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A list of Acronyms used in this forum....


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First I'd like to say that im an avid reader of this forum. Either for gameplay help or pleasure of reading, it has always been fun for me to read most of all your post.




But the only thing that bothers me is all this abbreviated words that young ones nowaday use. It seems like there are more and more new acronyms to learn everyday, and i'd like to have everyone please input all this new words so that everyone can have the basic knowledge on what you are talking about.




Greatly appreciated.






Here are the first ones that im having a problems with: (your welcome to add your own)




1. AFK


2. FTW




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First I'd like to say that im an avid reader of this forum. Either for gameplay help or pleasure of reading, it has always been fun for me to read most of all your post.




But the only thing that bothers me is all this abbreviated words that young ones nowaday use. It seems like there are more and more new acronyms to learn everyday, and i'd like to have everyone please input all this new words so that everyone can have the basic knowledge on what you are talking about.




Greatly appreciated.






Here are the first ones that im having a problems with: (your welcome to add your own)




1. AFK


2. FTW






1. AFK = Away from Keyboard (when someone fights an aggressive monster and it attacks you without you needing to attack it back) It lets you play rs and train stats while not needing to be looking at the game the whole time. (Very risky now will all the frequent (random) events.




2. FTW = For those Wondering






3. (Dwarfie) Sorry to fool u :lol: (use your imagination if you can't get it)






Others for those interested:




QFT = Quoted for truth




IMO = In my Opinion








** Here's a Website, if you want to look an abbreviation up :P

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Runescape: Lodev (Combat level been fixed at 101 for years now, Total level 1500+, playing since march 2002)

Arenascape: Lode (Level 240+ Warlock)

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i dont know what MEH means




"Meh" is not an abbriviation.. its basically like saying, whatever... try it out!




Someone: HEY! you broke my ez bake oven!




You: Meh.






smooth like silk~ 8)


1543 Skill total, 100% F2P

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i dont know what MEH means




"Meh" is not an abbriviation.. its basically like saying, whatever... try it out!




Someone: HEY! you broke my ez bake oven!




You: Meh.





There you go bringing it up AGAIN. Look, I said I'm sorry about your EZ Bake oven. It was an accident, okay?!? The whole world doesn't have to know.




On topic, what took me forever to figure out was what all the "DDS, DD+ and DDP" meant. Until I finally figured out they were different variations of poisoned dragon daggers...

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i dont know what MEH means




"Meh" is not an abbriviation.. its basically like saying, whatever... try it out!




Someone: HEY! you broke my ez bake oven!




You: Meh.





There you go bringing it up AGAIN. Look, I said I'm sorry about your EZ Bake oven. It was an accident, okay?!? The whole world doesn't have to know.




Sure we do :?




DD means Death Dot, a formation frequently used by clans to stand in the same palce, looking like 1 person on the minimap. DM means death mathc, a fight whetre two players fight to the death with no teleporting or running.



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YSLE=You stupid lemon eater




BOCTAOE=But of course there are obvious exceptions




SONWUAFE=Society Of Nerds Who Use Acronyms For Everything




WDTAM?=What does that acronym mean? :D

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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yay finally a person here who types with a decent vocablulary!!!




and everyonne forgot "imo" and "imho"


in my opinion and in my humble opinion




ftw (for those wondering) here is a wikipedia link to every acronym in the whole history of the internet. it also has slang words too.




BEWARE perental advisory. the internet is not a nice place!!! there are many creative uses of vcertain profane words/phrases.






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i dont know what MEH means




"Meh" is not an abbriviation.. its basically like saying, whatever... try it out!




Someone: HEY! you broke my ez bake oven!




You: Meh.





"Meh" can also me "me". Observe:




You: *breaks dragon dagger* Meh Dragon Dagger!

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