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13 July 2009 - Interview with Mod Zephyri (Sam Hogg)

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If it doesn't ring a bell, she's the person that draws basically all Official Artwork and the Duel cards.




Hi Mod Zephyri. Thanks for taking the time to do this interview! To get things started, can you tell us a bit about your background and what position you work in at Jagex?




Hi! Im currently one of two concept artists working on the RuneScape team. Im 30 years old, female and have wanted to work in the games industry since my dad bought our first Atari 520ST! I love art and drawing, so concept artist was my natural goal. I lived and worked in the North of England before moving to Cambridge to take my current job.




Question 2: For those of us that do not know what a 'concept artist' is, could you explain?




  • The role of the concept artist is to create the 2D pieces of art that the modellers and animators use to create the in-game assets. This might mean anything from rough mood paintings, to highly polished illustrations, to model turn arounds. Its a very varied job, as you could be designing anything from furniture, to dragons, to peoples armour, to entire new towns.




Question 3: How long have you been working at Jagex Ltd, and what is it like to work there?




  • Its almost a year to the day that I started here, and I can honestly say Ive loved every minute of it. I almost never wake up thinking I dont want to go to work. Jagex is a really vibrant place to work, theres always loads going on - Ive never worked anywhere that has quite the buzz this place does. Its exciting working within such a big team, and watching what you do work its way through the various stages of production, and being involved with the people who make it happen, and the people I work with are a great bunch, we dont take ourselves too seriously. Being in Cambridge is a big plus too, its a lovely place to live and work.




Question 4: What is your favourite and least favourite part about being a Jagex concept artist?




  • My favourite part has to be the variety in what I do. One day I might be drawing dragons, the next its coming up with a new bit of wall kit for a new environment, or designing the next quest reward. Each week brings its own challenges, and discovering ways to overcome them is hugely enjoyable for me. Least favourite is hard to decide on, since there genuinely arent many. I sometimes wish we had less limitations so I could really go all out with a concept, but then the product wouldnt reach as big an audience, so its all about balance.




Question 5: Do you work with any other artists when working on projects? How many other artists work with you on one project?




  • I work with one other dedicated RuneScape concept artist, and a team of modellers and animators who bring my 2d creations to life. Each project will get so much concept time, and a small pod of modellers and animators to see it through to completion, so I get to work with pretty much everyone on the team, as well as interacting with the content developers to make sure the history of the game and its inhabitants is taken into account when Im designing. On average for a medium size quest project, say, there will be up to three or four individuals working on the graphical assets, including myself.




Question 6: What is the biggest challenge that you've come across whilst working at Jagex?




  • I think the biggest challenge is really getting to know the world of RuneScape. Its got a very distinctive flavour thats a little bit quirky and Ive really tried to capture some of that in my own work, especially knowing how passionate the fans are about the world.




Question 7: A piece of your work was recently added to the homepage at http://www.runescape.com and your art is a background/screensaver for thousands more players. How does it feel to have your artwork being seen by millions of people from around the world?




  • Its a huge buzz, you just cant get that kind of exposure anywhere else, and one of the reasons I do art is to see the kind of reaction it draws from people, be it good or bad. Not everyone will like everything you do, but if the majority are happy then I cant really ask for more.




Question 8: Where does your inspiration come from to make such amazing images?




  • Fantasy art is something Ive lived and breathed for years now. I immerse myself in it even when Im not at work. I own loads of books by lots of different artists, and I post whenever I can on various art websites, spending a lot of time just browsing what else is out there, and being inspired by it. I continue to be overwhelmed by what my talented peers produce, and it pushes me to want to do work that is of the same quality for RuneScape. Apart from other artists work, I get very inspired by movies and music, and I read a lot of fantasy books, being a particular fan of Janny Wurts Wars of Light and Shadow series.




Question 9: A recent piece of concept art included an image that appeared to be a Dragon crossbow. Do you sometimes put little 'hints' about future updates in your concept art?




  • Oh, there might well be the odd hint here and there. Some might be proper hints, some might be red herrings. All part of keeping the fans on their toes!




Question 10: You created the artwork for the Runescape 'Duel Cards'. Do you know if more cards are in the works?




  • At this time, Im not sure, and I wouldnt like to say one way or another. Id certainly love to illustrate some more, if the opportunity arose.




Question 11: Mechscape has recently been announced by Jagex. Are you working on any artwork for the new game? If so, how does the style of the images vary from those made for Runescape?




  • MechScape has its own dedicated team of concept artists, modellers and animators, so Ive not worked on any of the concepts. I do get to see them from time to time though, and I can say that they look pretty amazing, the concept team there has done a brilliant job of defining the MS universe.




Question 12: For many of our readers it sounds like you have their dream job. What education/training route did you take to get to where you are today?




  • Im pretty much self taught. I went to school up to the age of 18, and art was actually my lowest graded subject, much as that surprises a lot of people. I got a D! But I was lucky enough to land a job painting traditional tiny paintings for an American company, and have been fortunate enough to land creative jobs since then, including a role as a lead designer for a graphics design agency. All the jobs Ive done have helped me gain skills that are useful in my current job, but a lot of the technical art skill Ive acquired has been gained under my own steam, in my own time.




Question 13: Is there any other advice that you can offer any budding artists reading this?




  • I would say that if youre thinking about being a concept artist, be very, very sure that you love art. You have to say that youd be willing to draw even when you really dont want to, and have to draw things that you might not enjoy, or find tediously boring. If youd rather play video games or do other things than draw, then its probably not for you. If you draw for the love of it, then dont rest on your laurels and presume the opportunity will find you. Look at what the best in the industry are doing and aim to make your art as good as theirs, try to figure out what it is that makes their work great, and do what you need to learn the skills you need to make your own visions as good. I spent a good year just studying anatomy in order to make sure my figure art was up to scratch, and I cant stress how important the basics of anatomy, composition, light and form are. As far as portfolio advice goes, only put your best work in, especially on website portfolios. Youre only ever as good as your weakest piece, and Ive noticed, having seen a fair few portfolios in my time, that there is a tendency to pad it out. Compare your stuff to people who are working in the industry and ask yourself honestly if you would stand much chance if you came up against them at interview. If you dont think you would, then work on your weaknesses. Dont be afraid of critique either. It can be tough being told where your work isnt that great, but its something that happens on the job a lot, so if youre not willing to accept and change it for the better, then you probably wont get far in any paying artistic job.




Question 14: Which computer programs do you mainly use in your day-to-day work, and what do you use them for?




  • I pretty much use Photoshop exclusively. I do use a little bit of illustrator every now and again, but Photoshop is my preferred program for sketching and painting. Theres also a neat little shape-creation program called Alchemy thats often useful for sparking ideas.




Question 15: For many artists, research is a large part of what they do. Do you often find yourself re-enacting scenes from your art on Runescape for inspiration?




  • Research is a really important part of what I do, and I do research what else there is in game, if Im creating some new concepts. But more often than not Ill look outside of RuneScape, to other games, to real life, to movies, anything that might spark that cool new idea, rather than recycling whats already there. I dont get to spend much time really playing the game at all, as my focus is on making sure my skills and visual vocabulary are up to scratch to create the best assets I can.




Question 16: What piece of work you've done at Jagex are you most proud of and why?




  • Crikey, this is a tough one. Theres a lot of work Ive done that Im proud of... a few concepts that are in the development pipeline that Im really excited about, but of the things that are released to the players, I think the splash screen image of players fighting goblins in Lumbridge that I did recently is probably my proudest piece, I think it pushed the visual style of the game up another level.



Quick Fire Questions: Finally, we've put together some quick-fire questions from our community about anything and everything:




PC or Mac? Mac! I own a G5, and love it to bits.




Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari? Firefox




PS3, 360, or Wii? 360




Funorb or Runescape? Runescape, naturally!




Favourite Runescape quest? Swept Away




Favourite game apart from Runescape? Halo Trilogy




Favourite world? Heheh that woud be telling...




Favourite Runescape hangout? I'm really looking forward to being able to hang out in the Poison Arrow.




Ranged, Melee, or Magic? Mix of ranged and melee




Sara, Zammy, or Guthix? Zamarok!




Rock or Pop? Oh, tough one. Rock would just nudge it.




Dog or Cat? Cats!




Waffles or Pancakes? I can honestly say I've never had either. Does that make me some freak of nature?




(Admin edit: Not even on Pancake day?!)











Added images:


















Interesting stuff regarding the Dragon crossbow and impending Vampire update (yay Myreque quest).




PS: Lol at writing Zamorak wrong too.


Dragon Drops : 5 Dragon Medium Helmets, 3 Dragon Claws, 3 Dragon platelegs, 2 Dragon plateskirts, 2 Dragon Hatchets, 2 Dragon Spears, 7 pairs of Dragon Boots, 1 Dragon pickaxe, 10 Dragon defenders, 3 Dragon 2h swords, 1 Dragon armour Slice, 1 Dragon armour Lump, 1 Dragon chainbody, 1 Dragon kiteshield, 1 Dragon hasta, 1 Dragon ward, 25 Dragon knives pairs
The Warrior's Blog , Herblore Habitat - Efficient and profitable

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I scrolled down to bottom bit to see the 1 vs 2 bit, gotta say pretty good taste right there, I don't like pancakes so waffles "nudge" it for me.




Quit an interesting read I like how in the concepts he's holding "teh invisible toaster" a new item!! you can clearly see it

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Good read, although she did sound like she doesen't play the game very often, but i can't blame her, those drawing look like they would take up a lot of her time.

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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This has made me want to be a concept artist - I have plenty of school to fo first though :lol:


What I find amazing is that apparently, there's only her and another artist for making most of the concept art. Judging by the amount of content ingame, it's astounding.


Follower of Guthix

The quill is a miracle, for it drinks darkness and sheds light.


Oh right, by the way, I'm a girl. No more calling me a guy you lot~

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Read this in the morning, it's good to see Jagex are focussing on new fansites as well. Good interview, and now we know there is a Vampire Slayer update :) though this isn't a very impacting update for most.

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Nice read. :D




Look at the bottom of the artwork it has an update planned this year for vampires and morges.




Fluffy the Rabbit:Rabbitese: All conspirisees undarwater stufe is pfohibyed.




He is a bad writer as always. :P

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This has made me want to be a concept artist - I have plenty of school to fo first though :lol:


What I find amazing is that apparently, there's only her and another artist for making most of the concept art. Judging by the amount of content ingame, it's astounding.




Well considering her field is only RuneScape and not MechScape (which still requires a lot of concept to be completed) and she is basically limited to designing stuff in the early fases (after which the modelling team takes over), it seems quite feasible.


Dragon Drops : 5 Dragon Medium Helmets, 3 Dragon Claws, 3 Dragon platelegs, 2 Dragon plateskirts, 2 Dragon Hatchets, 2 Dragon Spears, 7 pairs of Dragon Boots, 1 Dragon pickaxe, 10 Dragon defenders, 3 Dragon 2h swords, 1 Dragon armour Slice, 1 Dragon armour Lump, 1 Dragon chainbody, 1 Dragon kiteshield, 1 Dragon hasta, 1 Dragon ward, 25 Dragon knives pairs
The Warrior's Blog , Herblore Habitat - Efficient and profitable

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That was a really good read.




Waffles or Pancakes? I can honestly say I've never had either. Does that make me some freak of nature?








Way to break it to her gently.. over coffee next time good god!

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I looked her up on google. Her artwork drastically improved over a few years:














  • [*:2r5r4x48]
[*:2r5r4x48]Her own site/portfolio




Warning: Artistic boobies and pen0rs included!


Dragon Drops : 5 Dragon Medium Helmets, 3 Dragon Claws, 3 Dragon platelegs, 2 Dragon plateskirts, 2 Dragon Hatchets, 2 Dragon Spears, 7 pairs of Dragon Boots, 1 Dragon pickaxe, 10 Dragon defenders, 3 Dragon 2h swords, 1 Dragon armour Slice, 1 Dragon armour Lump, 1 Dragon chainbody, 1 Dragon kiteshield, 1 Dragon hasta, 1 Dragon ward, 25 Dragon knives pairs
The Warrior's Blog , Herblore Habitat - Efficient and profitable

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.:Adventurer's Log:.


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I looked her up on google. Her artwork drastically improved over a few years:














  • [*:1vmrz9y3]
[*:1vmrz9y3]Her own site/portfolio




Warning: Artistic boobies and pen0rs included!




Tbh I love the mer people one, I'd love an atlantis kind of town in rs you have to dive to, I think it'd be freakin' awesome, shame it'll never happen

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Great interview :D She seems pretty cool.




And I like that a new Vampyre quest may be coming soon :)

[insert birds flying in a circle here]

Yes, that sig was annoying.

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Before everyone starts going crazy about Vampire quests and Mogres, these pics are of a redesign of the "Vampire Slayer" quest, featuring Count Draynor and Morgan. Maybe there will be a full vampire redesign, maybe not.



Jack of all trades, master of thieving. 259th to 99 thieving. All stats 75+

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Nice interview.

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Hmm apparently she hinted at the future release of the range-themed bar, (she named Poison Arrow) and of course didn't clearly identify if the dragon c'bow is being released.


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


http://linkagg.com/ Not my site, but a simple, budding site that links often unheard-of websites that are amazing for usefulness and fun.

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Hmm apparently she hinted at the future release of the range-themed bar, (she named Poison Arrow) and of course didn't clearly identify if the dragon c'bow is being released.




Actually the Poison Arrow was a player suggested idea that we all voted for in a Guaranteed Content Poll. ;)




They've also shown us concept art of the pub in Ardougne that is going to be turned into it.




Quick find code: 16-17-551-58996120

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Before everyone starts going crazy about Vampire quests and Mogres, these pics are of a redesign of the "Vampire Slayer" quest, featuring Count Draynor and Morgan. Maybe there will be a full vampire redesign, maybe not.




Well, the latest letter to the Chaos Elemental suggests a new Myreque quest is on its way.


A complete overhaul of Vampire graphics may be on its way... Which would be great, considering vampires/vyrewatch are amongst the ugliest of NPC's (and not in the good ugly way).


Dragon Drops : 5 Dragon Medium Helmets, 3 Dragon Claws, 3 Dragon platelegs, 2 Dragon plateskirts, 2 Dragon Hatchets, 2 Dragon Spears, 7 pairs of Dragon Boots, 1 Dragon pickaxe, 10 Dragon defenders, 3 Dragon 2h swords, 1 Dragon armour Slice, 1 Dragon armour Lump, 1 Dragon chainbody, 1 Dragon kiteshield, 1 Dragon hasta, 1 Dragon ward, 25 Dragon knives pairs
The Warrior's Blog , Herblore Habitat - Efficient and profitable

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Her job sounds awesome. I really wish I had had some forethought when I was a fine arts major. At the time, the only thing I could really see myself doing was being an animator on a cartoon or a film project but those jobs were few and far between. Games like rs hadn't really taken off yet and I had no idea there would be such things as concept artists. I quit and went into business. -.-




And yeah, they do need to overhaul the Vampire graphics. Those aren't that great right now. I wish they would tweak our character graphics as well. The backgrounds look really nice now but the characters are still kind of flat.

"He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it."

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