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H1N1 Vaccine


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I'm sick of discussing the Swine Flu as much as the next poster...but some people still like to live in the hype.


Not too sure about the rest of the world, but the US is distributing "vaccines" to the H1N1 for free at local clinics. Personally I think this is preposterous. The fact that it's from the government and free raises a few flags in itself. This is the first wave of the vaccine, and it has yet to be approved by the FDA. This implies that the whole process was rushed and that workmanship is not a key factor. No one knows the long term effects of this new vaccine, and personally I think it's like buying a microsoft product the day it releases. You know what it shoud do, but you also know that it's going to be buggy, and probably have some issues with it.


Now alot of these US kids are being forced by their parents to get this vaccine out of fear.

Are you one of these kids? Do you have an opinion on the matter? Do you trust the government when its in panic mode?






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Guest Mrmegakirby

Personally, I don't trust the vaccine at all. Like you said, it was rushed. I'm not even going to start on the mutatation issue. I just don't like the idea.

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All of a sudden nobody trusts medicine anymore? If you can't live with the fact that science has progressed so much as to make vaccines for a flu within a year, then what does that say about future developed medication? Your minds are filled with uninformed junk which makes you judge clear minded people who take the vaccine, and that pisses me off.


And Roccodog, you really didn't get Swine Flu. My healthiest friend, a guy who exercises three times a week and doesn't eat junk food everyday, was bedridden for a whole week after getting it from work. I swear to god, the first time somebody said "swine flu is just like the regular flu", EVERYBODY believed whoever the [bleep] that was. It's not. Get your information straight, then come back.

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I work in a pediatrics medical clinic, and we charge for our vaccines, however it's usually to insurance/medicaid. The only reason those vaccines are free is because they are being distributed by state health departments and are only available/free to the very poor who can not afford insurance/cash pay. The vaccines are expensive, to be honest, at 35 dollars per dose. For a flu shot, that is very costly.


Also, I have recieved both injections. H1N1 is fairly harmless compared to the seasonal flu, but there's no point in getting it if you don't have to.


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I'm sick of discussing the Swine Flu as much as the next poster...but some people still like to live in the hype.


Not too sure about the rest of the world, but the US is distributing "vaccines" to the H1N1 for free at local clinics. Personally I think this is preposterous. The fact that it's from the government and free raises a few flags in itself. This is the first wave of the vaccine, and it has yet to be approved by the FDA. This implies that the whole process was rushed and that workmanship is not a key factor. No one knows the long term effects of this new vaccine, and personally I think it's like buying a microsoft product the day it releases. You know what it shoud do, but you also know that it's going to be buggy, and probably have some issues with it.


Now alot of these US kids are being forced by their parents to get this vaccine out of fear.

Are you one of these kids? Do you have an opinion on the matter? Do you trust the government when its in panic mode?




Wow, everything in that post is wrong. It is all FUD spread by the anti-vaxers. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the vaccines.



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The vaccine has gotten more people sick than it has helped, and i am sure there is some bugs in the vaccine too. I never trust the government, they have given me many reasons to not believe a word they say.


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It's not that I don't trust medicine or government. It's that I'm determined to stare the flu straight in the eye and laugh. So far, so good.


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So let me get this right;


Some people are sceptical of a vaccine that's been released because they deem it too soon?


Swine Flu may not be serious for everybody (remember, everyone reacts differently to EVERYTHING), but many older people, very young people and people with certain illnesses are at risk of DYING, or horribly bedridden for weeks.

Approving a vaccine for human use takes a long time, too long really to risk waiting for it to finalise.


I guess people would also complain if a vaccine hadn't come out yet, as well.

Such is life.

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Why I am not getting the swine flu vaccine.

Because of a one in a million side effect? :mellow:


I've not had the Swine Flu jab yet, mainly because they haven't distributed it over here yet. But I got the normal flu jab this year for the first time (I have asthma so I get pestered every year), and I've not had any sort of problems with it.


I'm not afraid of Swine Flu any more than the normal flu. It can kill you just as much as normal flu can, so I fail to see why people are so terrified of it.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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My mom works in the medical industry so she was among the first to receive the vaccine over here. Similarly, me and the rest of the family will get it as soon as it becomes available in our individual areas.


edit: Also I am not worried at all.


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Why I am not getting the swine flu vaccine.

Because of a one in a million side effect? :mellow:


I've not had the Swine Flu jab yet, mainly because they haven't distributed it over here yet. But I got the normal flu jab this year for the first time (I have asthma so I get pestered every year), and I've not had any sort of problems with it.


I'm not afraid of Swine Flu any more than the normal flu. It can kill you just as much as normal flu can, so I fail to see why people are so terrified of it.

Over 300 million people in the USA.

Thats 300 chances of turning backwards because of the damn thing.

Its too soon for a vaccination.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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And Roccodog, you really didn't get Swine Flu. My healthiest friend, a guy who exercises three times a week and doesn't eat junk food everyday, was bedridden for a whole week after getting it from work. I swear to god, the first time somebody said "swine flu is just like the regular flu", EVERYBODY believed whoever the [bleep] that was. It's not. Get your information straight, then come back.

Not everyone responds to a virus, or anything else for that matter, in the same way.

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I was one of the first to get the vaccine. [bleep] ya asthma.

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My school will be giving out shots fairly soon methinks.


I will not be getting one because 1. I secretly buy into anti-vaccine propaganda, 2. I've already had swine flu, and 3. Even if I did get a different form of it, it wouldn't be something I'd miss more than a day of school for.


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Well I refuse to get the shot, not because I'm particularly "scared: of it, but because I believe that you should not get vaccinated for any disease that is not extremely fatal and contagious. I have gotten the flu shot for the past 2 years (because my mother pretty much kidnapped me for a routine "physical" But not that I am of age I refuse to ever get it again, you know why? Because all of this over medicating is just cause more powerful diseases to come about *cough* MERSA *cough*


Yes I am an asthmatic but I am in decent physical shape and am not really worried about the flu and whatnot. What does not kill makes you stronger! \:D/


-PS: I know MERSA came about from the over-abuse of antibiotics (as in you can get them for any stuffy nose) and the fact that its also from people not using them as directed (not finishing them) But it was an example


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All of a sudden nobody trusts medicine anymore? If you can't live with the fact that science has progressed so much as to make vaccines for a flu within a year, then what does that say about future developed medication? Your minds are filled with uninformed junk which makes you judge clear minded people who take the vaccine, and that pisses me off.




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I'll admit it, I'm kinda anti-medicine and vaccine. I feel like if I can beat it out without taking anything at all, then taking medicine is an unnecessary risk that furthers mutation to be resistant to medicines. Someday when none of our antibiotics work anymore and we get hit by something that will actually kill us not just make us feel bad for a few days, people will wish they stopped taking medicine over nothing.


Or I could be a stubborn idiot who's going to be dead before that happens.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Free, don't forget that what ever kills you makes you deader.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Free, don't forget that what ever kills you makes you deader.

Superhuman Zombies!


But yes, from what I hear these new vaccines are free of thimersol, which is a mercury-based ingredient that's used for something or the other.



Not saying that I know the first thing about chemical engineering, or the making of vaccines, but I'm pretty sure I would rather not inject something with neurotoxins into my [bleeping] bloodstream.


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Free, don't forget that what ever kills you makes you deader.

Thats why I have all my Meningitis, Smallpox, ect ect vaccines. If I get swine (which 3 of my good friends in college did, and i was in the room with all three of em when they were sick all day) I will just take some Tamiflu and drink some soup.


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There is absolutely nothing wrong with the present vaccines and their would be absolutely nothing wrong with the vaccines if they still used the same preservatives that the study back in the 90s was about. 10 of the 12 scientists who worked on in recanted their work, and it was a very narrow study that was expanded by fear mongers in the media to the point where people started to get afraid of vaccines.


Getting vaccinated doesn't make stronger strains of the virus either, that is another myth spread by anti-vaxers (overuse of antibiotics can create stronger diseases, vaccines are completely different).


All of you against vaccinations should realize that 99% of the anti-vaccine stuff is complete [cabbage] and stems from that one test back in the 90s that had nothing to do with almost everything they argue against.



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Goddammit, I took the vaccine the other day. It also hurts more than the regular flu vaccination. It has more of a burning sensation.


All of a sudden nobody trusts medicine anymore? If you can't live with the fact that science has progressed so much as to make vaccines for a flu within a year, then what does that say about future developed medication? Your minds are filled with uninformed junk which makes you judge clear minded people who take the vaccine, and that pisses me off.


And Roccodog, you really didn't get Swine Flu. My healthiest friend, a guy who exercises three times a week and doesn't eat junk food everyday, was bedridden for a whole week after getting it from work. I swear to god, the first time somebody said "swine flu is just like the regular flu", EVERYBODY believed whoever the [bleep] that was. It's not. Get your information straight, then come back.


I had the swine flu over the summer. Even though it wasn't fun, it wasn't nearly as bad as the media is purporting it to be. Sure, I had fluid in my lungs for about a week and I felt like [cabbage], but it wasn't the worse thing in the world, either. Also, I was diagnosed with it after a sample was sent to the Department of Health.



Mayn U wanna be like me but U can't be me cuz U ain't got ma swagga on.

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I have never taken a seasonal flu vaccination, because I don't think it's a good thing to do. We get a different strain of flu every year, why take a vaccine for them. Any other vaccines are fine with me.


H1N1, I'm not sure as I've never had a flu shot and that I never needed any. My brother had the H1N1 and was only able to stay in the bed for around 4 days, but after that, the flu is gone, unlike the regular flu, that actually kills way more than h1n1. This is just a repeat of the bird flu scare, of all the years we heard of it, the number of deaths by regular flu in one year still outnumbers it by quite a lot.

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