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The Most Uncommen Thing in Runescape


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When u Think of the most uncommen thing in Runescape you prolly think about a Cracker or any other rare valuable items

But the most uncommen thing in Runescape is 'Friendly players'

the majority of the runescape players are hyped 12 year olds who type 'stfu nub' on any occasion

but very rarely you come acros a player who is friendly

Who without talkng sees your Ranging that drake and will leave it alone

or sees your there for your mithril and will just hop worlds

Gives u a shark when he/she sees you not eating wile on very low hp

and just goes on playing as if it never happend.


I wonder why this is.

My little brother plays this game and hes in real life a very normal relaxed normal kid who never gets in trouble

But whenever hes playing Runescape I hear him shouting NOOB..OMFG..NERD like theres no tommorow.

in his opinion this is just the way it goes.


So I wonder are you a imo 'friendly' player

and how come this game has so many people acting up like that



ps; im Dutch so sorry for any typos

I always tell the truth even when I lie

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Actually, in p2p servers it's not hard to find friendly players. I find plenty of them. I don't think it's a cracker though, I think it's that ship thingy from rsc.



Three months banishment to 9gag is something i would never wish upon anybody, not even my worst enemy.

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You never notice the person who hops worlds or doesn't KS you because you don't interact. You have a "fight" with the guy who tries to take your world, so you remember them. Similarly you never notice the kind person, but you notice the guy flipping a nip.

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You're talking about 12 year olds but you are probably not much older yourself.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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I don't think it's to tough to find friendly people, however, there are some real [puncture]s out there. I was at the G.E. yesterday, and just for fun I decided to suit up in full mime clothes and run around doing all of the mime emotes, and some other fun ones while not talking. While standing infront of a lvl 100 and his friend, the friend starts laughing, but the lvl 100 says "I can do all that too, gtfo of the G.E. noob!" And procedes to do the mime emotes. So I opened up my bank, got out my bunny ears, put em on and smiled. He's like "ROFL!!! Everyone has those, go away nerd!" I couldn't for the life of me figure out what this kids problem was, so I grabbed out a pack of snowballs and followed him around pelting him with them until he teled away lol.

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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Definitely the 'ship thingy'



Ah, the Toy Sailboat, I regret having ever dropped mine. <_<

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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I'd just echo what Bladewing said again, in that people do tend to place larger emphasis on those negative things than the positive. Someone who's acting very annoyingly is going to play much greater emphasis than someone acting in kindness, for the most part. This does lead to conclusions like you're suggesting, whereas there is a large amount of friendly and helpful players, especially on P2P servers.


In regards to your comment on your brother - I'd personally just put that down to the combination of being able to act 'bigger' over the internet alongside the fact that he's obviously younger and much more likely to be prone to influenced by the stereotype of what he sees people 'should' act like. What can help, is having someone like you playing an influence in showing him that's not the way to act. ;)

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Perhaps the ones you attract aren't friendly. But most of the ones I meet are. Also don't expect someone to be friendly if your competing with another for a spawn point. But then again, you aren't looking for a friendly conversation then.


But ye.. you get what you attract. ;) so perhaps don't blame others.

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The rarest item is the Thingy or the Truffle


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i'm a d-bag to noobs in the game if they get in my way (eg level 74's using hally at thzaar, level 60 rangers taking 5 minutes per green drag). but when someone isn't in my way and we're working towards a common goal, i couldn't be nicer. i give people b2p tabs and bolts all the time on slayer tasks, usually for free. often times if i leave a task with food i dont need i'll drop it and say "free food" or just give it away.

[size="5"][font="Georgia"][b]Staking:[/b][/font][font="Palatino Linotype"][color="#FF0000"][/color][color="#FFFF00"][/color][color="#00FF00"] 4+ mil[/color][/font]
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Good spelling? dunno.gif

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I disagree with the whole topic of this thread. The most uncommon thing in RuneScape is....*Drum roll*...People who can go a whole sentence without spelling something incorrectly.

But seriously. Many are exactly what you described, 12 year olds or younger who (Please excuse me) Are teh leeeetesd of all of roonskape peeplz, even tough they beg for phree st00f pl00z.

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Definitely the 'ship thingy'

Nah, untrimmed dungeonerring cape is the most rare. ;)


Hi if you're reading this you are amazing and I love you.

Maybe they'll release a bugless update for April Fools. That'd sure be a joke









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Definitely the 'ship thingy'

Nah, untrimmed dungeonerring cape is the most rare. ;)



Dungeoneering cape is untrimmed at 99 no matter what i believe. It only becomes trimmed at 120.

Levon.png Bladewing.png


It's great you know what you're talking about rustiod. Everything you've said is 100% accurate a true.


That being said...your a [bleep]ing [bleep] douchebag, and none of your advice will ever (or should ever) be taken seriously because of it.

disregard good advice because the giver is a douche



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