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Tip.It Times Presents: N0valyfe Speaks!


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He did it!!!!! n0va has 2079 now! :shock: :shock: :shock:




Gratz n0va, gratz, but what are you going to do now???


Sleep? :P


I'd imagine either race for xp or just get castle war armours, chompy hats, those kind of things.

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Nice to hear from one of the top ranked players for once.




Next week galaxyg :P


Ha, that'd be harder to get than any interview out there. :P


To the people complaining about his responses...lighten up a little bit. Do you really expect him to be some really charasmatic energetic celebrity type figure? That's not really what I'd picture. The responses he gave were fine and I'd love to see a more interesting interview out of any of you complainers.

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I really don't think anyone can justify playing for 10 to 12 hours a day.




He is freeloading off his family. It doesn't matter if they are rich and can take care of him, a freeloader isn't learning life skills such as taking care of yourself. It is also unhealthy physically. I don't know how anyone can argue against this. 10 to 12 hours a day?!? I spend 16 hours awake a day. That's 75% of my time. Honestly, it's a waste of time. Of course he can do whatever the heck he wants (according to some people here), but when what he is doing is infringing on his family's financial situation and ignoring their requests to get a job, it's not right.









Last time I checked, apathy was the opposite of love, not hate.






If there is a problem it is not N0va's or his parents; It is with the nature of all MMORPGs. All video games are attractive and addicting. Standard games you eventually beat and move on with your real life. MMORPGS never end. Games that have a cap of a level that can be achieved will attract addictive and ambitious personalities who look to attain that number no matter how hard it is to achieve.




Runescape set that number very high. So high that it would take an average person much longer to reach it than has been set in other games. This was probally built in to the game by jagex to retain its paying members. It has been overly successfull on the business end of things but has also come to those who have become addicted to the game a detriment to their personal lives and health.




I don't see how you can possibly take the blame off of him. It's not like he is physically unable to say "No, I'm not going to play today". If he actually can't do that, then it's his problem, not the game. There are many addictive things out there - but people recover from addiction, and some people never have addictions. You can't put the blame on a game when no one is making him play it.

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Huh? Why am I the only one that thinks that 10-12 hours a day is not much?


I play also so much hours sometimes more (i think he too) why is that such a big problem?


Just get up at 10 o'clock, eat, wash, play RS, noon: eat, take a brake, play RS, night: eat, take a brake (watch tv talk to family), play RS, play till 0.00 sleep.That's how i do it sometimes (only when i don't need to go to school:-))


Thats more than 12 hours and i get my sleep :-).


And don't mind about communication. With MSN Messenger ye can play and keep in thouch with friends and family. Ye can combinate RS en MSN so aint a big problem. And so i get contacts. :-)



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Huh? Why am I the only one that thinks that 10-12 hours a day is not much?


I play also so much hours sometimes more (i think he too) why is that such a big problem?


Just get up at 10 o'clock, eat, wash, play RS, noon: eat, take a brake, play RS, night: eat, take a brake (watch tv talk to family), play RS, play till 0.00 sleep.That's how i do it sometimes (only when i don't need to go to school:-))


Thats more than 12 hours and i get my sleep :-).


And don't mind about communication. With MSN Messenger ye can play and keep in thouch with friends and family. Ye can combinate RS en MSN so aint a big problem. And so i get contacts. :-)


Except with msn, that's not real interaction. Sure, you're sending smileys and talking, but it's still impersonal and you're not developing any crucial social skills at all by doing that. Talking with real people, real faces, real expressions, real tones, real emotions, can never be substituted or replaced by instant messengers. (Not to mention the obvious other disadvantages such as lack of exercise, sunlight, or just plain old fresh air).

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Huh? Why am I the only one that thinks that 10-12 hours a day is not much?


I play also so much hours sometimes more (i think he too) why is that such a big problem?


Just get up at 10 o'clock, eat, wash, play RS, noon: eat, take a brake, play RS, night: eat, take a brake (watch tv talk to family), play RS, play till 0.00 sleep.That's how i do it sometimes (only when i don't need to go to school:-))


Thats more than 12 hours and i get my sleep :-).


And don't mind about communication. With MSN Messenger ye can play and keep in thouch with friends and family. Ye can combinate RS en MSN so aint a big problem. And so i get contacts. :-)




Runescape is more a part of your schedule than eating, sleeping, excercising (which doesn't even exist), and talking to people (actually talking to people). Your one large break consists of sitting in front of the television, no less! I notice that school, nor a job is part of your daily schedule. Unless you're just counting weekends. But probably not because you leave no room for homework.




It's a ridiculous amount. When Runescape gets to be more regular than the amount you sleep you've got a problem. Of course nothing said is going to convince because you are clearly ignorant of the outside world.




Msn is pseudo-communication - I'd bet you wouldn't want to talk on msn for the rest of your life and never meet an actual living soul in your physical presence, would you? That's because msn just doesn't cut it. A virtual world won't satisfy, unless you have absolutely no skills in the real world. Runescape is almost completely useless for gaining real-world knowledge - and the practical knowledge it does give you (eg. economics) can be learned in one week of university lecture, or studied more directly online.




You need to DO something with your life - one day when you stop leeching money off of your family you're going to need to get a job - what will you employer think of someone that spends over 12hours a day in front of a screen? No customer service skills, absolutely no physical skills, and tbh, Runescape doesn't provide mental skills either.




I just cannot comprehend this attitude of doing 12hours of this. I honestly cannot fathom it.

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On messenger ye got videoconversations (if ye don't know that) so ye still got the expressions of ppl and talking too. And exercices well i go swim twies in the week but i get my hours up on runescape. I like to go swim and meet new ppl with my friends (who play RS too). I didn't say it all but still got my excercices. And i aint going to swim with the bus (you may think that) i still go with my bike :-). So i got plenty of excercices and still meet ppl.



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On messenger ye got videoconversations (if ye don't know that) so ye still got the expressions of ppl and talking too. And exercices well i go swim twies in the week but i get my hours up on runescape. I like to go swim and meet new ppl with my friends (who play RS too). I didn't say it all but still got my excercices. And i aint going to swim with the bus (you may think that) i still go with my bike :-). So i got plenty of excercices and still meet ppl.




That's still a pathetic lifestyle tbh. Your life your choices...screw it up all you like, when you get much older and wiser (not that I am even close to that atm) you will relise what a waist of time rs is.




My parents were smart enough to point that out to me. :wink:

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You need to DO something with your life - one day when you stop leeching money off of your family you're going to need to get a job - what will you employer think of someone that spends over 12hours a day in front of a screen? No customer service skills, absolutely no physical skills, and tbh, Runescape doesn't provide mental skills either.




What does he need customer service skills or physical skills for when he has a Masters in EE?

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You need to DO something with your life - one day when you stop leeching money off of your family you're going to need to get a job - what will you employer think of someone that spends over 12hours a day in front of a screen? No customer service skills, absolutely no physical skills, and tbh, Runescape doesn't provide mental skills either.




What does he need customer service skills or physical skills for when he has a Masters in EE?




Okay, he doesn't need those - but he obviously hasn't the intelligence to actually USE his Masters degree. I was speaking more to Peche than n0valyfe.




On messenger ye got videoconversations (if ye don't know that) so ye still got the expressions of ppl and talking too.




Again, would you go the rest of your life without actually physically meeting another person? Would you be okay with videoconversations for the rest of your life?

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Again, would you go the rest of your life without actually physically meeting another person? Would you be okay with videoconversations for the rest of your life?




Well if ye go to school ye have contacts with ppl isn't it? :?


And i go swim allot with my friends and ye don't know how its like to swim here in my town. Ye have MUCH contacts there. Even once and a while ye get trouble with some ppl but isn't that fun. :lol: :D



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What a pathetic loser. Jagex should ban those top accounts and pay for counseling for the guys who play them.




Playing 12 hours a day is not healthy, mentally or physically.






You're a idiot. If the man choose this to be his life, let him be. He's happy, then who are you to judge whether he wasted his life or not?






BTW, grats to him for beating the game.

All I learned in life, I learned on Tip.it

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What a pathetic loser. Jagex should ban those top accounts and pay for counseling for the guys who play them.




Playing 12 hours a day is not healthy, mentally or physically.




Wow, you made that forum name just for this topic? Who's really the pathetic loser here? :roll:

~~Proud Member of The Supreme Skillers~~




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What a pathetic loser. Jagex should ban those top accounts and pay for counseling for the guys who play them.




Playing 12 hours a day is not healthy, mentally or physically.




Wow, you made that forum name just for this topic? Who's really the pathetic loser here? :roll:




And there i give you one point. bidawgtt vs novylifesux 1-0 haha :lol:



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