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I used to be a member, but now... - Why I chose to be F2P


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I'm cb 85, never been member, never will be member, never want to be member, F2P is harder to lvl, thats how i like it, when u reach a high lvl F2P it makes happyer then P2P..

ooh eeh ooh ahah, ting tang wallawallabingbang m8

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Dude...A lot of members are like that...They often think that they're better than everybody for some reason.


But not all of them are bad. I met a few members who were lvl 90+ and they were very nice to me. Now I'm friends with a lot of powerfull players!


You just have to pick the crowd carefully.


Pretty much what Dragon said.

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I guess that means I'm the thread Terminator?


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(also people who don't shut gates should be banned)


Lol, why?




I've only played runescape for a few months, I'm level 47 combat, so you may say I'm a noob. But already I am sort of bored by the f2p world. In some skills like cooking and fishing I've reached the level where there are no new items to look forward to, so this doesn't motivate me to train them further. And as for the f2p world, 'the old paths seem too well trodden' to quote Lotr. :P About the only thing I look forward to is PK, but I'm not even trying that until my combat skills are better. So seeing all the skils/items/places in the p2p world makes me quite frustrated for not having them.


But I'm only getting members when I am able to spend 20 hours a day playing runescape if I feel like it, which isn't gonna happen that soon.

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The reason I have been f2p forever is because all members seem to be stuck up. I was mining in Scorpion Mine when a lvl 92 member comes up to me and says "hey noob your 83 cb is that a joke?"




From what I read in this thread it has cemented the way I feel towards members. On one occasion a guy with a whip was showing off Goblin taunts and proclaiming he owned everyone. Its just not funny?




I have only one person on my friends list who hasn't become p2p. All my other friends beg me to become a member but I decline. Every time it happens I ask myself whether alching a Yew long is more fun than alching a steel plate. Or if Flax picking sounds like fun? For some time I considered buying membership because of the Ranging guild (ranging so terrible in f2p), but then I asked around and was told how boring it was. I've never heard a good word about herblore or construction.




I also feel like there is more to do in f2p. There are always new targets an f2p can set for themselves. Not content with being able to mine addy, I'm now half way to mining runite. I can't even smith addy yet, don't have a million gp yet, don't have 100cb yet. For me I respect high lvl free players. A lvl 100 f2p is much more an achievement than lvl 100 in p2p.




So to all free players: Stick with it, be determined, be the best.

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Im level 64 combat and i think i am on the upper class levels of the f2p world and i kinda like it. If i were to go onto members then i would be lower class for sure. Members does have a lot of other things too do but like you said it would consume too much of my time. I think ill stick with f2p because even though we have loser bank space and no dragon items, lvl 64 combat is a whole lot sweeter on f2p

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I agree there is enough to do in F2P, but I don't think you should stick with it just to keep your status. We're all here to get better. After all it IS an RPG... And I'm sure there are a lot of nice members, but they don't show themselves a lot because they don't try their hardest to stand out between the masses.

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High leveled P2P don't respect you... That's the big problem of P2P.




Why should they when; [stereo-type warning, but true, to an extent] all we get is because were a 'high level', they automatically assume were rich and just bug you, following you everywhere 'plz can i have free stuff?' // 'plz cmon ur rich gimme someit' // 'oi gimme someeit plz i wnt free stuff' //




It really does just get on your nerves. I admit, it doesn't go for the majority, but it's just under a majority that do. :-k

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Just to add something, I started to train up one of my recent new accounts to become my alternative free one. I just want to see if I can manage to reach level 96 with over 1000 skill total as a free player. :-k




I agree with a lot of you. Though there may be a lot of beggars and nuisances on the free world there are far many more members which are snobs and think they are too good to chat a bit while training or working (excluding my friends of course); Yes, I'm level 96 and I STILL get trash talked by people for various reasons. #-o

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So, you're going to F2P because there you'll be treated as an intelligent higher level, rather than stake your claim and play for the experience of becomig accustomed to P2P?






It's precisely that kind of attitude that keeps most f2pers from becoming members. We get enough of that kind of idiocy on f2p; why should we want to pay to get even more of it?


The way I choose to look at it is, p2p is like playing a console game with cheat codes; yeah, sure, it's easier, but there's more of a sense of accomplishment if you can do it the harder way. Yes, that will lead to more frustration, but if you can get through that, it makes the victory all the sweeter.


To illustrate: I had members for a month (back when RS2 was first released into Beta). During that month, I did a lot of mining at the Coal Trucks, during which I broke 1k coal in my bank for the first time, and I remember thinking, "Hey, that's cool." Just after my membership ran out, I used up almost all of my coal going for a smithing level, and so had to build it all back up again, only in f2p. When I got back to 1k, I remember feeling far more satisfied that I'd gotten there again, because it was more of a struggle this time than it was last.


So, between the elitist attitudes and the greater sense of satisfaction, I'm sticking with f2p. Sure, there are things on p2p that I'd like to get (Law rcing, for example), but I don't know that it's worth dealing with the p2p noobs to get them.






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Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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Guest Armagedon46disabled

i think its kidna ridicouls last how u dont want p2p because people make fun of u cuz ur lower lvl and dont wear good stuff, ignore em, if you let them get to you in a game, then its kinda sad in my opinion id just ignore them if i were u

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i had a lvl 85 member account and just before summer started i cancelled my membership because i knew i was spending way too much time on this game. I wanted to spend more time with friends, but during the school year most people cant hang out besides on weekends so i didn't really mind how much i was playing. although, as of today i have a level 62 pure that i got members and while im doing the quests i need to do ive realized how much more time and how much more addicing p2p is than f2p




Yup thats the exact same way i feel, As soon as fall comes, ill rpobly cancell my membership :(


Happy to find I'm not the only one who eats glass.

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It seemed to me that there were way more beggers in f2p. I only stayed in f2p for like a month after i started account, then i moved to p2p. Yeah you get some harrasment from the players for being a low level but don't let it get to you. The best way to deal with it is with defiance.




The only time I usually get irritated with lower level players is in pest control. I think they should raise it from a 40 combat to a 70. (also people who don't shut gates should be banned)


Offtopic: I agree, but 50+ pc not 70+


Same here, I became a member after about two weeks, and it was soo much better. But, I was teased because I was a meager level 15.


Currently going for 76 fishing

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f2p and p2p both have it's good sides, in the end it pretty much comes down to people and what you like yourself, items or atmosphere? I think because p2p has more peer pressure on leveling you will have less fun in overall, getting levels begins to be very important and people will flame you for not being better then them, it's what they do, can't ever stop it.




f2p has less skills to level but the skills that you CAN level are rather hard and can get boring considering in the end you will have to do the same thing litterally for about 40 hours, that means if you have a life you will need weeks, continiously doing the same thing, to get 1 high level.. on the other hand, the satisfaction it gives is really big and you don't have to ponder wether to firemake or fletch your logs;)




on a bad side f2p has a huge amount of beggars, I can know.. 121.. and the equipment of my sig, they can be extremely rude or very nice, it's all up to the people, in the end more newbies get pumped into f2p then p2p, that's the only reason we have more beggars, moneywise some older people may get members early on but that's consideratly low, I have gotten a lot of good friends by allowing newbies to spend time with me, but you have to set up some kind of shield to keep the bad ones away and that can be rather annoying sometimes, and hey I take advantage of members just as well, without paying for it, people fletch for me, dhide sets is easy to get, everything I need is easy to get from members, from fish to strenght potions to a good talk, while staying on f2p a good tactic is needed to become one of the best f2p, always liked planning out things:)

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If people make fun of you because of your level, its because they're either little kids, or a virgin that wont ever get laid, and they are mad about that and take out their frustration the only place they can. Put them on your ignore list.








True. true. \'



Any hockey fans out there who wants to chat, just send me a PM!!!

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I was a member for one month, and I loved it. The atmosphere was great, and I made a couple friends. Everyone seemed so friendly, and I was only around the mid-70's levels.




I'm a free player now, and kinda on/off. It's just boring. If I were to become a member again, it'd be so I have something to do on the game.




I respect your opinion however. It was well written and made a good point. I guess it just kinda depends on where you are and who you meet. Ehh.


It really has

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But what exactly do you do now that you're F2P? They never make new quests for f2p, so you can't do any of those.






So basically, you're just training so that your number is higher, which is pretty pointless. You could PK, but then what? Sell the items for more gold? What are you going to buy with the gold?




Once you get full rune and finish all the quests in f2p, there's really nothing left to do but raise a bunch of numbers.

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Eliteism is really bad on Members


Noobism is really bad on F2P


Now Im not saying that those two (annoying) attitudes are mutually exclusive, but Members are more at fault because for the most part, Noobism is simply a result of lack of experiance. Of course, I have seen level 80-90 players still suffering from noobism. Eliteism is "I am better than you are, because I have better stuff, higher levels" ect. The solution- turn off public chat. (Not that its that great of a solution)

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If people make fun of you because of your level, its because they're either little kids, or a virgin that wont ever get laid, and they are mad about that and take out their frustration the only place they can. Put them on your ignore list.




Owned :lol: .




On topic: I don't care about the community. I really don't. I enjoy being a member far more than I enjoyed being F2P. Problems with the community? I've met a lot of nice higher level people, and very few are rude or ignorant. If you quit P2P because you don't like how some people treat (sp?) you, get over it. Although I do get your point about being a low level; a high combat is just a lot more fun.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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You switched to early is all. Stay on F2P, finish all the quests, get 60-70+ combat, get some decent skill, and then switch. It'll seem like a much more friendly environment then :) .




Oh, and yes, CW OWNZ.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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