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This has gone too far (avatars).


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Let us expand on this further, how the morals of our "children" are being corrupted. Of course, breasts are an evil and abhorrent feature, it's a fact. Naked men, no problem. But if you want breasts out, you better hide everyone under the age of 120 because they are EVIL. But naked men? Yeah that's ok. It speaks to human history. You know, neanderthals running around topless hunting for food whilst Mary stays at home with the kids (but not with her boobs out, god forbid).


But sir, what about the skill of thieving? Actively teaching our children (because that's really what the outrage is about, the children, right? [ignore that it's not really a kids game]) that stealing is not only okay but something that one should do in their spare time. Lockpick doors to steal from people's houses, pickpocketing to steal cash from people. It's a good thing we don't have impressionable children.


What about slayer? Calling for an attempted genocide of a species. And to speak to the headless bodies, this is far from relevant, playing on the logic that even though there is no actual detail in the breasts in question (it seems as though they'd be wearing a body suit if "irl") we can use the same logic to claim that even without the full detail, damage is being done. (And hell, we get animal heads, and that pesky pest queen kill with a decapitated body and mucus spewing everywhere). Somehow this isn't as morally reprehensible as boobs though.


Please. If we want to get on this bandwagon about how morally reprehensible and damaging for "children" (who shouldn't even be playing) this game is, lets do it properly.

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[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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Spend some time in world 1 Lumbridge before you claim it's not a problem. If you can't be bothered to do that, read this. If you can't be bothered to do that, don't pretend to know what you're talking about.


The thing about that situation though is it will happen regardless of how they clothe their characters. Is the vulgarities spewed by those people any worse than those who are pretending to be naked? (And, if you have high detail on, failing at it?)


Side note here: Sojournitis's explanation of this new fad was quite accurate. Right now you see such a high volume of players dressed like that because of how it was advertised. Again, I have to bring up the fact that males have had this "glitch" for ages and these perverts you mention rarely have this set-up. But even if they did, that doesn't make them any more or less vulgar. I don't say this to defeat your opinion that this should be changed. I agree that the clothing could use a bit of tweaking on both models to make it look more like cloth on SD. But to say Sojournitis is ill informed is a bit...asinine.


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Wait... you're up in arms and made a thread because of the fact that certain pants look like skin? You're acting like it honestly offended you. It's a harmless glitch that the most immature of players will toy with for about 10 minutes. The majority of the time, these people would probably go to a public place (like the GE) to show it off, and with all the people, it's barely noticeable.


Semi off-topic: men and women walk around topless in Ontario. I was about six years old when I went there. I wasn't "scarred" by seeing them because of the fact that breasts weren't depicted in a sexual light.

Spend some time in world 1 Lumbridge before you claim it's not a problem. If you can't be bothered to do that, read this. If you can't be bothered to do that, don't pretend to know what you're talking about.


I don't think World 1 Lumbridge is a fair comparison - it's always been bad, and will always be bad. The fact that one can now change their avatar to look unclothed doesn't much change how just downright bad that part of the game is.




Honestly I see this as a generally uncomforting issue, but it's probably one Jagex knew about forehand. Why would they release Dwarf clothes is beyond me, but surely in QA, someone had the bright idea of saying, 'Hey, I look naked in this, lol'?


The only thing they can do is remove the clothing items. It would seem that this would be a satisfactory move for both parties; players don't have to see Barbie-doll avatars anymore, and Jagex doesn't have to hear players complaining about the models' lack of clothing (in lieu of all other possible moral issues in-game, which are, as usual, defenestrated).

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...Alright, the Elf City update lured me back to RS over a year ago.

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Semi off-topic: men and women walk around topless in Ontario. I was about six years old when I went there. I wasn't "scarred" by seeing them because of the fact that breasts weren't depicted in a sexual light.

I live in Ontario, and that doesn't happen here as often as you'd think. I remember how there was a big fight over it, with similar arguements about the corruption of our children, and a lot of women did it when the law was first changed (in the late fall btw, I guess they didn't think anyone would do it then), but I can honestly say I haven't seen a single woman do it since.


Once again proving that just becuase people are allowed to do something doesn't mean they're going to.


Which brings me back to the topic at hand. People did the same thing for a few days when they released the last big clothing/graphic update (I think it was a couple of years ago), and then the novelty wore off and I haven't seen it since. This is simply brewing the proverbial tempest in a teapot (which would be an awesome magical item). Give it a few days and it will go away again.



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I couldn't put it much better than Kim and Spoofer originally stated. These barbie dolls are nothing to get overly excited over. This thread was amusing when I first thought it was a joke. I'm rather blown away that people are legitimately concerned over a skin tight peach coloured outfit that in some oddly twisted way could be contorted to resemble "skin". Oddly, no one ever complained about the all black skin-tight clothing options running around Runescape.


I remember guys having this "glitch" for ages, but saw no thread then. It's only now that female characters can take on the onion skin look that people are up in arms? Barbie gets all the love, but no one cares about Ken.




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I couldn't put it much better than Kim and Spoofer originally stated. These barbie dolls are nothing to get overly excited over. This thread was amusing when I first thought it was a joke. I'm rather blown away that people are legitimately concerned over a skin tight peach coloured outfit that in some oddly twisted way could be contorted to resemble "skin". Oddly, no one ever complained about the all black skin-tight clothing options running around Runescape.


I remember guys having this "glitch" for ages, but saw no thread then. It's only now that female characters can take on the onion skin look that people are up in arms? Barbie gets all the love, but no one cares about Ken.


I've never seen a guy do this before tbh, when did it first become an option?


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I live in Ontario, and that doesn't happen here as often as you'd think. I remember how there was a big fight over it, with similar arguements about the corruption of our children, and a lot of women did it when the law was first changed (in the late fall btw, I guess they didn't think anyone would do it then), but I can honestly say I haven't seen a single woman do it since.


I was referring to when I was a child. It was legal there 9 years ago, I've no clue about the circumstances there now ^^

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After reading this topic I went to Thessalias shop and tried it out myself, wanting to see first hand how bad it was. I agree that it was never near as bad earlier as it is now.


Especially first change to raw onion outfit, then do certain emotes is gross.


I am not happy with what can be done with basic clothing atm.

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Suggesting half the shit people whinge about is worth discussing.

Thaaank you.


It's entertaining to see people get offended over what every child has gotten to physically touch and play with (Barbie). Seriously, it's a bare 3D model. There's no detail. Are you looking at it going, "Omg! That's where a vagina would be!"

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Sorry guys I have to agree with Arceus now. My little cousin was watching me as I was playing and I ran across one of those characters with the flesh colored pants. He them proceeded to rip off all his clothes and run naked out the house. When I finally caught up to him he was raping a poor old woman's Shihtzu while police were trying to apprehend him. One of the cops died trying to put handcuffs on him. The other is braindead. All of this could have been prevented if we were only more sensitive towards the horrible and controversial subject of tan colored pants.

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Yeah it's immature.



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