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Have you ever been in a car wreck before?


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I have. Scariest moments of my life. I was driving home after picking up my brother from church yesterday (October 23rd). About 7 minutes out of town, there's an intersection without lights, and only 2 stop signs. The road I was on didn't have stop signs. Anyways, this crazy woman travelling at 55mph runs her stop sign while I'm passing through the intersection and slams into the passenger side of my truck, knocking me and my brother off the intersection and causing the truck to roll 3-4 times, stopping about 50 yards away. I felt the car slam into the door, heard the metal crunch under the impact, and watched the windshield crack as the truck rolled. When we stopped I immediattely unbuckled myself and kicked the door open, then ran over to the passenger side and yanked my brother's door open to check on him.








My brother and I are very lucky to have escaped with only burns, scrapes, scratches and bruises. Here're the pictures we have of the truck:
















(Note:don't bother writing down the license plate tag and make calls, it's been surrendered.)

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Cars can be replaced, people cannot. Be lucky that you are all ok, alive and safe.








Ive been in a few bumps and scrapes but never in a proper wreckage.











Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Was in a crash a few years ago, my grandad was driving and he passed out at the wheel, hit a wall at around 45mph, car was written off. I was in the front passenger seat and got out with 2 broken ribs from the force of the seatbelt(I was told that if I had my legs stretched out I would of been paralized). my gran was in the back and she broke her leg, and my grandad got severe cuts to his head but was ok after some stitches.


--The Ultimate RuneScape Merchanting Website --

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Thankfully I've never been in a serious crash.








The one I was in happened when we were stopped at the traffic lights and a car skidded into the back of us, it was Winter so the roads were quite icy. Nobody was seriously hurt but there were cuts and bruises.








Like Merc said just be glad neither of you was seriously hurt.

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I've never been in a car wreck but once as a child I was pretty nearly hit by a Ford Transit van.








It was during primary school at the end either morning break or lunchtime. Before we were allowed to go back in we had to line up outside the door in alphabetical order. My luck Im quite near the end, anyway about 100 yards away this van is driving along then skids, bounces off a garden wall(on the wrong side of the road) & then swerves again across the road & completely destroys the wall that me & my classmates were lining up just in front of maybe 5 or 10 seconds before. The junkie [bleep] was lucky nobody was hurt or even killed.








The thing is he must have been going quite fast because the van went right through the wall, which was one of those really old fashioned victorian school walls that could withstand a bloody small bomb, like a knife going through hot butter.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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Never been in a car wreck, but I have been in minor accidents before.








One I do recall was a bumper-bumper back when I was about seven years old. I was sitting in the back seat and the light was red. We were all stuck in rush-hour traffic. Suddenly the guy behind us accidentally presses his gas pedal and the car I was in jolted pretty badly. My dad got out of the car, pretty much yelling at the guy for not watching what was going on, since all of us kids were in the back, while my mom checked on me. The police kept asking if I was okay like they didn't believe me when I said yes. :oops:








I'm more or less a pedestrian now, but grr.... some people just look like they wanna run you over!!! :evil:

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I've never been in a car accident, but a few weeks ago my bus got rear-ended by a guy going 55mph and not paying attention to what was going on in front of him. The bus had stopped to let someone off so the force of impact was pretty much the full 55, and had someone been getting off the bus at the time, they would have most likely ended up severly injured. Everyone was ok though, except for when I thought I had whiplash because all these lawyers were bombarding me with letters...

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No major accidents, but a few years ago was in the passenger seat with my dad driving, in a car park we were trying to find a space, guy in van reverses out without looking straight into the passenger side doors.




My dad wasn't very happy at it needless to say :P

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I've never been in an accident really, and I have to place some of that luck on what I consider good driving on my dad's part (my mom is decent at driving, but she's been in a serious accident in the last five or six years, and doesn't really pay attention to driving). I've been in numerous situations with my dad and I know that if I was driving or my mom was I would have definately been in an accident.








Closest to an accident I've had is sitting in the back seat of my mom's car a few years ago in the parking lot of a 7-11 and some guy in a big truck just backs up and hits pretty much right where I'm sitting. I just sat there and watched the whole thing, it's a good thing it didn't go through the car or anything. Did pretty substantial damage, to the point where when she drove over a bump it would go to the tire and the tire would actually get cut by the bent sidewall.








We've been rear ended once too, we were pulling a trailer and someone was right on the bumper, to the point of where he wasn't visible. My dad had to make a quick stop so he did, we just stopped and then the whole rig jolted and we moved forward like 3 or 4 inches. The guy was uninstured, possibly under the influence of something, and he did minimal damage to our trailer compared to the damage done to his truck (it was leaking bad, screeching, etc.) My dad just kind of said, ok, whatever, he didn't want to be bothered on out weekend camping trip.

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I've been in 3 wrecks and 6 crashes on top of that... Not shabby for a 17 year old. Still no injuries on me :P








Next crash I'm in, I die








You're why it costs so much for insurance for guys 17-2X :evil: ... :P

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I've been in 3 wrecks and 6 crashes on top of that... Not shabby for a 17 year old. Still no injuries on me :P








Next crash I'm in, I die








You're why it costs so much for insurance for guys 17-2X :evil: ... :P








Funny thing is, in rural Kansas my parents insurance went up only 5 dollars when they added me onto their policy :P








Nothing to hit but cows out here ;)


I just posted something! ^_^ to the terrorist...er... kirbybeam.
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ive never been in a car crash but some hoons nearly did run me over.








i was riding my bike while my friend walked beside me all of a sudden this car came speeding past so close that i keyed his car with my pedals. i actually managed to stay on the bike but was quite shaken afterwards.

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3 years ago some idiot drove into the path of the bus i was driving at 40 mph.




wrote the bus off and he got himself banned.




i was later told that if i had been driving a car i would have died- someone was looking out for me that day.




i injured my abdomen from the wheel penetrating it(which healed)




and my arm, which has left me with a lil nerve damege(i get pins and needles in it occasionally)




i also injured the muscles in both shoulder, which the left healed on its own, but the right one needed an operation on it. this then resulted in a frozen shoulder, which still isn't better now, and i can't lift it above my breast nor carry anything heavy in it.








3 years on and i settled out of court for 40k, of which most has gone on repaying people we had to borrow money off to survive(i got the sack from work for sickness and not being fir to drive).




if you think you have a case- sue them, you never know what the outcome will be :wink:

Runescape nick : Fat_Slug

Owner of Ears, Scythe and a 10 year veteran cape :D



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I've only been in 1 severe accident. I was in the back seat and 2 other mates were in the car, obviously the front seats, and some silly girl didn't see us stop, and she went straight into the back of us at around 80








Now that wasn't fun.. Luckily me and my mates got off pretty lightly, just some bruised ribs and whiplash and that rubbish..








But the girl driving the car who hit us, let's just say she wasn't in particularly good shape.. She survived tho, luckily :o

Rsn: snyper jr

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I've never been in a serious crash, just slid into a few things in the icy Wisconsin winters. But ive almost been pushed off the sides a bridge by a bus that changed lanes without looking to see if I was in the lane at the time. :shock: I swear the bus driver in Madison get worse every year.


rotalsnarT laciffO

Solving the confusion once and for all

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On my first day of school (first day of Kindergarten) my mom got into a wreck driving us (me, and my brother) home. It wasn't very serious, although, being five years old, it was scary to me. One whole side of the car was dented in (happened to be the side I was sitting on) and it somehow cut my arm pretty bad, but everything was OK.

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