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Why live and suffer when we are going to die anyways..


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I don't get it ... why should people keep giving birth? Even babies first thing they come to this world is cry because they know they have came to this world to suffer lol...we have to be sick... fall down go through emotional breakdowns all that and we still die.. kinda lame so why not just die now? Hmmn...

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I've also thought about that, and I guess there are just too many good stuff in life to leave behind. And anyway, my life has just begun, I haven't experienced how it's like being an adult and lastly getting old and gray, and I'd like to experienee that before I die.


Thanks for the sig, Runesmithie :)

RIP Steve Irwin

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Are you Marvin? some people do have good lives some have bad lives. i dont think that man should stop reproducing but he dose need to slow down. if man gets his population down to about 1 billion i think almost everyone will enjpy life from lack of computition.

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Because i'm not naive to think that my life is the worst in the world. We in the western world have got it easy.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I don't get it ... why should people keep giving birth? Even babies first thing they come to this world is cry because they know they have came to this world to suffer lol...we have to be sick... fall down go through emotional breakdowns all that and we still die.. kinda lame so why not just die now? Hmmn...








1) Because people care about them. Parents that love them, and do everything they can to give their kid the best.




2) Because life is a wonderfull opportunity to get. Be amazed about how all this life and stuff can be formed out of this tiny, stupid, basic chemical/fysical elements.




3) To support our social system. Our economy can NOT last without youngsters coming in as workers.. They are create both a market to sell products to, they buy product, and through taxes they basically support the others. As in: Us. You, me, everyone.




4) What matters is not the time you have. It's a simple matter of what we do with the time that's given us.








And if you feel so depressed, consider this analogy:








The life you get is like a blank sheet of paper. You get the crayons to design it, make something beautifull out it. And if you'd majorly screw up somewhere.. Just make your drawing so that something else draws the attention.








It's just up to you not to color it black like your mind. Lighten up. Enjoy life to it's fullest. Open your eyes. Open your mind.








If you're trapped in yourself, break out and stand. Beat the machine that works in your head. (Couldn't resist that one, sorry)

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I don't get it ... why should people keep giving birth? Even babies first thing they come to this world is cry because they know they have came to this world to suffer lol...we have to be sick... fall down go through emotional breakdowns all that and we still die.. kinda lame so why not just die now? Hmmn...








The way i see it, in 100 years we'll be dead and who's gonna care? So just make the most of your life til then, and make sure you don't regret anything.

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Maybe because a lot of us love our lives...nothing bad to think about when you know that your life is wonderful....and that I personally am going to a much better place when I die.








maybe because of stuff like...love, faith, friendships, beauty...

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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I don't get it ... why should people keep giving birth? Even babies first thing they come to this world is cry because they know they have came to this world to suffer lol...we have to be sick... fall down go through emotional breakdowns all that and we still die.. kinda lame so why not just die now? Hmmn...








go die somewhere else plz, think what you want... but dont go posting worthless stuff again k?

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