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Chaos Elemental Translation?


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Wow :shock:
yea wow that is pretty nice :shock:
Wow Bari, that was pretty good.




Raaahh, no offense to ANY of you, but most of that was pretty obvious anyway.

My greatest ambition is to kill every member of the human race.


However I am a realist and therefore know that I probably wont be able to.


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Dear Narilyte,




In my house, cup of tea? Angry bow gets boost, she is reborn, the chosen one! Bubbles to my new home, flaky scalp. Cheese pie, mmmm. Triangle? Pyramid! ; PK me mum! Lunar eclipse brings us closer to them. The museum will close in 10 minutes, please make your way to the nearest age. Helping hand please. Illusion long dead, is they? Ferrets will find them. Hidden in the tree they were. Blue egg rises. Shhhh. Vyre warning, take a bite. Helm must be rejoined when the Gypsy gets a makeover. Hum uncle us. Mamma Mia, thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a big basket! Mallum 12, Witchaven 0. For Shiver my quiver. Watching, forever watching the bones of the past. They will come for my bride! Bah bah barby have you any null? Stuff the chicken, stick the chompy. Comfy magnets. Yes mate yes mate 10 waves full. One for the ranger, one's never enough, and 2 for the little boy who collected all the stuff. Have you seen my arm?




(Also, many thanks to all of you who sent in translations of the chaos elementals letter last timeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ especially to Razorlike who, according to the dwarvern scholars who also examined his reply, was the most accurate.)







ok in my house cup of tea=houses. she is reborn,the chosen one think in what quest was someone reborn and dubed the chosen one it's refuring to future and past updates the pyrimad refered to pyrimad plunder maybe the magnents refers to fridge magnents \' lunar eclips refeared to lunar deplomacy time travel posobley?brides?could it mean ur bride refering to the princess on that one isle. i'll look over it and post it if i can make it out

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For me the PK Pyramid reference is an easy one:


the PKers triangle has been expanded by someone who does not pk himself but uses lunar magic to support all 3 classes. So is it an upside down pyramid, or is the lunar magicker the puppeteer and as such the top of the pyramid?


Good explanation? I certainly think so.

2100+ total 3rd best skiller ever at 99 combat (maybe the best, highest total below 100 cb)

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In my house, cup of tea? Angry bow gets boost, she is reborn, the chosen one! Bubbles to my new home, flaky scalp. Cheese pie, mmmm. Triangle? Pyramid! ; PK me mum! Lunar eclipse brings us closer to them. The museum will close in 10 minutes, please make your way to the nearest age. Helping hand please. Illusion long dead, is they? Ferrets will find them. Hidden in the tree they were. Blue egg rises. Shhhh. Vyre warning, take a bite. Helm must be rejoined when the Gypsy gets a makeover. Hum uncle us. Mamma Mia, thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a big basket! Mallum 12, Witchaven 0. For Shiver my quiver. Watching, forever watching the bones of the past. They will come for my bride! Bah bah barby have you any null? Stuff the chicken, stick the chompy. Comfy magnets. Yes mate yes mate 10 waves full. One for the ranger, one's never enough, and 2 for the little boy who collected all the stuff. Have you seen my arm?




Come to my house for some tea. The crossbow will recieve a boost (angry=cross), she is reborn the chosen one! Bubbles to my new home, flaky scalp (shampoo?!) Cheese pie, mmmm. The PK triangle will be upset by new classes, or the addition of hybrid support. The lunar quest, obviously. A quest involving history will be coming soon. Helping hand please. The Eyes of Glouphrie quest (trees being dead hidden by illusion). The eggs from bird's nest will soon have a use. Vyre is a fancy way of saying vampire, so expect an update to the Draken storyline. Varrock will recieve it's makeover soon. Humunculus is an animated doll, necromancy? Mama Mia, thats a huge basket! A new minigame will be coming out, or revisions to gnomeball. For shiver my quiver. Watching, forever, watching the bones of the past (archeological update?). Perhaps you will finally marry your Miscellanian mate, but they will be kidnapped?




Much of the rest is gibberish to me, and in a rhyme of the song "Bah Bah Black Sheep". I translated the best I could, and if I left it alone, I couldnt figure it out.






OMG....you did a good job...




pking triangle upset..new class...sounds odd..yet cool




amazing job barihawk thanks for acually trying =D>


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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i think the flakey hair thing means new hairstyles are coming out, and the bubbles means you may need a certain item to get that style


Sigs made by Runemetsa, Nuzza, Dark_Shadow, Kuroi and Me.

liquid blobs attacking eachother


American Anime... YAY!

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Lol none of it makes sense to me.




like i said future updates cheese pie probley means more tipes of pie




heres what i gethered maybe other stuff is conected to this stuff i put question marks by the ones i realy wasn't sure about




translations:suspected new updates


diffrent types of tea




death to the dorucion(can't spell but u no what i mean)


hair styles


time travel?


pyrimid plunder


new ways to pk=lunar magic


helping hand=some to take stuff to the bank for you


the anti-illusion device


umm a new village in the trees? or maybe the gnome stronghold?


a new helment


new vampire quest and new food


reletives of ur charater


nothing in the big basket


a new mini game


as said before me quivers


new god quest


princess astred on miscalanea (how ever u spell it)


nowthing on the null stuff


stuffed foods


nothing in magnents


more wave spells = more magic combat spells


weilding 2 bows maybe or a double bow or even triple


umm a new quest maybe a elf quest?


and a new piret quest(u know what i mean)

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Wielding two or three bows? No offense man, but are you dense?


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Raaahh, no offense to ANY of you, but most of that was pretty obvious anyway.


No offense Bari but I was guna say the same thing as Kashi here, it's not impossible or anything people :P .




In fact, I was about to post more or less the same translations, then I noticed you already did it :lol: .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Never said I was some mighty sage, the original poster asked for a translation and I did it.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I agree with the new hairstyles suggestion. And perhaps they'll make bathrooms and shampoo in which to have access to these hairstyles.


And shepherds we shall be, for Thee, my Lord, for Thee.

Power hath descended forth from Thy hand,

that our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to Thee,

and teeming with souls shall it ever be.

In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.

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Wielding two or three bows? No offense man, but are you dense?
i said maybe a double or a triple bow i'v seen real bows like this it has a place where you shoot three arrows of instead of one
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I agree with the new hairstyles suggestion. And perhaps they'll make bathrooms and shampoo in which to have access to these hairstyles.


I like this idea. Seems logical. Also thanks to Barihawk for his excellent suggestions.


Does anyone know this Razorlike who was mentioned?


(Also, many thanks to all of you who sent in translations of the chaos elementals letter last timeÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæ especially to Razorlike who, according to the dwarvern scholars who also examined his reply, was the most accurate.)


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i said maybe a double or a triple bow i'v seen real bows like this it has a place where you shoot three arrows of instead of one




You would then want to lable it "dual arrow" instead. Dual bow the way you used it makes me think of holding a bow in each hand.




Regardless, such bows have only really been used in movies by like, Robin hood or Legolas.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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sorry if this stuff is on the third page, but i didnt read it, i got too impatient. :P




nice translation there, i was halfway down the first page before someone mentioned showers or bathrooms. has anyone thought of jacuzzis? or hot tubs? obviously not modern, but im almost positive some relatively ancient civilization put together 2 and 2 and filled a big tub with steaming water. knowing jagex, theyll introduce bubble baths haha. thatd be kinda cool.




but anyways, onto the triangle? pyramid! thing. a triangle can be flipped any which way so that one point is on top. same with a pyramid (erm...well, you cant flip it around. but you could certainly change the names of the points, and just rename the top point 5 times, if you follow me. there really isnt any way to represent more classes lol). but i dont think anyone caught this yet. how many friggen points does a pyramid have? 5. currently we have 3. so why are we saying were getting ONE new class? :P i honestly dont have any guesses, besides necromancy, which is eventually coming out in one form or another.

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Yes mate yes mate 10 waves full. One for the ranger, one's never enough, and 2 for the little boy who collected all the stuff.




This might be referring to the ship update later this month.

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You would then want to lable it "dual arrow" instead. Dual bow the way you used it makes me think of holding a bow in each hand.




Regardless, such bows have only really been used in movies by like, Robin hood or Legolas.

but why dual arrow it's a bow that has two or three arrow places to shoot them off at not two or three arrows u throw at a time anyway a good idea is to put options where u can shoot multiple arrows off with 1 bow and can go from shooting three to one and two




call it a triple bow they will then triple bows would be members and ud have to pay but i'd be worth it don't u think




triple crystal bow cost 1.6m but thrice the cwz ownage

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but anyways, onto the triangle? pyramid! thing. a triangle can be flipped any which way so that one point is on top. same with a pyramid (erm...well, you cant flip it around. but you could certainly change the names of the points, and just rename the top point 5 times, if you follow me. there really isnt any way to represent more classes lol). but i dont think anyone caught this yet. how many friggen points does a pyramid have? 5. currently we have 3. so why are we saying were getting ONE new class? :P i honestly dont have any guesses, besides necromancy, which is eventually coming out in one form or another.




I dont't know if you have had geometry before, but a pyramid is simply a three demensional shape that has triangular faces and any shape base. You're getting hung up on the Great Pyramids of Giza. A pyramid can be made up of only triangular faces too, giving the pyramid 4 points, and therefore 4 classes.




I believe a PK Pyramid is possible, however, it would be extremely difficult

"How you act when no one is looking is the clearest indicator of the strength or depravity of your true character. "


yeah, he's deffinetly a little excited...dont worry its not a glitch...d legs are meant to stretch in that area for that reason.
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I dont't know if you have had geometry before, but a pyramid is simply a three demensional shape that has triangular faces and any shape base. You're getting hung up on the Great Pyramids of Giza. A pyramid can be made up of only triangular faces too, giving the pyramid 4 points, and therefore 4 classes.




I believe a PK Pyramid is possible, however, it would be extremely difficult

it says it will upset the trangle?pyrimid thats probley refuring to lunar magics with the healing magics so now were gonna have a pking...cube \'
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