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Guest Rob

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What do friends mean to you? Or, if you would like, just name a few characteristics of your friends. Internet, real life, or even imaginary.




Here are some of mine (in random order)




-Goofy, more then "slightly" geeky, not exactly trustworthy and often tells jokes. Either their really lame, or freaking hilarious.




-Stubborn, doesn't listen to well, very easily offended. Is into rubix cubes, lego, yo-yos, all of that




-Care free, acts [developmentally delayed]ed at times (in a funny way), very sporty. He shares no taste in music with me, at all.




-Fun to be around, outgoing, can take a joke. Shares every taste in music with me.




-Acts [developmentally delayed]ed on a daily basis (in a funny way, again), if you didn't know him you'd think he was the biggest stoner on the planet.




And I might as well list me...




-Likes to make people laugh, can get along with nearly anyone, enjoys music, very geekish at heart, though I don't act it in public.




Well, that about covers my closer friends. Now post yours!

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A couple of my friends share similar personality traits to myself. That is, they're nerdy and pretty friendly. There are a few friends of mine that are rather [bleep]ish, and I also know a couple of fat, weeaboo goths who endlessly go on about how much their life sucks when they've pretty much got it made for themselves already.




Quite a weird bunch.

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As long as they're not boring I really couldn't care less. It might seem like a broad criteria, but it's really not. Friend is not a word I use lightly.

La lune ne garde aucune rancune.

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If i go out and they make fun of the way i dance with my elbows. they are my friend




If we go out and they make fun of the way i dance with my elbows to other people they are not my friend




If we go out and they say they like the way i dance with my elbows they are not my friend




If we go out and they imitate the way i dance with my elbows we will be friends after some reconciliation




If we go out and i hit her with my elbows i want to be friends but she doesnt




if she says "did you hear micheal jackson left a will? me: No?! her: he left his elbows to you. we will not befriends

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Patrick - The leader, organizes everything, funny, all around great guy.


Ruben - The tough guy, has our back in case we get into trouble, takes things too seriously.


JT - The youngster, happy go lucky type of guy.


Martin - The fat one.


David - The drug dealer, everyone knows who he is yet not many know him personally, super deep, makes great beats.


Tony - The baby.


Me - The crazy, funny one, loves getting into trouble, random, pretty mean to people I dislike/don't know.




My friends mean the world to me, I'm around them almost 24/7 and we're all a pretty tight knit group even though we are pretty much total opposites.

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I will get back at you with this question next year. I'm sure I will have made some by then >___>




Ah, there is one guy. We talk about nostalgia stuffs like Digimon and Pokemon. He plays Portal on my laptop at school >:



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If i go out and they make fun of the way i dance with my elbows. they are my friend




If we go out and they make fun of the way i dance with my elbows to other people they are not my friend




If we go out and they say they like the way i dance with my elbows they are not my friend




If we go out and they imitate the way i dance with my elbows we will be friends after some reconciliation




If we go out and i hit her with my elbows i want to be friends but she doesnt




if she says "did you hear micheal jackson left a will? me: No?! her: he left his elbows to you. we will not befriends




If I take peyote and write stuff on the internet no one will understand what I say.

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i use the friend very loosely, anyone who i have had maybe only even one encounter with i might consider that person a friend, does that mean we hang out on a regular basis no, but i will consider you a friend. i have other friends on a more personal level with who i spend alot of time with and know deeply. but even to be a close friend has no common characteristic besides just not back-stabbing me, which has happened a hand full of times because i do trust so easily, but end the end, the other friends i have meet due to this has easily out weighted

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Stefan-one of my best friends,is uber-random and will not let go of a chance to behave random-hes pretty smart too(he and me are the smartest of class)




Omar-kinda reminds me of bill cosby,hes a good guy,helping me out of trouble a lot the last year




elyas-a guy whos felling attacked like waaay to fast,good guy




umit-pretty much normal




Tim-one of the only ones who still plays runescape,pretty smart too


joziak,well.....he makes fun of everyone,but he is very motivated to learn,if hes silent,you wont hear from him,if he talks,he talks to much




Rosita-most awsome girl i know,shes like a girlfriend to me,shes Bi,found out like 6 months ago,i never noticed




Monica-same as above,awsome girl




joyce-is 17 but has the saying "im almost mature,but i dont wanna grow up"




that were my friends

99 Firemaking 30-5-2010 | 99 Fletching 13-7-2014
TET-AU member:6-10-2010 - 21-10-2011

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Skater kids, into DJing/house/electronica/hardcore... I can befriend people pretty easily, the people I hang out most with lately I just decided to sit with at lunch one day.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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Somebody I can trust and feel comfortable with. Not many people fit into the first criteria.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Guy 1 - Fun, but doesn't listen well.


Guy 2 - Fun to be around, listens well, intelligent.


Guy 3 - A fat stubborn bastard who doesn't listen and is spoiled as [cabbage]. Cannot take a joke or any form of criticism. Why am I friends with him?


Guy 4 - A freaking tank. People make fun of him for being fat, but it's all muscle. I've seen him lift an oil drum full of cement with an anvil on top.


Guy 5- A redneck, in a good way. Really fun and a great sense of humor.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Guy 4 - A freaking tank. People make fun of him for being fat, but it's all muscle. I've seen him lift an oil drum full of cement with an anvil




:shock: Not effing possible. An anvil alone can weigh well over 200 pounds, but an oil tank filled with cement? No wai.

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Actually it's a smaller anvil, so I'd say about 100-120 pounds. Still pretty heavy. I can move it too, but only slightly, and thats if I put everything I have into it.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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Most of my friends have some of the same interests as me... And generally the same values, that's the biggest thing for me. I tend to have quirky friends who don't really fit in otherwise (those are my 'good friends') but I can count most of the people in my grade as friends.




So my personality traits/values that I share with most of my friends are...


Random geekiness, smart/actually care about school (although they might not always show it)/they know they need it, enjoy hockey, don't smoke/do drugs/alcohol, generally don't do illegal things, most of them are fairly athletic (though I'm not), most are band geeks. Oh and we mostly share the same music taste (classic rock/hard rock/metal)




but for me I fit in the stereotype of art freak/raver/skater/scene/goth kids.




Oh and I'll describe probably my best online friend: willing to argue to make his point, but also knows when you've beaten him. willing to delve into projects even if they'll never be finished for the learning experience. more into the philosophical side of things. knows a lot of random things, and wants to learn more. always has a new side to a discussion. he's made mistakes in the past and learned from them. not a very materialistic person. he's pretty awesome.

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Actually it's a smaller anvil, so I'd say about 100-120 pounds. Still pretty heavy. I can move it too, but only slightly, and thats if I put everything I have into it.


The average cement is 3120 kg/m^3, the standard US oil drum is 159L, or 0.159 m^3. So a barrel full of cement given these numbers would weigh 496.1kg or 1094 pounds. I don't even have to mention that the barrel itself has a bit of weight, and the 100-pound or so anvil.




I smell a fib.


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Actually it's a smaller anvil, so I'd say about 100-120 pounds. Still pretty heavy. I can move it too, but only slightly, and thats if I put everything I have into it.


The average cement is 3120 kg/m^3, the standard US oil drum is 159L, or 0.159 m^3. So a barrel full of cement given these numbers would weigh 496.1kg or 1094 pounds. I don't even have to mention that the barrel itself has a bit of weight, and the 100-pound or so anvil.




I smell a fib.




Because I have so much to gain from this :roll:




It's in the tech lab at my school, an oil drum full of cement with a small anvil on top. Obviously he's not lifting it over his head like superman with a bus, but he's doing with a little effort what takes me everything to do.


Get back here so I can rub your butt.

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I've never ever had a good friend, like a friend I can actually trust fully, and that I actually care about, but that's probably because I don't trust anyone, and I don't care about anything. I'm probably just being ignorant.

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My friends mean a surprising amount to me.


My best friend is someone i've known for 10 years, who lives down the road from me, he's 2 years older than me though so he is off to uni soon and so wont have much time to see me anymore, but we'll still see each other, but for the past 10 years weve pretty much always been there for each other and never once fallen out. This is probably because we dont see each other ever single living hour because we are the same age and go to the same lessons at school ect, so we see each other when we want to, which tbh is quite a lot xD, but it's when we want to, not when we're forced to.




I then have about 5 other best friends, and when i say that, i dont think anything less of anyone who i dont class as a 'best friend' it's just that these people have been in my life a little bit longer and have been there for me that little bit more.




My main goal in life is to be happy, and ofcourse my friends help huge amounts with that, and atm i'm very happy, so that's why they mean so much to me lol.

Smashing Pumpkins Fan? Check out my sticky! ~ CYB Worthy viewtopic.php?f=77&t=759663



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Most of My friends are chicks... I find that awesome though :lol:




Katie: Ah, Katie. My best friend for over 12 years... (long considering i'm 13) She is amazing *AMAZING* at violin, :boohoo: she is kind to everyone, and she is my Coaster Buddy! (check sig) 8-)




Zara: Zara. A bit bossy... A LOT bossy. She is the sarcastic rude one. She does have awesome jokes though.




Taylor (Guy): He writes wicked horror stories. I feel his ego is quite dark. He is funny. Very. He can turn any situation into a bloody, Gory horror film.




Raven (girl): She is my Horror movie buddy. We LOVE to see horrors together.




Alex: Alex. The sensible smart girl of the group. Always does the right thing :)




Cody: A spaztastic dude. He will sit in class and write a 15 page story about nonsense. Its pretty cool.




Lani: My former girlfriend :cry: But still an awesome friend. We do all nerdy things together. Last year we even took an 8 hour drive to New Mexico with the rest of the Science Bowl (Wanna know more? Ask me) team. Along the way, We stopped at a Burger King for food, she fell down the slide at the playplace along with her fries. Pretty cool :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




Eli: the school Pothead. Very annoying at times, But can be cool \'


^Hawt new Siggy^ Made by yours truly.

Yeah, Spanish class is where everything funny happens.

Click To see my Origami gallery!

[hide=Important drops]Important drops..... Bandos Tassets x2

Dragon medium helm x 1

Dragon pickaxe x 1 (6m)

Verac's Brassard x 1

Veracs's Helm x 2

Verac's Skirt x 1

Guthan's Helm x 2

Guthan's spear x 1

Karil's Leatherskirt x 1

Karil's C'bow x 1

Dharok's Helm x 1 (4.6m)[/hide]

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Most of My friends are chicks... I find that awesome though :lol:



Same here, my current (well school's over but...) lunch table consists of 3 guys and the rest girls.

Matt: You want that eh? You want everything good for you. You want everything that's--falls off garbage can

Camera guy: Whoa, haha, are you okay dude?

Matt: You want anything funny that happens, don't you?

Camera guy: still laughing

Matt: You want the funny shit that happens here and there, you think it comes out of your [bleep]ing [wagon] pushes garbage can down, don't you? You think it's funny? It comes out of here! running towards Camera guy

Camera guy: runs away still laughing

Matt: You think the funny comes out of your mother[bleep]ing creativity? Comes out of Satan, mother[bleep]er! nn--ngh! pushes Camera guy down

Camera guy: Hoooholy [bleep]!


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