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Disturbing new trend in spambotting


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I was training up my fletching today in the woods south of the GE, and ran up to bank, when I got this PM sent to me vacationy.png

I assumed it was just a spambot targeting people standing around the GE, so I reported him for encouraging rulebreaking and moved on. But several more times throughout the night I kept getting these from a new account, always named with a common word then an extra y at the end. Is anyone else getting barraged by these? I'm assuming I somehow ended up on this particular site's database. Mind you, I was on a Members server at the time; one of the refreshing things about p2p is the lack of these spambots. I'd rather not have to close my PMs to friend only, but I may have to if Jagex can't stop this.


What I find pathetic is that I've been reporting these all night, and Jagex 'support' haven't done the logical thing of banning the common part of the string of text (notice they all have a number at the beginning that changes so they don't get caught by whatever primitive methods Jagex has now) that appears in all these messages. It's simply sad that you can see a spambot in a bank, report it, and come back 2 hours later only to see it still there, spamming away.


Anyone else noticing things like this? It's honestly got me angry to the point where I'm considering not renewing my membership for a second month.


*Protip - Want to get back at the gold sites? Search RS gold in google once a day, and click all the sponsored links, staying on each page for a few seconds. It's a little thing, but if a lot of people start doing this it will really hurt them.

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Unfortunately, it's not new, and equally unfortunately, I don't know how I got on their hitlist either. My ignore list was literally filled by bots who had PMed me.

I'd take the flak from assholistic mod haters if I could just get the ability to instantly silence these guys.


In before people say Private to "Friends".


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These have been around for a while now, check the last 20 ish pages onthe rs screenies thread and you'll find many cases. Id also reccomend editing out he names and web adresses in the picture.


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Unfortunately, it's not new, and equally unfortunately, I don't know how I got on their hitlist either. My ignore list was literally filled by bots who had PMed me.

I'd take the flak from assholistic mod haters if I could just get the ability to instantly silence these guys.


In before people say Private to "Friends".


friendslist to friends. Easy solution take it or leave it


I like the ability to talk to people and let them contact me. Pretty much all of my old friends have quit, so I don't mind being contacted by random people. I should be able to do this without my PMs being spammed by some desperate gold site.

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Unfortunately, it's not new, and equally unfortunately, I don't know how I got on their hitlist either. My ignore list was literally filled by bots who had PMed me.

I'd take the flak from assholistic mod haters if I could just get the ability to instantly silence these guys.


In before people say Private to "Friends".


friendslist to friends. Easy solution take it or leave it

I'll set my p chat to friends when I decide to start playing this like a singleplayer game, and I suppose you'll stop posting worthless crap like this when you stop constantly siding with bots.


EDIT Spork got my reasons down right above this...


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I've thankfully not been receiving these messages (yet) but I have had similar messages before except that instead of gold sites they were advertising 'merchanting' clans - I heard that they made the tutorial non compulsory again so that may be a cause of an increase in numbers if that is true. :(


I'm not sure what I can advise really, after ignoring senders for so long I stopped receiving them eventually myself though. :P

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I've thankfully not been receiving these messages (yet) but I have had similar messages before except that instead of gold sites they were advertising 'merchanting' clans - I heard that they made the tutorial non compulsory again so that may be a cause of an increase in numbers if that is true. :(


I'm not sure what I can advise really, after ignoring senders for so long I stopped receiving them eventually myself though. :P

Did you happen to change your display name around the time you stopped getting PMs?


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"Merchant" clan bots used to harvest names from around the GE and in popular clan chats. My private chat has been on since the removal of trade limits and I haven't been messaged by gold sellers yet.

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I had spambots pming me awhile back. I know exactly who had put me on the spamlist too because he offered me a GE snipebot and was the only scummy guy I was talking to at the time. These spambots were for a manip clan, though.


Haven't been seeing a very huge amount lately. Maybe pmods are actually being productive and muting them?

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not if kiddies are willing to throw away their parents money for that price. Or god forbid if someone had a job and they were willing to work an hour [California min wage is $8] for about 14m.


Edit: Though I think you hit a low if you value in-game items to the standard of real money

Agreed, although it offers a perspective of how pointless gaining gold is just to have gold.


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The drop in price just shows how bad the problem is becoming. Higher supply = lower price.


I understand what you mean. Before Free Trade/Wilderness was restored back to its original state, I was PMed mercilessly by GE manipulation clans which is why I keep my PM to Friends. It's unfortunate because sometimes TIFers or old friends like to contact me.


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I had spambots pming me awhile back. I know exactly who had put me on the spamlist too because he offered me a GE snipebot and was the only scummy guy I was talking to at the time. These spambots were for a manip clan, though.


Haven't been seeing a very huge amount lately. Maybe pmods are actually being productive and muting them?

You say that like it's our job. :mellow:

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Some kids are, yes. You won't believe how many actually fall for this because of their impatience and greed.


On the other hand this will only repulse the majority of the goldseller's potential customers if they're met with a wall of ads. The fools behind these black market services don't quite understand that. It won't be long before they're only advertising to each other and not a legitimate player. Heh.

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"Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends." Yeats

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I play with my Private chat on friends only, but I have been seeing an increase in bots spamming the GE in member's worlds.


It seems like a waste of $5.95. Are people really persuaded to visit these sites?


They usually steal people's credit cards.


Oh lordy, it's only a matter of time before free trade is removed again.


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I'll see your friends spam and raise you a ge spam.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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How is clicking on sponsored links going to hurt them? All that's going to do is increase their ad revenue...

When you search on Google and get sponsored results, the gold sellers are paying for every click. By clicking on them with no intent to purchase, you (slightly) decrease their profits. Don't click any ads on their site, just the ads that lead to their site. As a bonus you help Google get one step closer to world domination :P

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I went into a popular FC and was pm'd by password scammers, but never people selling gold. Price manipulation clans often spammed people in popular CCs, but I didnt know gold sellers went that far. How...sad.


I had spambots pming me awhile back. I know exactly who had put me on the spamlist too because he offered me a GE snipebot and was the only scummy guy I was talking to at the time. These spambots were for a manip clan, though.


Haven't been seeing a very huge amount lately. Maybe pmods are actually being productive and muting them?

You say that like it's our job. :mellow:


I don't think he's saying it's your job. However, when you have the ability to silence people who advertise gold selling websites in under 30 seconds and don't...then what kind of asset to the community are you (Not speaking of you specifically of course)? Player moderators are supposed to be the outstanding members of the community and if they cannot spare 30 seconds of their time to help the community out, then are they really living up to their "position"? Just think, if a player moderator runs by someone advertising a gold selling site and chooses not to mute, then someone will potentially go for the bait and buy gold. This could lead to a whole plethora of other things, including phising their password, and, in the end, a ban issued to them. It obviously isn't your job, but when player moderators sit in the GE and do not mute those players, when their public is obviously on, they're not aiding the community one bit. Then again, Jagex will probably lift the player moderator mute and not perm mute the player because they don't care all that much about rwt and macros anymore :rolleyes: .

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