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Should the playing time be limited when playin RuneScape?


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I've just read an article about gaming addiction, and I was wondering if you (the players) think it's the responsability of JAGeX to limit the gaming time, to prevent people from playing 10+ hours a day on RS.




Keep in mind I mean for example a limit of 8 hours a day, for all accounts. Do you think that's needed. Would you protest against it?




I'd like to hear your thoughts. ::'


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I see no need to do so. If I want to play 23 hours everyday, that should be my choice and not the choice of the game developer. The time that I play Runescape is such that I can get away from things going on in my real life; my job, my friends, girls - it is an opportunity to relax and have nothing pressing going on. If I was limited on how much I could play I am sure that my leisure activity could be transfered to another game.




Now I am not saying that I play more than 8 hours a day as the only time that ever happened was when a friend raced me to 99 fletching, but I should be able to play as much or as little as I would want to.



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just like censorship, content should be allowed for people MATURE enough to make their own choices. Therefore those of us who are adults (technically not me, only 17 here, I'd like to think i'm mature for my age but meh), should be allowed to make our own choices about how much we want to play the game.




Other than that the only other people who should be able to make choices are the parent/guardian of the child playing the game (if it is a child playing), otherwise adults have their own responsibility.


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no.. as stated above, up to the parents and the player himself...


when i really have nothing to do i might play very long so please no limit... =P (I really don't do this often... im not that addicted... :P)




btw, tip.it should check their adverts.. I have one right now about selling RS accounts..



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no.. as stated above, up to the parents and the player himself...


when i really have nothing to do i might play very long so please no limit... =P (I really don't do this often... im not that addicted... :P)




btw, tip.it should check their adverts.. I have one right now about selling RS accounts..


There's a thread to report that here: viewtopic.php?t=239677






No, I don't think there should be a time limit. It's my choice if I want to play for 18 hours, not theirs.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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It's the player's responsibility. Jagex should just provide the game for the players and after that they should leave the decision about how long to play up to the player.

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stupidest idea i've ever heard.




I pay for this game, so if I want to play nonstop for 4 days straight, that's my right as a consumer. Besides I don't believe in "gaming addiction"




The way I see it it's just one more ugly name to stick on people who prefer to do other things than fall into the cogs of the corporate machine. It's just as bad as saying a kid has A.D.D. when they don't pay attention in school. I mean, hello, it's school! Kids hate school. they don't pay attention because it sucks, not because they have A.D.D. BLAH




Here's a good test for A.D.D. actually, put a kid in front of a video game or a cartoon and see how long they can pay attention to it. If it's more than five minutes, then they don't [bleep]ing have A.D.D.




sorry for that, something's got my boxers in a bunch over that today.


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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I pay for this game, so if I want to play nonstop for 4 days straight, that's my right as a consumer. Besides I don't believe in "gaming addiction"




You don't believe in gaming addiction? I beg your pardon? So people who have to play RuneScape every day, become aggressive when they can't play it and do it more then 8 hours a day aren't addicted? (there were examples of people like that in the article)




That gaming addiction excists isn't even a point of discussion, it's a fact.


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A mistake it would be to limit gameplay. RuneScape is a game, no different from any others. Time is not limited on Playstation, XBox, or Nintendo. The PC, RuneScape included, is no exception, and should remain so. This idea would especially be detrimental to Members. Considering they pay for the game, which in turn keeps Jagex from going bankrupt.




All it takes is one click for parents. Heard of parental controls? It is their responsibility, or that of the individual, to control how often and how long they play.

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I don't think it's a decision that should be decided by the companys. I think its the same as when developers make console games and are not allowed to release them due to their content. It's a freedom that should be withheld but it doesn't always work out that way.




Also, with addiction, if they were limited to 8 hours of play time most addicts would create another account for the rest of there fix. Otherwise they would find some other way to go about it. Video game addiction is the same as most any other addiction, people will jump through every hoop to get there fix.

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I wouldn't care because I've never played that much a day. (max is like 6-8 hours or so, and happens very very unoften).




Looking at it from one side, it might not be bad because seriously, anyone who plays a game more than 8 hours a day regularly isn't doing himself very good. Also, it would stop some goldfarmers, if they still exist, from having to play 12h+ a day. (playing on different accounts would solve the problem though).




On the other hand, like others have stated, it is'nt jagex role to decide how much we play.




I think I opt for the first option. Why?




1) I think anybody here agrees that 8 hours or more a day on a daily basis is BAD. You are addicted, and you're playing much more than what's good for you. You can't fulfill your job decently, or can't go to school decently at that rate.


So we can all decide that we should encourage those people to play less, right?




We've got one group of people who say it's the parents job to tell their kids to play less, or the wife to tell the husband, or whatever. This is all nice and fine, but sometimes telling them is not enough. The only way you can ensure that it doesn't happen is by makign the game don't work.


I mean, how many times were you in this situation:


"Son, time to go to bed!"


"No ma, let me just finish this slayer task"


"To bed, now!"


"Just a moment"






Imagine runescape auto-logging you out not and not permitting you to log in. Works quite a bit better, right?

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however, one thing another mmo called guild wars does is puts a message in the chatbox every hour to let you know how long you've been playing. after 10 hours (I think) the message expands to suggest you take a break, but nothing is forced.


Now personally I quite liked this, it still leaves everything down to the player but it's a helpful reality check that might be useful if added to runescape aswell.




We all know the situation where we've logged on to do a small task and then looked at the clock and 4 hours have disappeared :P at least with the notifications you can just check up and then decide if you want a break.

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Time being forcefully limited for all players would be a bad move, gaming addiction or no, it is the player's own responsibility as well as their carers/parents if they're below adult age. However a sensible move would be to put in a little message that comes up, as an example every 3 hours "You've been playing 3 hours make sure to take regular breaks" something along those lines. Mayhaps with a toggle as well for those of us who don't like needless spam in our chatbox.




And yes, gaming addiction does exist, I've been through it on RS, now I'm over it, woo cold turkey xD






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I pay for this game. Having my access restricted is not what I pay for. People need to take their own responsibility. Jagex does not need to parent their players.


My thoughts exactly. If someone is addicted to gaming, like any addiction, it's up to them to take control of their situation.

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Yes, people who play runescape excessively obviously have no self control, so they need some third party to regulate their play time.




Anyone against this obviously plays more than 10 hours a day, thus they are one of those people addicted. ::'




I pay for this game. Having my access restricted is not what I pay for. People need to take their own responsibility. Jagex does not need to parent their players.




Coming from a person with maxed stats seems like you need to take some responsibility

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If they're really addicted, they'd probably continue playing on a pure or something.




And everyone saying 8 hours/day is bad for you and [bleep]s up your life; do you never have those weekends in which you have nothing to do but sit in your room behind the computer? Kinda easy to reach 7-8 hours that way.

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I pay for this game, so if I want to play nonstop for 4 days straight, that's my right as a consumer. Besides I don't believe in "gaming addiction"




You don't believe in gaming addiction? I beg your pardon? So people who have to play RuneScape every day, become aggressive when they can't play it and do it more then 8 hours a day aren't addicted? (there were examples of people like that in the article)




That gaming addiction excists isn't even a point of discussion, it's a fact.




Pfft. No.




An addiction is a physical dependence. A game can never alter your body chemistry so that it feels it can't live without it. You can't go through withdrawals from not playing a game. It's all [cabbage].




You see back in the day people had a name for kids like that. It was spoiled little brats. Do you know how they solved it? They made their [wagon] look like someone had set them on fire.




It's not an addiction, it's a complete lack of discipline from parents.


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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quite a few people play more than 8 hours a day, in order to get the most out of the money they spent on playing the game. If Jagex were to limit the time that they could play, they wouldn't be very happy. Also, since the month/3 months/year/whatever you pay for isn't based on time you actually play the game, it would be rather imposing on players who wish to milk their money and time as much as possible.




I do have a sort of addiction, where I'll play quite a lot depending on the day, but I do other things (one example being photography).




As mentioned by others, you pay to play the game however you want, not by restrictions imposed by the developer.

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