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product placement as an alternative to microtransactions?


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It seems Jagex has received a lot of flak due to Squeal of Fortune and Solomon's General Store. A player buying spins for the SoF could easily, in the words of some players, RWT their way to the top. This got me thinking: what if there was more product placement in place of microtransactions?


From what I've seen, the idea of product placement in RuneScape isn't exactly a popular one either. I'd imagine that changing all of the general stores into Walmart would greatly ruin the atmosphere of the game. However, product placement could add a nice touch if done correctly. For example, real brands have been used in games like Mafia Wars and HoboWars with moderate success.


Here are a few sample product placement ideas (in the form of uncommon drops from monsters) that could be used without upsetting the game too much:


1. Branded energy bars - heals HP and restores run energy.

2. Branded lighter - provides a boost that allows the player to light higher-leveled logs.

3. Corporate sponsorship signs at the Gielinor Games, etc.


These items could be made F2P for several reasons:


1. The content is already paid for.

2. There are more F2P players than members, and making the items F2P would increase exposure, along with the potential commission for Jagex. Making the items tradeable would also increase exposure as there would be posts advertising them, etc.

3. There would be no unfair advantages for members.


Personally, I'd take product placement over buying SoF spins anytime.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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I just feel like it would ruin the feeling of the game if those things were added since they would be so out of place. In something like Mafia Wars which is supposed to be semi-realistic, it makes sense to have familiar products to make it feel real. Runescape? Not so much...

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Honestly, I'd rather have the microtransactions. Those don't affect gameplay too much - Solomon stuff even comes close to enhancing it for fashionscapers. Having to drink an ice cold Coca-Cola before training with my trusted Home Depot hatchet at the Sierra Club Evil Tree, on the other hand, would be a deal breaker.


This post was sponsored by Insight Venture Partners

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I can just see the homepage now...


New Quest! In this adventure, you will take your trusty Nike running shoes all the way to the north, bundling up in your Northern Face jacket. There, you will use your Ski-doo to hunt for the secret Nestle facility.


Or they'll could just slap product placements subtly into everyday NPC interactions. No one will ever know.



Just an aside, there are not nearly as many F2Pers as P2P online at any given moment.

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I am immediately thinking of the show The Glades (crime drama), which I love dearly but is obviously sponsored by Kia to the point where the writers themselves wrote a joke about it into the show ("I think you sound like a car commercial"). It doesn't hurt the story, except for the 10 seconds of actual diologue, since they are good about writing the car commercials into the exposition segments, but every time it happens (once every few episodes) I actually want to leave the room or mute it because it's so unnatural and awkward.


While SoF and Solomon break immersion too by being outside the lore, at least they tend to break immersion outside the actual game, except for that stupid little ad you get logging in. With product placement, it's always in the game, and you get that unnatural break from the game world constantly.


Product placement only works when it's natural. It should be limited to things you would expect to see anyway (though it's nice when a movie is sponsored by more than one car maker. I distinctly remember a move where I realized every single car on the road was a Ford), and attention should not be called to those objects in an unnatural way, like the shoes that shall not be named in I Robot or the Kia in The Glades.

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I just feel like it would ruin the feeling of the game if those things were added since they would be so out of place. In something like Mafia Wars which is supposed to be semi-realistic, it makes sense to have familiar products to make it feel real. Runescape? Not so much...


These things honestly aren't that much worse than what we already have in Solomon's.

Asmodean <3

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Full out product placement would be MUCH worse than microtransactions imo.


Yes what we have went against an ethos they once had, but at least it fits into the game world, product placements would stick out like a sore thumb; besides product placements are only a proven revenue method (on a large scale) in TV/Video content not gaming and they are kinda dated now. Microtransaction is how the modern gaming world works, it just is. I mean WoW expansions, sims expansions, DLC for console games, avatar outfits, item stores etc. they are the staple of all the big games these days.

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I have always found it funny just how much crap Jagex gets into over the addition of microtransactions when a good portion of MMORPGs do the same thing. MapleStory (one of RS's most hated comparisons, lol) has had them for ages. Sure, some items give a direct advantage: pets and items to make your pet auto-pickup loot, or double XP/loot items that wear off after a period of time) but the majority of it is cosmetic, as is Solomon's. I hardly see this as a bad thing, and if anything, it just gives me the option to customize my appearance further without sacrificing on my gear stats. It helps bring more uniqueness to a game where there are such obvious "best in slot" items. WoW finally accomplished this with transmogrification, but I don't see how using runecoins, or patiently waiting for the "freebie" items for being a member hurts the game.

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As cool as it would be to wear Armani robes or have Red Bull energy restore potions, I don't think product placement would work very well within the game itself.


What we need are more obscure references to pop culture and history. Where's my Lizzie Borden brand hatchet dammit! :P



THE place for all free players to connect, hang out and talk about how awesome it is to be F2P.

So, Kaida is the real version of every fictional science-badass? That explains a lot, actually...

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I think they should stick to expanding the perks in Solomon's store and scale back the SoF crap. Solomon's store is fine. It dosen't induce any negative response in me when, after every update, they inevitably release a new themed costume to buy.


But stuff like the christmas presents and now the valentine hearts... it's just atrocious. Can you think of a better way to get into the holiday spirit than to give Jagex your money to gamble for stupid limited edition knick knacks? At least with Solomon's store they aren't inducing a sense of desperation in a demographic of obsessive compulsive collectors.


I would take product placement over SoF any day, though. So if that's what it takes to finally kill Yelps... do it.

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I would take product placement over SoF any day, though. So if that's what it takes to finally kill Yelps... do it.


Oh but you know Jagex would do both :evil:

Maxed since Sunday, January 9th, 2014
Completionist since Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

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I grow tired of this garbage about 'rwting to the top' theoretically you can do it but you'd have to buy a lot of spins.. didn't someone buy over 400 spins and get 2m xp in a modest amount of skills? How many are really prepared to do that?


I consider Jagexs opinion of microtransactions pretty tame, the price of solomons is pretty good and i have most of the pendants which i enjoy as a bit of extra xp.. plus i still have 1.2k coins from the gold package which is more than enough. If someone wants to spend ridiculous money for a gamble on sof then let them....


If other peoples money a) keeps the game afloat b) allows for more updates c) keeps them from increasing the monthly pay which is worse then im good


if you hate the product placement of sof why would anything else be different even if its subtle itll still be annoying and im sure there are better games advertisers would invest in anyway


if you want to gamble your money for a fluorescent green turd go for it but i dont see the point in complaining others do it. the whole point of it is that its honestly not forced on us if you dont want to pay for it you can just use the free spins and be done with it, unless you honestly delete the free shit everyday

Runescape player since 6th November, 2003




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I grow tired of this garbage about 'rwting to the top' theoretically you can do it but you'd have to buy a lot of spins.. didn't someone buy over 400 spins and get 2m xp in a modest amount of skills? How many are really prepared to do that?


Exactly. For every player who is stupid (or rich) enough to buy spins to train there are 10 that will just bot or buy the gold directly and save a lot of money. Not to say that it's totally a non-issue, but people have been buying their way to the top for a long, long time. At least now the money goes to Jagex if they choose to do it legally.

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Follow my voice, we'll run far away from here

If only to hide, to escape this life
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I think people were less annoyed by people buying to the top via bots or gp, because at least potentially Jagex would ban them for cheating. Whether or not that happened... now it's "legit" makes some people feel bad.


As for buying spins... at current wheel rates, the max amount of 450 spins for 100$ you can get about an average of 2m total xp split across skills, half in the skill of your choice + pendants + the moneybags which can add up.And if you do it during the hearts promotion, you can get about 20k hearts which *were* selling for 1k each meaning another 15-20m gp total. Still nothing compared to just buying gp. However, you also get the outfits and other crap that is SoF exclusive (too bad you practically have to buy spins to have any shot at the outfits)

Maxed since Sunday, January 9th, 2014
Completionist since Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

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Advertising works and is subtle. There is a reason so much money is paid for it. Just because you can't see or feel it's effect on you doesn't mean it does nothing.

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Maxed since Sunday, January 9th, 2014
Completionist since Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

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I'm fine with this, as long as the McDonald's Big Mac in game decreases your constitution, agility and run energy.

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♪♪ And I'm not done
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