you will want to argue that skills like agility, smithing, crafting, and fletching actually have a practical use, you are kidding yourself. Each of these really does not add to the game in any constructive way or can easily be bought from a vendor. In WoW, the game is a finely oiled machine. Every skills contributes to the game at end-levels and could not be played without them. While runescape may have much more content, the overall contribution from many skills of the game add up to no more than wasted playing time to a person.




Note: I play both runescape and warcraft. I have played WoW for 3 years and do not have a maxed character. While many believe there is nothing more than combat and raiding, I am proof that isn't so. I enjoy the holiday content and skills implemented and that is enough to keep me playing for hours.




No hurry, flame away how I'm biased.




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Your post is ridiculously biased. Runescape is no more of a sandbox than most other games out there. While you may argue that runescape is more than getting maxed stats, you're incorrect if you assume that game such as WoW don't have other activities also. Warcraft gives frequent holidays, an achievement system which gives endless goals for a character to do, and skills (which can be switched if desired) that are all necessary to choose from. If you want to really get down to the inner layer of runescape, many of the skills really serve no purpose. Now while many of you will want to argue that skills like agility, smithing, crafting, and fletching actually have a practical use, you are kidding yourself. Each of these really does not add to the game in any constructive way or can easily be bought from a vendor. In WoW, the game is a finely oiled machine. Every skills contributes to the game at end-levels and could not be played without them. While runescape may have much more content, the overall contribution from many skills of the game add up to no more than wasted playing time to a person.




Note: I play both runescape and warcraft. I have played WoW for 3 years and do not have a maxed character. While many believe there is nothing more than combat and raiding, I am proof that isn't so. I enjoy the holiday content and skills implemented and that is enough to keep me playing for hours.




No hurry, flame away how I'm biased.




No matter how you play WoW, it's impossible, absolutely impossible, to call that game a sandbox.




It's anything but.




It's the poster boy for theme park MMO.




Now, I've played WoW, I love my tauren drood. But no matter how you dress up WoW's achievement system and its talent system and its holiday events, it's a dictionary definition for not-a-sandbox. Sandbox would be some of the more oldschool MMOs, like Ultima Online or Shadowbane, though a truly sandbox MMO hasn't really been made yet. Just read up on what the designers for Mortal Online are trying to do and compare that to Warcraft and you'll see the difference.




World of Warcraft and it's 20 million knockoffs are linear. You go in one direction. You up your combat, following your class specs, wearing your class armor. You pick your two production skills, usually something that compliments your class. Some of RS's skills are flawed, but for what they are, they are sandbox. There's a freedom there that WoW can't imitate.

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Now, I've played WoW, I love my tauren drood. But no matter how you dress up WoW's achievement system and its talent system and its holiday events, it's a dictionary definition for not-a-sandbox. Sandbox would be some of the more oldschool MMOs, like Ultima Online or Shadowbane, though a truly sandbox MMO hasn't really been made yet. Just read up on what the designers for Mortal Online are trying to do and compare that to Warcraft and you'll see the difference.





You've obviously never played Star Wars Galaxies Pre-CU, or even Pre-NGE.

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Now, I've played WoW, I love my tauren drood. But no matter how you dress up WoW's achievement system and its talent system and its holiday events, it's a dictionary definition for not-a-sandbox. Sandbox would be some of the more oldschool MMOs, like Ultima Online or Shadowbane, though a truly sandbox MMO hasn't really been made yet. Just read up on what the designers for Mortal Online are trying to do and compare that to Warcraft and you'll see the difference.





You've obviously never played Star Wars Galaxies Pre-CU, or even Pre-NGE.




nope, all I know is I heard it was both extremely sandbox and extremely buggy


Never checked it out for myself, sci-fi bores me, but maybe that was a mistake.

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What's nice is the variety and freedom that runescape has. Your not restricted to a class and sub-class like in games such as guild wars, Ex: archer and elementalist. In runescape, you can practically do anything at any time.




Another thing I enjoy about runescape is the quests. There are much more to these, than say...being told to kill 20 things for a small amount of xp. (we have slayer for that :lol: ) But there is loads of storyline and history to go with the game. :thumbsup:


Gained first quest cape on 3/22/09! Gained 99 fishing 5/22/09!

I forgot when I got 99 cooking!

Proud member of Jovial Rovers

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True, RuneScape's combat is really just horrible, but everything else you said I totally agree with. I have played a number of other (more modern, and expensive) MMOs and MMORPGs, and they still lack everything that RS has, with the exception of far better combat systems.

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