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Classic argument: RCers, PKers


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Camelot teleport runes :roll: and some Ice blitzs.




...? :^o




Anywho I posted this on another topic ( http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?t=455 ... sc&start=0 ):




I think rc pking is lame but only because of the meager profit and that some rc pkers themselves are lame. The pk is usually small and the kills are hard if their target has a lick of intelligence or luck. This is not a "smart" way to spend your time. I think that the best rc pker would be able to pull in no more than 200k an hour, which is pretty shabby and only possible with a ton of world hopping and patience. Since they are obviously not there for the huge amounts of cash that is rolling in they are there for another reason: fun.


Some people enjoy killing others regardless of the profit or loss per kill. These people I have no problem with personally (see Castle Wars) and enjoy doing this very same thing in other games (DOD etc.) I would think that most people don't have a problem with that concept.


The part that offends people is the fact that the kill gains the pker MUCH less than it costs the pkee. Woot, glory vs. Great, 2-3 pouches to reaquire. Because of this unbalance most pkees think of the pker in this situation as cruel. In most cases they are simply out for fun and possibly a little profit with nearly zero risk and give little to no thought of the cost that they are making their pkees pay. They simply just don't think about it, are callous and don't care, and/or enjoy the fact that they are causing all of that "pain".


I would expect rc pkers to allow the pkees to return and collect their pouches unchallenged since this means that they have another chance at a glory. The problem is some rc pkers are total scum and ENJOY that they just made the game that much harder for another person and will go to every extent possible to keep those pouches out of the pkees hands. They LIKE that their kill has to spend 30+ minutes killing monsters for horrible xp and pouches. These people are the ones that I despise and are the ones that most people refer to when they speak of "lame rc pkers". I agree that they should go back to feeding birds ex-lax.




With all that being said I think that most rc pkers are lame because they waste their time for little profit and cause unintended hardship on others. Max profit or xp is what I find fun in this game and if I want to kill others I choose another game or go someplace where their is some ACTUAL profit.


The cruel ones are the ones that I hate because they enjoy the suffering of others which is just wrong on every level.






Go ahead and rc pk, though, because I will gladly make more cash and xp rcing while you have your fun. :wink: I am serious. Have fun while I enjoy my runes and xp.


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

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I both RC using the abyss and PK RCer's using the abyss.




I have been killed a few times but its life.




When I RC pk I normally go after the PKers not the RCers themselves.


It just hurts to see some poor lvl 80 get taken down my a 1 iteming mage.






as I said before..... Its life




Simon's right. Get on with life. If they pk you, they pk you. If they dont they dont. To them "aww i could've got 30k" if you get away. To you "Aww I just lost 30k" if you get killed. As simon said before... it's life :D

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

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"All said, I guess it's a good way for all those unskilled PKer's out there to waste a few runes, pots and specs... oh oh and time. Often time when I run by a PKer at the abyss it takes them me 6 or 7 runs before they finally connect with a hit. And by the time they've hit me I'm gone or I've dropped and am waiting for the return so I can whoop some wannabe butt."




Exactly... Especially since none of them know what they're doing. Either they have a terrible mage level, so their entangle/snare fails every time, or they decide to lack even more knowledge of pking, by meleeing. In that case, they get one hit in, every time I run past them, and it's almost always a zero.

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Well, I think that my final view if that RCers do take the risk 2 make it easier 2 RC, but RC PKers shouldn't be attking sumthing that is defenceless,its the same if a lvl 75 attked a lvl 25, they can attk them, but wot will they get from them, honour? I don't think so, just a a drop worth not very much.




RCers win, RC PKers shouldn't do wot they do, if they wanna be called 'PKers', they best be prepared 2 fite.

Returned 10/03/2010 after a two year break.


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Being the level I am, there are not that PK'ers for me at the abyss. It's probably that most of higher level people realize that they could make three times more profit by runecrafting, not abyss pk'ing. (Of course there are exceptions, too.)



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Being the level I am, there are not that PK'ers for me at the abyss. It's probably that most of higher level people realize that they could make three times more profit by runecrafting, not abyss pk'ing. (Of course there are exceptions, too.)




This is true for me as well but I have seen several level 110+'s who try to kill me while rcing. When I return with gear to fight them and ask them why they say "for fun"... right before they tele. :lol: :wall:


PM me in game to use some skills of mine (glories/potions) free or to ask a question.

Fire Cape - 04/29/06 Lvl 104

RAHK's Pro PC Gear and Guide(clickable)

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This is part of the reason why I like the Wilderness Guardians Clan.




Their Antipking code:


"Do not PK people who are not in the wilderness looking for a fight."




Nothing is more annoying than trying to rc or doing a clue only to be attacked. Or worse yet going to the mage bank with absolutely nothing on or in your inventory(other than a knife) only to be attacked of pkers.


Proud member of Affliction

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meh, I dont care one way or the other, the pouches are nice, but I dont use the abyss. Though I think it would be hilarious to get a group of about 10 friends and head up there on a busy world and scare off all the rc pkers, then sit there and let the rcers rc in peace

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Imo Abyss pkers are pathetic. They go through so much trouble for a glory ammy. But still if they get a kick out of killing someone who's defenceless then why not do it? Rs is a game designed for you to do what you want theat doesnt break the rules.

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okay after reading everyones post after mine i think its safe to say that more then 5/7s of all rc pkers can't pk, but maybe thats why they are pking at the abyss, they are training they're pking skills, which is smart because hardly they ever get atted bck, which means they can have constant practice on players......also i think they're needs to be osme more abyss pekrs on here besides me(well only once pked there)

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Jagex purposely put the abyss in the wilderness in order to make it a more risky but faster method of runecrafting, if there weren't pkers, abyssal runecrafting would be too easy. You know the risks when you take when using the abyss, pkers are justified in attacking rcers because theyre on the wilderness basically, and being pked is a risk the rcer takes. If you don't like it, find another method of runecrafting. I personally never pk rcers btw.


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RC Pking is pathetic..




They do it for 'fun'? They got fun from other people losing their items, that's like you saying hacking is for 'fun'.




No, it says "I have no pk skills watsovever so ill att someone who cant even att back"


I agree completly, PKing at abyss is the lowest form of pking. All they do is attack a person who cant do anything back. We don't even have prayer for christ's sake. We have no defence other than d'hide and sara book. I also feel its a waste of time for them. I can make about 1mil an hour(rcing) buti these people? They get what, 2-3 glories an hour if they're lucky? All they do is make RCers abgry, lose our pouches, d'hide, God books, picks, boots, glories, rings, and TIME!!!

Qizx2- Archmage

Personnumber100- Warlock for life.

Would you?

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Camelot Teleport Runes :roll: and some Ice Blitzs
...? :^o




Yeah, I forgot to mention, we all burst out laughing when he realised this guy had MODERN teleport runes when he was on ANCIENT spells. :XD:




I was meant to put that in but I didn't re-read my post and then i went away...




So I'm not a :^o but you had the right to blame me for it. I was tired when I wrote it -.-


Click my signature for my blog!

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  • 2 months later...

Heh, I think we can all safely say that RC PKers=NOOBS




maybe we should make a clan?(I kno about the other clan[Runescape Guardians]) but maybe a clan that protects the RCers. :twisted:

Returned 10/03/2010 after a two year break.


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Personally i'd attack you just for the fact you think i shouldn't, it's you arrogance that believes it's your right to be their, Jagex obviously put things in the wilderness to make it difficult and what is it that makes it difficult? Pkers :) Live with it.. If your runecrafting prevented a pker from pking would you stop doing it simply to make them happy? I highly doubt it.

Whiterob10 was better then zorro for sure :P

Adx1's Rsc Kills


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Heh, I think we can all safely say that RC PKers=NOOBS




maybe we should make a clan?(I kno about the other clan[Runescape Guardians]) but maybe a clan that protects the RCers. :twisted:




That'd be great- get an army of something like a thousand people who want to kill RC Pkers (doubt that'll be hard) and slaughter them on every world...








It might make runes cheaper for me :P .

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Personally, I'm fine with it. Not only are they incredily easily to escape from (tele-tabs ftw), but they are horrible pkers, so just go back with a dds and msb w/ rune arrows, and they'll usually run or tele. They have no guts, I don't even count them as pkers.

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RC Pking is pathetic..








They do it for 'fun'? They got fun from other people losing their items, that's like you saying hacking is for 'fun'.








No, it says "I have no pk skills watsovever so ill att someone who cant even att back"












yea but no one said they CANT attack back.. i mean jesus if your gonna rc ...atleast know what your doing..








#1.. its in the wildi...so yea DUH!!!!








#2..no one ever said you cant bring full gear and a little food +your ess so you can defend yourself...

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Well, you can make a lot of money from using the Abyss, so there has to be a risk of some sort. It is a shameful way to Player Kill, but it's not against Jagex rules so we have no right to complain.

Currently not active on RuneScape.



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Runecrafters are right. You want to know why? Abyss crafters can craft a load of essence twice as fast as normal crafters (using nature runes as an example).








To put it in tb pker terms, imagine if you got 40 exp for each alch outside of the wilderness and 65 for each alch inside it.












Well, you can make a lot of money from using the Abyss, so there has to be a risk of some sort. It is a shameful way to Player Kill, but it's not against Jagex rules so we have no right to complain.








There is a danger. The abyss is scattered with monsters. Increasing the amounts/power of monsters would be a simple fix.

RSN: Jettrider



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