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rs-my downfall


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Inafta qeltar fanboy.


Yes it is easy to get sucked into this or another game. Yes it can have detrimental effects on your life.


No the game is not entirely to blame. No it is not purely the individual's fault. Both contribute to the strength of the addiction.


However I would not want the game (I lost) or any other to be altered. The game is fun and I can play it without it harming my social life. The above reason is why I think it's okay for people to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol - it is possible to indulge in these without detriment to one's social/work/family life (don't bring up health concerns, please).

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I had to reply to this one more time before im finally done with everything related to runescape. First off im not looking for pity and i was not blaming the game. I felt that writing this would somehow help me quit and it has. I actually quit a couple days ago and my entire life has turned around. For the first time in a while i've gotten a good night sleep. Im alert in class and no longer doze off about mindless things. This doesnt really relate to my issue, but i ran one of my fastest times today in track. i ran a 51.04 for a 400 meter and my best time before that was a 53.7. I don't know if it's because i quit but things are starting to become alot better for me. For anyone who says im a cry baby, enjoy mindlessley clicking for the rest of your lives, ill be out there getting laid :). peace tip.it and goodluck to anyone else whose trying to quit.

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The lack of empathy expressed in some of the moronic, childish responses in this thread is truly sickening. It doesn't reflect well on this community.


Video game addiction is real. And while those who suffer for it often do bear some of the blame for their conditions, that doesn't justify obnoxiously insulting them or making fun of them.


Some people here might also be surprised to learn how many video games -- especially MMOs -- are systematically designed to exploit weaknesses that lead to addiction.

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:


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You should watch the documentary "Second Skin". It is pretty interesting.

I second this, quite an interesting take on gaming addiction.


Anyway, props to the OP for recognizing the problem and taking action. The subject of gaming addiction has been debated countless times on here before and i can't really be bothered typing out my views on it. Well done to the OP for managing to quit.

It isn't in the castle, It isn't in the mist, It's a calling of the waters, As they break to show, The new Black Death, With reactors aglow, Do you think your security, Can keep you in purity, You will not shake us off above or below

Scottish friction

Scottish fiction

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Very strongly done of you for quitting! :thumbup:


I had the somewhat same problem during High school, more socializing problems than bad grades though. I still have problems socializing but that's a different story...

Anyway, I left RuneScape but .... got a PS3 instead! :wall: ...but. then I started studying in a University ....

Now I spend atleast an hour everyday studying and the whole freaking day (sometimes 10+ hours) when writing a paper or studying for an exam.


I still play Runescape though but never on the expense of my studies.

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well, I'm playing since 2001, and I am addicted, but at least I am managing the time. I don't really feel that I've vasted too much life on it (70 days of playtime during these 9 years) and I've managed to have a normal social life... Maybe because I\ve always put my family and friends before my addiction :)

Playing since February 2003


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Can somewhat relate.. Runescape definitely is addictive.. Even with all the hate on the updates, Jagex has got to have done something right :blink:


Anyway, I'm really happy that you got out of your addiction.. It really is like a drug. In my 10th grade 4-11 scaping was my life too. Then highschool came, and now I have a nice, not perfect, life.


You're far from alone. I wish you best of luck, and praise that this cursed (but awesome) game will never lay its hands upon you. (very poetic, ik)

Dragon drops: 82 (2 claws)

Dagannoth kings drops: 73

Barrows item count: 51

GWD drops: 54 (5 hilts: 1x bandos, 3x saradomin, 1x zamorak)

Whips: 4

Sigils: 1x spectral (FFA), 1x arcane (FFA)

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The spam ends HERE guys. I've removed the last few spammy and off topic posts from people and there won't be any more spamming.

my post was removed even though it wasn't inflammatory or spam.


but to stay on topic:

People can become addicted to anything and I commend you for being strong enough to pull yourself away from your addiction.


time management is the key to not becoming addicted to RS, but everyone manages their time differently.


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Reading your story made me start to think about my life and how I'm starting to drop in grades. This is not due to runescape in no way, but more of me being a procrastinator. I had an essay due for English last Monday, and swore to myself that I would have it done by last friday. How am I so far? Not even started.


After reading I started to think about how I'm becoming addicted, partially to Runescape, but just to not doing work. Now, I shall go start up my essay, because I just got an urge to. Thank you for the nice read and hope you continue on with your recent sucess :)


EDIT: I just found a good topic on RSOF (oddly enough) that explains the addiction of rs.

Addiction Techniques

Take a look at it, I thought it described it well.


99 Strength 99 Fletching 99 Range 99 Hitpoints 99 Attack

99 Dungeoneering <3 99 Magic 99 Smithing 99 Herblore

99 Theving

Slayer Drops: 14 whips, 22 D boots, 27 Granite Mauls, 42 Effigies, 5 Dark Bows.

What would be cool is if Drakan and his minions kill all the sig heroes in the quest except Raptor who is wrecking. You and him team up and cave in some vampyre heads. He becomes a total bro in future quests and in a GM quest he receives a fatal injury and his last dying words to you are "Brofist, mang"


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I quit RuneScape long ago and only log-in for clan events really, but I can see where you're coming from. I remember when I was younger I used to play RS for that long when I was going for my 99 skills.


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That's a pretty depressing read.


Some people don't have the perfect self-control and do get addicted easier than others which pretty much ruins casual game-playing for them.

Video games should be for fun and nothing else, if it makes your school grades or social life worse it's gone too far and if you can't control yourself you pretty much shouldn't play at all.


Glad you finally quit though, just stay away from all kind of games in the future aswell.

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my post was one of the deleted posts; I probably put it the wrong way before, but ill say it again.


*ahem* This is a troll's thread. Look at the post count, the join date, the lack of punctuation. this is what's known as "copypasta" in the troll world, or copy and pasting a premade peice of content. Ive seen this exact same thread a few months ago with the same copypasta, just different details. So stop feeding the trolls. (wow that sounds nooby)


TL;DR Stop posting.



[hide=Siggy credits]The Awesome, Epic, Amazing, S3xah A-10 Sig By Unolexi! I wub u Uno!

InsanityV2 Did the Franz Ferdinand Sig.

Killerwatt is responsible for the Arctic Monkeys sig.

Pat_61 did the B-2 sig and the raptor sig.[/hide]

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I read the whole thing because stories like that interest me. It was... brutally honest and somewhat depressing.


I'll keep my opinions to myself on the matter, since I don't want to start anything, but good luck with your life.



Agreed ^


On a final note: You'll come back, THEY ALWAYS COME BACK!


Jagex's motto: If we build it they will come; horrifying enough as it is, sadly its come true.



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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I liked reading it, and i am in the same situation. I got 6 days of membership left and thought of taking a break to give my best the last months i have left of school. But then goals and new skills came.


I might go F2P.

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Congrats on overcoming your addiction and trying to set your life straight :thumbup:


[brought to you by the Cult of the Sacred Crate]

17th to 99 Smithing OSRS

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I'll say it again. Hey Racheya, if you want to delete spam posts, why don't you delete the whole thread? It's spam, and the trolling is obvious. This is not a flame post.


Not sure what trolling means, but most people consider it to be a insightful read because they can somehow relate. To be honest, this is the first time I read post like this.

a happy Runescaper

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