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What's Your Reputation?


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I mean what can i say other than my reputation is COMPLETE AND UTTER OWNAGE!!!!

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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Guest mmortalone
Real Life: Quiet Nick. Out of 4 Nicks in my school, I'm the most quietest. But I talk a lot with friends tho lol




Forums: Not sure really, possibly the guy with 1000+ Post and Argentina in his sig?








you're the vader guy who likes the soccer team I like :)

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  • 3 weeks later...





when i first came here like 4 years ago i was known as a nice, active user who literally couldnt go anywhere without someone saying they know me from scapeboard




then a power hungry *****




then someone who others were getting tired of and flamed me all the time




now just a nobody

485th person to ever play RuneScape

Blue107- perm banned 10/12/2007. $300 USD reward if you can get me in contact with someone who will take 5 seconds to look at evidence and get my original character unbanned. 

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Real Life: Artsy geek who has quite the temper, and not enough control over it.




Forums: I honestly have no clue. I do get a lot of questions about my avatar, though. Interpret that in any way you like.


Stunning signature created by the one and only My Boggy.


Just like Columbus he gets murderous on purpose

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Oh yeah, I laso had a reputation back in my elementary for making a girl cry by staring.




Didn't know I looked evil :lol:

I really wanna try that, I'm going to do it to my cousin (only 5 year old I will get away with doing it to)
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I decided to take the "you can't know your reputation" to heart, and ask someone.




Me: Alice, how would you describe me?




Alice: Refreshingly tittilatious with an air of fantabular kidney-tinglyness.




Okay. Not a reputation, but it's a fairly funny description.




More to come. XD




I don't know you too well, but your friend Alice is awesome :D

Everybody hug and spread the love :D



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Everyone has a reputation, so what's yours?




I've got a reputation for being a very laid back kinda person (also had a rep for being the smart kid till everyone found out that all I know is computers and video games heh)


same as ures but unfortunately the smart kid is true...not that i don't like being smart but when people are like omg lets work with tom he'll do all the work its quite annoying so when they do that i just dont help them and they do badly mwahahaha!!!!!


Sig by me....

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well, i generally have the reputation for correcting everyone's english :oops: ,blurting out random things that weren't even part of the conversation and ummmm OO OO OOOOOO also as a spaz... :thumbsup:

... I can learn about credit, banking, paying taxes, legal rights and mortgages at a skatepark?

Runescaper since december 3, 2001


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uhh.. my reputation..




when i was about 13 or 14 i was the black sheep in class, because i got drunk fairly often. i even heard some people were telling i'd take heroine...




later in another school i was known for knowing everything and being smartest kid in class, for being easygoing and for being the only one getting along fine with everybody in the class.




i heard though, that some people in other classes believed me to hate girls! wierd indeed.




also i was known for hanging with the infamous people who smoked pot all day long.


oh and people also thought i'd be clam as a lamb, peaceful and the like.




later after an ugly incident (after i quitted school) one part of the people i know thought of me as the biggest creep alive. i was mobbed badly and those people made no effort to hide, that they wished me to suicide.




then when i got schizophrenia i was just known as an absolute freak




today i'm probably the most contoversial person people who know me know. most won't contact me anymore. i feel that i freak them out. some call me jesus and if i would start to walk over water, most wouldn't be surprised. then again, if i'd commit suicide nobody would be surprised as well.




somehow it's clear, that i'm different. everybody who meets me notices that in someway, but it'd be hard to say, what exactly it is.






that's what people think of me. it's always much easier to recognize, what others think, then what i think (at least for me).

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somehow it's clear, that i'm different




this is another quote. not from here. heard it from a person that means much to me. "you laugh cause im diffrent. i laugh cause ur all the same"




even if u think you are the wieard guy. its the bullies that are wierd. for not carry if they hurt some1

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Here on forums: That weird guy who suddenly appeared, and is making stupid posts.






Irl: That weird guy from 9th grade that never talks, always has a blue jacket on and always gets As. What a nerd.


Then, a random girl who's sorry for me yells out loud: 'He's not a nerd!!'




I'm not kidding either... :uhh: <.< -.- :o :oops: :?

Religious Text is not permitted.

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