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Atom Smash40

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Definition: Sexual relations between two people who live on the same floor. Typically used in the context of college dorms. Generally frowned upon.



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I never said that. But if the time comes later during the year...

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Guy on Guy = no

Guy on Girl = if they are in a long term relationship

Girl on Girl = yes, only if they are hot and I can watch



Ok, seriously now. I guess there isn't really anything wrong with it besides the fact that it is a little weird.

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I thought this was a joke thread, but I figured if three regulars and OP has 2k+ posts it has some merit.


I, personally, never heard of it. I, too, am okay with it because I can control my emotions if we break up (reading UrbanDictionary, which says that's the major problem).

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My floor is super social and we all hang out and have fun together.


There's already one confirmed case of floorcest, and possibly 2 more unconfirmed (none of them involving me). So I don't know what to make of it yet. I want to wait to see how the confirmed case works out (one of the unconfirmed is going to end badly as both parties have significant others), but I don't want to let the girl slip away...trouble is, she doesn't believe in floorcest...

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As interesting as this is, I think the relationship thread is the place best suited to continue the discussion.




Actually lol I changed my mind. Discuss away. Sorry for being so indecisive, it's past my bedtime :oops:


Personally, I see nothing wrong with it. But then again, I've never lived in a dorm and am not into casual sex anyway, so I guess I'm not qualified to answer :P

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I had never heard of this term before and honestly never thought it would be a big deal. Thinking about it, I guess things could get awkward if it doesn't end well.


Now I walked in on my roommate having sex with her boyfriend (who also lived on the same floor).... that was awkward :wall:

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This happened on my floor (no, it wasn`t me) when I was in the dorms, and lets just say that the situation got super awkward for EVERYONE after that. Even though we were the `party floor`the situation just got weird. As far as I can recall, one of the people even moved to another floor in the second term.

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I've stayed friends with all the girls I've slept with, and my one girl-friend is now a good friend with whom I hang out with (and occasionally we still sleep together). So this sort of thing wouldn't be awkward for me in the event that it ended badly -- if it ended badly at all, as I've always ended relationships on good notes. All of mine have ended for basically the same reason, which is that we don't spend enough time together (hey, I only like to hang out 2-3 days a week with them, is that a crime?) In my case, I would recommend it. My best relationship was my open-relationship with my girlfriend Amrit. She slept with maybe 4 other guys while we dated, I slept with maybe 3, but our relationship was fairly strong until she left for New Zealand on vacation. She's also the one I sleep with on occasion now in the present. However, one large caveat: I'm not one for monogamy or "traditional relationships" in general, I think we should all be more accepting of "flings" and let casual sex be casual, so I'm probably not the best person to ask about this.

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I hope this doesn't happen when I go to college, because we all have to share a kitchen. The last thing I want is for some guy to have boiling water poured on him because he said something his ex didn't like while she was making ramen.

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I don;t live on campus, but all of the dorms at the university are same sex. With this said this isn't an issue as far as I know. However I wouldn't consider it an issue anyway.




Albel doesn't say anything anymore, just comes in, leaves an arrow and vanishes into the night :(Probably
practising some euphonium

You nearly had me fooled, you fooler you


9/10. To me, always associate Albel with musical stuff in OT.

Everyone with a goatee and glasses is Albel now.

lmfao albel m8 wat r u doin, hi though.



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I've never heard of the term either. Sounds like a random term found on Urban Dictionary..


When I lived in a college dorm, I think at least 6 different people hooked up on my floor. It's not really a big deal, if you can why not? Some people were in it simply for the sex, others did it for the "relationship".

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Apparently it's been around for a while...Google search yields an article from 2008 but I'm sure there's more far older than that.

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Seems fine to me, unless you are in a relationship [or one party would like to be in a relationship while the other does not] and you break up. That would just be super-awkward.


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Never heard of it at all and I'm not sure it's such a problem *shrug* Seems something a bit random to me.


Yeah, I don't get the stigma. What makes this any different than let's say two neighbors having sex - or coworkers. People meet sexual partners anywhere.

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People on the same floor is a big deal to begin with?


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I've never heard of 'floorcest'. Personally, I don't see anything wrong with it, though it's not something that's likely to catch on here in England.

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People on the same floor is a big deal to begin with?

Yeah, I don't understand this. Whats so bad about hooking up with someone who stays on the same floor?

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I've been reading "floorcrest" throughout the entire post. So not only do I look stupid by admitting that, the idea of floorcest is just as dumb. I understand that for some dorms that share bathrooms and kitchens it could lead to awkward moments, but that's only if you cease the [bleep]ing.


Keeping those kinds of relationships going are easy. You just have to 1. not have an ego and 2. [bleep] her properly.That's pretty much it - anything extra you provide is on you.

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I've never heard of this until today. There were a few cases of this last year, but it really wasn't a big deal and the two people involved worked out whatever awkwardness or lack thereof privately. My ex was on the same floor as me last year and that didn't cause any problems either.


I hang out with a group of 6 girls every day and normally I'm the only guy. I suspect if I ever slept with one of them that there might be some awkwardness for the others, but it's never happened so *shrugs*




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