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A friend in need?.... I am a jerk..


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You need to report him when possible .. well tell him to stop buying rs money if he continues then report him!! I know what it's like to be obssesed lol less then 1 year and look at my stats :shame: yah being addicted sucks good thing I don't play as much anymore :) well yah help your friend tell him not to waste money like that if he continues report him ( it's still money wasted even if he wasn't banned)


Trying for firecape!!

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Personally I would mind my own business, I'd accutally like it if the rule on real life trading was removed to be quite honest. Less people doing it as a scam, if people are willing to put up their own money they gain they should use it as they see fit.




Reporting your friend is basically screwing 600 usd out of him, if you feel the need to do something talk to him, don't go behind a friends back.

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Well, you could always blackmail him :twisted: (JK)




But seriously, it may be immoral to rat on your friends, but personally I think it would be better for you to report him so he doesn't waste more and more money on runescape. It would be better on him in the longrun. Then when he realizes the mistake he has made, he'll play the game the way it was ment to be played, and earn his gear. I must admit though, you are in a pretty tough situation.


"Those who know nothing, can understand nothing"

- Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

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ask him why the heck he would do that, and tell him to stop for his own good. try to make it listen as you shouldnt have to lose a friend over a game. hopefully he stops before he loses alot of money.


he has a phat just cause he is a p mod, now shut up about it
you're right, it's like giving candy to a fat kid and punch him when he eats it
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I have this really good friend that is a real estate agent in real life that works at home. He is soo filthy rich.




Getting hooked on Runescape, he looked on to me as a guide to his unfamiliar surroundings. What I got in return was an all paid expense trip to membership :P. However, 50 combat levels in one day from him were relatively surprising to me. This is how a harmless game, is maybe turning into an obsessive addiction for my friend.




Hooked would be an understatement. Pretty soon, me and him would kind of get competitive in stats and gp. He got the hang of merchanting pretty quickly yet so naive of the big picture, like he only would sell white knights armory :shock: which wouldn't produce as much as a profit as some of the other items in the game.




On one faithful day, after he saw the power of maging... my friend turned to the dark side. Money didn't seem to matter much when it came to gaming. Since he was so wealthy in real life, he gazed upon the idea real world trading thinking it was no big deal.




My friend assumed that a lot of people were doing this; gullible enough to believe the website claiming that Jagex didn't mind. No matter how much I warned him about getting banned, he just would not yield.




Just a couple days ago he spent of 600 USD and bought 100 mil. With that much gp, he bought full infinity, full dragon, 10 mil worth of runes and with much gold to spare. I feel the hungry little monster inside of him, wanting to buy more and more gold; increasing his chances of him getting a permanent vacation from Runescape.




I want prevent the thing that provocation him, but yet, I want to take a step back and observe. I can't help getting a tinge jealousy. A small part of me wants to do the right thing; the urge to click the report button.






I'll be adding on to this as time goes along...I just really need your opinions on what to do.






i think most of you forgot about this part by the time you got to the end... ADD is a [bleep] aint it? Anyways... a good real estate agent can make GOOD money... 600 bucks really isnt that much when you could be dealing with homes that sell for 10,000 times that. (6 million dollar homes for you math slowpokes)

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Dude, why would you even ask this question? Life doesn't revolve around RS, don't report him, that's like snitching and NO ONE likes snitches...




PS Just tell him he can get banned and if you have, tell him again and tell him he will get banned in the end, don't report him.

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Dude, why would you even ask this question? Life doesn't revolve around RS, don't report him, that's like snitching and NO ONE likes snitches...




PS Just tell him he can get banned and if you have, tell him again and tell him he will get banned in the end, don't report him.




To draw a parallel...


If your friend was a drug addict who ODed, would you take him to hospital?


I'm not sure what i'd do in the OP's situation, but it's nowhere near as cut and dried as some people are suggesting.

In a little hilltop village they gambled for my clothes

I bargained for salvation and they gave me a lethal dose

I offered up my innocence, I got repaid with scorn

"Come in'', she said, "I'll give you shelter from the storm"

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I feel guilty, so guilty.




I reported him.. and he got only a 2 day ban, but he is very angry at me.




Cursing me from left to right..




No more membership for me now...




And whoever said the reporting thingy was annoymous, you are wrong, he got the transcrips and everthing




I feel stupid, so stupid.

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It's not anonymous?!? That Sucks :wall: :wall: You shouldn't feel guilty, I mean, If my friend Busted $600 on drugs, I'd tell someone, that's too much money to throw away, espically when it could escalate :(

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uuh do you like runescape/jagex more than your actual friend? don't be a jerk and report him i wouldn't lawl




So, if Jagex would catch him on their own, they'd look at you with the opportunity of reporting him. Even I report my friends, I don't know what your eating, but you need to stop. It's a game, cry your friend a river, and don't pollute it.

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uuh do you like runescape/jagex more than your actual friend? don't be a jerk and report him i wouldn't lawl




So, if Jagex would catch him on their own, they'd look at you with the opportunity of reporting him. Even I report my friends, I don't know what your eating, but you need to stop. It's a game, cry your friend a river, and don't pollute it.


I don't really get the eating and pollute part.. :oops:

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Personally I would mind my own business, I'd accutally like it if the rule on real life trading was removed to be quite honest. Less people doing it as a scam, if people are willing to put up their own money they gain they should use it as they see fit.




Reporting your friend is basically screwing 600 usd out of him, if you feel the need to do something talk to him, don't go behind a friends back.

r u on crack or somethin?oh wait nvm......now we know who real item trades......... :shame: rs would b insane if that rule got removed.....p hats would b like 1 bil........autoing would pretty much become legal....because most people auto for real money....not just for stats....but man if u were doin that would u want ur friend to report ya now or would u rather spend 10,000 dollars then jagex catches ya... :wall: just think hard about it and it might find some way through ur extremely thick head...
I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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I feel guilty, so guilty.




I reported him.. and he got only a 2 day ban, but he is very angry at me.




Cursing me from left to right..




No more membership for me now...




And whoever said the reporting thingy was annoymous, you are wrong, he got the transcrips and everthing




I feel stupid, so stupid.

=D> you did the right thing...if hes gonna ignore ya for trying to stop him from screwin up his life...then he aint a realy good friend....good job u did what had to b done....hopefully he wil think about y u did what u did and stop buyin stuff. =D> again good job man =D>
I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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I doubt reporting him would help... if you could get him banned, then do it. It's better for him to lose $600 than $10,000 one day when he thinks he's safe. It's cruel, but it's really the best thing you could do for him. Or find some way to convince him to stop... that might prove difficult though. People with power are afraid to lose it.

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Never, ever, rat out a friend!




Wait, he only got a two day ban for that? Wow...


And you've lost a friend. See why that wasn't worth it?


7 months ago, shoulen m0nk lured me for everything. If you know anything about him, pm me.

lol that was a good story but his eyesight must be poor... it's a well known fact that mods only drop garages on players. :lol:
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i still believe that the main reason there is the "no real life trading" rule is so Jagex don't have to deal with people getting hacked and stuff. I mean correct me if im wrong, but if selling gp was legal, then if someone put a keylogger on your account and hacked for millions (say thousands IRL)couldn't they go to jail? I just don't think Jagex wants to deal with that.






Personaly i think its dumb to buy/sell items.


If i played the only for money, i would be making like $2 per hour, not worth it.


But then im not exactally rich enough to spend a lot of money on this game.




It is near impossible to Jagex to stop real world trading. People talk over msn/aim, send the money however, then they just meet up in game and give the money/lose it in a duel or something clever like that.

RSN: Bantam222 [105 combat] [1578 total level]


Support my quest for 1600 Skill Total!

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Okay . . .




Point out to your friends that it clearly states in the Jagex terms and


conditions that real-world item trading is a violation of the rules.




It's rule 12!




But don't report him if he doesn't get caught. Don't do that to a friend.


If he's so rich, tell him to merchant bigger things (rares ftw.) and then claim your 10% advisor's fee!

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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I'm not so sure reporting/getting him banned will solve the problem. It might just make him buy another character or make another one and buy more cash to do it again. You all think that getting him banned will somehow cure the addiction...it won't. About all it will do it make you a bad friend and someone I'd personally never want to be around.

124 Combat

Retired Echo of Silence Council


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The loyalty that many of you feel for your friends CANNOT be an absolute. Is a MMORPG worth breaking that trust? Probably not, though neither would the soon-to-be-banned friend be justified in never speaking to you again if he found out you reported him.




Still, this is an interesting moral dilemma especially since it crosses both RS and RL worlds.




Good luck, but no harm in reminding him of the dangers -- point him to several stories on here of those who went to the "dark side" and sold gp. Otherwise, if you do report him, do so if you are confident and truly feel it's the right thing. Alternatively, he may want to think about creating a new account soon...

RSN: Greedom1 | QP 248+ | Combat 116 | Total 1920+ | Skills 95 craft, 99 farm, 88 herb, 91 mage, 85 slayer

Values? What do they mean?

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I feel guilty, so guilty.




I reported him.. and he got only a 2 day ban, but he is very angry at me.




Cursing me from left to right..




No more membership for me now...




And whoever said the reporting thingy was annoymous, you are wrong, he got the transcrips and everthing




I feel stupid, so stupid.

Let me get this straight: He buys over $600 worth of rs gold and only gets a 2 day ban when Duke, a pmod and well-known man of high status, sells some gold on ebay and gets an immediant perm ban?? #-o


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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