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The Heat


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I have to deliver mail in two neighbourhoods from tuesday to friday. I start at 11am, and depending on the amount of mail I'm done between 1pm and 4pm. It's very important that you keep drinking water (I always bring two litres along and refill my bottles at my house, which is about half way on my route). Also, alcohol and caffeine can cause dehydration so you'll want to be careful with that too. Before or after work, you should eat something salty, like crisps or soup, because you lose a lot of salt due to sweat.

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You Brits think you've got it bad? I have to mow lawns in humid, 100ÃÆââ¬Å¡ÃâðF Memphis, TN, weather. Sure, there's plenty of people who have it worse than I do, but doing manual labor in the sun when it's this hot is no picnic. (It is great money, though, so who I am to complain? On top of that, I'm always good and hungry to enjoy a big dinner. :P)




I'm sure Al Gore is basking in the joy of everyone saying, "Oh noes! It's teh global warming!!!!1one." :P



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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was meant to be low 30's here today and tomorrow, but it's turned out to be cloudy today which is keeping the heat down. I'm glad though because I have training later and I don't want to get burnt again.




edit - just looked at the thermometer in the garage and it's showing 29-30 degrees.




I watch the weather every day, always hoping for rain here in the south, but it seems that in scotland theres still cloud and rain about in the north. Lucky... :wink:


Seems the cloud is moving away from the north though.






lol @ everyone else trying to boast about how their own weather is hotter. We are just trying to say we aren't used to temperatures this high. If it was like this all the time we wouldn't be talking about it.


But yes the heat here does kill people because they are not used to the heat.

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I made the mistake of being English (thus pale) and going to the beach on Monday. Now I'm sunburnt and dying.




So kids: Don't do beach. You'll pay for it later.

For it is the greyness of dusk that reigns.

The time when the living and the dead exist as one.

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its been 95-100's here... with about 80-90% humidity, and I've been wearing a black sweatshirt, and beanie outside... and heavy jeans..




its quite comforting.

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I'll tell you what, working outside for 8 hours a day, 6 days a week in Minnesota sucks. It's been about 90-100 degrees here every day for the past...long time. WOOOOOT.

I really wouldn't call it an era. It was more of a definitive time period during which dinstinctive characteristics were expressed in similar ways.


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I can't say that I feel the heat at work since I do work at an office, but let me tell you that I'd kill for the temperature to be in the 30s. In fact, these last few days I'd settle for low 40s, haha. Let's just say that the high this week (or last, I can't remember) was 47C.






By The_Jeppoz :wink:

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Ever noticed that when people start talking about the weather it's because they have absolutely nothing else in mind?


No it's not because I don't have much on my mind, it's because this heat has been nagging me. I just wish this heat would go away. A nice cool 15C would be great for me.

No longer playing Runescape, I caught the WoW bug.

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Yea I really can't stand the heat, but atleast where I do my part time job it has air conditioning. Just checked my thermometer and it is 23C at 10:25am :(.








P.S: I live in South Yorkshire for all the other Yorkshire people around.


"Unfortunately, the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale."

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It's going to get 34 degrees to even 37 degrees warm here (celsius)


Because of the warmth I sleep badly, though I don't feel any effects from it.(yet :P ) I actually got up early. Warmth can do strange things to a human being... :XD:

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Try living in Arizona, its about 112 degrees on average. 130 - 140 in cars that have been sitting and garages.




You have a dry heat, it's bearable, the humidity and stuff here near the coasts and in the south is just pure death.

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I cant complain, im off work for two weeks, getting a bit of a tan here in England and then flying out to Ayia Napa on Sunday for a week and a half, probably come back the same colour as a lobster mind you.

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Lol, I went to India at this time of year 3 years ago ... and trust me, India is freaking hot in the winter <.<




It's not bad here at the moment,30C is normal.Lol.We are not used to the cold.Since you're used to cold you won't like it here.




India is freaking hot in the winter?Lol.How did you come up with that? :lol:


No lol, I meant that when I went to India (when it was winter in England) it was still hot over there, except for the morning and nights .. and plus I can't tell if you're being sarcaastic lol

i am a paint noob
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I'm in yorkshire too :P


Ohh me in West Yorkshire




Sun give's me heat spots on my arm -.-




[Offtopic]Woot! West Yorkshire for me too! [/Offtopic]




I actaully enjoy the heat. It makes sitting here in my boxers more comfortable than usual. Sucks when your inside in shirt and tie though.


Thanks Venomai for this super sig and Kwimbob for the awesome avatar!

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It was horrible at work today. I drank 5 liters of water, had two slushpuppies, and two ice-creams. :o


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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