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Smallest monster that ever killed you


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Green Dragon - Two sets of full rune, ABYSSL WHIP and D simi.. :oops:


Killed Ronnie Kloet for his whip fer a screenie on these forums, stupid green dragon popped up on top of me and killed me with both our loot.




Scorpion - training a pure of mine and went afk... :oops:




Got killed by a lvl 15 using fire strike right after I called him a noob for asking for a dm and running, he restocked and I was talking to a friend over pm and koed me with a 8... :oops:



|Msg me me in-game | IrreIephant|

^ capital i

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omg i cant believe i remember this. true story. when i first started playing runescape. my friend told me u start off as lvl -3 (since it says level-3 thats what he thought it ment and i had no idea so i believed him). so i saw a bear that was aparently lvl "-17" but was actually 17. i got slaughtered and couldnt figure out why. i thought i just sucked at the game so i quit for like a week :P

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i think a wizard at the wizards tower... i was a higher lvl than it so i thought "y not kill it" then it killed me, o dear. i also was exploring karjama and found a volcano, i thought "y not go down the hole" then i found myself in the middle of red spiders and it sounds noobish but "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek lvl 22 skeletons" lol i died in like 2 seconds cause i coudnlt find a way out, i tried 2 get into the thzaar caves entrance but i wasnt a member.



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ok um lets see


ok yeah




ok i was a level 3 walkin near the


wildy which i did not know till this level 100 girl


walked up to me and said wat is a low geeky level


noob like you doin in the wild im like wat the heck


im not in the wild um wats a wild she said its a place where people


like me can kill you im like PLZ SPAIR ME :pray: :pray: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


she said just this time i was off the hook well not yet this level 29


guy come up and says good night i was like nty i dont go to bed till


10:30 he said wat the heck im killin you i was like ok R.I.P :anxious: run 4 my dear


life ahhhhhhhhh SLASH SLASH bang gone LOL it stunk..... :x

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A level 2 Tramp when I was level 5; I had like 3 HP left, I was lost in Varrock (I didn't know what Varrock was then lol), and I accidentally attacked the Tramp. I had ran out of energy and the Tramp killed me. Fortunately, the only things I lost was a few runes an Ammy of Accuracy lol; I was devastated then, but now it's no big deal.




hehehe dont underestimatte the power of the tramp

Hitting babies is fun, yay! *Dances* \:D/

Been out of the loop for 2 years, fill me in?

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ok um lets see


ok yeah




ok i was a level 3 walkin near the


wildy which i did not know till this level 100 girl


walked up to me and said wat is a low geeky level


noob like you doin in the wild im like wat the heck


im not in the wild um wats a wild she said its a place where people


like me can kill you im like PLZ SPAIR ME :pray: :pray: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


she said just this time i was off the hook well not yet this level 29


guy come up and says good night i was like nty i dont go to bed till


10:30 he said wat the heck im killin you i was like ok R.I.P :anxious: run 4 my dear


life ahhhhhhhhh SLASH SLASH bang gone LOL it stunk..... :x




So, a lvl 100 killed a level 3? Firts time I hear about level 97 wildy :roll:

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NO LEVEL 29 KILLED ME READ AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




make yourself a bit more clearer next time, I'm sorry. I you need to know a bit more about formulating sentences and spelling before you're ready for a forum. =;




That's what I wanted to say, but I couldn't find the words.

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The only monster I can recall that killed me was a lesser demon back in RS-classic but this is excluding death-training with the jail guards. XD




Anyways, I got killed by a lesser while training at crandor. Back then, I was using dial-up so I ran into alot of lags. XD I lost a rune b-axe, rune helm, daimond amulet and a good 20k worth of miscellaneous items... :wall:


.: Gallery :.

Away :( -cheers all!

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While mining in the guild and talking at the same time on private chat I accidentally mined a smoking rock for too long... Being level 3 with 10 hp I died after the rock exploded. Unfortunally I was wearing a white partyhat. Fortunally the person who picked it up had just met me and gave it back. :shock:






uh huh... so how did you get a white p-hat at lvl 3? and what sane person would give it back? lol ...

Main Account - Max cape achieved 10th September 2011
Noob Account - 2300 total and climbing 


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I guess it was the level 5 highwayman south of fally. Heh heh. He really terrorized me when I was a 3! I did skills first and hadn't even killed a chicken yet!


Yeah, same for me. My friend was killed by a cow. He thought they where "the perfect traning."




While mining in the guild and talking at the same time on private chat I accidentally mined a smoking rock for too long... Being level 3 with 10 hp I died after the rock exploded. Unfortunally I was wearing a white partyhat. Fortunally the person who picked it up had just met me and gave it back. :shock:






uh huh... so how did you get a white p-hat at lvl 3? and what sane person would give it back? lol ...


Probalby back when phats where common-droped by like everything.


Currently going for 76 fishing

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During my first couple days playing, I got tricked into picking up the zammy wine by some high level @$$, who laughed his head off while I got owned by half a dozen zammy monks, and then I managed to go into the varrock sewers exploring, only to find that without food, I was no match for a level 3 or 6 Giant Rat (ooh scary), and I lost what I now consider to be noobish items, but at the time I was seriously like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" over some basic bronze or steel or something, especially since a good friend of mine had given me full steel, though I think I lost that at the Zammy Temple. Oh, and then to make matters worse, I lost my first set of full mith to some I3@$t@rd who asked me to "help him get back to lumbridge quickly" by fighting him in the wilderness. At the time I didnt know that if you started the fight, you got skulled and lost everything, so as I'm fighting him, he puts his armor and weapon back on and owns me (I think he had food too), and I got back to lumbridge and almost wet myself with horror, since I didnt even get to keep my three items. Oh, and I've almost been beaten by level 7 and/or 20 dark wizards ( I actually had to run one day) and I purposefully let grayzag kill me for the quick trip to lumby when I did the restless ghost quest.




:twisted: :evil: 8-) :evil: :twisted:

"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." --Albert Einstein



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in rsc i was walkin from lumby to varrock on my first day of playing (followed some guy to "make money") and next thing i know either the lvl 13 or 25 dark wizard in the stone henge is attacking me... i died sadly lol (this was back in 2001 before many people were high lvls so nobody trained at darkwizards and coal was at varrock west mine)



RSC veteran

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Umm..I think it was a monk..




And I got mad at it when it kept healing. Otherwise when I was about level 25, I had 30k(which was the biggest amount in the world to me), and I walked past the dark wizards, and...They slaughtered me. :P


Just started my new account.

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