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July 28th -Anim. Pack 1, The Poison Arrow, Aquanite, Patches


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If anyone could post updated pictures (.png format) of the Godswords and the Saradomin Sword while being equipped or in the inventory, I'd be greatly appreciative. :thumbup:




Anyone who can help will, of course, be credited in that item's database entry. Thanks! :)






I really dont like how you wobble when you walk with it lol.





Well... you have to look at it from a logical point of view where the GS actually weighs something.

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Wow, an excellent-looking bundle of updates if you ask me. If I wasn't on vacation with the family right now I'd definitely be at the new slayer monsters slaying my [wagon] off until I got that ammy. How rare of a drop is it anyways?




You will now be properly classed as being 'in combat' when you are attacking someone else, even if you've not been attacked back. Also, if you teleport while in combat, you will now lose 20% of your Earning Potential (EP).




Love the first part, no more getting pjed while you farcast! Maybe now mages will have an easier time pking! Plus, tag-teaming in single wild is gone. I'm so happy about this. It's the second part I don't think is very helpful. It hurts pkers a whole lot while it barely does anything to stop 76kers, pjers, rushers, etc. None of those people tele frequently in pvp in the first place, but normal pkers will do it very often. Some will either stop pking entirely or will risk a lot less meaning that the price difference between the amountthey risk and the reward from loot is even greater, thus adding to the money that's already inflating the game. I mean, was thts really necessary? Unless Jagex seriously thought teleing from a fight was the biggest problem with pvp right now, and it's far from that. The real problem lies in the high-reward low-risk players like rushers, 76kers, etc. And most of these updates do little to stop them, they just make their job a bit more inconvenient.




Jagex most likely didnt think that teleporting is the biggest problem in pking, but something they could fix easily with this part of the update. Bigger problems usually take more time to fix.


RIP Chuck Schuldiner

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whip looks actually quite lethal now, but the attacking emote and sound are broken. i hope jagex fixes this glitch soon. on the whole a great update, gj jagex :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



DK's Drops: 7 Berserker Rings, 2 Warrior Ring, 1 Archers Ring, 7 Dragon Hatchet, 1 Seercull, 3 Elite Clue - All Solo

GWD Drops (CS): 1 Bandos Chestplate, 2 Armadyl Hilt, 1 Armadyl Chestplate

Slayer:1 D skirt, 2 Whip, 12 G Mauls, 2 Dragon Boots

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Very nice. I love the new whip look, but not too found of the longswords/scimitars. Oh well, you win some, you lose some. Anyone show updated spell books?


RS KB article about Ancient Magics Although it seems only things changed here are teleport icons.


RS KB article about Lunar Magics Heals and cures seem to be like they used to, same for teleports, most of skill spells are updated.



My Blog of pure... Uhmm... Well... Something...

Proud owner of Quest Cape, achieved 05.08.2008

29062th to Woodcutting 99, 02.05.2009

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*sigh* they've just ruined the once-coolest weapon in game, the abyssal whip


its icon now looks like a pile of rotten cabbages and w/e...also dragon scimmy


still, their worn appearance are better to be frank




still, the pvp update is nice, and whoa! finally mages can lay their FILTHY hands on PVP/BH worlds! :thumbsup:


that's mean my infinity sets + mage's book are gonna rise for even more...



Never a serious money maker lol.


Currently a Sabre Initiate =]

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whip looks actually quite lethal now, but the attacking emote and sound are broken. i hope jagex fixes this glitch soon. on the whole a great update, gj jagex :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




It's not glitched. That's how it's supposed to be. The swishing sound is you spinning the whip behind you and then you flick it forward to whip your enemy. The sound is very accurate, and the animation doesn't look broken at all. It actually looks quite amazing and very poweful, which is what the whip's attack SHOULD look like.




The new whip is flawless and just should not be changed. I'm already used to the new whip's sound and animation and even look to the point where I feel I've had it all along. lol.



|2,300+ Total|138 Combat|12 Lvl 99 Skills|99 Slayer|blogbutton.png

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*sigh* they've just ruined the once-coolest weapon in game, the abyssal whip


its icon now looks like a pile of rotten cabbages and w/e...also dragon scimmy


still, their worn appearance are better to be frank



Yeah, because the set of magically floating sausages was better than the detailed, coloured graphics the whip has now. :roll:

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Awesome a level 78 Slay monster, should get that level soon




My sarcasm sensors are tingling.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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And is the pjing thing pvp/bh exclusive? I still got pjed testing this stuff out at cwffa.


Are you serious? It classes you as being in combat, therefore in multi it really doesnt matter, you can get attacked in combat anyway. TRY SINGLE COMBAT.

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The new animation for Dharok is just wretched.


They take the crush attack upcut and give it to the godsword, move over the normal slash attack to crush, and then have a slash attack that looks like your wcing.


New holding position sucks too, it was nice holding that big axe up over your shoulder.


Why don't they leave things alone and go remodel the leprechuans again....

Exclusive Legacy Mode Player



He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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And is the pjing thing pvp/bh exclusive? I still got pjed testing this stuff out at cwffa.


Are you serious? It classes you as being in combat, therefore in multi it really doesnt matter, you can get attacked in combat anyway. TRY SINGLE COMBAT.


Try cwffa at the border... :roll:



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Are aquanites becoming a bit more empty now? Or is it still 2 people at least per spawn?

Want to be my friend? Look under my name to the left<<< and click the 'Add as friend' button!


Big thanks to Stevepole for the signature!^

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Are aquanites becoming a bit more empty now? Or is it still 2 people at least per spawn?




I was in worlds with empty Aquanites last night. Although, everyone could have just been sleeping and gone back this morning. :roll:




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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So how about the whip? It seems that due to the new animation and graphics, it has increased its popularity. I have 5 whips that need to be sold. Should I wait, or sell them now?

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So how about the whip? It seems that due to the new animation and graphics, it has increased its popularity. I have 5 whips that need to be sold. Should I wait, or sell them now?


I heard of people buying for 3m so id wait.

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I like everything in this update besides the new dragon scims and longswords (i think their handles look like wood and not metallic, besides that i love all the other new weapon looks and i especially love the zam spear attack animations, the other animations are so-so neither good nor bad imo)




love the new whip look and the godswords look more 3d and metallic.




the pub, honestly couldn't care less, another area nobody will need or want to go to for anything really, kind of a waste just scenery really.




the aquanite is fine but as many others also want i'd really like some high level (90+) slayer monsters but whatever it's still better than nothing so i'm not going to complain, got one ammy in about 45 minutes today, won't be going back though, but was fine while it lasted.




- the no tagging thing is great, has been needed since rs2 came out..


- the -20% ep thing when you tele is good i guess, i must admit i was rather a tele [bleep] myself but only because i take full advantage of something whilst it's there and don't like other people having advantages over me for no real reason, so i teleported if i was ever tagged or pile jumped or rushed, but yeah, it's not something i'll miss, am glad teleporting comes with a puishment now, risk vs reward and all that.




overall a well above average update.


My name....is Dolph Ziggler.

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Thanks to Korny, Laura, and Hunter for their contributions. :thumbup:




I've taken care of the other items, so the graphically-updated images should now appear in their respective items database entries.




Thanks again, everyone. =D>

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A few things about the new PvP update:




* It will likely still be possible to tag team in single with a team of ancients but eating twice trick won't work. :P


* Does ring of life lower EP?


* Does teleing to someone after they tele away from you lower your own EP? Will it still say you're in combat when your opponent just teleported?


* They'll probably be more PJers than ever now.


* People will gain EP in level 1 wilderness still with small risk of dying. There's a few tricks that have been mentioned that probably work well.




Aquanites seem to be quieter, I went into the cave earlier and saw a few empty spawns and most people seemed to be on task rather than camping.




I'm a bit annoyed at whips rising, got 2 from a task just before the update and sold them mid on the GE. :wall: Could have made an extra 600k or so.

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