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Guys With Girl Characters...


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im a girl atm on runescape but im really a guy but i dont do it for gifts or anything (to be honest girl armour looks 10X better then guys) and i have been asked to go out with countless little boys and a few people claiming to be old and even full drag and phat people. I have said no every time and only thing that ive been given is a sapphire ring and a bunch of flowers on valentines day.

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Heh... actually, most of my accounts are girls. The only one that ISN'T is my main. The rest; my str, def, mage, and range pures are all girls. Why that is is because I always can think up very clever names for female avatar... so I make them girls.








Yes... I have got a few times when some level 20 guys have walked up to me on one of these characters and asked me to be their gf. I just ignore them. It's sad that people like that break the rules because they can't form any REAL relationships. And sad because many guys choose female avatars... and the don't even know the person behind the avatar.








Most of them are scammer, anyway, though.

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I play a female character. Get a ton of propositions from teen (and probably younger) boys. It's always fun to see their reactions when I tell them I'm a 30yo bald dude instead of the hottie they might be imagining.

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Most of you are talking about guys pretending to be girls, but what about girls pretending to be guys?








I have no problem with guys pretending to be girls, as long as they don't make other people think that they actually are one. But most people don't realize that girls have guys throwing themselves at them also.








On average, I recieve one guy asking to be my boyfriend every day. And no, these aren't low level charactors; many people have been around my level. I've also recieved several marriage proposals ( :shock: :x ), all of them from guys I've never talked too. I do nothing to to garner this attention, I mind my own business and other people come and bother me.








This has gotten so bad lately that I went and changed my character to male. Ever since I've done that I haven't recieved the unwanted affection from guys. I've been a lot happier, and I don't plan on changing back for some time.








My two cents on the matter,





How... Moxious.

Barrows Drops: Dharok Plate (5/12/06) Torag Legs (5/12/06) Verac Flail (5/20/06) Guthan Helm (5/29/06) Ahrim Hood (6/9/06) Verac Skirt (6/25/06)

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I tried getting noobs to ask me out on a lvl 3 account, got like 13 bfs, but all poor and new.








That's before I learned about the Makeover Mage :lol:

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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when I started rs my char was a guy, but I changed it to a girl because I think male characters are too overrated in runescape :wink: *puts on flame suit*




also i've met a high lvl female friend who also thought i was female, but I told her that i wasn't and we are still good friends, she even changed her character to male for some reason

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well i noticed that sometimes guys act a bit nicer around female characters and in general they are more friendlier. i had to change my character to female because of quest, and i'm too lazy to change it back :). in all "proposals" i answer "lol, no thanks". i have enough goals of my own, and my time is quite limited in game.








in lower lvl's and more imature players the gf/bf problems is quite big. go to free world and u see bunch of mid 30's lvl people asking for bf/gf. i think they need real life and real relationship, not pixel one :)

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

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My character has been a female since "birth". Why? Because in RS2 everything is better female (one exception).












Cheaper armor (d skirt less than half of legs)




Better looking armor (my opinion is d skirt > legs :wink: )




More available selection of clothes (guy or girl clothes are ok on girls but not vice versa)




Tiaras (essential to non-abyss crafting and not very manly)




Less GENERAL hassle (tried it as a guy char and got more flames, scams, swearing, threats, unsolicited trades, etc. directed at me in a week than I got in a month as a female. I think that some "nerds" (no offense) are even shy around pixelated females)




Faster responses to queries (every guy wants to be a knight in shining armor)




Less haggling over prices (might just be me but eh)




More fun (due to all of the above)












Sexual Harrassment (I just put them on ignore if it's offensive or too chauvanist because, guy or girl, I don't associate with idiots/bigots. Not to mention that it is a easy way to report a bunch of "lets go upstairs an cihbrr with emotes. i wanna do you so hard and nasty" perverts who hopefully get banned. I don't want those sickos in a game populated by youth)




Proposals (If it is not disgusting I say "I'm a dude". Otherwise they meet my ignore list and a report for inappropriate language)




Nicknames (I let "hon" slide since it is not derogatory but tell them that I am a dude for all those who refer to females as "baby", "cexy", "doll", etc.)
















I created a CHARACTER that was female. I am not that character, lol. As mentioned above it is a RPG not necessarily a reflection of your own life... how many times have I cast high alchemy lately irl anyway? :wink:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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I think the main thing that people have to realize is that some people don't consider their rs character to be an avatar of themselves, and instead just pick a character that they think looks better. I'm a guy IRL and even though I use a male character, I'm thinking of switching to a girl just for the sake that 12 year olds will stop calling me (when I'm wearing full veracs) a cross dresser :roll:


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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I think the main thing that people have to realize is that some people don't consider their rs character to be an avatar of themselves








Exactly... playing a female character is no more a reflection on my latent transvestitism than reading a book with a female protagonist would be.

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Ok, I'm going undercover. Being a girl and finding out how many harrasers/noobs there are in RS, asking me out. I'll take pics and post a spical thread on it. It'll be on Saturday, when most little kids/ noobs are on.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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lol i got really bored and turned into a girl......then some guy asked to be my boyfriend and I said "no, a little adivce, save your effort for rela life" then he tryed to buy me a diamond ring :lol: but tis fun being a girl :lol: :lol: and no i do not hve an rs bf OR gf o.0

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Thats sick...... If your a guy, make a guy person... :roll:








Your choice of the character's appearance or sex has no bearing on your mental health.




Asking for bf/gf's in a game just to siphon some cash off of a pathetic loser does though.




BEING that pathetic loser who fantasizes about "somebody REALLY loves me" also indicates mental weakness or perversity.








Relationships that spawn irl and carry over into the game (for example my wife and I play) obviously do not qualify.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

splash02tm6.jpg Tired of hack and slash? FPSers getting old? Give this game a try!

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