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11th August 2009 - RuneScape Machinima Competition

Pie Naple

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The first batch on entries are up already. Yes so soon, and as you'd expect they're mostly crap, not funny and unoriginal.








Click on playlists at the top to view the first lot. I love how the "merchanting clan" video is about 7 minutes long.. You're really checking these videos are the requirements eh Jagex?

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sadly from the 20-30 I have seen there is very little quality there so far........ although it is clear that so far it's people who have just rushed it to get an entry in ASAP.




I expect (and hope) future entry will be of a higher standard.... it can be done!




There are a few little good ones in that batch though, but even they could do with being tuned up a bit.






I look forward till the well crafted ones start to come though!

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we should definetly do a thriller vid. tip.it exclusive haha




Interesting ones starting to appear now :P




Gave me a chuckle - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=svRdmgzB5_8




(Friend pointed out it's pretty much salad fingers)




Haha, made me laugh; although it's kind of creepy to think that people who play Runescape actually think of stuff like that.




the ending was funny, but the first 3/4 were just weird/creepy




EDIT: heres an example of what NOT to do...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kf-2ORm0Pg&feature=related




i was like...u cant seriously be entering this garbage..




EgMaesto I laughed at how bad the one you showed, I hope he wins, lmao.




Hey how was he using the older RS graphics?

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If you don't get in the top 5, all TIF will go to your home and kill you, revive you, and re-kill you till Gonthorian kills you.




Anyway, I got ideas I just can't make anything cool with iMovie... But I mean... I wanna see the Jagex Castle :(

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What would happen if the video that won had more than 1 creator? :?




They would share the prize between the creators




But then again... the winner could lie just to get his friends on Jagex HQ... mmm... maybe they should had thought of that one before releasing the contest



Veteran Cape Owner (10 year)

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I am doing a music video with various songs. Look up "evolution of dance" for something similar.


I am going to get a chroma keyed clip of every emote except skill capes. I was going to do a thriller music video but I don't have all the effects anymore since I reinstalled sony vegas.




I will probably submit my entry in the middle of next week as well as link to it on here.




Evolution of dance:




[software Engineer] -

[Ability Bar Suggestion] - [Gaming Enthusiast]

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Im browsing through the current entries.




What happens when you mix runescape and rave/beat music:





Ive watched 23 entries so far. :thumbsup:








The one smellysocks found was quite interesting actually. :shock:

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The one smellysocks found was quite interesting actually. :shock:


It has been removed, or at least I'm unable to view it :wall:




EDIT: Just saw it, I'd totally get 99 Prayer for the cape of Guthix ^ :ugeek:




I watched every single one, only a few appealed to me, and that was because that's probably how JaGEx feels :ohnoes:




I found the intro one made by Tehnoobshow more interesting :wall:

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Im browsing through the current entries.




What happens when you mix runescape and rave/beat music:





Ive watched 23 entries so far. :thumbsup:








The one smellysocks found was quite interesting actually. :shock:




The rave/beat one was pretty dang good, should be a bard song (second floor pete's party room?).


and the cape one was cool the shapeshifting cape was awesome.

[hide=Drops]Dragon: Spear x1, Med helm x3, legs x2, pickaxe x1, skirt x3, scimitar x1

Barrows: DH helm x1, Verac Brassy x2, Karil Skirt x1, Ahrim Hood x2, Guthan Spear

GWD: Arma Helm x1

Other: Handcannon x4, Leaf Bladed Sword x3[/hide]

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I know this one isn't an entry to the contest. Still one of the better RSMV out there. Too bad it isn't updated to the new graphics.








Why am I posting this? Anyone thinking of doing a Thriller RSMV for the contest might want to think again. Unoriginal.

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The inherent problem I see with nominations being drawn down to a popularity vote by the masses of youtube is that there's most likely going to be bias towards previously established machinima makers. I make a few videos for fun here and there in other games, and I've got something planned out for Runescape, the problem is that even if I do get it through (being optimistic) I've got to compete on a slippery slope against someone who will most likely be mass voted for due to past fame.




A little deterring, however what's the harm in entering I suppose? It'll be interesting to see what comes out of this compeition, entertainment wise.

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whats the worst you can find :D




Hehe, he couldn't rap at all, but still I kinda liked it. Much better than most crap you see. If he let's someone else do the rap, it could become quite good.




"If I win I will tell me friends timmy. Now watch as I walk through falador with my rune scimmy!"






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