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Jagex needs ... --- i think the looked at my thread ---


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a minigame based soley on combat.....not fair to pures, hello? lvl 66 who beat fight caves? Think that'd be mean to people like them. A game based on combat LEVELS? now we're getting somewhere.

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What say you have a veterans quest, with combat level requirement, certain tests to complete for people, and things that really test your metal... level 80+ combat versus several level 300 combat monsters, one after the other after the other... that would seperate the noobs from the highly skilled Pwning machines surely... in the end you get access to a mini-game... don't care what just as long as it's a decent mini-game that can't be ruined by lower level's fleeing from demons or any of that rubbish


I notice by your sig that you just happen to be 80 combat...:roll:


Also, how is a level 80 going to take down level 300+s? Answer: with prayer. I suggest a new quest, 100 combat and 1500 total as requirements, with a final boss fight, final boss level 200-300, NO prayer allowed during final fight, no safespots either.




Beating it will get a REAL version of the new minigame, like I imagined it. You are thrown in a huge, wooded area where monsters are constantly pouring out. YOU have to SURVIVE for 20 min, if you die, you get kicked out of the game. A similar portal system is used, but thereÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s many more, and very far apart, and the portals respawn after a certain amount of time (so you can't win by destroying all the portals, destroying them would just make less monsters chase you) and the levels of monsters spawned are all over level 100.




THAT'S a real minigame.


That quest would be so awesome! Yes, I know I don't have 100 combat or 1500 total yet, but this would encourage me to train harder. (ex: Legend's) As the Legend's quest separated the boys from the men, this new quest would separate the men from the legends/heroes. :D




But unless the new mini-game would have awesome rewards, I don't think it would be popular. I mean, who would want to waste tons of money on runes/food/pots and get (almost) nothing in return? :?

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tada! barrows!!! where stupid low lvl 30 noobs begging phr33 st00f pl0x get owned by dharok... barrows is where higher player get their fun..... (at least thats where i get mine from) Soz think before you say Jagex should make a game for high lvls.. mabye they already took that into consideration and created barrows which no offense to any1 but i think barrows whoops pest control and even cw's butts.....




Of course now theres a low lvl barrows guide but anyways....







I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

Araxxi Hilts: 4x Eye (14/126/149/459), Web - (100) Fang (193)

Araxxi Legs Completed: 5 ---Top (69/206/234/292/361), Middle (163/176/278/343/395), Bottom (135/256/350/359/397)
Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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Go back to Fight Cave and leave them to have their fun instead of being Mr.Negative?




well you could do that, but when trying out the new games, and actually working while the lowere levels just sit in the boat and laugh at you, theres a limit tot what you can take before you snap

-= weasel =- rsname: moosewalker ~ top 10000 player :D

newscape300x50qz7.giffull qp - always willing to chat add me...

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Too bad you can't spell intelligence. Back on topic, I believe new mini game is fun. Reward isn't GREAT, but i got 2 quick prayer levelsand it seems it could be good for mage and range training.




Whats this I smell? Ah yes... hypocrisy...




If you're gonna bash people for having an "a" instead of an "i" in a word. The LEAST you could do is not forget to hit the space bar.




Well that was completely unnecessary, the both of you. Flaming a minor typo like that :? It's not like the entire post is illegible.





LOL... And your comment was necessary? When my entire point was exactly what you just said... :roll:




Please... get over yourself. If you didn't see my point, you shouldn't of bothered to comment. My entire point was for him to not be so petty when he himself made a similar mistake.








EDIT: And for the record... my comment was NOT a flame. :roll: Someone likes to over exagerate.




why is every post you make either a direct insult to someone or debating something that isnt relating to the topic?




also I do agree with the person who said there should be sperate portals for differant levels, it would make for more of a challange and less listening to low levels calling you a noob for killing them.

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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i agree with author it pissed me really off 1 day but its pretty unfair for players like monsters can shoot over fence without any problem but people cant shoot even over monsters :S


anyway it was pretty good range xp like 50k per hour at range 89 :) steel arrows killing portals and wishing no1 gonna kill southern shifter :wink:

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Well, the lower levels want to play the mini-game aswell. It wouldn't be very fair to prevent them from playing it.


Maybe in the future, Jagex should add mini-games in which lower levels can have fun in, without bothering the higher levels.

2480+ total

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Go back to Fight Cave and leave them to have their fun instead of being Mr.Negative?




why, its a fun game, but fun can be ruined, the guy who started this thread has a point....it does suck when there are only like two high levels and the rest are like lvl 40 to 60, and you keep losing...its not like your getting exp anymore(extra exp)...so lay off..no flame intended or needed!

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I get annoyed with the low levels that attack the south monster too, they also don't listen to people and just carry on saying it needs to be killed because its attacking the Void Knight, then when the rangers own him they still dont understand and go back :evil: I think there should be two boats to the mini game.. One which is Level 3 Combat - Level 126 Combat and one which is say.. Level 78 Combat - Level 126

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Imo, If you want to win, you should not go to the common worlds, by which i mean, 2, 6, 9, ect. Although they may have the most people, i find that most of the time they are mostly lower levels who arent very good at the game. I played on world 2 for a few hours, i found i was losing around half my games. I tried my home world, 78 this morning, and although it is sometimes a bit longer waiting for the games to start, I find that we win around 85-90% of the games. Just this morning i managed to get 91k exp in attack, over 1 and a half hours.


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rofl I saw this level 120 ranting to this level 40 wearing no armour about how he should get some armour and actually help or leave. he was so totally pissed I then procede to tell him that while hes ranting to some noob hes not actually doing anything to help us. then he just kinda runs off. :lol:

Previously known as Monkeybeast0.


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i hate lower level players, no affence to them but they are just annoying always begging for items and such. just recently i had somthing ask


where did you get that green dragon hide mask? i replied they droped them a few years back, he said he would buy it for ..... gasp! 2k i nicly replied no, and then the curses started rolling. i think he followed me for about 10 mins.


I don't seem to get that problem.. hmm try tact.. and don't judge people by they're level.. You were a newb once(and I seem to recall someone with a name just like your's begging me for free stuff back then.. hmmm)


Everyone has a problem with everyone else.. it's like that in every game and been like this in runescape as far back as I can remember.. so get over it.. It's not like your really losing anything due to these people.. just right click - add ignore, its that simple

My first ever guide - for advanced farmers (~50+)


Now With Pictures!! - let me know what you think

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Everyone should be able to enjoy it, what I do think they need is more things like the firecape that are untradeable and show that you're a good player because once you hit 70 def 70 attack and 70 strength you can wear ANYTHING a lvl 126 can weild if you have the money.




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so... your calling all lvl 80 or belows stupid? :x




Excuse me, I am a lvl 67 and I'm very proud of it! Combat isn't everything you know! I, for example can fish and cook sharks, chop magics, and make yew longs! This post isn't wanted around here.


By popular demand, this signature is back- however I currently do not have a blog up at the moment and if I did I wouldn't update it. Sorry, the sig links to nowhere :( .

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yeah bloodveld what a gr8 idea not a final boss fight lvl 200-300 no pray allowed? hello lvl 200-300's can hit 40's that would be impossible and also ure requirements are a rubbish idea 100 combat and 1500 total jagex will never make a quest with a skill total or combat requirement for the pure reason that they want everyone to have a chance to be able to do the new updates. thats why they make it like 60 cooking and 20 attack etc.


Sig by me....

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That quest would be so awesome! Yes, I know I don't have 100 combat or 1500 total yet, but this would encourage me to train harder. (ex: Legend's) As the Legend's quest separated the boys from the men, this new quest would separate the men from the legends/heroes. :D




But unless the new mini-game would have awesome rewards, I don't think it would be popular. I mean, who would want to waste tons of money on runes/food/pots and get (almost) nothing in return? :?

I don't see why awesome rewards would be out of the question, considering the reqs to get in. Maybe something like cw armor, but between rune and barrows? Also, it could give free food before the battle.




yeah bloodveld what a gr8 idea not a final boss fight lvl 200-300 no pray allowed? hello lvl 200-300's can hit 40's that would be impossible and also ure requirements are a rubbish idea 100 combat and 1500 total jagex will never make a quest with a skill total or combat requirement for the pure reason that they want everyone to have a chance to be able to do the new updates. thats why they make it like 60 cooking and 20 attack etc.


1) Grammar/spelling is a good thing, learn to use it.


2) Obviously, higher levels could easily beat this while you lower levels can stick to the new minigame. I would have no problem beating a lvl 200-300.


Also, a black dragon is over level 200, and (not counting fire) can't hit 40+. :?


3) On second though, maybe an IQ test would also be part of the quest, so people like you couldn't get the reward. (Not that you'd ever have to patience to get those stats, infact, I bet that's the only reason that you're against it. :roll:)


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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Well that was completely unnecessary, the both of you. Flaming a minor typo like that :? It's not like the entire post is illegible.





LOL... And your comment was necessary? When my entire point was exactly what you just said... :roll:




Please... get over yourself. If you didn't see my point, you shouldn't of bothered to comment. My entire point was for him to not be so petty when he himself made a similar mistake.








EDIT: And for the record... my comment was NOT a flame. :roll: Someone likes to over exagerate.




I like the fact that you chose to comment on this bit of my post and completely ignored the rest. Sure this one line didn't have to be in there, but the main part of my post is on the topic. If you feel like making a comment like this about my posts, just send me a pm so the thread won't go off-topic.




Now back on topic: it seems that most people want the game to have different access for lower levels and higher levels, but the problem is where to end the one group and start the next. A level 60 that has knows how to play the game can be a great help in winning even though he is likely to die more often. On the other hand a level 80 that is just fooling around can cause you to lose the game. So having portals for different levels will keep a lot of noobs out of the high level game but it's not a complete solution, because it's not just levels that are important, it's their determination to playing a good game or just goofing of.


This problem can be solved by having one leader that can accept others to the boat. This could work by adding the wanted people to a list or by having everyone that wants on the boat send him a 'join'-request just like with trading or dueling.


Now the problem is who gets to be the leader, this could either be the one with the largest group of accepted people or someone that pays for it. A great advantage of paying to be the leader is that low level people usually don't have that much money and certainly don't want to spend it on a minigame.




Haven't played RuneScape since 12 january 2007 and it feels great :)

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I don't seem to get that problem.. hmm try tact.. and don't judge people by they're level.. You were a newb once(and I seem to recall someone with a name just like your's begging me for free stuff back then.. hmmm)


Everyone has a problem with everyone else.. it's like that in every game and been like this in runescape as far back as I can remember.. so get over it.. It's not like your really losing anything due to these people.. just right click - add ignore, its that simple




very funny..

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Well Jagex has at least tried to remedy the problem of low levels and people who don't participate. Maybe this update will solve some of the problems. :)

R.I.P. The olde nite. A legend is gone but not forgotten.


a Faction Related Item Sink for Rune Labs. https://[LikelyScam]/m=player-proposal/a=13/c=VcG-Ir5Ijno/view-idea?idea=19



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