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Trophy Vexillum Change


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What do you guys think of this change?


Personally I feel that those that worked to get t7 quickly should be rewarded and have some way to show off their accomplishment and that Jagex has given in too easliy.

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What do you guys think of this change?


Personally I feel that those that worked to get t7 quickly should be rewarded and have some way to show off their accomplishment and that Jagex has given in too easliy.


Well, the problem I saw with the original was that simply enormously big clans get rewarded and the rest gets left out. I think this one is a bit fairer, although I would have preferred the whole thing based on the efficiency - so if you get t7 within an amount of weeks/number of clan members, you should get a special vexillum. But I guess that's too much work to implement.

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Once again whiners get their way.... (Same with the FM req in the quest announced.)


TSG would not have been able to get the tier 7 Citadel in time by far, so it's not because "it's okay because I get it", but I do think those who would have gotten it deserved the recognition. :)

You're accusing me of bigotry, how ironic. It's a nice attempt at argument, but your responses are facile and asinine, if not diatribe. Who's arrogant now?

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I personally think this is a good move as it was unfair for a few reasons. The most prominent reasons to me are that it was obvious biased to big clans, just because my clan only has 50 members and grows slowly doesn't mean we haven't worked our asses off to be approaching t4. The second reason was the reward was not actually rewarding those who achieved the work specifically; it was instead rewarding any tom, dick or harry who joined the clan.


If they want to reward the first t7ers they should give them something to the specific player, not the clan as a whole.


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I agree with the change because I think all tier 7 clans should get a better vexillum.

However the clan that gets there first should still get a reward such as a custom icon, like the mining golds clan.


The clan system as it stands is bias towards large clans. I am in a relatively small clan and we have all worked really hard to get to tier 5 and are working towards getting tier 6. Clans such as those for fansites (zybez), or specific things (minin golds) are always going to have an advantage in reaching something like this. Everyone who works hard enough to reach tier 7 should get the upgraded vex.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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Clans such as those for fansites (zybez)


Those clans don't really have much of an advantage, tbh. I remember DF had problems upgrading to Tier 4 (we didn't get Tier 4). Not really to do with member base, more or less the fact that there are no real rewards for these clans for reaching tier 7, so the motivation just isn't there.


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Clans such as those for fansites (zybez)


Those clans don't really have much of an advantage, tbh. I remember DF had problems upgrading to Tier 4 (we didn't get Tier 4). Not really to do with member base, more or less the fact that there are no real rewards for these clans for reaching tier 7, so the motivation just isn't there.


I understand that this is a common problem with a lot of clans. Trying to motivate people to get out and do the resources every week for citadel building can get to be a bit of a chore.


My own clan, which at only 80+ members isn't very large, managed to make Tier 5 and we're working to Tier 6 now (which is a HUGE build btw!). To get to Tier 6, one only needs 35 visitors a week, but trying to motivate 35 people to visit the citadel each week, at times, is like pulling teeth. At the rate we're going -- 15% upgrade + upkeep costs for Tier 5 -- we're looking at 6-7 weeks to make Tier 6. That said, without some more recruitment, we'd never mad Tier 7's requirement of 50 visitors a week.


Seems odd, really. It only takes maybe 85 minutes to gather sufficient resources to max out each week (2k at Tier 5) -- and the experience is pretty decent (and FREE) IMO, in terms of efficiency, and it'd take only 5 minutes of one's precious time to simply visit the citadel each week, and yet, one cannot seem to get that many people to show up and participate in any given week ...


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Clans such as those for fansites (zybez)


Those clans don't really have much of an advantage, tbh. I remember DF had problems upgrading to Tier 4 (we didn't get Tier 4). Not really to do with member base, more or less the fact that there are no real rewards for these clans for reaching tier 7, so the motivation just isn't there.


I understand that this is a common problem with a lot of clans. Trying to motivate people to get out and do the resources every week for citadel building can get to be a bit of a chore.


My own clan, which at only 80+ members isn't very large, managed to make Tier 5 and we're working to Tier 6 now (which is a HUGE build btw!). To get to Tier 6, one only needs 35 visitors a week, but trying to motivate 35 people to visit the citadel each week, at times, is like pulling teeth. At the rate we're going -- 15% upgrade + upkeep costs for Tier 5 -- we're looking at 6-7 weeks to make Tier 6. That said, without some more recruitment, we'd never mad Tier 7's requirement of 50 visitors a week.


Seems odd, really. It only takes maybe 85 minutes to gather sufficient resources to max out each week (2k at Tier 5) -- and the experience is pretty decent (and FREE) IMO, in terms of efficiency, and it'd take only 5 minutes of one's precious time to simply visit the citadel each week, and yet, one cannot seem to get that many people to show up and participate in any given week ...


Visiting shouldn't be a problem since it takes very little time. As for maxing out resources... I don't do it at my clan because it's boring, not afk-able, I don't really care for exp in the resources we have unlocked, and 85 minutes a week is a significant amount of some people's play times. Quite frankly, I don't find maxing out my resources worth my time. It's boring and offers me no tangible rewards.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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The problem with citadel is the amount of clicking at rock and wood spots. It's the perfect place to chat with clanmates, except its hard because you have to stop to click every few seconds



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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I don't think I have even seen what a citadel looks like, aside from the Halloween event. At this point until they provide players with an incentive to go there, hardly anyone will go visit their clan's citadel.

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Why exactly does mining golds have a custom icon?


I don't really care either way. My clan already has the real reward (effigy agility boost) at t1. Although, I think people that wasted their time worked the past six months for tier 7 should get SOME recognition. Make resource gathering have more tangible rewards, less crappy xp or less constant attention required and I think there'd be better turnout. At the moment, citadels are rather pointless.


EDIT also I believe Obt said once that dgs was the best clan with t1 citadel =p





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I think this makes perfect sense. Pretty exclusive if you can only get the vexillum during one month only if you're in select clans. Honestly, I'm getting a little sick of all this "limited time only" content. Especially those that require running out to a game store and buying overpriced membership cards... But that's another discussion altogther.







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While I can understand why they removed the time frame to get it done in, I think clans who achieve it this month should get something. People who are too lazy and nag at every update to be made easier or available are becoming too common. My clan which consists of around 150 people have put in a lot of effort to stay with the 400+ member clans. We've been lucky enough to have probably 100 people cap each week and it has taken a lot of time to ensure everyone puts in the effort. This Vexillum would have been a great reward for the hard work in keeping up with other clans, but nope.



Our feedback is important when it comes to things like this, but offering bonuses for membership cards and even a Golden Scythe for people 20 RuneFest attendees, etc. our opinions and feedback isn't wanted. :thumbdown:

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Okay, this time, I just want to say


whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine whine


well, actually, that's what you will read anyway, i can't stop you


my legitimate complaint is that they didn't SAY they were going to do this until now. it would have been completely fine IF they had mentioned this at the release of citadels.


seriously, it's not much of an accomplishment in itself, just having such a big clan that all of the lack of organizational tools don't bring you down simply because there's so many members that massive design errors such as lack of knowledge about what is required in order to START a citadel upgrade (they won't actually tell you ALL of the specific requirements until you try to do it), and absolutely no way to send clanwide messages in the system that prevent people from collecting useless resources or even KNOWING what they are doing since it takes so long to instruct every one of your 50+ members about how it works, and having to be online when they are to tell them such and be able to see what they're doing by being on their world


i think that even now, half of my clanmates don't know what the hell a citadel is or where it's located, and i don't have the time to remind people at all hours of the day, or want to make the others do it because it's really annoying to those who have already done it


GOD FORBID i make them visit any forums not in RS, or the actual RSOF, or the clan forums specifically made for that purpose, because it's outside of the game, and either they're all "I can't both run this game AND load another tab my computer is ten years old" or "herp derp how do I click link or find page"




overall, what I'm saying is that having terrible luck and not being able to convince your clanmates to do things that have direct personal benefits should not mean you lose, while somebody who doesn't have to do any kind of instruction because they always have enough to work with wins


ultimately i think nobody should get the prize if you're going to be like "oh they're giving in" because THEY made the dang series of mistakes, and if you're unhappy with everybody having it, then nobody should


those who leap quickly to defend something that they have not had before, nor requested, should consider the overall situation


if the challenge was significant, and your deed valourous, then you would only have to speak your name to invoke the honor, not some stupid flag


and that was all the reason you needed before it existed


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MG got T7. They got a Vex with a Glow and Particles falling like a fountain from the top.


Funny though as some others showed me a thread about some of their members wanting in-game benefits for getting T7 first and were ranting about how useless it was.

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Why exactly does mining golds have a custom icon?

They won an earlier competition.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

"We don't want players to be able to buy their way to success in RuneScape. If we let players start doing this, it devalues RuneScape for others. We feel your status in real-life shouldn't affect your ability to be successful in RuneScape" Jagex 01/04/01 - 02/03/12

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MG got T7. They got a Vex with a Glow and Particles falling like a fountain from the top.


Funny though as some others showed me a thread about some of their members wanting in-game benefits for getting T7 first and were ranting about how useless it was.


Well I don't think in-game benefits would be at all suitable, after all anyone could have just joined for the benefits alone. This is supposed to bring about strong community-work from a clan; not bandwagoners wanting in on the new shit.



And I'm not pissed about not getting anything special, it was just a nice gesture. It gave us something to look forward to for the effort we put in as a clan and brought everyone together for the final big push. Now it's just another week, really. It's still a nice reward, but if it's available to all it loses a lot of interest.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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but it's like, you can't look forward to something that wasn't brought up until the last moment and then take it away from everybody else afterwards and say, too bad! i know this sounds ridiculously entitled, but it's like telling all the other clans that they will have to stick to average vexillums for the rest of their careers because they weren't fitting the requirements for an imaginary contest that they already lost.


if you think that just because all tier 7 citadels will get it now makes it like a whip or something, you're missing the point of how much effort you actually put into getting tier 7, and how unrealistic it will be that anybody else will get there due to the high requirements and such


it's not as if people will now suddenly become more cooperative and intelligent enough to coordinate their efforts just because it exists and is not limited edition


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my legitimate complaint is that they didn't SAY they were going to do this until now. it would have been completely fine IF they had mentioned this at the release of citadels.

This was my first thought. Some clans have been taking their time for upgrades instead of torturing themselves every week trying to get people to max. But, if they had said there would be a reward for getting to T7 as soon as possible, those clan might have had the motivation to have done so. I'm pretty sure my clan is going to get there before the end of the month, but now I guess there's less of a hurry.

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you can't even slowly store up the resources in a citadel with just upkeep visitors, you have to have the upgrade level of visitors every week you are working on a citadel upgrade in order for them to be added, or they won't go in, even though the act of finishing the upgrade isn't going to occur, which pretty much punishes anybody who doesn't have the leeway of 20 extra members who will or won't log on


i don't want to stranglehold my friends just to get this thing to work


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Glad they changed it. Hearing that only guys that happened to be in the right clan at the right time did not sit well with me. That said, I think that since it took 6 months for these large clans to get to T7, then only clan members that are members to that clan for 6 months can wield the Vex. That sounds reasonable and stops people from just joining a big clan for instant benefits.


Full disclosure: I don't belong to a clan, and I think that people should have the ability to buy their share of the resources using GP or some other non-tradeable in-game currency (ghost tokens, tokkel, castle war tickets, zeal, etc)


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but it's like, you can't look forward to something that wasn't brought up until the last moment and then take it away from everybody else afterwards and say, too bad! i know this sounds ridiculously entitled, but it's like telling all the other clans that they will have to stick to average vexillums for the rest of their careers because they weren't fitting the requirements for an imaginary contest that they already lost.

Oh I completely understand, but looking forward to being one of the first clans to achieve a Tier 7 Citadel was motivation enough. Offering a reward for keeping at it for the last 6 months on a weekly basis and putting in so many hours made everyone want to work ever harder. I know it may not be fair, but if I wasn't in a clan I would still disagree with them putting up this "Trophy" for those to achieve T7 in January and then removing it because people complained. It shows those clans that did what was required on a weekly basis earned their their reward.


if you think that just because all tier 7 citadels will get it now makes it like a whip or something, you're missing the point of how much effort you actually put into getting tier 7, and how unrealistic it will be that anybody else will get there due to the high requirements and such

I know, it still won't be very common but it was a good incentive for those that put in the time.


it's not as if people will now suddenly become more cooperative and intelligent enough to coordinate their efforts just because it exists and is not limited edition


Indeed, it would have changed if there was more time and notice given for most clans. We were cooperative and coordinated our efforts. A small clan compared to the others.

RIP Michaelangelopolous

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Im normally against Jagex turning back on their choices but in this case, their first choice was horribly moronic.


Just because my clan has about 60-70 active members doesn't mean we didn't put forth as much effort as any of the current top clans running. In most cases the top clans have the big numbers and thats the reason why they are ahead. Not that they worked any harder then the smaller clans at the citadel. Thank you Jagex.



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Why exactly does mining golds have a custom icon?

They won an earlier competition.

Mind telling us more about the competition? (A link if possible would be great)

Still waiting on my own clan's custom icon, they promised it for winning the Jagex cup, where is it?


Guess my clan will never get tier7 unless citadels will actually get updated to being useful. I don't mind all t7 having better vex, they deserve it!

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