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I like to think of myself as a skiller. But my all means, I'm not lvl 3. I also only have one non-combat 99... But I still consider myself one.


High total lvl?




As for lvl 3 "skillers", I myself would never make one because it's a waste of time. But RS is all about fun, and if you find that fun then yes, make as many "skillers", "pures" or whatever else.


I also think Villandra's other accounts like Slayerbelle, Lorica and Ellebreyals are fun to watch.


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a skiller is a person who trains skills, not just a level 3. i personally(well up until recently) am very balanced. i train combat as i like the attacking part but i also like the steady and consistent part of skilling you just don't get from combat. i go throught phases though. i train slayer for a long time then skill for a long time but now i also have a lava titan so solo kbd trips will hod off my attacking urge while i train skills.

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Hmm to be honest nothing is wrong with them, everyone likes to play the game differntly, and thats what makes it special. my good friend in rs, is lvl 129 and hs about 100qp and alot of lvl 50 skills, whilst on the other hand i have a lvl 3 skiller friend with 3 99skills.




So yes, whilst it may be very well that it is fine to be a skiller, there are still issues about skillers that concern me.


I find that alot of level three skillers are too overly concerned aobut their runescape goals. I know this is a generalisation, but the names that are green on my friendslist most of the time, are skillers who sit at willow trees or cook or fish, or do whatever for their whole day.




I know im going to get responses that say "well I am a skiller and i play 1 hour a week", as is said, im giving my general thoughts on the matter.




Peace out G-Unit.




Feel free to add me ingame if you want to chat :D

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skillers have both goods and bad things. although i would not be one since they cant do MANY quests or kill bosses so they would never know what entering the GWD is like. Although if i see a skiller with construction cape ill bow him...


Quest Cape achieved on 27/4/09but nomad is preventing me to get it back...


New-wave tried to destroy the metal, but the metal had its way

Grunge then tried to dethrone the metal, but metal was in the way

Punk-rock tried to destroy the metal, but metal was much too strong

Techno tried to defile the metal, but techno was proven wrong


It comes from hell!

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thanks for taking you're time to reply :thumbup: the reason i skill is for challenge. after awhile, knowing that you can easily solo every monter in the game, go anywhere with virtualy no risk and spending all that time training gets boring, of course thats just my opinion.






in reply to Smackmypotatoe, honestly? i asked for you're opinions about skillers. you made it sound as if i asked you to do something much more difficult and tedious. if you'r going to post, please let it benefit the thread :shame:




Your first post seems like your saying: "I'm a skiller! Do you guys think I'm kewl? If you don't, please leave, and don't hurt my feelings."




I agree with the smackmypotatoe guy, and if he hadn't said anything I would have said what he did.




All these "Skillers are kewl if you like that, and if you don't then that's kewl too" answers bore the hell out of me, will you people have an opinion?


Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.

Oscar Wilde

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thanks for taking you're time to reply :thumbup: the reason i skill is for challenge. after awhile, knowing that you can easily solo every monter in the game, go anywhere with virtualy no risk and spending all that time training gets boring, of course thats just my opinion.






in reply to Smackmypotatoe, honestly? i asked for you're opinions about skillers. you made it sound as if i asked you to do something much more difficult and tedious. if you'r going to post, please let it benefit the thread :shame:




Your first post seems like your saying: "I'm a skiller! Do you guys think I'm kewl? If you don't, please leave, and don't hurt my feelings."




I agree with the smackmypotatoe guy, and if he hadn't said anything I would have said what he did.




All these "Skillers are kewl if you like that, and if you don't then that's kewl too" answers bore the hell out of me, will you people have an opinion?




i find that to acctualy be a huge assumption on your part as i never asked ANYONE if they thought if i was 'kewl' and if the answer's bore the hell out of you, why did you bother posting something even more useless to this thread? i accept all types of critisism and answers that revolve around the question i asked, i do not mind what their opinion is. someone's answer certainly wont hurt my feelings. i however do not expect to get flamed for a simple question that could be answered in a few words. some people have acctualy shared their oppinions on skillers saying that they dont mind them, or they find them boring. no one said they where 'kewl'




if you're going to post on my thread please keepp on topic to the question i have asked thank you -.-

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I think being a skiller would be severely boring for some. Alot of gameplay cannot be played without raising combat... I don't mind skillers all that much, but when they brag about how rich they are or whatever, I just want to punch them in the eyes -.-.

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They have an undeserved sense of entitlement.




this ^




115 cb and 1709 total, i call myself a "combat-skiller" LOL.


But seriously, If i couldn't fight to earn money as well as skill i'd go nuts,

I don't know which mod did this. I don't know why they did it. If they're looking for money, I can tell them I don't have any as I'm a student. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills; skills I have acquired over 4 years of RuneScape. Skills that I have worked hard for and people like them can't take them away. If they give me my particles back now, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for them, I will not pursue them. But if they don't, I will look for them, I will find them, and they won't like what'll happen

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Here's how I've always viewed pures (not just skillers):




They handicap themselves to enjoy the game for themselves more. It doesn't bug me that they do it, and I'm most certainly willing to let them do it, so long as they don't complain about their own conscious choices and limitations.





To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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***Your and You're :: They're different things***






OT: Skillers are cool, so long as they keep their arrogance to a minimum. I just don't understand why pkers have to have names like "1hitk0unubbye" yet skillers are "Silent Hammer". It's like people only want skillers to have creative names.




1hitk0unubbye is an ownage name :thumbup: .




As for my opinion on pure skillers, I prefer pures who skill.

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I prefer making skillers over combat pures.




Although my favorite skill is Slayer, I make the bulk of my money through skilling.


I think skillers are great, but I couldn't live without combat, and therefore I can't stick with a pure skiller.




99 WC - 12/20/08! =D

99 Defence - 6/19/09! 44,012 to reach it!

Aiming for 2000 Total Lvl!

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No, you're not a pure skiller, that's a stupid name, you don't train all skills. You're a non-combat skiller, and I don't mind them, but I do think they're a waste of time since if they trained combat some of their skills would be more easily obtained.




He is a pure skiller.

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I couldn't stand being a pure skiller. Sure I skill sometime, but combat is definitely my favourite part of RS - this includes monsterhunting, pking, slaying, minigames etc.

Dragon drops: 82 (2 claws)

Dagannoth kings drops: 73

Barrows item count: 51

GWD drops: 54 (5 hilts: 1x bandos, 3x saradomin, 1x zamorak)

Whips: 4

Sigils: 1x spectral (FFA), 1x arcane (FFA)

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If they want any sort of recognition for being level 3 ill laugh at them. if they enjoy it and dont self boast then good for them I have no problems.



Dragon Drops: 80+ boots, 7 med, 3 skirt, 2 left half, 2 Spear, 2 2h

Slayer: 30+ whips, 4 Bows, 1 Mask, 3 Granite Legs, 1 Visage (Wyverns)

Notable GWD Splits: Bandos Tassets: 12, Bandos Chest: 11, Bandos Hilt: 2

Proud Slayer of 99 Att/Str/Def/HP/Range/Summoning

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I couldn't stand being a pure skiller. Sure I skill sometime, but combat is definitely my favourite part of RS - this includes monsterhunting, pking, slaying, minigames etc.




I never understood the reasoning behind being a "pure". Back in the day, having low prayer and defense was an advantage, but today that's just not the case. If these people have fun playing the game that way, then so be it. I know the most fun I've had in runescape ussually involves combat(monster hunting, pvp)...sitting at the fishing guild all day can be relaxing, but after so long, it just gets boring. Pvp has an edge that makes it thrilling, and sometimes somewhat stressful.

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I guess the level three's are OK as long as they're not:




* Up themselves


* And ridiculous usernames like 230912309




I like helping them at Draynor Willows :P



Homer: So if we don't all vote the same way we'll be "deadlocked" and be "sequestered" at the Springfield Hotel, where we'll get Free Room, Free TV, Free Food, Free HBO. OOH! Free Willy!

Skinner: Homer I think this has something more to do than a disobedient whale.

Homer: Okay, how are the rest of you voting.

Every member of the Jury: Guilty.

Homer: How many "S'" in innocent?

*Jury groans*

Homer: I'm only doing what I think is right. I believe Freddy Quimby should walk out of here a free hotel.

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No, you're not a pure skiller, that's a stupid name, you don't train all skills. You're a non-combat skiller, and I don't mind them, but I do think they're a waste of time since if they trained combat some of their skills would be more easily obtained.




He is a pure skiller.


There's no such thing as a pure skiller. Combat skills are skills, therefore if they don't train combat they arn't skilling! =D>


Perhaps you mean a Non-Combat Skiller! :lol:

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I've never had any problems with skillers.


I have attempted to start one in the past, but I never got very far.


It is difficult to try and create a new character when you already have


such a high leveled main, in my opinion.




Whenever I use my skiller though, it is quite an enjoyable time.


Playing a skiller adds a different aspect of fun to RS gameplay,


and if you have the patience, can be quite rewarding and fun. :)






That my good sir, is my view on skillers. :)

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I'm working, though slowly, to max total. I personally wouldn't make a skiller because if I'm going to skill, its going to be to help me to get to max total, and not to get some level 3 account high level skills.




I remember when a lv 3 with a skill cape, or doing something somewhat high leveled (like chopping yews, mining mith ect) to be a rare kind of neat thing. Nowadays you're as likely to have to compete with a level 3 for a spot as someone who's a higher combat level. I'm not very fond of pures, but I can see how they could have an advantage somehow. A level 3 training a skill is at a disadvantage, so it seems kind of silly.


Got his first skill cape April 7th 2009, at lv 121+12 cb and 2000 total

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