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How about a Runescape movie?


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hello everyone,


i am a regular player just like you, nothing spacial about me.


so, when i saw people making "video clips" on barrows, it got me thinking: "it would be very interesting if i where to make an "orginal movie" on runescape." that is, untill i found that you need special sofware to make one.


you see, i normally use a library computer to play runescape (being that i don't have one at my house :lol: ). so, here is my suggestion: i would need some people (and hopefully moderators) to volunter to help out. about 4 people with recording software are needed to get differant angles (i.e scenes with the heroes and scenes with the villans) and other people varying in levels as actors (filmers can also play parts). when all is recorded, the people who filmed will send the footage to a designated editor and he will put it all together into the movie. of course i can type up a script and post it, not to worry, and since the game is an mmo, i will make shure the script is flexible enough that any players that accidentally wander in can be included or worked into the film.


i only propose this idea since the game is meant to be fun, not to make money off of it, and all participants will be shure to get their names mentioned in the cradits. if the movie is made, it will only be posted on the forumes, nowhere else.


let me know what you think and tell me if you want to volunteer,


and i am open to any ideas or suggestions.






ok, i know i said i would have the story up by monday, but i may as well put Act I and manditory quests up now. let me know what you think


=manditory quests:


-in aid of miraque


-shadow of the storm


-between a rock


-at least started desert treasure


-monkey madness


-fremnic trials




Characters in Act I:




-blue demon (bd): blue halloween mask, blue wizard top, blue d'hide leggs, mithril claws, blue boots, blue gloves


-red demon (dr): red halloween mask, zamorack robe top, red d'hide legs, black claws, red boots, red gloves


-jungle demon (jd): green halloween mask, green shirt, green d'hide legs, addy claws, green boots, green gloves


-rock soldier (rs): full rockshell, granit maul


-skeleton soldier (ss): full skeletal, white claws


-draggonoth (dr): full spined, steel claws


-gost spy (gs): ghostly robes




-spy (s): if possible: full camo or rough outfit; if not: black med helm, black mage top, black platelegs


-seer (se): ful arims


-colonell (co): full dharok


-1st lieutenant (1l): rull torag


-2nd lieutenant (2l): full guthan


-comander (cm): full verac


-private (pr): full karil


-fuhrer (me): i know what i'll wear




-library monk (lm): monk's robes, holy symbol


-other people: what they are wearing when they walk in on our set by accident


IMPORTANT NOTE: at least 2 people in each group need to be able to record (preferably the spys for each group)


special items needed:


heros: spade, warewolf robes (any color will do),




Act I: the beginning


Scene I: research


setting: library in the salve monestary (in aid of miraque)




[fade in] [the heros (except the spy) are searching for scrolls in the monestary library, all are wearing wearewolf robes of any collor.]


[i walk over to 1l]


me: anything?


1l: not yet.


me: anyone?


2l: nope


co: nada


cm: zip


pr: zilch


me: dang, at this rate, the demons will kill us all


se: aha!


me: you found something?


se: [does a victory dance] yes, i did


lm: [walks in] what are you all doing here?


me: grab him!


[all run at lm] [lm runs up ladder screamog "noooooooo!"]


[all return with lm] [i go into full explanation of situation]


me: [at end of speach] now, to go get the legendary armors, to the tombs!


all: yes sir!


[fade out]



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If I'm correct, W13 of Zybez made some movies for RS before.




Also, do a search for "Runescape" on Newgrounds. Most movies stink, but you can find a few good ones.





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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I can play a part. Finally I can show my acting skills *dances the RS dance*


If you need a female, I'll play that too if you run short.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I don't think it would work..




1. There are actually no acting.




2. Some people will get in the scene while you're recording.




3. Like the real life movies, you need a good idea to make a good film.




4. You'll need a REALLY good editor and a guy who knows what kind of music to put in the movie, not just his favorite type of music. Like opera won't go good with a pking movie. :oops:




These are what I think is going to be hard to make a movie, but I support, good luck. :)




Edit; I can be one of the actors if you want, or maybe even filming. :D



http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=525348 - My Pking Gallery



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i seen some rs classic movies befor, they seemed funny :lol: id like to act, if its on the weekend

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I don't think it would work..




1. There are actually no acting.




2. Some people will get in the scene while you're recording.




3. Like the real life movies, you need a good idea to make a good film.




4. You'll need a REALLY good editor and a guy who knows what kind of music to put in the movie, not just his favorite type of music. Like opera won't go good with a pking movie. :oops:




These are what I think is going to be hard to make a movie, but I support, good luck. :)




Edit; I can be one of the actors if you want, or maybe even filming. :D


if you forgot, i did say that i would keep the script flexible enough to incorporate and "accidental" runins so that they seem planned.


with many people, i will start working on the script now and have the general story posted by next monday, sound good?

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There were a talk of a lotr movie before, but the talk seem to have died.




That's because not everyone likes LOTR, I personally don't, but this is just a movie in general, or so i hope.

hehe i signed up to be aragon on that :)
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I guess it sounds cool but it would be weird.




Are you talking about a 10 minutes home made move or a motion picture? lol.




Well anyway nice idea I believe, pking vids are enough of movies for me

Training my pure!



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paw claw from these forums has already made several movies, run a search through the gallery for them or pm him, there quite good




I think what he means is he wants to make his own movie. Not watch someone elses.


I <3 Gears of War 2.


Add me on Xbox Live and mention you are from Tif :D

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