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If there was a drag wep, wot do u think it should be?


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I think a short sword might be cool.




Like you know what elven short swords from the Lord of the rings look like? It would be cool for that I think, maybe a kind of special stab for the special attack.




I think that it should have some sort of slash attacks though, stab attacks with swords just look silly. Or at least a different animation for the stab attack.

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defender, i already have 4 rune ones so i want a dragon one already!

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The bow idea was that it would shoot drag claws...how wierd lolz


nice idea 4 the short sword, the bstaff would b kinda weir i suppose, but not as weird as shooting claws.

Returned 10/03/2010 after a two year break.


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Dragon Crossbow (with a magic log) is an obvious next step




however, if i can make up a weapon, i'd want something like a dragon staff, which has 10 charges to blast a chunk of firebreath (much liek dragonstone tipped bolts do)




The only way to recharge such a weapon would be to get breathed on while holding the staff by a dragon.

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Wow, both my threads have got quite big amounts ofpeople talking....




Lol a fridge? The tread is about weapons lol but hey! Who knos...it can be like a dragon javeline( :) that would be nice) & u can throw it lol. Imagine,the perfect pking wep, a dragon fridge!

Returned 10/03/2010 after a two year break.


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lol, 2 in 1, its betta than a whip & u can heal health OR u can just get very fat i kno which option I would choose :P




Wot? Why is every1 looking @ me... :oops:

Returned 10/03/2010 after a two year break.


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Dragon Armor, would be cool too. Look at dragonfirenze's avvy, maybe some of that? and a plate, kite, and full helm would be nice for the P2Pers.. [[i'm f2p, but i love posting on p2p]]

back to rs, i guess. it's been 4 months.


RSN:P H Osho <- gonna start on him soon, fresh.

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Dragon Armor, would be cool too. Look at dragonfirenze's avvy, maybe some of that? and a plate, kite, and full helm would be nice for the P2Pers.. [[i'm f2p, but i love posting on p2p]]


I did say weps not armour(exeptions r boots & defenders)

Returned 10/03/2010 after a two year break.


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if they put in boots or defender, you should have to do more then just be a member of the warrior guild to get the defender, and maybe a mini quest to access monsters that drop d boots.




They'd have to make them look different then the normal models, of course. Maybe d boots could have some [bleep]es heh.

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Who knos...it can be like a dragon javeline




Yea, it'd prolly be as useful as javalines too.. *Tries to pick up frig* *get's smited in the face by a whip before you lift it up*










I'd choose a dragon waffle, just because of it's shear ownage. I guess dragon waffles, when frozen, kinda act like obby discs? :o



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Dragon Boots, as a new Slayer Drop 8-) . Probably a new drop from Abby's, or even better, Dark Beasts :P .

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well....i say pickaxe because jagex hates rangers and for these reasons.




Plate>Chain(we have d chain)


Kite>Square(we have square)


Full helm>Med helm(we have the med)




What im gonna say will surprise a bunch of you.


Warhammer>Mace(yes warhammer has same attacks...and we have mace.




so no x bow......or arrows because rangers r hated=(


no warhammer plate kite or full helm because they greater forms of other pieces.


No claws because thats a waste of a weapon.


so i say pickaxe or fridge....dont know which.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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