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Goth, 14, In plot to kill his Family


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I, personally, don't see why everyone is getting so upset about the label the media attached to this kid. I'm more interested in what kind of punishment this kid's gonna get.








Personally, I'm hoping for 25 to life. I don't care that he's 14, he committed first degree murder and should get punished for it. Sure, he could do with a short stint in a mental hospital but I think that the second he turns 18, he be thrown in jail.








To the whole "Goth" argument, I don't think people should take it so seriously. It's the media's job to categorize and label people to make their stories sound more interesting. And yes, it also gave them another chance to point and say that all Goths are crazy, family killers. But who cares? Goths know this isn't true and well educated, open minded people know this isn't true too. So the only people that believe stereotypes are the idiots and who cares what they have to say?

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I think him being goth has plenty to do with the subject, but not as to why he killed his family. Most goth's either A) Have something wrong with their head (very few) or B) Are just whiners/fakers who want attention.








I'm not saying all goths plot to kill their families, of course.








This is the worst and most unintelligent stereotype I think I have ever heard in my life.








Nah, it's definitely legit.








Anything to back this up with other than bold print?








now its deffinitly legit. :oops:












Being "Goth" didn't make him do this, the kids just sick in the head. [/i]








I shall. This Purple Crayon character appears to be rather self-absorbed, and this is coming from someone who knows what they're talking about when they say self-absorbed. And this Commandant guy - what a kook. "shut up kid?" Can we think of a more stereotypical comeback than that? I think not!








Anyway, on topic, I have a friend who would qualify as gothic, but he's one of the most stable people I know. His parents fight a lot, and he just comes to school every day like it's no big deal, unlike other kids who are like "my parents fight, me so lonely, me needs excuse to cry and do bad in school!"


handed me TWO tissues to clear up. I was like "i'm going to need a few more paper towels than that luv"
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I shall. This Purple Crayon character appears to be rather self-absorbed, and this is coming from someone who knows what they're talking about when they say self-absorbed.












Ha! You are funny. I didn't know saying that, "Him being Goth has something to do with it" could make me self absorbed.








Really though, try to back up your pathetic point, I would like to hear it.

Ghost: I am prejudice towards ignorance, so that would explain why I appear to be so.

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To me a goth is someone who just doesn't realy care about what's going on. They don't care if their parrents are fighting or this and that, they just... live life like they want to. but that, to me, is an actual goth, not like 95% of goths that most of us would describe like one. 95% of people that are acting goth, I think, just fake it. They want attention, or they want to be able to have friends (just me, not realy sterotyping here, but it seems like a lot of the... less popular kids end up becoming goth. I'd say to me it seems like a lot of goths just are trying to fit into a different group.)












But thats my 2 cents on the matter.












Thank you for prooving my point by defending yours.








Thanks Nad, Too bad "definittley is not a word. Didn't think I need to defend my point since it's pretty obvious.








Too bad.

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ugh well self mutilation and depression/angst are more of an emo thing than a goth thing. i doubt








Off topic: Cantrell is a friggin legend!

Kirk and Lars I could handle. At the same time.
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To me a goth is someone who just doesn't realy care about what's going on. They don't care if their parrents are fighting or this and that, they just... live life like they want to. but that, to me, is an actual goth.








Ah c'mon you can't be serious about that?


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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To me a goth is someone who just doesn't realy care about what's going on. They don't care if their parrents are fighting or this and that, they just... live life like they want to. but that, to me, is an actual goth








What on earth do you mean an actual goth? An actual goth is a member of the germanic tribes of Visigoths and Ostrogoths.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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The term 'goth' as applied to modern times doesn't come from the Germanic tribes, but from gothic romance, a form of romanticism that was particularly popular in England. It was, like other forms of romanticism, a form of escapism from the cold and emotionless world of rationalism. In this case writers and poets used dark themes like haunted castles and mysterious deaths to get away from it. Some good examples of 'gothic' novels are The Castle Otranto and Vathek. The most famous one would be Frankenstein, although it falls out of the timeline by a few decades, which si why some people consider it to fall out of romanticism in general.

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In my own opion I believe goth's are insane. Who in their right mind would be into all this self mutilation, and being in a depressed state of mind all day.








Well here comes the flames.








ugh well self mutilation and depression/angst are more of an emo thing than a goth thing. i doubt








Are you kids just easily brought up to hate emos and goths because of these stupid and untrue stereotypes? Obviously a lot of you are to immature to be posting in this thread.

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To me a goth is someone who just doesn't realy care about what's going on. They don't care if their parrents are fighting or this and that, they just... live life like they want to. but that, to me, is an actual goth








What on earth do you mean an actual goth? An actual goth is a member of the germanic tribes of Visigoths and Ostrogoths.








Well... wouldn't know what to say of it exactly. At least, the people I've known that were goth just didn't realy care.








Ah well, maybe was just them :/.

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Are you kids just easily brought up to hate emos and goths because of these stupid and untrue stereotypes? Obviously a lot of you are to immature to be posting in this thread.








The immature ones hate emos/goths because they subscribe to false stereotypes, the mature ones hate them because they are attention seeking egocentrics just trying to fit in.

Some people are changed by being a moderator. I wouldn't be.

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Let's just start calling them "Goths", when, you all know it, goths these days depend on their fashion and music tastes to make them goth, they really aren't goth, but that's just the label that people have put on them today.








And 99% of them don't really care about that (atleast I never heard them complain about it). But apparantly that's the Goth attitude.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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I'll try to make my point here, you can agree or disagree, but this is just how I think about it. I might have trouble prooving my point, but I try, I'm not English.




Ofcourse the kid is a bit sick in the head, but obviously media influenced him to do such things. He probally just picks up things easy, and beleives in everything (or alot) he sees. The book obviously influenced him to do it, I don't think it would've happened if he didn't read or see or hear anything like that.




It's just the fact that the media CAN influence people, and I personally think this was a part in this murder.




You can also say people kill people, not music, but music usually influences people, makes them think about things they may never have thought about. That's why I think music is a part of the media which influence and make people. The way people think about Goths is either pre-judged because they are different, or because of experiences with other Goths around them. For example, I generally have a ba vision about Goths, because alot of people around me are the way I see Goths. I usually try not to pre-judge people though. I just hate the way alot of them are trying to seek attention or trying to fit in. That doesn't make me hate all Goths though.




Ok that was my story.









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I'll try to make my point here, you can agree or disagree, but this is just how I think about it. I might have trouble prooving my point, but I try, I'm not English.




Ofcourse the kid is a bit sick in the head, but obviously media influenced him to do such things. He probally just picks up things easy, and beleives in everything (or alot) he sees. The book obviously influenced him to do it, I don't think it would've happened if he didn't read or see or hear anything like that.








It was an exercise book. It was written by him, detailing his plans and intentions involving his new life.








It's just the fact that the media CAN influence people, and I personally think this was a part in this murder.








And what makes you think the media influenced him? We have no information about anything involving the media's affect.








You can also say people kill people, not music, but music usually influences people, makes them think about things they may never have thought about. That's why I think music is a part of the media which influence and make people.








All depends on the music. Most goths wouldn't take things to this extent, but some would. So would people of any stereotype, or not of any. We don't even know what his taste in music was.

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I misunderstood the book part, apologees for that.




I think media or at least someone else makes you think like that. I personally have no idea how you could get ideas like that on your own. Maybe movies, or something else. You're right it's not said, but I think it must have something to do with it, even if you're not good in the head, something else must get you to do this. Even if you have ideas like this, if you have a normal life, it doesn't make you pull the trigger that easily.








Actually the Goths alot of people talk are the type of goths that like attention and are depressed or something, not the type of people interested in fairies and dragons and stuff (bad explained, but isn't that the true meaning of Goths?). As of the first option, alot of these people are depressed, so this might've been a cause of the murder (seeing no way out or something), but ofcourse it's a shot in the dark. But yes, I agree that it was a bad idea to link the murder to the fact that he was a Goth. I think we should need some more information to really further discuss this.








I'm not that good at discussing, I'll try to explain what I said, might be wrong tho. Note that some things I wrote are how I think about it, not facts.

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I think him being goth has plenty to do with the subject, but not as to why he killed his family. Most goth's either A) Have something wrong with their head (very few) or B) Are just whiners/fakers who want attention.








I'm not saying all goths plot to kill their families, of course.








This is the worst and most unintelligent stereotype I think I have ever heard in my life.








Nah, it's definitely legit.








By the way, none of you should listen to this kid. He's the kind of person that hates and ridicules others who are different than he is.

Commandant, MPC seems to being SARCASTIC, but maybe thats just me...


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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I misunderstood the book part, apologees for that.




I think media or at least someone else makes you think like that. I personally have no idea how you could get ideas like that on your own. Maybe movies, or something else. You're right it's not said, but I think it must have something to do with it, even if you're not good in the head, something else must get you to do this. Even if you have ideas like this, if you have a normal life, it doesn't make you pull the trigger that easily.








Actually the Goths alot of people talk are the type of goths that like attention and are depressed or something, not the type of people interested in fairies and dragons and stuff (bad explained, but isn't that the true meaning of Goths?). As of the first option, alot of these people are depressed, so this might've been a cause of the murder (seeing no way out or something), but ofcourse it's a shot in the dark. But yes, I agree that it was a bad idea to link the murder to the fact that he was a Goth. I think we should need some more information to really further discuss this.








I'm not that good at discussing, I'll try to explain what I said, might be wrong tho. Note that some things I wrote are how I think about it, not facts.








Perhaps he saw a movie where somebody's parents were killed and then they were adopted by a rich family, but in my personal opinion, that does not hold the movie responsible; he created that influence himself, and took from it. If anyone is going to act that irrationally, then obviously they are in need of dire help.

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That's just wrong and sick man..Can't believe anyone would do that to someone of his family. especially the people that brought himself into the damn world.



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