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Post Junkie is 15,000+ last I checked. I wish some of us could get custom titles though.

Isn't there somebody in tet who's title is "This is the stupidest rank" or something like that?


To be honest, Nadril should be his own rank ._.

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I think that when I first joined, post count was something that I was aware of. Not because I wanted a higher ranking, but because I didn't want people to dismiss my opinions because I was new. Now I could care less. Lots of my posts are in Blogscape where you don't get post count anyways.




My Bloggy


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I think that when I first joined, post count was something that I was aware of. Not because I wanted a higher ranking, but because I didn't want people to dismiss my opinions because I was new. Now I could care less. Lots of my posts are in Blogscape where you don't get post count anyways.



[/spam] ._.


Most of my posts were during my 1 month forum gaming spamming/taking over spree ;D

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Post Junkie is 15,000+ last I checked. I wish some of us could get custom titles though.

Isn't there somebody in tet who's title is "This is the stupidest rank" or something like that?


To be honest, Nadril should be his own rank ._.


Until someone breaches 15001 posts, Nadril is his own rank.





^ That guy has the rank you are talking about.

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Post Junkie is 15,000+ last I checked. I wish some of us could get custom titles though.

Isn't there somebody in tet who's title is "This is the stupidest rank" or something like that?


To be honest, Nadril should be his own rank ._.


Until someone breaches 15001 posts, Nadril is his own rank.


Yeah :D.


Now if only I could pick it lol.

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I don't think thats always the right way to see it, I mean yeah, the higher the post count, the better I spose. But a lot of the time I just like to browse the forums and go through the threads reading them and not posting, then again, I only really joined TIF not too long ago, but still I think many people will be in the same boat.


Thanks to LowFatMilk for the sig

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I don't think thats always the right way to see it, I mean yeah, the higher the post count, the better I spose. But a lot of the time I just like to browse the forums and go through the threads reading them and not posting, then again, I only really joined TIF not too long ago, but still I think many people will be in the same boat.

You've started out a lot faster than me, I probably made 10 posts in my first 6 months of registering.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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I don't think thats always the right way to see it, I mean yeah, the higher the post count, the better I spose. But a lot of the time I just like to browse the forums and go through the threads reading them and not posting, then again, I only really joined TIF not too long ago, but still I think many people will be in the same boat.

You've started out a lot faster than me, I probably made 10 posts in my first 6 months of registering.

Yeah I suppose so, Haha. I've always been active in these types of Forums (good ones) And your post count is really quite high, so it basically shows you've been apart of the forum for quite a long time ^.^


Thanks to LowFatMilk for the sig

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I don't think thats always the right way to see it, I mean yeah, the higher the post count, the better I spose. But a lot of the time I just like to browse the forums and go through the threads reading them and not posting, then again, I only really joined TIF not too long ago, but still I think many people will be in the same boat.


Not the case. I can name user's that don't fit that at all.

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I don't think thats always the right way to see it, I mean yeah, the higher the post count, the better I spose. But a lot of the time I just like to browse the forums and go through the threads reading them and not posting, then again, I only really joined TIF not too long ago, but still I think many people will be in the same boat.


Not the case. I can name user's that don't fit that at all.

Of course you can, I know what you mean. What with the Spammers and all.


Thanks to LowFatMilk for the sig

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Actually joined date doesn't really make that much of an impact. Just look at me half the time people don't know who I am and I never get mention in other people jokes or references. I believe that it might be the quality of the post rather than post count or join date.

Wongton is better than me in anyway~~



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Actually joined date doesn't really make that much of an impact. Just look at me half the time people don't know who I am and I never get mention in other people jokes or references. I believe that it might be the quality of the post rather than post count or join date.

What do you mean? Do you mean that people with low quality posts and high post counts get more mention in jokes/references than people with quality posts + high post count? If so, then that's not fair.


And, about post count, I just got the Dark Wizard Robe title. Though, if I were to go with my real post count, I would have the Skeleton Shield title now.




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I like them as a personal statistic but wouldn't care if they were taken from public view. Since I stick to OT most people here are familiar faces. Or avatars, I guess.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


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  • 4 weeks later...

I reckon i'm just amazing, look at my postcount.

You can't be considered amazing just because you have an abnormally high post count... <_<




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To be honest, I do care a little about my post count. It's the closest thing to a ranking system in tipit (with the addition of ranks like "chicken feather" "moss giant whipper" etc that you obtain from postcount). I feel a tiny bit cool when a bunch of chicken feathers and bear furs try to have a discussion in a thread, and all of a sudden I, the mighty moss giant whipper, comes in with a long and insightful post that tips the balance of the discussion and raises my postcount by 1. I never post spam just to raise my count of course, I prefer to know that my 2.6k posts were nearly all insightful and discussion worthy, with very few 1-sentence answers unless they were absolutely necessary or I would be wasting time elaborating more on a point. I try not to be too cocky with my count because it is just a number, but it does matter just a little to me :razz:


tip it would pay me $500.00 to keep my clothes ON :( :lol:
But then again, you fail to realize that 101% of the people in this universe hate you. Yes, humankind's hatred against you goes beyond mathematical possibilities.
That tears it. I'm starting an animal rebellion using my mind powers. Those PETA bastards will never see it coming until the porcupines are half way up their asses.


Apparently a lot of people say it. I own.


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With posts like that Hex it's no wonder you have over 1,300 posts in just under 4 months.


Personally I care about the quality of somebody's post rather than the number of posts they have. People who just post for the sake of it are just wasting their own time, I'd much rather read posts by somebody who has something to add to a topic (whether I agree with them or not) rather than somebody just posting rubbish.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

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Couldn't care less about post count..

413 posts since 2004, so i'm not very active posting-wise but i check tif almost every day.


"Happines only real when shared."





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But seriously, postcount is extremly pointless. It doesn't give you anything at all, basically the more respected you are in the community is a hundered times more important and....



Says the person with 1.7k post count (check his profile) within nearly 4 months. <_<




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I look at post counts. Honestly, it is sometimes an indicator to whether I take the person seriously or not (especially when linking to unknown sites)


This is true.



I always notice them, I look for em. But I NEVER take them as an intelligence indicator.

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