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Tip.It Times Presents: N0valyfe Speaks!


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Unlike the top 2 n0valyfe is more public, he'll talk to people around him while he's doing stuff. I first met him while nat running with a freind.. guess who i was running for, N0valyfe of course : ) apperntly my freind has been freinds with n0valyfe for a while, it's pretty cool.

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Man...I've been playing for 4 months longer than him and I'm only level 80, and I've never had over 500k cash.





Then you haven't been playing much daily. I've been playing since September 2005, and I'm level 84 and a multimillionare. I know not quite amazing stats, but good for 6 months.




And another thing, why so much of everything? I mean 12 legends capes? What was it, like 14 whips or something? I mean it's nice to flaunt your achievements, but don't make us feel bad




I think its mainly for organization and ease.


If you take an item out, there's still another in the bank spot, so you always know where your stuff is.




Yes but what's with the 13 Tinderboxes, 14 knives, 18 hammers, 20 chisels, etc.




It's really strange having that many in the bank. I have a maximum of 3 at a time and that's generally a waist as well. What's with having so many of those basic items? :?




Well I kinda do the same thing.. i just stock up on cheap tools so when I'm done using them and i don't want to go to a bank I just drop them.

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...so let the man enjoy what he does with his life.




Cocaine addicts enjoy what they're doing with their life... at the moment.




Cocaine is illegal and destroys important cells in the body... the analogy you attempt to make is pretty sad...




could n0va tell us his herb seeds? becuase im uber curious about what kinds they are and i might wanna buy some.




Most high levels don't buy/sell stuff randomly. If they need an item, they will post on forums. If they want to get rid of an item, they will post on forums... It's really a sad misconception a lot of people have in assuming that high level players have stuff for sale. I get pestered all the time, e.g. in a bank full of 20+ people, somebody will say "odd you selling ____" or "odd you buying ____"




Seriously... if you need something just adress the whole bank, don't harrass an individual. This logic is flawed... The higher level a player is, the LESS likely they'll be buying/selling the stuff you want.




n0valyfe-nolyfe-NO LIFE




I h8 to say this i really do but i thaught i was addicted with about 3 -4 hours (wen i can sneak my laptop to bed) but you cant make rs your life you just cant spend 10-12hours on it




You can't? Tell that to all the stay-at-home mothers who take up all the high ranks.





I would hardly say it's ruined his life. Sure, it's kept him from going into a career right away, but that happens with tons of people for many different reasons. He didn't throw anything away but his time. Honestly, in the long run, there's little/no difference in graduating when you're 22 (not saying this is his age) and going straight into work than there is graduation when you're 22 and going into work when you're 25. In the long run it makes little to no difference.




RuneScape makes him happy, so what's wrong with that? To top it off, hundreds of thousands of people around the world know who he is. Would this be the case if he didn't play RuneScape?




I'm not saying that everybody should put off work to play RuneScape. For most people that's entirely unfeasable, but he's in a situation such that it's not detrimental to himself to play so much, so let the man enjoy what he does with his life.




The only reason that it isn't detrimental to himself is because he is basically a freeloader (based on his own words). His family (who ever that may be) is letting him sit at home and play a damn game. He has a masters degree for crying out loud... and the best way he can utilize his time is by playing a game for 10 - 12 hours?




If that isn't ruining your life... I dunno what is. You of all people should know how hard it is to get through college... let alone a masters degree. Its pathetic to tie all that money up into an education, only to place it on the back burner.




And online fame should really be the last thing on anyones mind. Being known online isn't going to help you get known in a local area. Where being known would actually count for something. That was a pretty weak arguement there if you ask me. Being known around the world isn't fulfilling no matter what anyone says (unless you're like a REAL billionaire like Bill Gates and all those other people).




If he could balance out his life and Runescape, that would be great. But he indirectly said it himself... he needs a life.




[i'm also by no means suggesting I'm perfect. I'm in a similar situation I'd say. Just makes me feel good that I'm not that far gone as he is, and I probably never will be (I have a plan in life at least, where as he just seems hung up on a game).]




I'm not saying that it's the best use of time as far as "real life" is concerned, just that it's not detrimental. The time he's spending in RS won't keep him from getting a job. He hasn't failed to meet his responsibilities. He just simply hasn't looked for more after graduating.




I honestly see nothing wrong with people staying with their parents either. If I could, I'd stay with my parents till i had 100% of the money I needed for a house of my own. There's also no telling what kind of house his family has. If the house is big enough, I wouldn't see why a parent would try to push their kids out (other than to try to make them get a career).



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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I enjoyed the article greatly. I am not as pleased with those who flamed




him for doing something that his choice. Why are you wasting time typing




this? Shouldn't you be doing something more productive? Someone




compared runescape to cocaine. Cocaine can kill you. It is a very




addictting drug. Runescape to my knowledge is not. Many young adults




around his age go out and party and waste time. What is the difference




between that and what he is doing? I have great respect for you for




willing to answer these questions and allowing it to be made into an




article. I wish him the best of luck on getting all 99s.

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yes he does seem nice








very nice guy




not stuck up like SOME high lvl ppl ( i dont meen zezima for all who were thinking -.-)




i was suprised at no rares or d chain









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I think N0valife sure loves what he does. Just from the fact of playing 10-12 hours a day.. boy, i sometimes get bored after an hour or so, and if i really want to accomplish something, then i have to push myself to do it. Like agility, boring as ...., but i do it. And his bank was interesting, not to say that i didn't expect more, but it just shows that the top players are not so different than the rest of us mortals lol. I mean, every once in a while you can see a guy in the achievements or rate this forums with over a billion geepees, and a bunch of party hats, and thats an impressive bank. But i do wonder how they would look if they'd spend their money on their skills...

18/22 skills at or better than 60.

1300+ skill total.

Barrows:Torag's Helm x2, Guthan's Helm, Guthan's Warspear, Dharok's Greataxe, died to dharok, Guthan's Platebody, Ahrim's Hood. All in a total of 104 runs.

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nice interview :)


10-12 hours a day???? sounds like his life is runescape, eating, runescape, sleeping and runescape :shock:




Is there going to be an interview with the #1 person on the slayer highscore list?

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Woah best tip it times ever :P


I,m upset that people are flaming him for doing what he likes, some people are making out that this islike cocaine or smoking , where you get addicted.


Its nothing like that , he,s obviously a very smart person and i think we should all just respect his life choice.


Got Xbox Live? Gimme a call - Gamertag = Razoid

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thats so true about 99 smithing lol




is it just me or are there 4 big items missing from that bank acount


1.god staff


2.god cape


3.anchent staff


4.fire cape




please tell me if im wrong cos i want to see them


good luck novalyfe getting 2079 and congrats on getting this far

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10-12 hours a day of gaming??? that seems a bit much, and if your parents paid for college, you shouldent waste your education on runescape, at least for now get a part time job, and runescape is addicting. For one week I would play around 7 hours a day until I noticed what I was doing

75/80 Hitpoints | 81/85 Strength | 1/1 Pray | 1/1 Defense

[Make Me Rich!] | [Brutal Ownage]

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lowlife ~~~ im not sure but didnt you read what he said "my money has been in decline ever si nce" or something like that ........ duh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




anyways i love you tipit times for this interview !!!!!!!! how about "the old nite" this time :D


Join the sodb now!

Thanks to misterxman for the great avatar!

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wow lowe, no1 wants to hear about your bs accomplishments, especially since we are talking about someone who is way richer than you, could be a billionaire if he invested in rares, and is a better person. let alone someone who doesnt try to brag in a forum that isn't even connected to that sort of topic...




Also, that is what i can only dream of my bank looking like :lol: enough runes to last me for eternity in cwars :D

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Well it's up to him to play 10-12 hours per day. Maybe he just loves the game that much, he said say he wanted to play this full time. Well Good Luck on all your 99 skills!


RSN: Zammyftw ^^The girl that ruined music.

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I know who he is on tip.it :lol:


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that, now does it?




Interesting article. Seeing the article made me glad that I'm not playing runescape these days.

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I'm not saying that it's the best use of time as far as "real life" is concerned, just that it's not detrimental. The time he's spending in RS won't keep him from getting a job. He hasn't failed to meet his responsibilities. He just simply hasn't looked for more after graduating.




I honestly see nothing wrong with people staying with their parents either. If I could, I'd stay with my parents till i had 100% of the money I needed for a house of my own. There's also no telling what kind of house his family has. If the house is big enough, I wouldn't see why a parent would try to push their kids out (other than to try to make them get a career).




Not detrimental? How is sitting in a chair and starting at a computer screen for twelve hours a day, everyday for months and after months after months, not detrimental to someone's health? And you say his time on RS won't keep him from getting a job, when it already HAS kept him from getting a job. He flat out said it himself. As for keeping up with his responsibilities, it doesn't seem like he has any whatsoever. :?




I don't see anything wrong with living with your parents either, however, I believe that you should at least be trying to get yourself further in life. This guy doesn't seem like he's trying to do anything except play Runescape, nor does he have plans of doing anything as he said after 99 everything he will start working on gaining max exp. That to me is just pathetic. He is so lucky to have parents who support him and support what he is doing. Actually, support is the wrong word, tolerate seems more appropriate.




His "fans" can use the "it's his life, let him do what he wants" line all they want, but don't try arguing that what he is doing isn't detrimental to him. The kid's got his priorities completely out of line and everyone knows it. Yes, I realize that priorities are a matter of opinion, but honestly, what he's doing (and many others like him are doing, I'm sure) is just ridiculous. And if you're going to use the "it's his life, let him do what he wants" line, don't expect there to be absolutely no jokes about the guy. I mean c'mon, he is a grown adult (at least by age...), lives with his parents, and plays Runescape all day long, do you seriously think he won't be the butt of some jokes, and appropriately? Get real. :P

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karisma , i did not read all your post (too long) :lol: but as for the part of getting a job , he might be filthy rich and he doesnt need a job (i mean for gods sake if your father is a millionaire ..... id say the hell with getting a job :lol: :roll: )


Join the sodb now!

Thanks to misterxman for the great avatar!

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Well...let's just say that if he were my child...he would've been kicked out of my house loong ago. I don't mean to flame him but have very little respect for someone of his caliber. It's great he achieved masters, but he now needs to kick himself in the butt and do something with it. This is real life and responsibilities are required - and that doesn't include 10-12 hours A DAY playing a virtual game. This is the real world, not some game where you go to an interview and say I have 99 skills. I think you'd be out that door faster than ... you catch my drift?


I've been playing this game in my free time to chill out, though I have a nice family, a great social life, etc. It's really all about time management and setting "real" distinguishing goals for your future.


And one last thing...does he get any exercise? I apologize for the question, but is he...fat? I'm sorry, curiousity is getting the best of me...

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