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ancint magicks unfair?


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I just pked a dd(s) and rune full helm with ancient magicks. And it felt goooood.




EDIT: Also, ice blitz is the pwn. Just thought you should know.


Noobs shouldn't spam, just thought YOU would know. :roll:




OT: I don't think ancients are to powerful, really depends on what you wear, spellcaster wear and luck.

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the spells are for the ones who can afford it and the effects usually become unfair as you dont need skill in the lvl to hit hard you need the money whereas in normal mage, skill is the main thing rather than money

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a lvl 100 that owns a lvl 30 in cw/wildy/duel arena


is that unfair?


the lvl 100 trained a lot more than the lvl 30


it's the same with ancients:


-hard quest


-spells cost a ton


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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Ancients isn't overpowered, buy my rug is.




Off-Topic: Could you please stop talking about your stupid rug? Nobody cares about it. And your topic is off-topic, without off-topic tag, that's spamming. :roll:




Back-On-Topic: I agree, Ancients is overpowered. Which is one of the reasons I never go to Castle Wars. :x

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Have you heard about Seercull or d wc axe?




Next to the abyssal whip the 2 most used weapons in the game! Come on, we both know these things don't work the way they should.




I totally disagree on the fact that anients are overpowered. Meleers are supposed to get owned by mages, and you just got unlucky because magic splashes 90% of the time on dhide.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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Its painful. Going about my normal abyss runecrafting. No pkers there so I go for the mage. Out of no where I get hit with an ice blitz and barrage (or something to do with ice). Couldnt get my mouse to the ecthopical before I was dead. Was hit like 20, 22 then 29... 3 hit :(

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Its balanced...i dfont give one about the money because u can get like 10x back at the duel arena.


Its by no means invincible...i mean full black d hide deflects basically every shot.


Yeah...Some people just go out of their way to ruin other peoples fun.
Sounds like Jagex to me...

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nothing is "unfair" in rs. I get really tired of people complaining about ancients and prayers. If you are casting an ice spell you earned the right to cast that ice spell by leveling your magic up that high, doing the quest, and paying thousands of gp to do so. Same goes for protection prayers if you can protect from melee than you earned those prayer levels and nobody can whine about you using it. Sure people use these kinds of things against me but instead of whining I just turn around and use smite, or red dhide and ranged...in other words, I prefer to go down fighting than to go down complaining that they only took me out with an "overpowered" ability (despite the fact that they worked hard to earn that ability).

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I have 93 defense, and wearing full black and other items often have +110 mage defense. Ancient mages hit me as if I were wearing an amulet of mage vulnerability and a ring of pk me please. I have 90 range, but I don't even bother pking anymore, as it often feels so unbalanced to me.




Of course ancient mage is difficult to get, is expensive to use, and doesn't allow one to teleblock. Still, once a 94 attacks me I have no chance. So I don't bother. For me it has taken all the fun out of going into the wildy, so I don't. I'm sure other poeple have different experiences.

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I think it isn't unfair, when it's around 1k per spell and high level magic is required for the good spells. I bet if you had 94 magic you wouldn't be complaining.


What, because he doesn't have 200,000,000 magic xp, he can't be believed? And people call the KKK racist...




Oh, and even though I do have ancients, and I have used it hundreds of times, it still isn't that great. I couldn't even hit a guy through green dhides. Granted, when you do it, it's devistating, I do believe it balances out a bit.




1v1 against a melee combatant, and the mage will win 99.9% of the time (given the right equipment, enough runes, and a good enough strategy). It's sick just how many times you can hit a 21 or 22 with level 73 magic...

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as people before me as said


1. Each spell is insanely expensive.


2. If they earn the money and the skills to use it they have the right to cast it


3. Desert Treasure must be completed whihc i no isnt what it used to be but is still an achievement to complete




But yes i do understand your point



one time i woke up sleeping under my bed with a jello and a spoon lol :ohnoes:
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Stop meleeing in d hides, then maybe I could give a [cabbage]. But since you melee in d hides, expect to die. Magic is supposed to beat any melee, despite what he is wearing. If you range and d hides and get owned by a mage, then complain. Until then, you are just an idiot complaining your d hides won't save you from a mage.

Runescape veteran. Originally adventurer (and mage on other account), now pker.

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First of all, ancients aren't overpowered because when your spending 1000gp per shot, you want results. I can't hit through Full Black D'hide or Mystic. You just had bad luck.




Second of all, rewrite your message so it doesn't require actually thinking about what you are trying to say.




So if someone is willing to pay 500k a shot for an instant kill spell, should we give it to them?

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It isn't expensive at all. Duh, all runes can be monster dropped, just kill steel dragons and dustdevils and you will get blood easily. :roll:


so i asume that you don't use pray pots or food on steel dragons?


Computers will never be above humans because we made them.

That's what monkeys used to say about us.

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i fight steel drag using prayer pots. i make my own pots when i get herb drops, and i only go when i make enough for a trip. costs me nothing. \'

Playing since 06/2001

Combat: 98

Skill: 1333


RSN= Redplauge

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It isn't expensive at all. Duh, all runes can be monster dropped, just kill steel dragons and dustdevils and you will get blood easily. :roll:


so i asume that you don't use pray pots or food on steel dragons?




What? No. It's waste of prayer potions. I only use them on trolls and some overpowered monsters (like the KQ and KBD) I use antifire potion. You're right, it is expensive to fight them.




I can make prayer potions however.

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