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Pixel art? Common, whats going on here. when did this whole forum take a change to pixel art. how did I happen, and does it take real artistic skills to make a picture in paint. Anyone else notice that this proclaimed "Pixel art" Has taken over the media forum? In my opinion it is for the worst too.








Discuss! its a real topic, not a "Rate my sig" Its ment to be discussed. I'm not trying to flame either.




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I think the main reason pixelling's become so popular is because of the media market prices... People see 4million gp per sig, and they try to do the same... It does, however, take alot of time and effort to make a great sig :)

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I think the main reason pixelling's become so popular is because of the media market prices... People see 4million gp per sig, and they try to do the same... It does, however, take alot of time and effort to make a great sig :)








Oh yea, that's a better reason. You hit it on the nail. It's because of the price people offer FOR the sigs.








Pixel is 'close' (though, not really) to a real photo, but cartoony enough that people want to see what their character or mental scene would look like if it were drawn, or as 'we' call it, pixelled.

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I find them harder to make then some of the so called 'real' brushed sigs. This is because all you need is a creative brush and text to have a good sig and in pixeling you need good color choices, correct proportions, shading, style, detailed scene, and sometimes a week or two of work.

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I don't think the forums changed, but rather it's rather an increase in activity from new artists who choose to do pixel art since its resources are more readily available (MSpaint, GG..) than programs like PS which have to be downloaded/bought. It started to spread around summer 2004 I think.








Does it take any real artistic talent to make a picture in Paint? I think so, it's very close to drawing/painting, which many people consider art. Takes a lot of practice and time to do right. Sure there are bad pieces along with the good ones, but that goes with any type of art. No one's stopping nonpixelers from posting their nonpixel work here.








Any reason why you think it's the worst?


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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At least people can't download brushes and make crappy brushpiles. Pixel art forces people to create things themselves (for the most part), though I think that's the only redeeming quality of it. Except for a small proportion of people, nobody can make good pixel art, and that's the problem. People who have no real artistic talent make things and then call it "art".




Those peices you posted, GS, are incredible, but I'd bet a large sum of money that the artists who did them have extremely good skills in traditional media as well (painting, pencil darwing, etc). Not to mention a good understanding of color theory, design, etc.








Regardless of what it is, a brush pile or a crappy pixel, most new artists don't know what design is, how to use color, or any of the like.








6 in one, if you ask me.

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People who have no real artistic talent make things and then call it "art".








I tried pixel art once and quit because i sucked at it. Basically if you don't have talent to start with it will take a long time to get good at it. And too many people post pixel art that sucks (don't mean to be harsh but it's the truth).








I like abstract, grunge, ect. sigs that you can actually make into a "one of a kind sig" (people can't copy your work and have it turn out exactly the same). This whole pixel thing is only good if you have an amazing talent for it. And there's only a few people who can actually make pixel sigs look good. (also the price of them is far overpriced).












All-in-all those who can;t make the pixel sigs look good should try a different form of "art"








/flame on

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People who have no real artistic talent make things and then call it "art".








I tried pixel art once and quit because i sucked at it. Basically if you don't have talent to start with it will take a long time to get good at it. And too many people post pixel art that sucks (don't mean to be harsh but it's the truth).








I like abstract, grunge, ect. sigs that you can actually make into a "one of a kind sig" (people can't copy your work and have it turn out exactly the same). This whole pixel thing is only good if you have an amazing talent for it. And there's only a few people who can actually make pixel sigs look good. (also the price of them is far overpriced).












All-in-all those who can;t make the pixel sigs look good should try a different form of "art"








/flame on








Funny thing is.. your "abstract, grunge, etc." if not only just as, is less original and "one of a kind" than pixel stuff.




It too can't be done well unless you have real artistic talent. You can make stuff that looks kind of cool, but anyone that knows anything will know it's vapid, and as far from art as possible. I "don't mean to be harsh but it's the truth".

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At least people can't download brushes and make crappy brushpiles. Pixel art forces people to create things themselves (for the most part), though I think that's the only redeeming quality of it. Except for a small proportion of people, nobody can make good pixel art, and that's the problem. People who have no real artistic talent make things and then call it "art".




Those peices you posted, GS, are incredible, but I'd bet a large sum of money that the artists who did them have extremely good skills in traditional media as well (painting, pencil darwing, etc). Not to mention a good understanding of color theory, design, etc.








Regardless of what it is, a brush pile or a crappy pixel, most new artists don't know what design is, how to use color, or any of the like.




6 in one, if you ask me.











People who have no real artistic talent make things and then call it "art".











Funny thing is.. your "abstract, grunge, etc." if not only just as, is less original and "one of a kind" than pixel stuff.




It too can't be done well unless you have real artistic talent. You can make stuff that looks kind of cool, but anyone that knows anything will know it's vapid, and as far from art as possible. I "don't mean to be harsh but it's the truth".








That's quite an elitist view to take. Personally, I think that's a rediculous thing to say. Anything that someone puts effort into in an attempt to get it to look good, whether or not they are TAUGHT art, should still be called art. If people only followed the convential rules of art, then little progression would be made. I resent that negative attitude, how can you expect artists to become better if they don't make mistakes first. Obviously people will throw together something that looks like crap at first (unless they are truly gifted of course), but if after practice they become better why have that negative attitude towards people who "make things and then call it "art". "

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I find them harder to make then some of the so called 'real' brushed sigs. This is because all you need is a creative brush and text to have a good sig and in pixeling you need good color choices, correct proportions, shading, style, detailed scene, and sometimes a week or two of work.








I'm not sure what these magic "creative brushes" are that require no talent, but I'm pretty sure I spend as much time if not more on sigs as pixel artists. There's no special brush that makes characters proportional, shades them and adds detail that I know of. Well maybe a texture tool but that looks cheesey anyways...








Pixel art? Common, whats going on here. when did this whole forum take a change to pixel art. how did I happen, and does it take real artistic skills to make a picture in paint. Anyone else notice that this proclaimed "Pixel art" Has taken over the media forum? In my opinion it is for the worst too.








What I see is people that I don't think really know what Pixel Art is. I think a lot of people think pixel art is just a term for digital art in general.








But as far is it being a really popular art style, yea I'd agree that the prices being offered for the work is very attractive to would-be artists thus creating a lot of people trying there hand at it. I think also, that the cartooney style that seems to come hand in hand with pixel style art is also attractive to the younger community members. Kids like cartoons, hell a lot of adults do too, I like a cartoon every now and again :P.








As far as needing skill, there is no doubt in my mind that you need skill and vision for any kind of art. I don't care if you're glueing construction paper together. If you have skill and vision, it's going to show against others that don't.








Godslayer, I can believe that dog is pixel work, but that head I have a really hard time believing. That is very intense, it looks so smooth it must take forever to achieve that with pixels.








As far as GSW's view, art is in the eye of the beholder, something you see as crap might be awesome to someone else. The same goes for anything really. Sounds to me like you took one too many art classes, you talk about design, composition and color schemes like these things are set in stone as to what is right and wrong. Sure there is a popular accepted way and then the opposite, that doesn't make one better than the other save through personal opinion.








The quality of a lot of the work seems lacking to my eye, I'll agree. But a lot of these people are just becoming interested in creating art and shouldn't be dogged on but rather encouraged as a lot of people do in these forums, encourage that is. Anyways, my 2 cents.



Why should we buy postage stamps when we can make our own?

aperson being

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In my opinion, pixeling takes a hell of a lot more work than say, grunge. Any 5 year old can take some random colors on photoshop, apply some filters and call it a grunge. My first and only attempt at pixeling is my current sig. Im proud. :lol:


Everybody lovin' it, but ain't no body touchin' it

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They're okay, and I consider them to be art. But what I don't like is that pixel art has become the main thing here on the forum. It's too much. There are only a few good ones, and the rest looks all the same, even signatures done by a select group of good pixel artists look the same (here on the forum of course), and then they say it's their style. To me it sounds more like a weak excuse to not change a winning concept money wise.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I think Aperson covered jusr about everything there... and yeah, why should starting-pixel artists be plagued with bad remarks and flaming... I'd sooner give encouragement and wait to see what comes out next; It only gets better... even with mistakes, you learn not to do the same thing in future.

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As far as GSW's view, art is in the eye of the beholder, something you see as crap might be awesome to someone else. The same goes for anything really. Sounds to me like you took one too many art classes, you talk about design, composition and color schemes like these things are set in stone as to what is right and wrong. Sure there is a popular accepted way and then the opposite, that doesn't make one better than the other save through personal opinion.











He is right tho, you can't expect to put in a random composition, mix bright blue with bright red and hideous yellow AND expect it to look good..




moste artists especially the new ones seem to lack (i have some compositionary faults here and there aswell)




to many times i see that hideous ms paint yellow with a darker tone of serving as an eye hurting outline well.. i'll just have to agree with GSW there.








and all of us will have to accept that all of us are novice artists and under that (with an exception or two)












Pixel art? Common, whats going on here. when did this whole forum take a change to pixel art. how did I happen, and does it take real artistic skills to make a picture in paint. Anyone else notice that this proclaimed "Pixel art" Has taken over the media forum? In my opinion it is for the worst too.








tho rant all you want here... "pixel art" does take skill more skill then the randomly brushed abstract and rightfully speaking MOSTE abstracts alike.




by far moste.












and GS those are very nice pieces of work, where'd you find them!?




awesome to see that the artist on the dog, didn't use all that much colors and made it look like he/she does.




o and that dog got hella nice dithering.

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As far as GSW's view, art is in the eye of the beholder, something you see as crap might be awesome to someone else. The same goes for anything really. Sounds to me like you took one too many art classes, you talk about design, composition and color schemes like these things are set in stone as to what is right and wrong. Sure there is a popular accepted way and then the opposite, that doesn't make one better than the other save through personal opinion.








The quality of a lot of the work seems lacking to my eye, I'll agree. But a lot of these people are just becoming interested in creating art and shouldn't be dogged on but rather encouraged as a lot of people do in these forums, encourage that is. Anyways, my 2 cents.








I've actually taken hardly any art classes. What I was really trying to say is what you said, you need skill and vision, regardless of the medium. I was just using different terms.








And no, composition and color schemes are very far from a set of set-in-stone rules to go by, but the terms do help you describe what is and what isn't visually appealing.

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IMO, this section is being flooded... :(

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Godslayer, I can believe that dog is pixel work, but that head I have a really hard time believing. That is very intense, it looks so smooth it must take forever to achieve that with pixels.











Nope it's real pixel...checked it on zoom and it's just some pretty awesome shading..

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I don't even bother posting my art, signatures and images anymore because i don't use pixel and no1 bothers replying to my threads. :'(



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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