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Similar, as in the same basis. Rather, I would like bank space, but I accept that it isn't happening, and it never will. If they would say something like 'If any ten thousand non-paying people, ask, then we shall grant!' then I would not hesitate to join your cause. However, I do not agree with your methods at all. That jack kid had a good point, you won't win the favor of Jagex by parading and spamming banks. You can call it what you want, but when there is an organized meeting in public shouting out things, it is spam. Jagex will only get harsher and harsher on you, if it does fill up their Abuse Report inbox.


But Jagex is busy messing up P2P and F2P - especially RCers like I used to be.


Merged :


f2ph8er also offered some good points. (Some idiot decided they'd bold his misspellings. Good job, you successfully taunted some more! And you failed to recognize the difference between run-on and complete sentences, get out!)




Random events ARE useless, they're decorations. They do not contribute to the economy, except by taking up space - they are still listed on the front page. Call it what it is, a decoration -and to me, meaningless.




F2P deserves to exist because Andrew has enabled F2P, and saying otherwise is bull.




You people fail to see whats happening to Runescape - they are slowly taking the small part of planning in the game. First there was a wilderness spamming sign. Now theres a wilderness ditch. What the HELL is the point of making some leapfrog game out of something that is intended for 13+.


Every time you beg in masses all you do is hurt yourself.





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Thank you QueenValerie for dropping in. I've been somewhat inactive recently, and haven't done a good job in controlling the flames.




Just a quick note for the general audience:




I will be quite inactive for the course of the next few weeks. You've probably noticed I've been away for a god amount of time already. I apologize for that, but I have personal issues to catch up with. Please keep the arguments civil... There's no need to waste your time and make a brand new account just so you can flame the thread. It shows nothing but immaturity. If everyone would simply take a minute to think before posting, the forums would be a much nicer place to be in. :)



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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I love how "f2ph8er" has probably only posted on this thread...




Since it seems like the big problem that members have with us getting more bank space, if Jagex decided to give us the space why don't they give P2P twice as much space?




Oh wait, my bad...that horrible thing that many suggestions get flamed on called "server space"...

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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I will be quite inactive for the course of the next few weeks. You've probably noticed I've been away for a god amount of time already. I apologize for that, but I have personal issues to catch up with. Please keep the arguments civil... There's no need to waste your time and make a brand new account just so you can flame the thread. It shows nothing but immaturity. If everyone would simply take a minute to think before posting, the forums would be a much nicer place to be in. Smile


So nothing wrong with making a brand new username to show your support? What I find immature, instead, is how you're so careful to direct your insults. I can tell you right now that I don't approve of you prankster, you've done more than your share of flame to people disagreeing.

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I will be quite inactive for the course of the next few weeks. You've probably noticed I've been away for a god amount of time already. I apologize for that, but I have personal issues to catch up with. Please keep the arguments civil... There's no need to waste your time and make a brand new account just so you can flame the thread. It shows nothing but immaturity. If everyone would simply take a minute to think before posting, the forums would be a much nicer place to be in. Smile


So nothing wrong with making a brand new username to show your support? What I find immature, instead, is how you're so careful to direct your insults. I can tell you right now that I don't approve of you prankster, you've done more than your share of flame to people disagreeing.




No one here has joined tipit under a name like More_F2P_space. Correct me if I am wrong, but, I haven't seen anyone join under a Pro F2P bank space username. Uggh, "immature" is just becoming another clicḫ̩̉̉.




Also, to quote someone who had a great point,


Well why would we correct people who want the same thing we do? It's like a debate, you aren't going to go against people on your own side.




Also, you are selective of who you insult. F2P_H8er is around making crude remarks about how I am apparently a, "Confederate Republican", and straying way off topic a mod had to be brought in. While, you completely ignore this factory-reject idiot who couldn't pour flour out of a cup with directions on the bottom.

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I said he offered a good point, and he seemed beaten up enough. Theres no reason to pile on him, is there?


So yeah, in a way I am being selective in who I insult. But I am not insulting, I am pointing things out. Insulting is just trying to lower someone's deserved reputation, as in go beyond bounds.


I don't think F2PHater or w/e's name is a genius. I don't like him, just like I don't like you. My existence here on this thread is completely formal.


Since no one else is being rational about this that isn't the 'HANDS-ON BANK SPACE' type, I figured I should probably come here and point things out for them - even if I don't play the silly game...Jeez, you wade through puke for a Halloween event..




I myself am a Republican. I also support the Confederacy, and happen to hate Abraham Lincoln.

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I will be quite inactive for the course of the next few weeks. You've probably noticed I've been away for a god amount of time already. I apologize for that, but I have personal issues to catch up with. Please keep the arguments civil... There's no need to waste your time and make a brand new account just so you can flame the thread. It shows nothing but immaturity. If everyone would simply take a minute to think before posting, the forums would be a much nicer place to be in. Smile


So nothing wrong with making a brand new username to show your support? What I find immature, instead, is how you're so careful to direct your insults. I can tell you right now that I don't approve of you prankster, you've done more than your share of flame to people disagreeing.




How exactly do I "carefully direct my insults"? I'm amused. Normally people wouldn't consider something like that to be "immmature". If anything, it's more mature than blatingly throwing insults at everyone that walks in the thread (which no one in this campaign has done in the past 130+ pages). Also, I would like you to point out where I just abruptly flame people that happen to disagree with the campaign. I highly doubt you've actually read the past 130+ pages in this thread and spotted out all of my posts. And please... Don't go on about how you "don't approve of me". Your approval is not something that I'm just dieing to have.



[bleep], my parrot has better grammar than you.

{Author of Tip.It Times article}{Founder of the F2P Bankspace Campaign}{Interviewed for the Gielinor Tribune}{F2P Bankspace was ACHIEVED!}

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OK prankster, I'll go pick a few out.


And no, I haven't read 130 pages of repetitions.


Yes, I agree with you - carefully directing insults is mature. But I am saying that you are being careful at who you taunt, not what you say.


Edit: Blegh, 140 pages, probably all filtered out by mods. This is going to take a while...It's too bad they don't offer a 'post history.'

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^ Yeah it has been filtered by mods, too much flaming from certain people, both against this cause and with it.




And please... Don't go on about how you "don't approve of me". Your approval is not something that I'm just dieing to have.




Double :XD: :XD:




Back on topic, I'd like to say that the idea of recoverable Random Event Clothes from an NPC like Diango won't ever happen. Why? Well jagex has purposely made a costume room for members to store the Random event clothes so I really don't think they well change it to suit our needs, it would make members lose the value in costume rooms, they'd be worthless.




I wish we'd have a good argument against our cause. I want to see your guy's point of view but "You don't pay" just doesn't have enough purpose in it to have a decent discussion.

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OK prankster, I'll go pick a few out.


And no, I haven't read 130 pages of repetitions.


Yes, I agree with you - carefully directing insults is mature. But I am saying that you are being careful at who you taunt, not what you say.


Edit: Blegh, 140 pages, probably all filtered out by mods. This is going to take a while...It's too bad they don't offer a 'post history.'




I don't understand why people have such big issues with this campaign. As if it will affect your play-time?


Why does it concern you so much that you take time out of your day to try to counter our post and the campaign. Your actually going through the 130+ pages to find something that Prankster said that will "prove your point". Its stupidity, why do you even waste your time?




That idiocracy (yeah i'll flame ya) about hate good old Abe really ticked me off buddy. but anyways....


Thanks to the amazing talent of Jopie211 for the sig!

Finest Fist of Guthix Strategy Guide

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You really think Abraham was a good person? When has any politician had any decency? The South had the right to succeed, and when we did, Abraham started a war resulting in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. You think slavery was the cause of the war? It wasn't, he just wanted power. If slavery was the cause of the war, then the Union would be freeing slaves as they went - and they'd have funded for them after they were set free.


Union Solder :You're free! Abraham has set you free! The Union has set you free!




Do you imagine it like this? What were you expecting, some drama where everything is fixed in a few days, where everyone walks away happy in sunshine?




"Good ol' Abe" made the soldiers that were still alive swear a disgraceful oath, "Good ol' Abe" caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, and "Good ol' Abe" had an army, march from the east coast to almost the middle of the U.S. - killing innocent people. Anything in their way, they'd kill it.


If you think for an instant that a politician declaring war on his own people has any goodness in him, think you are very backwards. Don't trust your schoolbooks, they are ALL made in the Northern region of the United States, and you people scream 'RACISM!' at us. Theres a reason that there aren't many black people in the North, and thats because you didn't fund for them - they were stuck here, eventually forming ghettos.


Slavery is credited as evil and wrong. It isn't. If an evil person has slaves, then yes. He is committing a serious and evil sin. Even your history books, by the way, credit the South for having the majority not being slave holders.




I don't have anything against your campaign for bank space, but it appears that 140 pages haven't gotten anything done. It's not like Jagex is going to feel 'cornered,' even if 2,000 people stood around in one world shouting stuff. If you ask me, thats just going to result in PMods muting you - theres a reason that they can do that.

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how is what happened in the American civil war related in any way to more bank space for f2p in a online game years later?


When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him. ~Jonathan Swift


Website Updates/Corrections here. WE APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT! Crewbie's Missions!Contributor of the Day!

Thanks to artists: Destro3979, Guthix121, Shivers21, and Unoalexi.

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[blah blah blah, I am talking about Abraham [bleep]ing Lincoln in a runescape suggestion, I am a real bright one]




I don't have anything against your campaign for bank space, but it appears that 140 pages haven't gotten anything done. It's not like Jagex is going to feel 'cornered,' even if 2,000 people stood around in one world shouting stuff. If you ask me, thats just going to result in PMods muting you - theres a reason that they can do that.


Ok, I am not even going to reply to all your spam in the first 3/4ths of your post, so, I am going to concentrate on the last 1/4th for the sake of this topic.




How about you go flame this thread down. It has had 4k posts and 200+ pages about it, yet, Jagex has done nothing about their suggestion.




Lets see, no one has been muted yet. At all. We have had a pmod campaigning with us for Christs sake. So, it looks like your stupid "P-mods are just going to mute you" excuse.




And, if you are just continuing to argue how F2P players don't need bank space and whatnot, it doesn't support your continuous sayings about how you have nothing against the campaign. Honestly, it appears you DO have something against the campaign.

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That idiocracy (yeah i'll flame ya) about hate good old Abe really ticked me off buddy. but anyways....


Oh I'm sorry, I thought you wanted a response. Sorry for the 'spam'?


So what's your problem moon? I was actually defending you until you clearly said you disagree, where at that point I civilly* replied back.


Please explain how I am flaming.


EDIT:Oh yeah, I just saw your signature unorclan. You might want to change that - just a warning. I used the picture in my signature once, (I wasn't thinking) and got a lot of complaints since it was very* offensive to people with disabled relatives and friends. Still kinda feel guilty about it.


EDIT2:and moon, just as a side-note, a moderator didn't "have" to be brought in. It's not like fools with no reason are coming in here to get you, or to sabotage your threads on a third-party website (I don't mean that to sound harsh, but it's true. This is not the official RS forum.)

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From what I've read of this thread, I don't see any reason why the F2P bankspace campaign has any merit:




The first AND most glaring reason is that if you assume members are more deserving of something than F2P (which isn't really a tough claim, since members pay the fee), then the fact that there is a far greater ratio of members items to members bankspace than f2p items/f2p bankspace is fairly killer.




If not that, there's no actual corporate reason for Jagex to do it. I think a lot of the arguments in here about the runescape economy and the greatness of f2p clans and the narratives lose track of the fact that Jagex is a company who's goal is to make more money- I'm fairly certain that no one has any hard data on whether or not f2p pays for itself through ad clicking, and gun to my head I'd lean towards the assumption that they don't.




And even if there was no monetary hurdle to giving more space to f2p, there's also the fact that the most vocal portion of Runescape players (members, because they can post on the forums) by far majority wouldn't support the bankspace addition for f2p, considering that if f2p were eliminated in totality, all that money could possibly go towards p2p players.




So from the angles I see it, it doesn't benefit anyone but f2p players to give them more bankspace.






Flame away.

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Seriously there should have no flaming between FTP and PTP.


The problem here has already been changed from "more bank space" to "fairness between FTP and PTP".


No matter what, theres no fairness anymore but pride.


It's like the rich (PTP) where being bootlicked and the poor (FTP) is despised.


Anyway I don't wish to talk so much.


Just change random event items to be able to buy from shop when dropped.

FTP player.


85/90 smithing. 12,000,000/100,000,000 coins.

Total hacked and scammed losses:

1 billion coins +/- (Not in today's currency).

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Oh I'm sorry, I thought you wanted a response. Sorry for the 'spam'?


So what's your problem moon? I was actually defending you until you clearly said you disagree, where at that point I civilly* replied back.


Please explain how I am flaming.


EDIT:Oh yeah, I just saw your signature unorclan. You might want to change that - just a warning. I used the picture in my signature once, (I wasn't thinking) and got a lot of complaints since it was very* offensive to people with disabled relatives and friends. Still kinda feel guilty about it.


EDIT2:and moon, just as a side-note, a moderator didn't "have" to be brought in. It's not like fools with no reason are coming in here to get you, or to sabotage your threads on a third-party website (I don't mean that to sound harsh, but it's true. This is not the official RS forum.)




I'm going to start with JustSleeping. When have you ever defended us? The day you came you took the side of f2ph8r and have been constantly against the campaign since then. unorclan's signature is fine. I mean he has a couple hundred posts and is on the Gielinor Tribute. I don't think anyone is going to make him change it. To be honest I thought you could be a decent competitor to us, but your past few posts, including the one about "real history", has changed that.




From what I've read of this thread, I don't see any reason why the F2P bankspace campaign has any merit:




The first AND most glaring reason is that if you assume members are more deserving of something than F2P (which isn't really a tough claim, since members pay the fee), then the fact that there is a far greater ratio of members items to members bankspace than f2p items/f2p bankspace is fairly killer.




If not that, there's no actual corporate reason for Jagex to do it. I think a lot of the arguments in here about the runescape economy and the greatness of f2p clans and the narratives lose track of the fact that Jagex is a company who's goal is to make more money- I'm fairly certain that no one has any hard data on whether or not f2p pays for itself through ad clicking, and gun to my head I'd lean towards the assumption that they don't.




And even if there was no monetary hurdle to giving more space to f2p, there's also the fact that the most vocal portion of Runescape players (members, because they can post on the forums) by far majority wouldn't support the bankspace addition for f2p, considering that if f2p were eliminated in totality, all that money could possibly go towards p2p players.




So from the angles I see it, it doesn't benefit anyone but f2p players to give them more bankspace.






Flame away.




I agree with you that members deserve more, since they pay money to play the game. There is no arguing that. Regarding your first reason though, how much of all that members stuff does the average member use at one time? Not much more than a f2p except with the stuff for the extra skills, and maybe the occasional pk armor. That's probably only about 100-150 slots more. What about player-owned houses? They have rooms to get unlimited cooking supplies, store your quest items, normal armor and random event and holiday clothes. That should cut out a lot of junk from members' banks. Plus Jagex is continually adding extra space to you guys, not that you don't deserve it mind you, so even if you are getting crunched for space, it's not for that long. Most of the f2p items are things that most people use almost every time they play.




You make a good point about the corporate reason. That's probably the biggest thing this campaign has to get over or solve.




Let's venture on to members on the forums, shall we? Have you looked at the mentality of half of the people on the Official Forums? They are extremely close-minded. Most honestly need to go to school instead of play this game. Even if they are young kids, I could communicate better than they could at around that age. Naturally of course they are going to go crazy about it. Even if you did get the mature people on those forums, there posts would get overpowered by immature ones. It would also be pretty idiotic if f2p was eliminated entirely. They offer tons of supplies that members buy off them. The time spent by f2pers gathering yew logs is paid-for time that members can't waste. That and how smart would it be for Jagex to get rid of free-to-play especially money-wise. There would be a tremendous slow down in the influx of new players into the game world. I know if there wasn't a f2p version I would have never even played RS.




Thanks for your civilized argument though Chris, it's welcome here, and is a nice relief as compared to some of the others that have come around here from time to time.


Heres a hammer, some planks and a few nails, now all you gotta do is build a bridge and get over it.


Id Suge- Latin for "Suck It"

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To Td suge: Thank you for telling these people how important FTP players are so important in this game.


Anyway I have already posted this similar situation before.


It's on page 135.


I hope this time they will get this into their brain.

FTP player.


85/90 smithing. 12,000,000/100,000,000 coins.

Total hacked and scammed losses:

1 billion coins +/- (Not in today's currency).

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Oh no don't get me wrong, I wasn't defending the campaign, I was defending moonshadow when she got called a "Confederate Republican."


I would also like to point out that the 'mages' of RS constantly complain about how inferior they are to other combat styles. They haven't gotten rigged up at all, despite their complaining on the OFFICIAL RS forums. So why do you think complaining in F2P banks is going to change anything for the better?


And yes, my attack on the 'PMod/Muting' actually was accurate, because on the front page in the pictures, the mod says Jagex told them not to get involved in the 'pixel protest,' which means A. Jagex has decided not to take action on the mods that are involved because the pixel protest is petty to them. or B. Jagex has changed it's mind and is not against pixel protests in F2P banks so long as they do not disturb the more important players of RS, because F2P does not pay, and Jagex would not be losing anything.




So now the question I pose to you is this.


What are you doing to MAKE Jagex give you bank space, now that I have PROVED that they are aware of your campaign, because clearly at least one player moderator had the sense to ask before he acted?




Perhaps the 'pixel protests' are actually for recruiting people to your campaign, and I misunderstood? If you are thinking, then the pixel protests are actually just recruiting 'ceremonies' because the report abuse button is answered by machines.




So how do you plan on making Jagex give you bank space?






The world doesn't work based upon 'Right and Wrong,' it works completely and totally on decisions and their values in impact.

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